How To Use Democratic In A Sentence
Democratic participation, fair and free elections and effective governance need to be institutionalised and made routine, or non-violent means to resolve political crises could be replaced by remobilisation of militias, with significant risk of violent conflict.
Crisis Group
I'm not sure what Laurie from Manly Dorm might be referring to as hate mongering (although I see that talking about secession is divisive), but I'd like to point out it's not hateful to say the Bush administration is antidemocratic, plutocratic and militarily adventuristic.
American Coastopia!
Gadafy's striking non-endorsement of the Democratic candidate focused in part on Obama's pledge of "unshakeable" support for Israel, which caused dismay, if not surprise, across the Arab and Muslim worlds last week.
Obama Taking Over Democratic National Committee Partly To Avoid Kerry's Fate
Uzbekistan reaffirms its commitment to implement democratic reforms.
All democratic associations or groups were outlawed.
Paul VI - The First Modern Pope

Democratic individuals, who in any case are likely to have similar beliefs and opinions because they are similarly situated, easily fall under the hegemonic sway of public opinion.
Its political culture, once fiercely democratic, is being eroded by a manipulated, bureaucratic legalism that identifies dissent as disloyalty.
Just ahead, the Democratic ticket is official, and the game is underway.
I also think that Edwards took certain positions in his 1998 Senate campaign which won't work well in national Democratic politics - particularly, if I remember correctly, supporting right-to-work laws.
So, while not disavowing the memo should your Democratic staff on the select committee be taking that as a straightforward admonition?
He noted that there is currently no democratic way of allowing the release of synbio technology, to which Dr. Gutmann retorted that there is no democratic way of banning it either.
Michael Rugnetta: The Presidential Commission and Synthetic Biology
On a more encouraging note, the Democratic front-runner is out-earning her.
Think Progress » Bachmann Accuses The Media Of ‘Treason,’ Claims Use Of ‘Deem And Pass’ Warrants ‘Impeachment’
India benefits from democratic politics, but suffers from overly bureaucratized government.
We need to turf the Democratic party out.
In a truly participatory democratic society, an educated and skilled population is essential to its continuance.
The hotel is owned by well-known Democratic activist Joe Cesare.
We call for the immediate return to democratic institutions, to convoke an extraordinary session of the General Assembly (GA), to defend institutions in Honduras.
Laura Carlsen: Live Blog: OAS Session on Honduran Coup
Thus was imposed on nationalist people an undemocratic arrangement destined never to yield a nationalist majority for perhaps hundreds of years.
Stanley M.. Brand, a Democratic former House general counsel, said the penalty seemed personal rather than political.
The only way to break such impasses is not through some kind of plausibly democratic process -- e.g.,
Congress and Sanate (not that you would thind so from the last two and a half years) and they have a say in what he is going to do on the other hand with a Democratic majority in the houses and a Democratic President I can see where we are haded NO WHERE!!!!!!!
Schneider: Voters say Clinton is more caring
More alarming -- not to mention revolting -- than any revelation, which has come out thus far about Bachmann, Kennedy once commented to Democratic political adviser Bobby Baker, "You know, I get a migraine headache if I don't get a strange piece of ass every day" see endnote 54.
Lara M. Brown, Ph.D.: Michele Bachmann and Migraines: Presidential Disqualifier or Sexism?
The Social Economy Network Cooperative Basel is a democratic network in which each member organization has one vote.
It is thus not a mere truism that all democratic countries stand with Norway in its adversity and suffering.
Times, Sunday Times
Fossilized distrust indicates failure at this key democratic task of holding majorities and minorities together.
The bonus issue brought Democrats and Republicans together in a way unseen all year. Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Barney Frank suggested the executives should be fired.
Some cheered at the decision, but the president's decision is unpopular among some parties who priorly bid coalition with Yudhoyono's Democratic Party (Partai Demokrat - PD [id]).
Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Central Bank Chief, the next VP?
Is it more truly democratic to hold a referendum?
There is a growing perception that the decision-making is remote, opaque, and even undemocratic.
At the end of the draft, the platform spells out the traditional Democratic support for fighting discrimination and protecting civil rights.
These comments provide a glimpse into the thinking of a layer of extremely wealthy Hollywood liberals or erstwhile liberals, whose commitment to democratic rights is increasingly tenuous.
Florida's Democratic candidate for governor, Alex Sink, said Monday she will begin airing a rare two-minute-long TV ad attacking Republican opponent Rick Scott for the massive fraud scandal that occurred on his watch at his former hospital company.
Alex Sink Attack Ad RIPS Rick Scott Over Massive Medicare Fraud (VIDEO)
Appears Maliki is learning some very undemocratic behavior from our very own “overreacher.”
Think Progress » Hadley Ducks Question Over Whether Rumsfeld Suggestion Is ‘Cutting And Running’
These are excellent results for the Christian Democratic Party.
His success enfeebled the national democratic process, plunging Cambodia back into turmoil that continues to plague it today.
The Democratic leadership in Congress, which was noticeably absent at the signing ceremony, fought the measure.
Rachel Maddow mocked a Democratic senator on her Thursday show for what she called his "inexplicable" opposition to President Obama's jobs bill.
Rachel Maddow Mocks Sen. Bob Casey's Opposition To Obama Jobs Plan (VIDEO)
Prosecutors and judges will have no difficulty in differentiating between cases, however inventive are those determined to break a democratically enacted law.
There is skepticism about the impact and the unrestraint spending they're seeing out of this democratic Congress.
CNN Transcript Jul 10, 2009
Willis also skips over the secular and leftist politics that led Catholic ethnics and working-class voters to take their distance from liberalism and the Democratic Party in 1972.
I don’t know whether this is just a stumble, or the beginning of a real fall, for the bloody-handed, doughfaced Democratic leadership.
House of Representatives rejects war funding bill
As in so much else, the French revolutionary regime was the precursor of the centralized, totalitarian, managerial, pseudo-democratic despotisms that now reign over the West.
A still-larger dam, the Grand Inga Dam, has been proposed for completion between 2020 and 2025 in the Democratic Republic of Congo on the Congo River: Its output could reach 39 gigawatts of power.
The Democratic political calculation with ObamaCare is the proverbial boiling frog: Gradually introduce a health-care entitlement by hiding the true costs, hook the middle class on new subsidies until they become unrepealable, but try to delay the adverse consequences and major new tax hikes so voters don't make the connection between their policy and the economic wreckage.
The ObamaCare Writedowns
Democratic leadership sources admitted that a major motivation for keeping the senators at the Capitol is to keep negotiations going and reach a compromise on a proposed public health care option.
Obama to the Capitol Hill Sunday
It is also the outcome of the calculated political manipulation of the contest for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Quiet folks ... the woman who should have been the 44th President of the United States is handling our starry-eyed mainstream media with the ease that comes with being a part of the most successful Democratic presidential legacy since FDR (see Bill Clinton).
Clinton: 'I broke my elbow, not my larynx'
A democratic process of elections should ensure a fair level of representation.
Why then mystify the clear and limpid line by making of the rituals cloistered and fetid mysteries when they are open to the sky, unregimented, free, and democratic?
An Autobiography
Jersey political shtick stand-up at the Democratic National Convention; the arena that bore his name has gone through several different corporate sponsors since, and is currently a severely brand-infected assaultively unrelenting advertising-delivery module - in which basketball is still played, sometimes - sponsored by Izod.
Can't Stop The Bleeding
Institutions for change Rural development demands institutional pluralism and democratic participation.
Today the burnt-out houses stand as a monument to the failed hope that democratic rule would rescue the delta.
John Edwards today said that after watching his rivals slug it out last night, he's proud to represent what he's calling the grownup wing of the Democratic Party.
CNN Transcript Jan 22, 2008
He is a stanch supporter of the Democratic Party.
Kate Augusto, Danielle Capalbo and Nick Mendez report that Ayman Nour, a leading political dissident in Egypt, has decided to return to prison and finish his sentence in order to dramatize what he calls the Egyptian government's ongoing lack of respect for democratic values.
Archive 2009-05-01
This is particularly so since he is now putting himself forward as a candidate for national office as the champion of the progressive wing of the Democratic party.
Furthermore, women also favor Democratic congressional candidates over Republicans by a 15-point margin.
But the mechanisms that insulated the centres of power from democratic control affected the Labour Party too, right from the start.
A cheer went up from the Democratic side when the amendment was voted down.
De Rossa said that his breakaway group would form a new democratic socialist party.
They can be counted on to enthusiastically endorse any Democratic Party idea, regardless of how utterly void of common sense or careful forethought.
It now has to become a modern social democratic party which can win because of the popularity of its vision.
Sands, a local attorney and former state representative, has been the target of Democratic Party mailers and phone calls castigating him for his work defending criminals in court.
It was a dramatic transformation, from society hostess to Democratic Party power broker.
By this time we were well into an election year, with Ronald Reagan beginning to close in on the Republican nomination and Ted Kennedy launching a full-scale challenge for the Democratic nomination.
The Good Fight
The lawsuit was filed in Pensacola after the Democratic president signed the bill the House passed Sunday night.
13 attorneys general sue over health care overhaul
As New Labour has proven, these are not the types of politicians who are natural pluralists ready to reinforce democratic citizenship.
We're living through a deeply contradictory time when black folks (and what's left of the unions) are the Dems only truly reliable voting block, and yet every other manifesto for Democratic revitalization is some kind of attenuated, okie-doke Souljah-moment retread.
Gary Dauphin: ATT(5)-1=CBC(3)+CHC(1)
Combine this with the effort by South Carolina Republicans to tar the state's Democratic gubernatorial nominee Vincent Sheheen with now-infamous accidental candidate Alvin Greene and I think you're seeing conservatives get revenge for a year of being painted as allies of "birtherism" and conspiracies about the president.
Embracing the crazy
All three of the democratic frontrunners were only separated by a whisker's bredth.
Top Edwards Adviser Joe Trippi: Hillary And Obama Are "Banging Down The Doors" For Our Endorsement
It's unlikely that the IHA seeks to return the Emperor to the position that he once held but it's equally unlikely that it favours a democratic, populist approach to the monarchy.
In most liberal democratic countries there is some measure of agreement in the news media on political facts.
We want them to be steeped in the democratic process and capable of independent thinking on all kinds of issues great and small.
I do not think it is healthy in any democratic parliament to have that sort of a majority.
For instance, Matt argues thatThe Democratic Party is awash in secretiveness, and while there have been Kerry emails which explain a bit of polling, one is mostly kept in the dark as to the strategic direction of the campaign.
Sometimes the first thought...
In the Republican zone, power remained in civilian hands and democratic forms were maintained until the end.
Furthermore, women also favor Democratic congressional candidates over Republicans by a 15-point margin.
The critical factor is whether organized labour will form a part of the first, future, democratic government.
Urbanization in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Mr. Wyden has been campaigning for such a reform for years from the Democratic backbenches.
The Wyden-Ryan Breakthrough
Yes, I think it would have been great had Gilad given thanks to God with the traditional Gomel blessing in a synagogue close to his home in Mitzpe Hila, but he is a free man in a democratic nation and can be thankful anyway he chooses.
Rabbi Jason Miller: Gilad Shalit, Iran Hiker Josh Fattal And Freedom Of Religion
The problem since then has been how to rekindle a spirit of democratic inquiry without provoking another conservative backlash.
Harkin, antifilibuster quotes from Joe Biden and Barack Obama and the enthusiasm of his colleagues in the classes of 2006 and 2008 in the Democratic caucus.
NPR Topics: News
The potential victims of this autocracy were not only liberal democratic values, but also effective government.
The bureaucrats and political executive at the state level, have a vested interest to centralise powers and authority and their hostility to evolve a genuine system of democratic decentralisation is well known.
The social democratic model was under a lot of pressure in the 70s.
The Guardian World News
The Democratic party is just as corrupt as the Republican party, the only difference is that Democrats have the mainstream media that will downplay and coverup all their greed and corruptness.
McMahon says WWE antics not a liability to Senate run
The small target, defensive quality of so much of the campaign has wearied me to the point of querying the worth of the democratic process.
All this may look democratic, but in 300 he opposed the admission of plebeians to the two main priestly colleges (pontifices and augures) and on two occasions attempted to secure the election of an all-patrician college.
Faith in a black, Democratic president to be marginally better than a fascist fuckwit is not the same thing as faith in YHWH, Jesus Christ or Allah, but what they share makes for a good base line.
On Faith
The democratic rights to freely choose one's occupation and place of residency, as well as to immigration and asylum, are being ruthlessly sacrificed to the interests of big business.
McDonnell campaign spokesman Tucker Martin brushed off the Democratic criticism.
Democrats thump Pawlenty for Virginia appearance
By far the greatest amount of empirical research on democratic attitudes has been done in the United States.
What are the ideas that a new Kerry administration would draw from the congressional Democratic caucus?
Lieberman says he has his own reasons for refusing to give up the Senate bid: if he quit now, his successor would be picked by the state's Democratic committee, rather than by the voters, thereby subverting the democratic process.
Missouri Grieves For A Friend
Furthermore democratic socialism was feared and detested by doctrinaire Marxists because it offered planning in conjunction with freedom.
Guidance for local councils refers to democratic accountability, social and economic equity.
HuffPost's Sam Stein writes, Unwilling or perhaps uneager to let go of last week's scuffle over Mitt Romney's controversial distortion of an old Barack Obama quote, the Democratic National Committee announced on Monday a major ad campaign attacking the former Massachusetts governor's character.
HUFFPOST FUNDRACE - Obama Takes A Page From Bush, GOP Targets Obama Through TV Ads, Palin Dead Enders Want Her To Reconsider
Only the Democratic Party is capable of running the country.
The Post's Michael Laris writes about a small Republican enclave in heavily Democratic Montgomery County, where voters sometimes feel disconnected from the elected officials making the decisions.
Lori's A.M. Buzz: Who's calling, please?
Two potential avenues for this enterprise have been suggested: the corporatist and the democratic ideal of the company.
Some Democratic Unionists do precisely this by, for example, listing their active involvement with the Orders on their election literature.
Moreover, such educational concepts are integrally related to political commitments to a radical and decentralised democratic social and political structure.
And Allen West, a Republican running against Democratic Rep. Ron Klein in Florida's 22nd District, said Obama was "browbeating" Israel.
Obama, Netanyahu meet again
Third, the world sees no near-term pretender to the throne because neither the divergent economies within the Euro zone nor the undemocratic Chinese regime command sufficient confidence in their respective currencies.
NYT > Opinion
It was not until 1969 that the first transition between two popularly elected democratic governments occurred.
A prevailing style of dress has become known as being ‘in fashion’, but fashion has been described as a tyrannically democratic force, enforcing conformity to current social or moral conventions.
I'll recap my recap: Brown was a minor mayoral candidate who was a nonfactor in last September's Democratic primary, but he made some waves on the campaign trail by reliably bashing Adrian Fenty and lauding victor Vincent C.
DeMorning DeBonis: Feb. 25, 2011
He was stripped of his official posts as he increasingly championed democratic reform.
Times, Sunday Times
Later, Albright worked as a legislative assistant to the late Democratic Sen.
Both the Republican and Democratic presidential nominees criticized the raid.
I have faith in democratically elected officials as I know I can always vote again if dissatisfied.
Colleagues call the former Democratic deputy whip gregarious and determined; he is a leading figure in the Latino world.
No Sin Left Behind yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'No Sin Left Behind'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Public interrogations of piety and faith, such as undergone by the Democratic candidates earlier this week, amount to a sort of religious litmus test for public office.
No Sin Left Behind
The prostration of the Democratic Party has encouraged the Bush administration to accelerate its attacks on working people.
Perhaps some kind of refresher course is in order, for the purpose of the Court is precisely to "check and balance" the power of "the sword" and "the purse" independent from "contrary interpretation of the democratically elected branches.
Even when black Democratic politicians stumble and engage in borderline corrupt and self-serving feather their own nest antics, they are still regarded as better bets than Republican candidates to be more responsive to black needs.
Earl Ofari Hutchinson: Black Republicans Peddle Fantasy of Ousting Democrats in November
If the Social Democratic policy has chafed occasionally, the benefits far outweigh the vexations.
The intention is to take the town's fate in hand, until such time as democratic elections are held.
MyDD's Todd Beeton offers praise for Listening to America: Democratic Platform for Change, the Obama teams suite of tools for collaboratively crafting a party platform -- and heartily mocks Rush Limbaugh's plan to have the writing parties "infiltrated" by Dittoheads.
Daily Digest: Netroots Grapples with Obama's Ideology
He again avows his special love of democracy: ‘I have been democratically elected to public office.’
Less good news, however, is the very low proportion of people who chose to go the polling station to exercise their democratic right to cast a ballot.
Not least, it is subversive of the intellectual foundation of liberal democratic society.
Tenured Radicals: How Politics Has Corrupted Higher Education
Are our democratically elected persons being vindictive?
The Sun
Once again we are reminded that the capital of the most powerful democratic nation on the globe is a one party town: Democrats rule, by outnumbering Republicans 10-1 in registered voters.
DeMorning DeBonis: Nov. 2, 2010
They should be elected democratically and be accountable to all New Zealanders.
Lenin proposed that the new regime would be a ‘democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and peasantry.’
The democratic pretences of the opposition have always been threadbare.
Ninety-seven percent of those qualified to vote did so and a new democratic constitution was adopted by unanimous vote.
She carefully tried to balance religious sensitivities against democratic freedom.
The purpose of their constitutions is to contract radically the sphere of self-government - of democratic politics.
His perception was that the desultory and undisciplined Chinese people did not deserve a democratic system.
People have felt their democratic rights damaged because they have found themselves powerless to influence or affect the outcome in the services that matter most to them.
The Global Marketplace
These states have had huge growth in statewide Democratic voting from 2002-2008, with very marginal growth in Democratic representation.
Matthew Yglesias » Busting More Gerrymandering Myths
A system of checks and balances exists to ensure that our government is truly democratic.
He was a contender for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004.
At Hollybush we took information on board in a democratic, communal fashion, grouped with notebooks and pencils around visual aids.
African-Americans constitue a huge chunk of the Democratic electorate and are helping him a lot.
Time Poll: Obama The Stronger Dem Against McCain
These too were affected by the democratic rhetoric of liberty and equality.
Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century
The Democratic senators recalcitrated against every proposal from the Republican side
Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of Congo have signed memoranda of understanding to "harmonise" transport and mining development between the two countries.
ANC Daily News Briefing
He had recently declared in Yorkshire that "nothing on earth should ever tempt him to accept place," and that he was conscious of the power to compel the execution of measures which, before that democratic election, he could only "ventilate".
The Political History of England - Vol XI From Addington's Administration to the close of William IV.'s Reign (1801-1837)
One recent poll put the PdL just 2.5 percentage points ahead of the biggest opposition group, the Democratic Party.
In this kingdom of strict and complete legalism, it was considered that the judge certainly never made new law himself, he had no democratic legitimacy to reform the law or to express views on what the law should be.
Alongside the advance of the domestic "progressive consensus" that New Labour has created, victory in the referendum will be the third term fulfilment of the Blair premiership and we would, in the process, achieve an irreversible shift towards a more social-democratic Britain.
The great "democrat" writes
If one of the prosecutors had just sent a Democratic Congressman to jail, would you be totally untempted by the White House explanation that the real cause was, say, a reluctance to prosecute abortion-clinic protesters under RICO?
Politics, Lies, and 93 v. 8 - Swampland -
The overall social and political project is the creation of a harmonious, democratic cultural pluralism, a healthy cultural diversity.
All four candidates plan to cross-file on both the Democratic and Republican ballots in the primary.
Waynesboro Record Herald Homepage RSS
The problem is, that we can't ferment the democratic revolution ourselves, because most of the democratizers seem to be saying to us, keep your distance.
Barack Obama spoke outand continues to speak out against the war so we are left with a Democratic partywhich must have the courage to not only oppose Bush's illegal warand occupationof Iraq but end it soon ~ to fully restore its soul and its mandate with the American people.
We must do more to smooth the country's path to democratic reform.
But free trade also comes with a significant upside for our country, an upside most Democratic pols would rather not discuss today.
Some may argue that democratic investment clubs put members at a disadvantage in times of high volatility, limiting their flexibility.
Obama set in February this year by the 18-member Democratic and Republican Congressional Budget Control Committee to study the control of expenditure and taxation options.
Another term the republicans banty about is “strict contrutructionst” judges when attacking Democratically imposed Judges.
Think Progress » Cornyn Hypocritically Accuses Democrats Of ‘Hysterical’ Reaction To Right-Wing Judicial Activism
All the more reason for care in selecting the presidential nominee of the Democratic Party.
Finally, in a free democratic society, voluntary associations provide a training ground for participation in wider politics.
It is not easy to translate these abstract generalities into terms that admit of a genuine comparison with our own democratic achievements…
Roy Danforth and Paul Noren are Christian missionaries who have set up a tropical fruit preserve in the Ubangi region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The Fruit Hunters
If the model democratic citizen is active, participating, and influential, is this what the ordinary man aspires to be?
Kidder had been sent to Haiti to report on American troops who were bracing the democratically elected government in the face of a powerful military junta.
When Gore was the Democratic front-runner for the presidential election, his satellite drew a sharply mixed reaction.
Now if you wish to annex, and make the Palestinians citizens, this would cease to be a Jewish nation-state and you’d be offering Israel’s enemies the hallowed “one-state-of-Palestine-secular-and-democratic” that is: another Arab state like many others; if you wish to annex but to withhold citizenship from the Palestinians, you’d be making true the antisemitic lie of “zionist apartheid”; either way annexion is *not-gonna-happen*.
Jewish Voice for Peace calls on Michael Moore to make his next film about US/Israel relationship | Jewschool
This bit of nonnews has to strike some in the Democratic Party the same way I looked upon the inevitability of the Bob Dole For President freight train in 1996.
From On High
So what was it that seemingly turned him into a Democratic partisan?
It was the Christian Democratic Party's fourth successive electoral defeat.
Presidential hopeful Senator Clinton speaks at the Iowa Democratic headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa.
They are often, and perhaps even typically, characterized by authoritarian rather than democratic forms of government.
American politics is turning right because Democratic leaders tried to govern from the hard ideological left, even over the objections of their own rank and file and the larger public.
ObamaCare and the Election
Democratic leaders have challenged the president to sign the bill.
The American conservative or, more precisely, democratic sovereigntist, complaint about human rights has traditionally been that it is a tool by which self-defined political progressives pursue agendas that they cannot manage to achieve through domestic democratic mechanisms.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Globally Managing American Speech?
Poland blazed the trail of democratic reform in eastern Europe.
Veteran Democratic Rep. Leonard Boswell is facing a threat from Republican Brad Zaun.
Statewide Races Could Tip House Contests
Republican Ken Buck has led Democratic Senator Michael Bennet on our trend estimate all year long, but the new polls narrow Buck's lead to roughly one percentage point (46.9% to 45.7%) and his probability of winning to just 64%, well within what we consider the "toss-up" range.
New PPP Polls Favor Joe Manchin, Michael Bennet In Senate Races
Organized labor provided major support for Clinton and Democratic congressional candidates in 1996.
Thus, of ever growing importance in the military sphere for the developed democratic countries is the civilizing factor, which predetermines the level of acceptable casualties in solving foreign policy problems by military means.
Yet power-sharing with a force that was operating outside the democratic process violated the purpose and spirit of democratisation.
In the middle of last decade, when Tom Delay and state Republican leaders redrew the Texas state map in a way that removed half a dozen Democratic seats, they didn't touch the minority districts already in place.
Dylan Loewe: Debunking the Redistricting Myth
The unification of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic was driven by the impulse to efface the memory of East Germany and the political, cultural and economic experience of East Germans.
There have been major changes in the constitution, but the system remains democratic.
The prime minister's Social Democratic party is itself notoriously split on the issue of European integration.
Those documents were generally drafted later and reflect social democratic ideas arising in the 19th century.
Presumably the Democratic National Committee checked the guest list with due diligence as to foreign corporate connections.
Perhaps OUR UNDEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTION will inspire Easterners to fight harder when Westerners seek to use their Senatorial advantages to gain undeserved highway and anti-terrorist funds.
The district, which includes downtown San Diego, is Democratic but George W. Bush won 46% of the vote in 2004, and Arnold Schwarzenegger carried the district by nine percentage points in his 2006 re-election race.
Read This Before Joining the Office Pool
Panday said the UNC was the only party ever to have beaten the PNM and was a party where the democratic machinery was working.
Just read the Letters page of this newspaper, full of fulminations against the unionists and the Democratic Unionists.
Alternately, the Democratic leadership could add in key Democratic priorities, such as toughened financial regulations, bankruptcy law reforms helping homeowners prevent foreclosure, direct government aid to mortgagees, a tax on the financial industry to pay for the bailout, and the job-creating $60 billion economic stimulus / infrastructure spending package the House passed a few days ago.
Suburban Guerrilla
One targeted the intelligence service headquarters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which is led by Massoud Barzani, president of the semiautonomous northern Kurdish region.
Bombs Kill 8 in Kurdish City
This would take Hillary's issue -- her firstness -- away from her, and Hillary would become a lot more like just another Democratic pol.
Does the Palin pick make it more or less in Hillary's interest for McCain to win?
What actually happened, was that a key Senate race swung from the Democratic incumbent to the Republican challenger, when Saxby Chambliss attacked Max Cleland for obstruction.
Matthew Yglesias » Ungovernable
a democratic scorn for bloated dukes and lords
MARK BUBRISKI, FLORIDA DEMOCRATIC PARTY SPOKESMAN: Republicans have been in charge of Florida for some time now.
CNN Transcript May 21, 2008
Bolivia returned to democratic rule in 1982, after a series of military governments.
It's an interesting bit of fence-mending for the former Democratic National Committee chairman, whose race for the gubernatorial nomination with Moran last year got pretty nasty.
McAuliffe to campaign with former rival Moran
Cay Wesnigk mined the archives of the East German state film studio to chronicle the regime's rise and fall, with instructional films about threats from the West, TV shows indoctrinating children, and the East German leader Erich Honecker and his wife, Margot, waltzing at the twilight of the so-called German Democratic Republic.
Reconstructive History
Sir, It was right to point out the undemocratic regime of the school governor.
Times, Sunday Times
While it can all seem a bit smug to some, it is a more democratic scene than in decades past, though a fascination with the gentry remains.
Times, Sunday Times
Meanwhile, in his address at the summit of ECOWAS Heads of State and Gover-nment at the Hilton Hotel Abuja, Jonathan talked tough, condemning what he described as the undemocratic efforts by some elements at carrying out political change in the sub-region.
AllAfrica News: Latest
The answer is the great equalizer of the modern democratic society, and I'm writing on it this very instant.
He said the distribution of the surplus basically amounted to a political and democratic choice.