How To Use Demerol In A Sentence
- Now, that doctor had been giving Michael daily injections of a narcotic called Demerol, similar to morphine. CNN Transcript Jun 26, 2009
- This generally involves a narcotic painkiller such as Demerol and midazolam, a generic anti-anxiety drug (formerly sold under the brand name Versed) that often causes patients to forget what happened during the procedure. 'Take a Deep Breath...'
- Then you add Demerol, which is an opiate medication, which also causes sedation and respiratory depression. CNN Transcript Jul 10, 2009
- When you are talking about pain pill -- or pain medications like Demerol -- and the Xanax falls into what is known as a benzodiazepine, big name, but a different class of drugs. CNN Transcript Jul 9, 2009
- They include morphine (usually used only in early labor to help women get some sleep when this stage of labor is long), meperidine (Demerol or Pethidine), nalbuphine (Nubain), butorphanol (Stadol), and fentanyl (Sublimaze). Our Bodies, Ourselves: Pregnancy and Birth
- I keep thinking of that NOVA episode, "The Case of the Frozen Addict," about the guy who destroyed the part of his brain that produced dopamine after he took some kind of Demerol analog he'd cooked up. Boing Boing
- I should tell you that "Star" magazine exclusively learned, actually, this week that Anna Nicole -- that police are investigating that someone may have injected Anna Nicole Smith with Demerol, which is a morphine-like substance. CNN Transcript Mar 14, 2007
- He stole an addictive painkiller called Demerol and was given the option of resigning rather than facing court martial, the records say. Inside Trader at Nasdaq Had Drug-Abuse Record
- Waldman said hot and cold sensations are a symptom of Demerol withdrawal.
- HAMMER: And since Jackson ` s death, there have been a lot of reports floating around that he was taking Demerol, which is a pain medication, while he was doing his intense rehearsal schedule for those upcoming 50 shows that were scheduled for later this summer in London. CNN Transcript Jun 30, 2009