How To Use Democratise In A Sentence

  • Hsu admits that it is somewhat ironic that technology designed to help democratise the internet is also allowing the spooks to spy.
  • Efforts to liberalize the economy and democratize the political system have led to corruption and exacerbated the gap in wealth between government officials and the citizens.
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • Both present principles that would democratize the policy-making process and offer concrete suggestions to realize these principles in practice.
  • The failure to 'democratise and detribalise power' by mainstream nationalists, as in the case of Kenya since independence, has resulted in politics being about which ethnic group is in control of the state and therefore national resources, and which one is not. CONTENTS
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  • Perhaps, contrary to the laments, we are now living through a particularly rich time in American poetry - an era of radically democratized poetry.
  • An important question the book poses is whether the web is an automatic democratiser, as is widely assumed in western media circles. On Line Opinion - Latest Articles
  • Perhaps the next time we hear that siren song we'll stop to realize that we don't need to "democratize" - another country. Siren Song
  • The motor bus, introduced to Edinburgh in 1898, spread rapidly and transformed the market, raising capacity and reducing fares, and democratized usage.
  • But when Johnny, Johnno, Bercy - (surely he will not mind that term, he is a great democratiser after all?) sat in the chair, legs outstretched so just his toes touched the ground, he took on an air of authority. Undefined
  • Public institutions need to be democratised and decentralisation is necessary in the public domain in order to achieve active citizenship.
  • So in the absence of a planned design, attempts to democratize the international system have been ad hoc, as citizen organizations and economic elites create their own mechanisms of influence.
  • There were efforts to democratize school management structures, encouraged by the establishment of communal villages and co-operatives.
  • The beauty of digital technology is that it democratises the film-making process.
  • Like the chartered companies of earlier periods, the roving bandits, mercenaries and guerrilas controlling resource zones seek, protect and expand their commerce in a manner in that demonstrates that violence is has not been de-democratized, de-marketized and de-territorialized, contrary to international law's premise that States have a monopoly of violence. Gathii on Public/Private Resource Wars
  • In order to achieve a renewable energy revolution we must democratise and decentralise energy production and consumption. Bianca Jagger: Now Is the Time to Move Beyond Petroleum
  • The occupation is about maintaining US control of Iraq as part of the neocon strategy to "democratize" the Middle East. Obama: Don't Be Confused, I'm Serious About Ending War
  • One of the leading Internet-era technologists has raised the alarm that democratized technology may fall into the wrong hands, and down the road, robots may prevail.
  • Remember how the neocons and Bush decided to "democratize" the Middle East by force, making it a bastion of Western democracy, without any regards for the differences between the peoples, cultures, and religions? Muhammad Sahimi: Let us Pray for Obama
  • Before these countries can be truly democratized they need to develop systems that make sense within their particular cultural and historical contexts.
  • The Web may have opened up and democratized the once top-heavy world of publishing, but the next frontier in digital publications is still young.
  • Indeed, in the age of WikiLeaks, the stubborn indelibility of e-mail, and a democratized, 24/7 cybermedia that are avid to feed what turns out to be our insatiable appetite for details of the private behaviour of public figures, you could take that proverb further and say all of us now know what the valet did, and that's why there aren't any heroes any more. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • She rightfully takes exception to New Zealand texts, which purport to democratise the understanding of war but fail to contextualise women's experiences.
  • Over the past three decades, as divorce has become fully democratized, there has been a growing demand by the "little people" (in Leona Helmsley's memorable phrase) for the secrets of fabulous divorce. The Moral State of Marriage
  • For a short time in 1848 it appeared that the introduction of adult male suffrage might democratize politics, but the election to create a Constituent Assembly for the Second Republic soon dispelled any such notions.
  • In America the intense desire to accumulate wealth and power was democratized; the wealthy, the highborn, the titled, the poor immigrant boy, the disappointed New England businessman, the dispossessed farmer, the unemployed young man all believed they had a right to the pots of gold at the end of the American rainbow. Bird Cloud
  • Perhaps we will see this kind of organoleptic information democratized in Wolfram/Alpha as the new search engine develops its très cool chemistry section. Royal Paulownia: The Perfume of Spring Along the Hudson
  • So maybe you want to democratise polyandry and polygamy, if that's what you want to do, that's fine, but I mean I'm not sure necessarily that the idea of multiculturalism actually is something that needs to be actively embraced.
  • Ideal Americanism would take the Greek spirit and law, and democratize and scientize and (thence) truly Christianize them for the whole, the globe, all history, all ranks and lands, all facts, all good and bad. Good-Bye my Fancy ; from Complete Poetry and Collected Prose
  • Don't instigate rigid hierarchies, discourage huge pay differentials, democratise decision-making and don't set impossible standards for leaders.
  • The Web may have opened up and democratized the once top-heavy world of publishing, but the next frontier in digital publications is still young.
  • Iraq teaches what it takes to democratize a big tribalized Arab country once the iron-fisted leader is removed (in that case by us).
  • This is not to say that the regime democratized itself, but that it was an often unwitting contributor to processes that slipped out of its control.
  • Various laws have been enacted by the government to deracialize, democratize and unite Uprooting the Demon of Racism
  • I suggest we democratize our electoral process in electing a new party chairman by popular vote.
  • This would be democratised by means of weighted voting: nations' votes would increase according to both the size of their populations and their positions on a global democracy index.
  • She said: ‘Free admission has democratised the nation's treasures, making them accessible to all.’
  • Although coerciveness is still possible, it has been much more constrained in the past century by changes in attitudes against it of both superiors and subordinates, by legislation, and by societal changes in the democratized world. The Bass Handbook of Leadership
  • Ideal Americanism would take the Greek spirit and law, and democratize and scientize and Complete Prose Works Specimen Days and Collect, November Boughs and Goodbye My Fancy
  • The State's Government must be democratised and federalised before it aspires for more powers from the Centre.
  • The Land-Grant College Act helped democratize higher education.
  • Of course, a handful of formal consultative processes will not democratize policy formation within the executive.
  • Part of that vision, shared by other blogging pioneers, has been to help democratize the creation and flow of news in a world where giant companies control so much of what most people see, hear and read.
  • The digital world is a real leveller and democratiser. Time Inc.'s Squires Assembles Team of Rivals to Harness Digital Media
  • After carefully assessing the failure by African governments to democratise civil society and detribalise rural power, Mamdani says in the African context, elections are not just about representation, they are also about class and ethnic interests. CONTENTS
  • He describes cycling as a democratiser, open to the richest and the poorest, 'the pop star to the postman'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kundra, in conference call today with reporters shortly after President Barack Obama named him as federal CIO said one of his first projects is to create a data. gov Web site to "democratize" the federal government's vast information treasures by making them accessible in open formats and in feeds that can be used by application developers. A Request to CIO Kundra: Get Bureaucrats Involved in
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • When free market enthusiasts attempt to sell an idea with the promise that it will "democratize" something – bringing broader access to a previously exclusive good, service, or market – two things are about to happen. 'DIY U' and the future of public education
  • It is possibly the biggest democratiser ever known to the human race and has made free speech a reality for most of the civilised world. The Inquirer
  • And despite his claims to be a democratiser, the wines he declares the most honest representatives of their soil are Evening Standard - Home
  • In most countries in the world, land is not being democratised and spread across the population.
  • The internet in its early years was hailed as the media's great diversifier and democratiser. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anything worthy to be call’d statesmanship in the Old World, I should say, among the advanced students, adepts, or men of any brains, does not debate to-day whether to hold on, attempting to lean back and monarchize, or to look forward and democratize—but how, and in what degree and part, most prudently to democratize. Democratic Vistas: Paras. 30–59. Collect
  • ‘The birth of photography democratised portraiture, and we reflect that,’ he explains.
  • It was Conran, the legendary English visionary who democratized design by making it more accessible and affordable, who hooked me on to the power and appeal of great design.
  • The internet and social media and the crash and burn of the old school economy has been the great democratiser. Kathleen Slattery-Moschkau: Does Your Job Ignite You? (LISTEN)
  • Every indication so far is that China is on track to democratize within a few decades.
  • So this microchip thing would basically completely democratize the creative process, and your art would be all about your creativity instead of your access to expensive technology.
  • The problem is, that we can't ferment the democratic revolution ourselves, because most of the democratizers seem to be saying to us, keep your distance.
  • And for good reason there is even less hope among the civil societies that have sprouted in country after country, even in the seemingly least fertile of soils, that China will help Africa democratize, which is a key to the continent's future. Howard W. French: Obama and Africa: The Change We Have Been Waiting For?
  • I think its sad that the whole thing could have been a great opportunity to take the model of second life, and put a knife into the vampire capitalism that curses second-life, demonetize and thus democratize the platform. Well That Was Quick
  • Indeed, I would argue that it has already happened to some degree, as student loans have democratized the college degree and worn off some of its cachet.
  • Public institutions need to be democratised and decentralisation is necessary in the public domain in order to achieve active citizenship.
  • Groups of clergy and laity are forming to ‘take back the church’ and to democratize it.
  • Anything worthy to be call'd statesmanship in the Old World, I should say, among the advanced students, adepts, or men of any brains, does not debate to-day whether to hold on, attempting to lean back and monarchize, or to look forward and democratize -- but how, and in what degree and part, most prudently to democratize. Collect ; from Complete Poetry and Collected Prose
  • The whole post-war attempt to democratise culture through State subsidy has failed.
  • Anything worthy to be call'd statesmanship in the Old World, I should say, among the advanced students, adepts, or men of any brains, does not debate to-day whether to hold on, attempting to lean back and monarchize, or to look forward and democratize -- but _how_, and in what degree and part, most prudently to democratize. Complete Prose Works Specimen Days and Collect, November Boughs and Goodbye My Fancy
  • Instead it is spending enormous amounts of money trying to "democratize" the Middleast and feeding a military industrial complex that is consuming us. Walk in My Shoes: Why teens fight
  • In Paris, the "GI Liberation Committee" even proposed a program to "democratize" the Army by abolishing officers 'privileges and reforming the military system of justice to include enlisted men on court-martial boards. 16 Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II
  • There is pressure to democratise the corporation, to elect its governors, to ensure it represents all shades of opinion fairly.
  • Even after the Bush administration’s brief push to democratize the Arab world, Egypt’s seemingly eternal president looked as solid as the Sphinx.
  • We've grown 300 percent month on month and January isn't even over yet," said Keith McCullough, CEO of Research Edge, a six-month-old firm that says it wants to democratize market research services.
  • The union's leaders had angered many delegates by ruling out of order motions calling for the political fund to be democratised - allowing union members to decide how the fund should be spent.
  • But what of the emails, text messages and other private communications between government officials which aren't published online -- will Twitter and Facebook help "democratize" that information as well? Is Social Media Helping or Hurting California Politics?
  • As a technologist, we all like 'techno-utopia', this is the great democratiser," she says. Technology news, comment and analysis |
  • What I love about blogs is the authenticity of voice, how they further democratize web publishing, and how they provide more relevant information through contextual links.
  • It is a strategy that democratizes content production and distribution.
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • Public institutions need to be democratised and decentralisation is necessary in the public domain in order to achieve active citizenship.
  • It argues that this fund should be democratised so the union's members decide how the money is spent.
  • One motion agreed to democratise the union's political fund by giving the conference responsibility for determining where the fund should be spent.
  • It has the potential to greatly accelerate and democratize gene sequencing.

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