How To Use Demand In A Sentence
The first batch of ten shows is seen as a test of viewer demand.
Times, Sunday Times
It is just as well that this doubly weighty volume, which offers a lot of poems for the pound, tends to reward the effort it demands.
The Times Literary Supplement
The security police quickly squelched an extremely rare public demonstration demanding political reform on Monday, the 41st anniversary of the Baath Party's seizure of power here.
Deep navy, in contrast, is less demanding, and leaves a bit more colour in a blonde's cheeks.
After putting its energy into the 2008 acquisition of Northwest Airlines, the Atlanta-based carrier plans to spend more than $2 billion through 2013 to lure travelers with new flat-bed seats, video on demand and upgraded facilities in hotly contested markets such as New York.
Delta Refocuses

The added demands brought about by the ageing population will place an insupportable burden on acute hospital services.
demands for rectification of terrible injustices
You need financial security and the support of a loving partner to cope with those demands.
The Sun
But the demands of success hit them like a bolt of lightning.
The Sun
He plainly demanded to be in the thick of the action all of the time.
To wake up with her belly-up and demanding affection is to have your heart explode with the kind of joy that compels some people into a life of large-scale oil painting.
The landowner instantly conceives a dislike of the dog and demands that she be gotten rid of.
The producer disliked the script and demanded a rewrite.
She was literally demanding your complete, undivided attention.
The final proposals were a rather unsuccessful compromise between the need for profitability and the demands of local conservationists.
Market research shows that demand for small cars will continue to grow.
The exigencies of journalism demand instant appraisals and on-the-spot verdicts.
It is now widely recognised that there are uncertainties in determining both R and D. Uncertainties in D (loads/demand) are due to the fact that they may vary depending on location and time (eg. there are no snow loads in summer, change of use).
2009 January - Telic Thoughts
Often this is met with a quizzical expression and a demand for me to explain what I am asking them.
Interest rates would then rise as the central bank increased its discount rate to discourage borrowing and the demands for legal tender.
Windsor and colleagues have referred to these as service demands or wants or as perceived or felt needs.
An Introduction to Community Health
The looming discal peril demands tough action by Robert Chapman on Sunday, Jul 2, 2006 at 12: 03: 29 PM
Is NJ Gov. Jon Corzine Running for President?
Now, stewing hens are in big demand.
New academic demands, less discipline, home sickness - those are all no-brainers, so you can at least prepare for them, no matter how minimally.
Not so much a summer scorcher, then, but a hot ticket that remains boisterously good fun for the undemanding multiplex-goers.
That demands strong swimming skills and hearty lungs besides.
The demand for land focused hostile attention upon the graziers, who reared cattle and sheep commercially on extensive pastoral holdings.
He typically determines the nature and level of the demands to be made of a polluter.
After being faced with the "extortionate" demand, Lee and others at his resort called the Canadian consulate and department of foreign affairs emergency line, only to be told to pay up
Toronto Sun
So long as there is a demand for the produce, illegal excavations and the smuggling of antiquities will continue.
This column will doubtless attract accusations of self-indulgence, although you might equally contest that having demanded that my photograph appear at the top of the page and that my name appear in capitals and bold type, that particular ship has sailed. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Complex cases Obviously, a host of more complex cases might arise, involving changes in both supply and demand.
Greek and foreign suppliers are demanding to be prepaid for providing my company with goods and services.
Times, Sunday Times
The pace things were going meant that liquidity demands would have outstripped liquidity resources.
Times, Sunday Times
Richard comes across Mel in a bar and drags her outside to demand his credit cards back and frighten her off once and for all.
Meanwhile taking strong note of the police behaviour towards peaceful students demonstration leaders of the central university andolan samiti have threatened to intensify their agitation in support of their demands.
NC-Congress coalition government responsible for the agitation on Central University issue
Eleven score and thirteen years ago, a document was signed - it demanded greatness from a people and a place.
8 posts from July 2009
Tax cuts will leave more in people 's pockets to spend and $1 trillion of infrastructure investment will reinforce demand for labour for a decade.
Times, Sunday Times
A townswoman actually comes to the castle in despair, demanding her child; Dracula sets a pack of wolves on her.
In other cases, generating a demand requires the emplacement of an infrastructure of maintenance for the successful adoption of innovations.
It works in such a way that lower interest rates may fail to boost credit and demand.
It is a secure, multilingual website on which company employees can anonymously report any bribe demands that they receive.
Times, Sunday Times
One day our political parties may demand public money to rescue them from bankruptcy.
The Sun
And the result doesn't just require immensely versatile singers, but a pit band that can carry out his exacting demands.
Times, Sunday Times
If long-term rates rise with a pickup in the economy and increasing demand for capital, the bonds will lose value.
My husband is a banker with a very demanding schedule.
But please do try to abate your demands upon our patience in future.
Britain is facing a bungalow crisis as the demand for single-storey homes outstrips supply.
Times, Sunday Times
To make a Secondary World inside which the green sun will be credible, commanding Secondary Belief, will probably require labour and thought, and will certainly demand a special skill, a kind of elvish craft.
Kicking the Hobbit
* In primitive conditions, given the unsually demanding task (compared to other mammals) of raising human babies, paternal investment in offspring is required.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Interracial Marriage Rates Going Up
The contradictory demands of justifying and criticizing national prejudice can be seen in the everyday discourse of racism.
But the middle classes demanded cheaper and more accessible reading matter.
But how do you make sure you don't tip into demanding too much or go too far the other way and get lazy about asserting your needs?
The Sun
Despite planned closures, the continuing decline in demand will continue to generate spare capacity.
Is this another case of special people being excused from the standards they demand of everyone else?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Goodwin Liu’s Incomplete Questionnaire
In another measure to improve fuel efficiency, the top three gear ratios in the transmission have been extended to ensure the engine runs at lower RPMs, the electric motor-assisted steering system reduces demands on the engine.
Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
It is a subject that knows no bounds or time limits, and the demands of the role continue to bedevil women who assume it.
Cherie Burns: Stepmotherhood Never Ends
When like me you have chosen the tough and rugged regime of living in a lighthouse for two nights, you will know that getting your daily victuals can be a demanding task.
The ministers demand that yobbery be banished from all schools.
Most of them persist in setting strict demands on themselves.
The demand generated by one factory required the construction of another.
Developers and speculators were left holding thousands of new unsold condos creating the greatest buyer's market ever experienced in this part of the world, i.e. the supply (glut) of new condos far outnumbers the demand.
Herd Mentality As it Applies to Real Estate in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
The projection of future demand, normally to supply the independent portion of demand such as customer or interplant orders, based on past history and known market changes.
As a producer and processor of organic products, Dirk is a successful and independent supplier of the current market demand.
The National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) demanded that South Africa "repatriate" all mercenaries fighting with government troops.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The difficulties that arise from the different demands made by the grammatical systems of different languages in translation should not be underestimated.
Demanding that trials maximise their gathering of information on toxicology improves a protocol's balance of risk and social value.
It also says something about the psyche of the Newcastle manager and the mindset which he demands of his players.
Its practice of paying the men their cash wages only once a month—a violation of Nevada law, which mandated semimonthly pay envelopes—guaranteed that the demand for scrip would remain robust and thus that the company store would continue to do “exceptionally good business with very gratifying profits,” as the Big Six board was informed that summer.
You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love. As long as you keep your hand curly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers around it and try to possess it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love. They try to posses it, they demand, they expect and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.
In such a model, given some flexibility of prices and money wages, the self-adjusting mechanism would return the economy to full employment after a demand shock that was not too large.
Several years ago, when we removed taxes and tariffs on all antimalaria commodities, the cost of mosquito nets sold in local markets declined, local demand for nets increased, and more small businesses entered the market to produce and supply these essential commodities.
Free Trade and the Fight Against Malaria
Yet video-on-demand generates significantly better returns – about $0.65 per film for the studio against $0.25 from a DVD rental.
LONDON—Commodities prices face increased volatility due to near-term macroeconomic concerns, but the long-term demand outlook remains bright, several of the U.K.'s largest globally diversified miners said Monday.
Global Miners See Price Volatility but Brisk Demand
Clacton police have received five reports from elderly people in the area who have received the disturbing letters, which claim to be from clairvoyants and demand money.
They are answering the demand with products streamlined for the male consumer.
Demand is down across the globe as the economic woes continue to stifle growth.
The Sun
He foresees a great demand for programmers who reskill themselves in the days to come.
In July he was arguing that the British should use their influence to make the Poles more amenable to German demands.
Regina herself went to the tribal council meeting Friday and demanded that the council do something about the matter.
Grass-fed beef is more eco-friendly than corn-fed, but supplies of it could never sustainably meet current consumer demand.
They must not demand a very high cash outlay or demand a very high degree of risk thereby endangering subsistence.
A youth with a white bandana across his face and wearing a baseball cap walked into the store and demanded staff fill up a white carrier bag with money.
While she brings experience and sagacity, such a slim volume on such large topic demands a few leaps of faith, notwithstanding the appended 56 pages of interesting notes and comments.
We were concerned that witnesses disagreed about the nature of demand for urgent and emergency care.
Times, Sunday Times
In a world with a chronic 'globesity' problem spreading beyond western shores to places like India and China, products that promise to help individuals manage their weight via calorie control, fat burning, satiety, or some other mechanism, enjoy rampant demand.
FoodNavigator-USA RSS
Those who don't make it in Treviso usually sign with clubs in lower divisions, and, if they are enrolled in a university, continue studying at a slower pace because of the demands of pro basketball. - Team-first, back-to-basics foreigners changing NBA
He was addicted to a stronger strain of skunk cannabis but demand for it won't disappear if marijuana is legalised.
Times, Sunday Times
The economic slowdown has dented demand for petrol and diesel, into which biofuels are mixed.
Times, Sunday Times
Celebrity doesn't place any demands on a person; it requires nothing but itself.
The authors demanded excision of foreign words.
The analysts reckon consumer demand for laptops and notepads was behind the modest upturn.
The traffic in eggs and the demand for breast feathers for ladies' muffs and headgear reduced the bird's numbers to a low ebb.
The development of the sugar industry was directly linked with the African slave trade, due to the harsh physical demands and labour intensiveness of farming sugar.
Although most skiers traverse the Inside Road from north to south, both directions demand stamina with substantial elevation gains and losses.
It won't be overly swayed by the fashion to demand cuts at any price from oil groups.
Times, Sunday Times
He seems to be an actor perfectly suited to kitchen sink dramas in an age when demand from that sort of awkward, angry character is declining.
The latent demand for uncoated groundwood publication, printing, and supercalendered paper is not actual or historic sales.
Every system which would escape the fate of an organism too rigid to adjust itself to its environment, must be plastic to the extent that the growth of knowledge demands.
In summary, if you receive a demand for the return of overpaid tax credits, don't feel obliged to pay it all in one go.
Their demand for pensions deserves, said the national paper, ‘this week's, perhaps this year's, award for barefaced cheek’.
Punters expected earnings to have been pressured by unseasonably warm weather in Europe and production to have been hit by dampened demand and disposals.
Times, Sunday Times
It's a paradox of modern politics: to "act" is to be phony, but because of the demands and limitations of big-room oratory, if you don't act the text you'll look wooden and-phony.
Behind Enemy Lines
This was partly because of mismanagement, but limp demand was also to blame.
Times, Sunday Times
This work demands your effort.
Supply normally exceeds demand for the bulk of consumer goods.
The Namibian currency is expected to remain soft while commodity prices are expected to hold firm against a soft currency and a strong demand.
The board will demand specialist medical advice that this is not the case, otherwise it is inconceivable that he will be relicensed.
He claims I'm harboring a business associate and demands that I ‘cough up the stoolie.’
Again, if demand for rented accommodation slackens further, investors might high-tail it out of the market, pushing prices down in the scramble.
Local people demanded that the District Magistrate apprehend the miscreants.
Tomorrow makes the same demands, and offers a similar recompense.
Times, Sunday Times
the radical character of our demands
Its ageing components make it increasingly inefficient and difficult to adapt to the demand for more and greener power.
Times, Sunday Times
Romoeuf, riding a franc etrier, on that old Herb-merchant's route, quickened during the last stages, has got to Varennes; where the Ten thousand now furiously demand, with fury of panic terror, that Royalty shall forthwith return Paris-ward, that there be not infinite bloodshed.
The French Revolution
You have another demanding person to consider and can feel stressed and exhausted.
The Sun
Feats that are usually demanding and taxing are accomplished with ease.
We don't have a charter and we don't have pressure from shareholders demanding profits and wanting to see readership figures.
The project has demanded considerable investment of time and effort.
He suggested consumers will demand safety, security and convenience in the products they buy to mesh with their life-style.
DUSHANBE -- More than 20 journalists protested today outside the Uzbek Embassy in the Tajik capital, Dushanbe, to demand an end to what they call Uzbekistan's ongoing economic blockade of Tajikistan, RFE/RL's Tajik Service reports.
Spero News
The impetus is not the fact that the pastor wants it but rather that growth is demanding it.
Christianity Today
The company has Centre for Insurance and Risk Management tripled its staff in the past 12 months, hiring (CIRM), estimates that India's OTC weather experts in agronomy and agricultural mete - derivatives market is worth around $1 billion. orology to meet growing demand.
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The necessity of the case demands what you call a strained ideal.
The Odd Women
The five-course banquet was the first in Mr Bush's presidency to demand a white tie dress code.
Consumer demand will be depressed as stock prices retreat, leading to lower levels of net household wealth.
This requirement arises only where such a person demands to know the name and address of the proprietor and not otherwise.
It is such a mouth as we can imagine some remorseless inquisitor to have had -- that is, not an inquisitor filled with holy zeal for what he mistakenly thought the cause of Christ demanded, but a spleeny, envious, rancorous shaveling, who tortured men from hatred of their superiority to him, and sheer love of inflicting pain.
Andersonville — Volume 1
Pavilions of Splendour is the brainchild of Gwyn Headley who says the idea was born from a growing demand for unusual properties.
Due to the demand for a pasta element in the mac n cheese melt we are adding acini di pepe to the cheese sauce.
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The demands made upon Martin in the novitiate in his difficult work with the dying - and the hard-won joy it brings - lead to a further thought.
The machine, which On Demand describes as an "ATM for books", prints, binds and trims paperback books with four-colour covers, on demand and at point of sale.
Such profits are endangered by the strike by about 500 United Auto Worker members who are demanding a contract with higher wages.
The ETF as envisioned is a great tool for silver investment for those unable or unwilling to buy, carry and store silver but what started as a way to encourage demand is now diverting demand from real silver which would tighten the supply and make us profits.
Archive 2008-07-20
Klinefelter says there's plenty of pent-up demand in the teen sector.
Our intellectual culture demands that every idea or phenomenon be subjected to the unrelenting rigour of rationalism, or excesses of scientism.
As a producer and processor of organic products, Dirk is a successful and independent supplier of the current market demand.
I fear that bypassing the United Nations and demanding regime change by force instead of working toward peaceful disarmament is a dangerous step for our nation.
The changes are in response to demand from our customers.
Institutions for change Rural development demands institutional pluralism and democratic participation.
He insists on his original demand.
To this end he demanded "unceasing" gunnery practice.
Theodore Roosevelt and His Times
It's just another challenge on top of all the demands for accountability and raising test scores.
The diverse management jobs and duties demanded in a project are to the full accounted and are adaptable to accommodate the complexness of the project and accomplishments of the establishment.
Justice demands a hardline approach.
Times, Sunday Times
And already there is talk of demands for huge compensation, possibly in six figures.
The Sun
China's insatiable demand for commodities to feed its fast-growing economy has led to rampant global demand for most metals.
Times, Sunday Times
The cost savings paid for the SUV's independent rear suspension, which can be shared with the pickup should the market demand it.
Small businesses are demanding that they receive uniform treatment from the banks.
Because the work is demanding and intimate, they see themselves as closer to therapists than to hookers - and have deep, long-lasting ties to their regulars.
These women demanded only fair treatment within traditional sex roles, never really questioning the salience of marriage itself.
There is strong demand from international buyers taking advantage of the weak pound.
Times, Sunday Times
However, Jenkins said demands for reburial were now coming from minority groups in Britain, including pagans and druids, while Manchester consulted the group Honouring the Ancient Dead, which campaigns for reburial of pre-Christian British remains, before removing the Worsley Man head.
Museums avoid displaying human remains 'out of respect'
With worldwide demand for nuclear skills far outstripping supply, that niche should become steadily more valuable.
Times, Sunday Times
demand an apology from sb.
The municipal officer demands a bribe from a hawker; the bureaucrat refuses to register a land title or a marriage; the traffic cop beats the rickshaw-driver who can't afford to pay his weekly installment, known as hafta.
India's Middle Class Hungers for Undemocratic Change
In a few months Gome has gone from an example of extraordinary success, as it served China's pent-up consumer demand, to an example of the murky and fragile state of Chinese business.
From the view of industry, the relation depends on the demand elasticity of price. When elasticity is greater, the industrial investment expenditure also increases with the firm number increase.
Highly sensitive party documents detailing the list of staggering demands have been leaked to us.
The Sun
If you're calling the polemicist Arianna Huffington a "traditional network star," I demand that status be given to Ann Coulter.
Infinite Monkeys - "...a sparkly blog..." - James Lileks
He could not anticipate the demands on his time, so he could seldom commit to any meeting in advance.
Meanwhile, the peak demand in the city is 226 MW.
To me- this kind of guiltless assertion of one’s own soul, this demand to control one’s own life- that’s the heart of it, that’s what turns my head to know that someone really means ‘liberty’.
Shameless Self-promotion Sunday #40
Kids demand shows that are smart and have lots of action and they remember if you condescend to them.
There's an insatiable demand that causes questions for society as a whole.
Times, Sunday Times
Flight is the form of loco-motion that puts the greatest demands on muscles.
Assets included in MZM (money at zero maturity) are redeemable at par on demand.
Uncertainty in the euro area is also likely to damp demand for Central European goods and to discourage investment by Western European firms in the region, Mr. Kalisz said.
Growth in Emerging Countries Slows Significantly
“We should work for redressal of public grievances instead of fighting with each other”, he said and called upon all legislators including opposition to work for fulfilling public demands and resolving their difficulties.
Indian Kashmir Chief said,���I believe in pious political ethics,upright character & moral principle
Militants wielding clubs and sticks chased the farmer into his house, demanding he leave the property.
So this individual came up and demanded money.
We demand an immediate restoration of our right to vote.
His food demands included seedless watermelon, yogurt, pretzels and an assorted vegetable tray with ranch dip.
The Sun
Regulators could demand the sales of soya bean, cotton and canola seed assets.
Times, Sunday Times
There is yet another fiber network, called a mouthful SEA-ME-WE-4, is being constructed to serve the booming Asian demand for bandwidth.
Yet another fiber network
On average, we consumed more fruit and less vegetables last year, with the potato seeing the biggest plunge in terms of demand.
Give 'Em Hell, Harry - And Get Answers to These Specific Questions yahooBuzzArticleHeadline =' Give \'Em Hell, Harry - And Get Answers to These Specific Questions '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: Give-\'Em-Hell Harry Reid today did a great service to America today by standing up, shutting down the Senate and demanding answers about how and why the Bush administration lied to America about the Iraq "threat" in the lead up to the war.
Give 'Em Hell, Harry - And Get Answers to These Specific Questions
At $ 3, quantity supplied and quantity demanded are in balance; that is, equilibrium quantity is 7000 bushels.
Thus sign; the membership demand curve is negatively sloped for and positively sloped for, as shown in Fig. 1.
Women workers are demanding parity with their male colleagues.
In puzzle mode that initially just means activating them slowly enough not to cause collisions, but later levels demand deeper experimentation with order and timing before you wheedle out a viable solution.
This week's new games
We need to improve our throughput because demand is high at present.
As a nation of warrior nomads, they had either attacked or demanded protection money from any outsiders entering their kingdom.
The big fella no longer is demanding a trade, which wasn't feasible anyway, or to be waived, which was unlikely.
The Government also reaffirmed its commitment to introduce a national bowel cancer screening programme, meeting a key demand by campaigners.
Tu as entendu! s'énerve Audrey, elles se posent la même question tous les matins et je suis sûre que demain c'est Françoise qui demandera à Lucienne s'il faut arroser ou non les fleurs!
Lettres de ma Terrasse
An effective divider should meet all kinds of demand quickly and do not generate too many pieces. Buddy system is a very good one.
The government is prepared to sit out the strike rather than agree to union demands.
A new type of human being was rising up from its subaltern feudal origins and making its demands known.
From there, demands for commissions came his way, and he has built everything from meditation treehouses in Hungary and outside Rome, to his most recent project: a treehouse on the river Spree for a client in Berlin, integrated into a weeping willow, that is for "meeting friends, writing and pleasure," he says.
Closer to the Stars
But you," I demanded hotly; "you with your orgies of sound and sense, with your mad cities and madder frolics — bethink you that you win?
We anticipate that demand is likely to increase.
Despite the high physical demands they placed on their shoulders, 18 of the 21 patients did not have evident loss of clavicular reduction.
Each of the elements he names demands a communicative, rhetorically performed reciprocity that today's electronic media make almost unthinkable.
It had heard that the paper was planning to include an item on AIDS and demanded to be consulted.
For a long time she had been out of control, unable to cope with the everyday demands of her new royal role.
One factor, already mentioned, is the demand of social experience, which encourages cooperation and a consistency in affective life.
Five women and their partners wrestle with the demands of impending parenthood, and discover that it's not as easy as the books make it out to be.
The Sun
In return for granting subsidies, Parliament demanded ever new powers from the monarchy.
The benchmark price for a barrel of crude for delivery in December slipped below $20 as the slowdown in the world economy, coupled with the warm winter, has caused demand to fall.