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How To Use Dementia In A Sentence

  • It was also envisaged that they would play an advocacy and educational role on behalf of dementia sufferers throughout their area.
  • We might speculate that those with dementia would be less willing to participate in a research project than the mentally fit.
  • This is especially so when a diagnosis of dementia blinds works to remaining skills.
  • Vulnerable people with great needs, including dementia, should always be thought of first.
  • Cognitive decline with age is not inevitable, nor does it necessarily lead to dementia.
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  • However, the presentation of delirium is the same regardless of whether dementia is present because symptoms of delirium will dominate when they co-occur.
  • The admission of a tenant already showing signs of dementia requires very careful consideration in the individual case.
  • It had apparently been hoped that the numbers of long-term patients suffering from dementia would diminish with the rundown of the asylums.
  • Christmas Wrapping - The Waitress. mp3 demento/_demento's xmas holidays in dementia/demento - _holidays - xmas - HID CD - T15 -
  • The first concern is to rule out treatable forms of dementia such as encephalitis or chronic meningitis.
  • Fidget aprons are great for dementia or Alzheimer's patients, or even people who have had strokes who like to "fidget". Undefined
  • It turns out that, just as most infants have a crying jag every afternoon before dinner, parents with dementia experience "sundowning," a late afternoon agitation that can get ugly. Karen Ann Coburn: The Visit
  • Professor Peter Crome, chair of the audit's steering group, said the report "provides further concrete evidence that the care of patients with dementia in hospital is in need of a radical shake-up". Hospital staff 'lack skills to cope with dementia patients'
  • For example, alterations in the efficiency of the cerebral link may yield neurasthenia, mania, dementia; of the thyroid link, Graves 'disease, myxedema; of the adrenal link, Addison's disease, cardiovascular disease. The Origin and Nature of the Emotions: Miscellaneous Papers
  • An Alzheimer's charity claims new health guidelines could be denying local dementia sufferers an effective treatment.
  • Vt tamen eius dementiam perscrutemur, adunatio haec aut tempore generationis facta est aut tempore resurrectionis. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • Many people with dementia would rather remain at home than be placed in an institution.
  • Mayo Clinic researchers and a group of international collaborators have discovered a correlation between an extreme form of sleep disorder and eventual onset of parkinsonism or dementia. May 16th, 2007
  • I can cause a shaking that is called 'paralytic dementia', but used to be called 'general paresis of the insane'. Treponema pallidum
  • Age is the most significant risk factor for dementia, a syndrome characterized by a decline in memory and in at least one of the following areas: language, visuospatial skills, and executive functioning.
  • In a recent article in the same journal that published Khachaturian's editorial, Constantine Lyketsos and others argue that "neuropsychiatric symptoms NPS are core features of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Michael Friedman, L.M.S.W.: Meet the Mental Health Needs of People With Dementia
  • Darker and more harrowing is Saved starring Scottish veterans Irene McCallum and Edith McArthur in a poignant tale of a soft-hearted young nurse on a dementia ward.
  • They are usually suffering from some form of dementia, have had strokes, heart attacks, or are doubly incontinent.
  • Dead Lift degenerative problems dementia depression desaturase desserts, sugary detox exercise forinternalin the liverseven channels oftestingdetox formula diabetes adult-onsetand good fatsand inflammationand obesitydiallyl sulfide DAS The Fiber35 Diet
  • Memory loss that impairs function suggests neurodegenerative dementia, which is defined as a decline in two or more cognitive domains.
  • The term dementia should refer to irreversible conditions. Stories
  • That reminder got the full attention of an audience of 1,000 family members of people with dementia at a conference in West Palm Beach, Fla.
  • I will initially sketch a context to help situate the care of dementia patients and the termination of their treatment.
  • Is there a higher incidence of dementia in migraine sufferers? Archive 2004-02-01
  • I will initially sketch a context to help situate the care of dementia patients and the termination of their treatment.
  • However, this relationship is confounded by the effect of age; disability increases with age, as does dementia.
  • Currently, time-consuming psychological tests are carried out only when a patient is in an advanced state of dementia.
  • Free radicals react destructively with many cellular components causing cell damage and leading to many diseases from cataract to cancer, heart disease to dementia.
  • Bleuler believed, however, that the term dementia praecox was too specific and did not always fit the clinical course, which he believed more variable than originally described. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • A little bit of starvation can help clear a ward of those bed-blocking dementia cases. Archive 2005-06-26
  • The Cavalry - Jona Lewie. mp3 demento/_demento's xmas holidays in dementia/demento - _holidays - xmas - HID CD - T07 - Rusty
  • At that point, a number of drugs in clinical trials could be administered that may postpone or perhaps prevent the onset of dementia.
  • These misbeliefs are commonly associated with schizophrenia, but they can also occur in people with brain injuries, Huntington's and Parkinson's disease and dementia.
  • In fact, early diagnosis of Alzheimer's is the only hope for most victims because by the time the dementia that accompanies this dire disease appears, the brain is usually too damaged to repair.
  • Preventing people who may benefit from receiving a drug treatment that works will see us lose a decade of progress and return to a dark age of dementia care.
  • Depending on which symptoms are apparent, delirium may be mistaken for a variety of disorders including dementia, mood disorders, and functional psychoses.
  • We know that elements are labile things, which is why lead water pipes and lead-based paints are no longer manufactured, and why aluminium cooking utensils are (rightly or wrongly) accused on suspicion of causing dementia.
  • The Windsor unit cares for seven residents who are mentally infirm and are suffering from Alzheimer's Disease or other types of dementia.
  • Patients with dementia go walking for many reasons, including discomfort, hunger or pain.
  • People with dementia often respond to Reality Orientation and reminiscence or other therapies.
  • Many people with dementia would rather remain at home than be placed in an institution.
  • There are four kinds, one has definately been eliminated POTS, one has demential and leads to the next kind, and the other two just kill ya. A letter on dying: #1
  • The HIV virus promotes dementia, then the brain activity becomes hyperactive.
  • In association with the Midland Health Board they are currently running a new day care service for people with dementia.
  • Why his demential obsession for this guerrilla organization? Is The FARC A terrorist organisation ?
  • The higher homocysteine, the higher your chances of a person contracting dementia.
  • People with dementia have a degenerative disease of the brain for which there is no cure.
  • Darker and more harrowing is Saved starring Scottish veterans Irene McCallum and Edith McArthur in a poignant tale of a soft-hearted young nurse on a dementia ward.
  • Thomas Kitwood, a British psychologist who was a pioneer in the field of dementia care, died in 1998, but his books, which emphasize personhood instead of debilitation, remain influential.
  • My grandfather is among the millions of people who have dementia, and my grandmother was one of the many family caregivers who predecease their sick partners. Lynn Casteel Harper: The Spiritual Implications of Dementia
  • Sounds to me like the Big Dick should be under psychiatric evaluation, since 72 separate incidents of inability to remember, under FBI questioning, surely must constitute some kind of diagnosable dementia. Progressive Bloggers
  • He's concluded football players can suffer from trauma-induced organic brain disease that can lead to chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or what he calls gridiron dementia. Undefined
  • We have a large number of elderly people in the area and dementia is very distressing.
  • Past studies have hinted that herpes simplex viruses and cytomegalovirus, all of which are active in brain tissues, might be associated with dementia.
  • Elderly people are often in this position owing to illnesses such as dementia and strokes that cause dysphasia.
  • [5573] O Corydon, Corydon, quae te dementia cepit? Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Depending on which symptoms are apparent, delirium may be mistaken for a variety of disorders including dementia, mood disorders, and functional psychoses.
  • People with dementia might have capacity to make this particular decision, and their views should be respected.
  • How, therefore, did principal carers view the dementia sufferer's continued home care?
  • Specialist hospices for people with advanced dementia, focusing on terminal care, have existed in the United States for some time.
  • Carman reportedly is in generally good health and does not suffer from Alzheimer's disease or dementia.
  • Is it necessary to say that we made a mistake in our diagnostic and that from the first demential psychosis should have been recognized? A Psychiatric Milestone Bloomingdale Hospital Centenary, 1821-1921
  • (We also distinctly remembered Reality Bites as set in Seattle and prominently featuring the pulchritudinous Badmotorfinger - era Chris Cornell, until we realized we were confusing it with Singles, which makes us feel as though dementia may be setting in early, but that is neither here nor there). Archive 2009-10-01
  • Unlike dementia, delirium is a severe but temporary state of mental confusion.
  • Thomas Kitwood, a British psychologist who was a pioneer in the field of dementia care, died in 1998, but his books, which emphasize personhood instead of debilitation, remain influential.
  • Hanukkah Rocks - Gefilte Joe and the Fish. mp3 demento/_demento's xmas holidays in dementia/demento - _holidays - xmas - HID CD - T01 - The
  • His dementia advanced rapidly, with further impairment of vision, and the myoclonus became more prominent.
  • Anxiety and depression, which often co-occur with dementia Michael Friedman, L.M.S.W.: Meeting the Mental Health Challenges of the Elder Boom
  • Though dementia may seem to be an attack on the self, it has brought to Peter an unsought and unexpected discovery of self.
  • She is allowed her personal opinions but it is doubtful that any comment she may offer has power or relevancy to the thousands of highly symptomatic women who are desperate to sleep through the night, think clearly again, enjoy sex without pain of vaginal dryness and maintain optimal lean body mass, lower risk of diabetes, osteoporotic fractures and dementia. Ricki Pollycove, M.D.: Estrogen During Menopause: To Take, Or Not To Take?
  • Over time, diverse clinical symptoms develop, among them peripheral neuropathies, ataxia, loss of position sense, and dementia.
  • If the memory loss is severe enough to warrant a diagnosis of dementia, then cholinesterase inhibitor therapy would be indicated.
  • Joanne, a dementia nurse, noticed that the most anxious and volatile of her charges became calm and happy when their individual likes and dislikes were noticed and respected.
  • The latter, called "sundowning," occurs in people with dementia, although the cause is unclear.
  • They support people with conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
  • And more analysis of the demential oil policies of Venezuela keep coming up, casting serious doubts as to the long term well being of the country, no matter how much chavismo uses CNE and misiones to remain in office. Bombing the CNE but getting PDVSA erased from the map
  • Objective To investigate the correlation between vascular dementia ( VD ) and stroke in senior citizens.
  • Researchers at the University of Bradford hope to make life easier for dementia sufferers and their carers through a pioneering study.
  • The images of his apocalyptic dream life and waking nightmares are mesmerizing, and eventually all-embracing, as the boundaries between reality and dementia blur in what amounts to a psychological thriller. '50/50': Cheerful Illness Tale, With Relapses
  • It comes as a pleasant bonus to find that moderate wine drinkers are less likely to develop dementia than their non-drinking or heavy-drinking compatriots.
  • He thought for a minute and added, ‘So, if we improve cognition by increasing acetylcholine, it makes sense that anticholinergic drugs can make dementia a lot worse.’
  • He is suffering from senile dementia: the deterioration of a super brain.
  • Geriatric day hospitals, despite having a considerable minority of dementia sufferers have not in general tackled the issue of integration.
  • Few data are available concerning the clinical value of screening asymptomatic people for dementia.
  • This combativeness may have been a sign of presenile dementia.
  • The cognitive disorder in Huntington's disease is considered a ‘subcortical’ syndrome and usually lacks features such as aphasia, amnesia, or agnosia that are associated with dementia of the Aizheimer's type.
  • Chronic nephritis, as well as acute diabetes and Addison's disease are thought by Ziehen to produce certain chronic forms of mental defect which he terms autotoxic dementia, but he regards most of these cases as really cases of arteriosclerotic dementia. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • Later he was stricken with grief for his mother, who died after a long slide into dementia.
  • In the direction of the beneficial meddling of Europe, the recognition of the FARC as a belligerent force is fundamental, as it is well indicated by the insurgent organization itself, since the demential blindness of Alvaro Uribe Vélez only allows him to listen to the warmongering 'siren songs' of the United States, which at the same time satisfy his morbid obsession. Is The FARC A terrorist organisation ?
  • Currently, time-consuming psychological tests are carried out only when a patient is in an advanced state of dementia.
  • Late-onset dementia was associated with lower intelligence at age 11.
  • We worked with one hotel chain that avowed to the point of dementia its commitment to customer service and comfort.
  • Katherine "Kittie" Gute suffered from the painful condition polymyalgia rheumatica (PHR) and dementia and her husband of 53 years was "getting thinner and thinner" taking care of her, according to Witte, 48. ABC News: Top Stories
  • That finding suggests loneliness might be triggering dementia through a novel mechanism — one that doesn't lead to a brain riddled with deposits, Wilson says. Study links seniors' loneliness to higher risk of dementia
  • Delirium and dementia may arise from brain metastases, which usually originate from lung cancer but also from tumours of the breast and alimentary tract and melanomas.
  • People with dementia often respond to Reality Orientation and reminiscence or other therapies.
  • Previously, diagnosis of probable Alzheimer's disease was based solely on clinical presentation, with other potential causes of dementia such as cerebrovascular or Parkinson's disease ruled out. ABC News: Top Stories
  • The issue of intellectual ability is especially important when considering the prevalence of mild dementia.
  • At this stage, however, ideas about what causes the link between early mental ability and risk for dementia are only tentative.
  • The word dementia comes from the Latin de meaning "apart" and mens from the genitive mentis meaning "mind". Health News from Medical News Today
  • Incorrect responses on either or both tasks are scored as a positive result, indicating dementia.
  • Psychosis risk is the putative prodrome of schizophrenia, minor neurocognitive is the prelude of dementia,and mixed anxiety/depression presages more clearly defined mood and anxiety disorders. Allen Frances: Preventive Psychiatry Can Be Bad for Our Health
  • But many people could be helped to overcome emotional problems that co-occur with, but are not caused by, dementia. Michael Friedman, L.M.S.W.: Don't Just Blame Dementia
  • Additionally, this imaging may suggest a pattern of cerebral atrophy such as hippocampal atrophy that suggests a higher risk of progression to a neurodegenerative dementia. JAMA current issue
  • In the report scientists called the spread of dementia "an epidemic that is increasing its pace with the 'graying' of the population around the world. World Alzheimer Report: Dementia Costs To Exceed $600 Billion In 2010
  • Although there are many types of dementia they can generally be defined as involving progressive and irreversible brain failure.
  • Dementia is a blanket term for various types of psychiatric disorder.
  • The drug also can cause increased mortality in elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis, suicidality, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, cataracts, seizures, increases in blood pressure and movement disorders in neonates when their mothers take it. Martha Rosenberg: Oh That? Deceptive Marketing Settlement Doesn't Stop Seroquel Advertising
  • They also found patients, some with dementia, were sometimes not covered decently or suffered a lack of dignity.
  • Symptoms include rapidly progressing dementia, psychiatric and behavioral abnormalities, and a distinctive electroencephalograph reading.
  • Mayo Clinic neurologist and epidemiologist, and lead study author, proposes two possible theories to explain the increased risk: 1) low estrogen due to the ovary removal leads to decreased protection of a woman’s brain from cognitive decline, or 2) the ovariectomy is innocent and variations in the genes a woman is born with dictate the need for ovary removal and also prompt development of dementia or cognitive impairment. Ovary Removal Surgery Elevates Risk of Dimentia | Impact Lab
  • A 67 year old Zambian woman presented to our mission hospital with diarrhoea, dementia, and dermatitis, which are the classic features of pellagra.
  • They found no efficacy differences among psychogeriatric case management, general practitioners with psychogeriatric consultation and standard care in managing 86 residents with dementia with depression, psychosis or both.
  • Other reasons for exclusion were dementia, hemorrhage, pregnancy, asthma, chronic lung disease and any contraindication to either of the study medications.
  • The disease is typified by dementia before the age of 65 with personality changes including withdrawal and suspiciousness.
  • French biotech group Ipsen unveils 'encouraging results' of guidage trial in the prevention of Alzheimer's dementia. Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • Dementia is a progressive and disabling condition that brings turmoil and anguish to those involved.
  • Fortunately, an ethical countercurrent exists which is actively promoting the concept of personhood in dementia.
  • Evidence is growing that regular aspirin may reduce cancer and dementia as well as vascular events.
  • Before you start to panic, there is a crucial difference between dementia and general absent-mindedness.
  • A diet deficient in niacin (as well as tryptophan) leads to glossitis of the tongue, dermatitis, weight loss, diarrhea, depression and dementia.
  • We have here cases that are more or less closely allied to the paranoid form of dementia præcox, other cases that are apparently dependent upon involutional changes (Kraepelin's _praeseniler Beeinträchtigungswah_), still other cases that are characterized by absence or at least delay of mental deterioration, etc. A Study of Association in Insanity
  • Asylum doctors divided mental illness into four categories: mania (with an important subcategory, monomania), melancholia, dementia, and idiocy.
  • Physically and mentally frail, he is considered incapable of penning his own memoirs and is said to have only limited capacity for spilling his story owing to the onset of dementia.
  • Would I go slowly mad, develop dementia and suffer a painful, lingering death?
  • DETROIT — Former Detroit Tigers and Cincinnati Reds manager Sparky Anderson has been placed in hospice care at his Thousand Oaks, Calif. home for complications resulting from dementia. Sparky Anderson, Ex-Tigers Manager, Placed Into Hospice
  • In the midst of the campaign, Domenici admitted to suffering from frontotemporal lobar degeneration, a form of dementia. Harvey Wasserman: Anti-Nuclear Renaissance: A Powerful but Partial and Tentative Victory Over Atomic Energy
  • A high prevalence of autonomic dysfunction, manifest as orthostatic hypotension and cardioinhibitory carotid sinus hypersensitivity has been shown in older people with dementia.
  • A few cases of psychosis following encephalitis have been treated with tryparsamide and a few cases of dementia præcox have been treated by the production of an aseptic meningitis by the intraspinal injection of sterile horse serum. Biennial Report of the State Hospital at Raleigh, Raleigh, N.C., from July 1, 1924, to June 30, 1926.
  • Early-stage dementia or Alzheimer's disease may be associated with gluten antibodies.
  • Dementia is chronic and progressive, and it is characterized by the gradual onset of impaired memory and deficits in two or more areas of cognition, such as anomia, agnosia or apraxia.
  • “Their form as Shadow, accompanied by no intervening body nor by any sun, and uniquely comprehensible as a mode of dementia, cautious and sapid …” pinguitude. Continuing to Improve My Vocabulary « So Many Books
  • As many as 20 percent of people over 80 may be suffering from dementia, but no accurate figures are available.
  • Cognitive decline with age is not inevitable, nor does it necessarily lead to dementia.
  • Asylum doctors divided mental illness into four categories: mania (with an important subcategory, monomania), melancholia, dementia, and idiocy.
  • It had apparently been hoped that the numbers of long-term patients suffering from dementia would diminish with the rundown of the asylums.
  • Si qui sic moriantur, aut infirmitas, aut ambitio, aut dementia cogit eos; 'tis mere madness so to do, [2783] furore est ne moriare mori. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The disorder, neurologists are now learning, can also lead to long-term maladies, such as Alzheimer's and dementia. OpEdNews - Quicklink: PTSD leaves physical footprints on the brain
  • Year's Resolutions - Scarry Gary Alan. mp3 demento/_demento's xmas holidays in dementia/demento - _holidays - xmas - HID CD - T04 - It's
  • Other reasons for exclusion were dementia, hemorrhage, pregnancy, asthma, chronic lung disease and any contraindication to either of the study medications.
  • A Danish study published last fall found that people who drank wine weekly or monthly were less likely to develop dementia than people who drank other alcoholic beverages or abstained.
  • All the money raised will go towards providing services and support for the 33,000 people in Ireland suffering from the disease or from related dementia.
  • The concept of senility may also be a generalization from the increasing number of older people who develop dementia.
  • We here so many stories about bionic eyes, AIDS vaccines, artificial skin, ‘cures’ for dementia etc, that never seem to get past the headline and research stage.
  • He described an initial, short-lasting episode of motor symptoms characterized by immobility, posturing, and waxy flexibility that ended in a hyperkinetic state; a second stage of melancholia often with stupor; a third stage of “exaltation and rapid and pressured speech” “a certain pathos-filled ‘ecstasy’ this entrains a compulsion to talk in oratorical style”; and, finally, after recurrent exacerbations and remissions of states of passivity and exaltation, an end stage of dementia. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • The use of antidepressants, antipsychotics, or anticholinesterase inhibitors for insomnia related to delirium or dementia is also unproved.
  • In dementia the mental aberration does not occur until the mind has become fully developed, thus differing from amentia, which is congenital or comes on very early in life. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • At home, nobody cares, most think it is yet again some "malacrianza" of Chavez ill breeding or simply oppose Chavez as Petkoff did eloquently: "This country cannot be ruled by a man that on occasion gives the impression of a degree of arrogance almost demential. Venezuela Foreign policy: the Peru case
  • Now we have responsibility for my 88 year old cantankerous maiden aunt who suffers from moderately severe dementia and resides in a rest home.
  • The occurrence of neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia patients has been well established.
  • People with dementia sometimes find it easier to look into memories than fact.
  • For example, Richard was greatly affected by "sundowning," a common phenomenon in which dementia patients 'behavioral symptoms are triggered by the change from day to night. Kathryn Haslanger: Alzheimer's Disease: Caring for the Caregiver
  • New Year - Spike Jones and his City Slickers. mp3 demento/_demento's xmas holidays in dementia/demento - _holidays - xmas - HID CD - T13 - The
  • Geriatric day hospitals, despite having a considerable minority of dementia sufferers have not in general tackled the issue of integration.
  • There were no visible signs of dementia or signs she might bolt into Canada if we all stopped looking for just one second.
  • Ms Martin's dementia interferes with her insight and it may be considered acceptable to override her autonomy by reference to the principle of non- maleficence - the requirement to prevent harm.
  • He has produced a set of seven steps to keep your mind nimble, steps which may even postpone the onset of dementia, but which at least will probably give your mind a lift.
  • You shall find that of Aristotle true, nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae, they have a worm as well as others; you shall find a fantastical strain, a fustian, a bombast, a vainglorious humour, an affected style, &c., like a prominent thread in an uneven woven cloth, run parallel throughout their works. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Current care provision is inadequate, at least according to dementia care index standards, and urgent action is required.
  • Hallucinations occur in up to 20 percent of patients with Parkinson's disease; delusions, paranoia, and subcortical dementia also may occur.
  • Many of her friends were gone, she was feuding with her family, and she was showing signs of dementia.
  • Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM) is set to announce his retirement today for health reasons, citing a form of dementia called frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Domenici To Cite Brain Disorder As Cause Of Retirement
  • The main differential diagnosis of delirium is from a functional psychosis (such as schizophrenia and manic depression) and from dementia.
  • The organism has long been known to cause toxoplasmosis, which is why pregnant women are told to stay away from litter boxes, and "in the early days of the AIDS epidemic, before good antiretroviral drugs were developed, it was to blame for the dementia that afflicted many patients. News
  • Less common manifestations include cerebellar dysfunction, isolated dementia of the frontal lobe type, extrapyramidal signs, seizures, an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-like disorder, and entrapment neuropathy.
  • Many hospitals have not taken simple steps to lessen the distress and confusion which dementia sufferers' often feel on being somewhere so unfamiliar – such as making signs large and easy to read, using colour schemes to help patients find their way around unfamiliar wards and not putting family mementoes such as photographs nearby. Hospital staff 'lack skills to cope with dementia patients'
  • Claus Is Watching You - Ray Stevens. mp3 demento/_demento's xmas holidays in dementia/demento - _holidays - xmas - HID CD - T08 -
  • Those highly dependent on corn as a food might develop pellagra and this chronic disease, causing dermatitis, diarrhea, and ultimately dementia, battered the population of European corn growing regions during the nineteenth century.
  • The admission of a tenant already showing signs of dementia requires very careful consideration in the individual case.
  • Terrorist Christmas - James & Kling. mp3 demento/_demento's xmas holidays in dementia/demento - _holidays - xmas - HID CD - T16 - Happy
  • White material about the mouth, originally assumed to be the product of foaming dementia, was later identified as creme filling.
  • We worked with one hotel chain that avowed to the point of dementia its commitment to customer service and comfort.
  • Santa's Lament - Father Guido Sarducci. mp3 demento/_demento's xmas holidays in dementia/demento - _holidays - xmas - HID CD - T14 -
  • Among these clearly would be Alzheimer's and other dementias, the general paresis caused by syphilis, and various other conditions known to have clear organic etiologies. Is prejudice a mental illness?
  • He has produced a set of seven steps to keep your mind nimble, steps which may even postpone the onset of dementia, but which at least will probably give your mind a lift.
  • And yet, 40 percent of us will die after a period of protracted debility and feeble dementia stretching on average for some seven to 10 years.
  • Other news• The use of chemical cosh drugs for dementia patients will be cut as part of a "national action plan" proposed by a coalition of charities and private companies, reports the Daily Telegraph. Society daily 26.10.2010
  • The elderly man, burdened by a back injury, heart disease, vascular problems, and dementia, was leaning on his garden shovel, using it as a second cane as he walked slowly toward his toolshed.
  • Schizophrenia is conventionally distinguished from the organic psychoses dementia and delirium by the absence of intellectual compromise.
  • Gridlock Christmas - The Hollytones. mp3 demento/_demento's xmas holidays in dementia/demento - _holidays - xmas - HID CD - T11 - A
  • Cognitive impairment, delirium, and dementia are present in some older adult patients.
  • This gives an average score of 9 for normals and 5 for Alzheimer's dementia patients with relatively little overlap.
  • Most cases of dementia, or prolonged mental confusion are usually caused by Alzheimer's disease.
  • So-called antipsychotic drugs are designed to help control hallucinations, delusions and other abnormal behavior in people suffering from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, but they're also given to hundreds of thousands of elderly nursing home patients in the U.S. to pacify aggressive behavior related to dementia. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The Psychotronic-minded will recall the devilishly handsome performer from his work in THE YOUNG RACERS (1963), DEMENTIA 13 (1963), HUSH, HUSH SWEET CHARLOTTE (1964) and "The Squire of Gothos" episode of the original STAR TREK. Is there someone watching us?
  • There are several psychological techniques to help people cope with dementia.
  • The issue of intellectual ability is especially important when considering the prevalence of mild dementia.
  • Severe deficiency of vitamin B - 6 may lead to pellagra, a neurological illness with features of dementia.
  • As her dementia grows severe, she will struggle more with manual dexterity and motor functions, Leverenz says.
  • Dementia is chronic and progressive, and it is characterized by the gradual onset of impaired memory and deficits in two or more areas of cognition, such as anomia, agnosia or apraxia.
  • And high levels of cortisol over the long term injure the hippocampus, leading to impaired memory,5 dementia, and depression.6 Sonia Lupien from McGill University has also shown how stress shrinks the memory center and has damaging effects on our brain function and cognition.7;8 The UltraMind Solution
  • The husband and wife tell their own stories in alternating first-person narratives, but while Mrs. DeShell's story is presented in reverse order, beginning with her affliction by dementia in old age and proceeding backwards into her childhood, Mr. DeShell's story proceeds in the opposite direction, from childhood to lonely old age. Experimental Fiction
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