How To Use Democratic party In A Sentence

  • We need to turf the Democratic party out.
  • Some cheered at the decision, but the president's decision is unpopular among some parties who priorly bid coalition with Yudhoyono's Democratic Party (Partai Demokrat - PD [id]). Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Central Bank Chief, the next VP?
  • These are excellent results for the Christian Democratic Party.
  • Willis also skips over the secular and leftist politics that led Catholic ethnics and working-class voters to take their distance from liberalism and the Democratic Party in 1972.
  • John Edwards today said that after watching his rivals slug it out last night, he's proud to represent what he's calling the grownup wing of the Democratic Party. CNN Transcript Jan 22, 2008
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  • He is a stanch supporter of the Democratic Party.
  • This is particularly so since he is now putting himself forward as a candidate for national office as the champion of the progressive wing of the Democratic party.
  • They can be counted on to enthusiastically endorse any Democratic Party idea, regardless of how utterly void of common sense or careful forethought.
  • It now has to become a modern social democratic party which can win because of the popularity of its vision.
  • Sands, a local attorney and former state representative, has been the target of Democratic Party mailers and phone calls castigating him for his work defending criminals in court.
  • It was a dramatic transformation, from society hostess to Democratic Party power broker.
  • For instance, Matt argues thatThe Democratic Party is awash in secretiveness, and while there have been Kerry emails which explain a bit of polling, one is mostly kept in the dark as to the strategic direction of the campaign. Sometimes the first thought...
  • The Democratic party is just as corrupt as the Republican party, the only difference is that Democrats have the mainstream media that will downplay and coverup all their greed and corruptness. McMahon says WWE antics not a liability to Senate run
  • Only the Democratic Party is capable of running the country.
  • The prostration of the Democratic Party has encouraged the Bush administration to accelerate its attacks on working people.
  • One recent poll put the PdL just 2.5 percentage points ahead of the biggest opposition group, the Democratic Party.
  • Barack Obama spoke outand continues to speak out against the war so we are left with a Democratic partywhich must have the courage to not only oppose Bush's illegal warand occupationof Iraq but end it soon ~ to fully restore its soul and its mandate with the American people. BATTLE FOR DEMOCRATIC PARTY'S SOUL HAS BEGUN
  • All the more reason for care in selecting the presidential nominee of the Democratic Party.
  • This bit of nonnews has to strike some in the Democratic Party the same way I looked upon the inevitability of the Bob Dole For President freight train in 1996. From On High
  • It was the Christian Democratic Party's fourth successive electoral defeat.
  • The prime minister's Social Democratic party is itself notoriously split on the issue of European integration.
  • One targeted the intelligence service headquarters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which is led by Massoud Barzani, president of the semiautonomous northern Kurdish region. Bombs Kill 8 in Kurdish City
  • MARK BUBRISKI, FLORIDA DEMOCRATIC PARTY SPOKESMAN: Republicans have been in charge of Florida for some time now. CNN Transcript May 21, 2008
  • So you have a Republican Party that is splintered and fanaticized and a Democratic Party that is really a moderate Republican Party stuck to the teat of Corporate America and unwilling to let go. The Lost Children
  • The Social Democratic Party has vowed to try to stall the bill until the current session ends.
  • How democratic was the Democratic Party in the South during the antebellum and Civil War periods?
  • Since independence in 1966, Botswana has been a multiparty democracy with elections held every five years to a unicameral legislature, the National Assembly, which has been dominated by the Botswana Democratic Party.
  • The Democratic Party demonstrated its abandonment of any pretext of opposition by foregoing the traditional response of the minority party to a presidential address to Congress.
  • In the 1920s the Ku Klux Klan wielded enormous influence within the national Democratic Party.
  • So a new strategy is needed, to remake the Democratic party into something more democratic, to resist the power of big money in politics and to readopt a populist message along economic lines to champion the millions out of work before they become millions out of hope. Danny Schechter: Look to the Future, Not the Past - One Lesson for 2010
  • Candidates from the ruling Liberal Democratic party won the most seats in last month's Tokyo metropolitan assembly elections.
  • The trouble began in the 1992 campaign, when Clinton did precisely what Dole chose not to do: he played politics with the China issue, winning points with Democratic Party constituencies -- labor unions and human-rights groups -- by lambasting George Bush for maintaining normal trade relations (most-favored nation means normal) and "codd [ling] tyrants" in Beijing. Chinese 'Face' Time
  • The only way the Democratic Party can unite is if we all be mature about what's being said. Clinton touts support from 'white Americans'
  • The Social Democratic Party has sunk without trace at these elections.
  • He is being widely touted as the next leader of the Social Democratic party.
  • One recent poll put the PdL just 2.5 percentage points ahead of the biggest opposition group, the Democratic Party.
  • But many of these activists - despite having been hard at work painting the Democratic Party as a harborer of "abortionists" and Barack Obama as a supporter of "infanticide" - seem to be giving the John McCain campaign and the GOP a free pass. Chris Korzen: John McCain: Just How Pro-Life?
  • He has moved the Democratic party to the dynamic centre and much of the country has gone along.
  • With calls for Senator Clinton to abandon what is now seen as little more than a schismatic adventure that risks a fracture along a racial fault-line dividing the Democratic Party just as the Whig Party was fractured by race, some have deduced that the probable motive driving the sinking campaign deeper into the mire is a misplaced belief some attribute to James Carville that they can torpedo Obama's presidential ambitions; survive the disaster of his loss to McCain and prevail as owners of the Democratic Party through the agency of the now discredited Democratic Leadership Council. Michael Carmichael: The Political Titanic
  • [Etibar MAMMADLI, chairman]; Social Democratic Party of Azerbaijan or SDP [Araz ALIZADE and Ayaz MUTALIBOV] note: opposition parties regularly factionalize and form new parties The 2005 CIA World Factbook
  • By 1972 the Democratic Party in North Carolina was deeply split over the issue of race.
  • Hoffman’s deputy, based in Paris, was W. Averell Harriman, an equally respected Democratic Party leader, former ambassador, businessman and banker.
  • But the welfare bill has split the Democratic Party on the eve of its national convention in Chicago.
  • In the early 1980s some members of the British Labour Party broke away to form the Social Democratic Party.
  • Associated Press Liberal activists and Democratic Party leaders understand that illegals are not voters and are therefore not well-situated to press their claims. Gingrich vs. the Immigration Status Quo
  • The electoral fortunes of the Liberal Democratic party may decline.
  • The Social Democratic Party has vowed to try to stall the bill until the current session ends.
  • However, to everyone's surprise, he almost won a seat in the election by running on a radical platform the Democratic Party had been unwilling to take up.
  • More egocentrically, he is elite, after all, Democratic Party notwithstanding. Why did Gore abandon us?
  • Bob Lehrman, a speech-writer for the Democratic Party in the USA, has said that: ‘your theme should be simple enough that it can be expressed in one sentence’.
  • The National Party was leading South Africa into a dangerous state of political bipolarisation, Democratic Party national executive chairman David Gant charged on Wednesday. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The coalition includes members of the Social Democratic Party, which has traditionally been opposed to the nuclear option.
  • So let's see, all the Dixiecrats that left the Democratic party due to blacks and civil rights to become republicans, now will return to the democratic party of abortion and gay rights. Will Dem House Takeover Spark Future GOP Defections?
  • He was able to defeat the Democratic Party, and become the Presidential nominee.
  • The Social Democratic Party has vowed to try to stall the bill until the current session ends.
  • The Social Democratic Party has vowed to try to stall the bill until the current session ends.
  • In 1896, the Democratic party coopted an aspect of the Populists' financial program, the free and unlimited coinage of silver, on behalf of the candidacy of William Jennings Bryan.
  • And then, of course, there is the teetotalling 50% of the Democratic party that never drank the kook-aid and knew he was a Huey Long from the upper midwest all along. Obama Reiterates: Combat Troops Out Of Iraq In 16 Months
  • I'm not part of that blogworld; I don't play first-name footsie with all the lib faves; I'm not looking to belong to or redeem the Democratic Party. Dennis Perrin: My Yearly Kos Diary
  • In a brazen and nearly unbelievable move, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) headed by warlord Masoud Barzani has prevented voting by Assyrian (also known as Chaldean and Syriac) Christians of the Nineveh Plain in northern Iraq. Your Right Hand Thief
  • Mr. Lee is a democratically elected legislator and the founding chairman of Hong Kong's Democratic Party.
  • So is the Democratic Party reclaimable? or worth the trouble of doing so? Holding Progressive Things Together
  • It's being discovered that much of the Clinton-supporters-moving-to-McCain myth is being stoked by Republicans trying to weaken the Democratic Party. Clinton advisor blames strategy disagreements, money for loss
  • An audit of the Virginia Department of Transportation shows more than $1 billion in unspent money, allowing the Republican governor to crow about government mismanagement and toss some dirt the way of his predecessor, Timothy Kaine, who happens to be head of the national Democratic Party on the eve of important midterm elections. McDonnell's VDOT pots of gold
  • The Democratic Party was in disarray as a brutal primary season approached its end.
  • Because of what he calls the corrupting influence of large corporations on America's elections, Segal has sworn off any corporate contributions in his primary campaign against two well-established Democratic opponents: Cicilline and former state Democratic Party Chairman Projo Local News
  • But I can say with confidence that political strategists who cannot either construct or "dissect" the emotional structure of an ad like this present a far greater danger to the Democratic Party and its values than all President Bush's appointees to the federal bench. Drew Westen: Winning Hearts and Minds: Why Rational Appeals Are Irrational If Your Goal is Winning Elections
  • In the summer of eighteen fifty-eight, two candidates campaigned across the state of Illinois for a seat in the United States Senate. That seat belonged to Stephen Douglas from the Democratic Party.
  • Jobn Cronyn is as partisan as you can get and in my opinion will. lie, cheat or anything else to try to get a leg up on the democratic party. Cornyn expresses optimism, caution on 2010
  • They are moving the Democratic party in a rightward direction.
  • Apparently it doesn't matter that he is an embezzler as long he mouths the proper hate for the Democratic party and refuses to do anything once he gets to the senate. Romney backs Rubio in Florida primary battle
  • Arguably, there are more ideological differences within the party than with its rival, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which governed Japan for most of the half-century to 2009.
  • These bankers, and the interests they are associated with, control the Republican and Democratic Party election machines.
  • Shape of: the destruction of the Democratic party. dlr Blitzer: Should Clinton's swing state edge be a factor?
  • Any choice other than Obama at this point will absolutely, positively destroy the Democratic party! dlr Rep. Hill backing Obama
  • The Democratic Party has been splintered into 3 major groups.
  • The opposition African Christian Democratic Party said it hoped Nel's arrest would not "intimidate" the prosecuting authority from proceeding against Selebi. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The persistence of high unemployment, with no end in sight, is really going to come back to bite the Democratic party in the ass. Matthew Yglesias » Earnings Dropping, Energy Prices Rising
  • Apparently, it's a risk he's willing to take to solidify his front-runner status and disarm his critics in the Democratic Party establishment.
  • Barack Obama is in Florida to raise money from voters whom he has worked hard to disenfranchise from the Democratic Party’s nomination process. Carter: Obama-Clinton ticket unlikely
  • The Social Democratic Party has vowed to try to stall the bill until the current session ends.
  • They lacerated him for saying he wanted the Democratic Party to reach out to working-class Southerners who drive pickups bearing Confederate-flag decals.
  • The Social Democratic Party has sunk without trace at these elections.
  • In the early 1980s some members of the British Labour Party broke away to form the Social Democratic Party.
  • In any case, Kan used his newfound fame to cofound the Democratic Party of Japan later that year, and was a critic of political strategist Ichiro Ozawa, then the leader of a rival party. Japan’s Not-So-Prime Minister
  • The Democratic Party is seen as soft and welfare friendly to small town scrappers who feel they've had to fight for all they had.
  • The Mongolian Democratic Party is campaigning for electoral reform.
  • We co-operated with the then Progressive Federal Party, later the Democratic Party, and we have taken similar stands since 1983 and throughout the constitutional negotiations process on issues such as devolution of powers. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Perhaps Japan, similarly entangled with North Korea over the abductee issue, can play the same mediating role now that the Democratic Party is at the helm in Tokyo. The Strange Case of Libya
  • Today, ladies and gentlemen, Exhibit A in the Star Tribune's ruthless efforts to becloud the issues of the day on behalf of the Democratic Party is the column by editorial board member Jim Boyd attacking your humble Power Line servants.
  • The president is on the left/right wing of the Democratic party.
  • The Democratic Party machine did not return his calls, the media ignored him, but he kept driving.
  • The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) legislator Rekso Ageng Herman also said that the social insurance bill would not work if it remained unrevised.
  • Nothing demonstrates the continuing leftward tilt in the Democratic Party more clearly than the makeup of the new City Council, which will negotiate budgets with the mayor and pass or nix his legislation.
  • NUTTER: That's why they call them primaries and the Democratic Party, we kind of specialize in that. CNN Transcript Apr 12, 2008
  • The reports that the army of the Potomac is much "demoralised" by the attitude taken by the Democratic party are confirmed. Foreign and Colonial News
  • This kind of whiny crap from these blogs that I used to visit regularly is what is polarizing us and going to lead to a huge GOP takeover and a huge shift of Independant support away from the Democratic Party. Think Progress » CNN’s Crowley Suggests Democrats Debated Afghanistan Exit Strategy To ‘Make The Massa Story Go Away’
  • Since the elections, the rightward trajectory of the Democratic Party has continued apace.
  • The leadership of the Democratic party was anxious for him to declare his intentions about running for the second term.
  • The coalition includes members of the Social Democratic Party, which has traditionally been opposed to the nuclear option.
  • By the end of the primaries, the most important black leader in the Democratic Party will be a man with a history of screwing the Democratic Party.
  • Hilary and most of the Democratic Party should be indicted, tried, convicted and executed for High Treason - any "internationalist" or any Gun control advocate is a TRAITOR!! One More Sign That The End Is Near
  • The "grand coalition" of Germany's two biggest parties, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the left-leaning Social Democratic Party (SPD), has been voted out of office.
  • While it's been assumed for months that he would lose W. Virginia, it sure would be nice if those voters could face facts that Obama has won the Democratic Party's nomination and decide to help propell him to the White House by making that loss less of a difference. Poll: Obama Losing West Virginia Primary By More Than Two To One
  • On Oct. 14, following Democratic Party Indian-reservation rallies involving frybread, Republican Attorney General Marty Jackley warned against food at campaign events, saying it was a potential violation of state and federal law. Stephanie Woodard: Food Fight: South Dakota GOP Condemns Democratic Frybread Fests
  • You will recall the Atlantic City convention of 1964, when the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party came and asked to be seated at that convention and had every right to be seated, because the white Democratic Party, in fact, was going to support Barry Goldwater and blacks had not been allowed to register to vote. Never Stop Running: Allard Lowenstein and the Struggle to Save American Liberalism
  • He is a stanch supporter of the Democratic Party.
  • In the fall of 2003, the Liberal Party merged with the Democratic Party of Japan, combining party identification under the DPJ name.
  • But he is not liked by his own colleagues in the Liberal Democratic party.
  • Serious infighting resulted, and the Democratic Party entered a wilderness period that it hasn't recovered from.
  • Koizumi wants to reform the impossibly cliquey Liberal Democratic Party, long ruled by smug dotards who have turned political nest-feathering into a national art-form to rival ikebana and origami.
  • The road to White House goes through _____________" (fill in the state), The democratic party is being remade from the bottom up right now. Clinton: West Virginia a must-win for Democrats
  • But the welfare bill has split the Democratic Party on the eve of its national convention in Chicago.
  • The new Democratic Party is not likely to scare off voters.
  • Can't the Democratic Party find someone to run against this prating fascist? Your Right Hand Thief
  • Now if Obama turns into Jimmy Carter and craters, which is just as likely given the built up pork demands of the Democratic Party and its innate pacifism, then she can run as the Avenging Angel and win in 2012. Dana Milbank would like Sarah Palin to stop fighting and accept defeat graciously.
  • By comparison, there is not a single nationally recognized speaker on the dais at any of the United States Social Forum plenaries, no Democratic party candidates bombarding the Forum or its constituent organizations for endorsements and no mainstream liberal foundations are backing the effort. Sally Kohn: Force or Fringe: United States Social Forum Vs. Tea Party
  • ZURICH -- Switzerland's Social Democratic party said it filed a complaint with Zurich prosecutors against former UBS AG Chairmen Marcel Ospel and Peter Kurer in connection with the bank's management of U.S. funds offshore. UBS Ex-Chairmen Face Complaint
  • The Democratic party has won the presidency only once out of the last six elections since 1964.
  • Only the Democratic Party is capable of running the country.
  • They remained unswerving in their support for the Democratic Party and the trade union bureaucracy.
  • Clark, and Harmon, just how they felt about the efforts of the New York delegation, led by the Tammany boss, Charlie Murphy, and the conservative element of the Democratic party in the East, to control the Convention and to give it the most conservative and standpat appearance by controlling the preliminary organization and nominating Alton B. Parker as temporary chairman. Woodrow Wilson as I Know Him
  • There are two political parties in the US - the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
  • The only way Republicans can try to gain ground is to tear down our great President and the Democratic party. DNC paints Pawlenty as liar
  • Hormel is a long-time supporter of the Democratic Party and there were no suggestions of wrongdoing on his part.
  • While I agree that the National Socialist party did have true socialist elements I must stress that I think the great gulf between any democratic party or politician and totalitarians should always be acknowledged.
  • And clearly, the mainstream of the Democratic party have no interest in legislating what people do in their bedrooms, pews and deathbeds.
  • LONG: There is a big Democratic Party convention this weekend in Florida, but none of the major democratic presidential candidates are showing up. CNN Transcript Oct 27, 2007
  • The national Democratic Party leadership tacitly supported the right-wing purge.
  • Our position in no way implied political support for the Democratic Party.
  • A lot of people have gotten to the step of being emotionally invested in umbrage and are displacing the hostility of feeling like one is being deliberately ignored by those in power against the democratic party and even if the leaders wanted to throw some red meat to placate them and tell them they are heard, Presidents Lieberman and Nelson will take the opportunity to essentially speak for the Democratic Party and publicly try and ruin it for the sake of pissing on said base and thus retaining the love of the current media environment. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Beatings will continue until morale improves
  • Denunciation of Democratic Party Apparat yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Denunciation of Democratic Party Apparat'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: The Democratic Party national "apparat" lacks the guts and sense to stand up for what our country was founded for. Denunciation of Democratic Party Apparat
  • I guess the loser is the Democratic party in general. Supporter says Clinton getting desperate
  • Robert Smith, field coordinator of the Alabama Democratic Party Black Caucus explains, The current system of disfranchisement is incredibly unfair. Election 2000 Across the South
  • Canadians ... just might get a Christmas present next week and have the Conservatives turfed, which is exactly what they deserve for their mismanagement of the economy," Thomas Mulcair, deputy leader New Democratic Party (NDP) stated in an interview with the CBC earlier today. Liblogs News Feed
  • And, more importantly, the sheer condescension of assuming that the room divides into the colossi of the politico-media ruling class and everyone else sums up everything that's wrong with the modern Democratic Party.
  • The recent Republican and Democratic party conventions were illustrative of big money's presence in the major parties.
  • Al Sharpton - It says alot about the Democratic party that this race-baiting huckster is even allowed on stage, let alone taken seriously. Balloon Juice » 2004 » January
  • The Democratic Party had to shed everything that was slow-moving and lumbering in its ideological presentation.
  • Searls cast her letter as a response to people who have contacted her “expressing their dismay” and to “heavy criticism” she has received on the web site of Democratic Party activist George Loper, www. Searls Reflects on Council Loss at
  • A good case can be made that in the present political environment, centrism is more likely to be promoted by a Democratic party that uses every parliamentary tool in the books to oppose Republican initiatives until they are moderated, then by Democrats who when pronouncing a plague on extremists in both parties, make no actual contribution to diffusing the extremist policies of the right. continue reading ... Balkinization
  • Democratic Party officials came up with a compromise, with the Freedom Democrats being given just two non-voting seats.
  • I'm sure your 'factual comments' will have much impact on democratic voters and the Democratic party, REALLY IT WILL. dan davenport Clinton takes on TV pundits at distillery stop in Kentucky
  • In these wrought-up times, it's a persona that has considerable appeal to the grass roots of the Democratic Party, if not, as yet, to the nation at large. Feeling Dean's Pain
  • She is standing for the Democratic Party presidential nomination.
  • Is there any level of evidence that would satisfy you to falsify the notion you have that it is Democrats fault for not trying hard enough, rather than Republicans having a level of caucus conformity and party discipline that is historically aberrational and definitely not found in the modern Democratic party, particularly its Senate caucus? Matthew Yglesias » Governments Should Govern
  • Dean is mounting a full-throated challenge to the Democratic Party establishment.
  • It was a dramatic transformation, from society hostess to Democratic Party power broker.
  • Stanley also describes another eye-popper: "A 1968 Nixon ad reveling in Democratic Party chaos, for instance, is a wordless montage of the Chicago convention, Vietnam and civil unrest, set to a daffily jaunty rendition of 'Happy Days Are Here Again.' GreenCine Daily
  • Unfortunately, Republicans decided to accept the Dixiecrat racist thugs into the fold when they were booted from the Democratic party. Think Progress » New report finds that right-wing extremist groups have grown 244 percent in the past year.
  • Candidates from the ruling Liberal Democratic party won the most seats in last month's Tokyo metropolitan assembly elections.
  • Although Humphreys bucked the Democratic Party's pro-gun control line, he otherwise ran on Democratic issues.
  • Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic party plans to legalise casino gambling next year.
  • The irony of that race, the mistaken irony, is that I was often depicted as an old-style liberal leading a Democratic Party of the past. The Good Fight
  • Tuesday expressed concern at what he called the distorted manner in which the Democratic Party had raised issues on the expenditure of his department. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Culture Minister Georgios Voulgarakis, of the currently ruling center-right New Democratic party, is relatively new in the post, having been more-or-less demoted from the job of Public Order Minister in February on the heels of a phone-tapping scandal (apparently, they get more worked up about that sort of thing in Greece than over here). It's House
  • Alex Cockburn gets the last word on a man who shills for privilege, has plenty for himself, and like George Bush disdains the public interest: "Al Gore distills in his single person the disrepair of liberalism in America today, and almost every unalluring feature of the Democratic Party" that's mostly indistinguishable from the other side of the aisle in a city where the criminal class is bipartisan. Nobel Hypocrisy
  • The Democratic Party candidate has already conceded defeat .
  • The Democratic Party remained opposed to yet another adjustment of the amnesty cut-off date for the same reason as its original opposition to the shift from October 1990 to the present date - namely that "you create a slideway in which you lose your moral footing". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I am worried about what this is doing to the democratic party and fear that this gives John McCain undeserved leverage in November. Angry Clinton supporters tell party leaders: 'Let's go McCain!'
  • This president, his policies, and the unparallel arrogance of the Democratic party, may very well be the BEST thing to EVER happen to the conservative cause! We Listen – Your Comments 1/20/10
  • Once again the Democratic party may have thrown away a historic opportunity to retake the White House.
  • Q: Can the Democratic Party afford to take the black vote for granted?
  • I'd like to smack Edwards a good one for his asininity here, but it doesn't destroy the Democratic party nor denude him of all admirable qualities. Edwards: "If You Want To Beat Me Up -- Feel Free"
  • I'll always stay by the Democratic Party and vote for them.
  • Social democrats from the New Democratic Party consistently opposed the state's development strategy, as did a wing of the Liberal Party.
  • The corporate wing of the Democratic Party is busy brokering a back-room deal.
  • Because there is a certain faction within the Democratic party (and some independents) that really hates the idea of political fights and confrontation. Matthew Yglesias » Dodd Defends Filibuster, Calls for More “Civility”
  • Since that speech, he was anointed as a future leader of the Democratic Party.
  • The din from the Left is expected since a flawed and immoral position was rammed down the throats of the People for so long, not to mention Gun Control was held for so long as a truism and main platform by the radical members Democratic Party. What's Wrong with this Picture?
  • In 1994, Meeting Point merged with the then United Democrats to form the Democratic Party.
  • The Mongolian Democratic Party is campaigning for electoral reform.
  • The Democratic Party exists in an anechoic chamber when compared to that. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • In 1948 the States Rights Democratic Party was founded by diehard Southern Democrats opposed to President Truman's renomination as Democrat candidate, on account of his stand on civil rights.
  • That message helped Republicans trounce President Obama's Democratic Party in recent Congressional elections.
  • The Democratic Party captured 70% of the vote.
  • Make no mistake, failure to enact a comprehensive healthcare bill the includes some kind of a public option plan, would reck the Democratic Party for decades to come. Key conservative Democrat urges health care slowdown
  • Some Democratic party leaders from Durham, North Carolina were allegedly involved in "satanic rituals" and were charged with assault and rape. Your Right Hand Thief
  • Public opinion turned against the Democratic Party.
  • In a hearing scheduled for the morning, he must now decide whether to grant a request from the Florida Democratic Party that he order the canvassing board to also count so-called dimple ballots, ballots which were not fully punched out by the voters. CNN Transcript - Special Event: The Florida Recount: Democrats and Republicans Maneuver for Political Advantage - November 14, 2000
  • There is only one fix for the Democratic Party that would bring an end to the me-too voting of Democratic politicians.
  • They supported the Democratic Party.
  • In Parliament to occupy half of the seats of the two opposition Social Democratic Party, the Czech and Moravian Communist Party are firmly opposed to U. S. plans to base the radar.
  • The electoral fortunes of the Liberal Democratic party may decline.
  • Social-Democratic party of continental Europe, preaching discontent and class hatred, assailing law, property, and personal rights, and insinuating confiscation and plunder, is here. Preface
  • The black vote is astonishingly loyal to the Democratic Party.
  • While it won't be clear until Election Day, the state Democratic Party's fundraising prowess is expected to give it a significant edge in organizing and capitalizing on its early-voting effort. Parties rev up political machinery in Maryland to boost early voting turnout
  • The Democratic Party has called for an independent inquiry into the incident.
  • We're missing the so-called grownup, the adult in the Democratic Party, so expect these two to go at each other tonight -- Kitty. CNN Transcript Jan 31, 2008
  • he led the Democratic party back from the wilderness
  • John McCain has not commented on Rep. King's remarks, but I will say that this has been an issue that both - that both Sen. Obama and his wife have addressed on the campaign trail before, Michelle Obama most emphatically, saying that his name, the name Hussein, has been invoked to stir fear and anxiety about "foreignness," "otherness," and it's something that the Democratic party should not tolerate in this election season. CNN Transcript Mar 9, 2008
  • The president is on the left/right wing of the Democratic party.
  • Her main opponent is Jose Serra of the Brazilian Social Democratic party. Lula's Chosen Successor Ahead in Brazilian Election Poll
  • But here, as near as I can see, are a group of candidates, most of whom have a clear argument and set of ideas about rebuilding, reshaping and generally toughening up the Democratic party.
  • The only option left now for the devastated Democratic party is to rally together and show some semblance of a united front.
  • He is currently the front runner for the Democratic Party presidential nomination.
  • In 1980, however, the Democratic Party platform explicitly declared its support for the Supreme Court's ruling.
  • A.. The Democratic Party was an unnatural coalition, bound together only by the name Democrat.
  • Fortunately this type of nutcase is to the Democratic Party what neo-Nazis are to the GOP. Waldo Jaquith - “End women’s suffrage now!”
  • What the mainstream media have now set up and trumpeted as an epic "blood feud" in the Democratic Party, whether or not it actually undermines the party's prospects in November, will certainly pre-establish a plausible "explanation" for the defeat of whoever the Democratic nominee turns out to be. The Democratic Primaries 2008: Managing Electoral Dynamics Via Covert Vote-Count Manipulation

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