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[ US /ˈdɛməˌkɹæt/ ]
[ UK /dˈɛməkɹˌæt/ ]
  1. an advocate of democratic principles

How To Use democrat In A Sentence

  • If you interview a lot of conservative Democrats, even in states like Texas, you know, New Mexico, they are very concerned that Hillary Clinton on the top of the ticket would really kind of depress voter turnout and ultimately affect a lot of down ballot races. CNN Transcript Apr 18, 2008
  • The sad fact is that if the Democrats had tried to make a big issue of the matter the press would have criticized them unmercifully for spoiling the 100th birthday celebrations of a great man with their petty partisan politics.
  • The Liberal Democrats are also being coy and modest. Times, Sunday Times
  • But what of the emails, text messages and other private communications between government officials which aren't published online -- will Twitter and Facebook help "democratize" that information as well? Is Social Media Helping or Hurting California Politics?
  • And maybe she used to be a Democrat (though my experience is that the coverted are always the most rabid). Hilary Rosen: Harriet and her Friend
  • I'm not sure what Laurie from Manly Dorm might be referring to as hate mongering (although I see that talking about secession is divisive), but I'd like to point out it's not hateful to say the Bush administration is antidemocratic, plutocratic and militarily adventuristic. American Coastopia!
  • Gadafy's striking non-endorsement of the Democratic candidate focused in part on Obama's pledge of "unshakeable" support for Israel, which caused dismay, if not surprise, across the Arab and Muslim worlds last week. Obama Taking Over Democratic National Committee Partly To Avoid Kerry's Fate
  • Uzbekistan reaffirms its commitment to implement democratic reforms.
  • All democratic associations or groups were outlawed. Paul VI - The First Modern Pope
  • If the Democrats manage to lose the seat in November, they might consider blaming an election system that is quite literally designed to stimy "majority rule" save in races where there are only two candidates. Balkinization
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