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How To Use Demagog In A Sentence

  • In an attempt to divert the resulting social unrest, Stalinist bureaucrats and communalist demagogues fomented nationalist sentiments while seeking patrons among the major powers.
  • Can we preserve nuance, detail and polychromy in our accounts of ourselves – as complex selves in a complex society – without being coerced into subscription towards one group identity or another by colour-blind demagogues? A true democracy demands constant revitalisation of the spirit of openness, generosity and liberality of opinion
  • It was only when confronted with the loathing so many on the left feel for him that I discovered how much there was to admire in the doughty old demagogue.
  • Extremists will forever be able to demagogue conditions of misery, making continued U.S. involvement in asymmetric warfare an increasingly counterproductive exercise — because killing one terrorist creates five more in his place. Facebook Says…
  • I'd like to propose my own candidate for the most loathsome display of demagoguery in the past 25 years.
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  • But it is also an exquisitely coded and exploitative masterpiece of tub-thumping demagoguery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then further explain how none of our values are so noble as not to be easily twistable into demagogy, which is why he welcomes the rigorous questions into his exercise of leadership in this campaign. Obama: "I Deeply Regret" Offending Anyone
  • Meanwhile, the CHP leader Deniz Baykal Saturday said there were no coup attempts, but coup demagogy which is exploited for political gain. Hurriyet Dailynews
  • Where such traditions are absent or weak, popular sovereignty easily turns into populist dictatorship, liberal democracy to libertinism and demagoguery.
  • Moreover, the circus promises the appearance of a mysterious Prince, a demagogue who is plotting untold evil.
  • After King's "I Have A Dream" speech at the March on Washington an indignant Sullivan wrote to Hoover the speech was "demagogic" and that "We must mark [King] now, if we have not done so before, as the most dangerous Negro of the future in this Nation. FBI agents that spied on Martin Luther King also ran COINTELPRO operation against 'Omaha Two'
  • To describe this film as dishonest and demagogic would almost be to promote these terms to the level of respectability.
  • And he is playing a conventional game of economic demagoguery to win votes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gentlewoman — query — If I am confoundedly violent who never use violence in private or public — what are the Demagogues — the Consuls the Letter 130
  • Faced with this situation, it is increasingly the case that it is not only the most extreme right-wing demagogues who are playing the nationalist card.
  • What makes you think this demagogue is anything different? edward says: Matthew Yglesias » The Defense Budget and Political Will
  • If Senators want to insist on a piece of what I call demagogism, by keeping a small stamp tax on playing cards, I am perfectly willing that they should do so. Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet An Autobiography.
  • They are being constantly prodded on by the mouthings of the radical press, of the muck-raking magazines and of the demagogues. THEFT
  • Tradition condemned the demagogues as tyrants who manipulated public opinion for their own selfish ends.
  • For conservatives to make immigration their Big Issue distracts from the far more urgent matter of prosecuting the war against Islamofascism and has introduced both an unwontedly nasty tone and a strain of anti-capitalist demagogy into right-wing rhetoric. Latin America
  • Now that Obama is in full re-election mode, the labor union bosses seem to be ratcheting down the rhetoric of their anti-trade demagoguery, at the behest we assume, of Obama’s advisers.
  • In recent weeks, the purposely inflammatory demagogy of PBS's newest host has included a description of John Edwards as "specializing in Jacuzzi cases," owing to the lawyer's successful representation of a small child who saw her intestines sucked out inside a wading pool. August 2004
  • It's an old habit of his, using people's legitimate feelings of outrage ... for ends that are clearly electoral and demagogical, Nicolas Leger, national secretary of the USM magistrates union, told The Associated Press. French judges revolt, shut down courthouses
  • People are increasingly aware of how important it is to contribute their ideas in a constructive spirit, free of demagoguery and negativism.
  • The very instability of this mass makes it responsive to the action of any demagogue, or of that very special version of Latin American demagogy: military dictators ” and exdictators [i.e., Carnival in Caracas
  • We often use the term demagogue here at Volunteer Hoosier. A Will Rogers Moment
  • However, the findings are a reminder of why now — more than ever — we must refuse to succumb to political apathy and laissez-faire demagoguery.
  • But that a fascist demagogue could receive considerable support among workers is cause for great concern.
  • He looks like he is demagoguing a non-issue.
  • His manner was the very opposite of Mr. Conkling's: it was kindly, hearty, as of neighbor with neighbor, -- indeed, every person present, even if greenbacker or demagogue, must have said within himself, ` ` This man is a friend arguing with friends; he makes me his friend, and now speaks to me as such. '' Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White, Volume I
  • On television this sort of thing is enormously effective in demoralizing the innocent and well-mannered who, acting in good faith, do not lie or make personal insults, Buckley has made many honorable men look dishonest fools by his demagoguery, and by the time they recover from his first assault and are ready to retaliate, the program is over. R_urell: William F. Buckley: Father of Modern "Conservatism"
  • These include reimagined versions of the portrait bust, such as Jonathan Baldock's salt-dough heads decorated with cloth and hair (echoing the vaguely tribal sensibility of Ryan Mosley's paintings, with which they share a gallery) and Steven Claydon's mock-heroic demagogue, subverted by the peacock feather over one eye and the fact that the patina on the coppered surface was achieved by urinating on the sculpture. The State of Young Art in Britain
  • As a result, Republicans in general and Ryan in particular have become increasingly defensive and angry, complaining loudly that the Democrats are engaging in "Mediscare," what they call an irresponsible and demagogic attempt to transform a serious national problem into an opportunity for crass partisan advantage. Jonathan Weiler: Republicans, Medicare and the Golden Rule
  • Sadly, but predictably, the effort to re-enfranchise people with felony convictions has come under attack from demagogues claiming a cynical political motive for the effort.
  • I am not a demagogue," he said to the hushed rows of togate senators inside the Curia Hostilia. The Grass Crown
  • The fear was that a charismatic leader could use the office of tribune, with its base of power in the common citizen, to become a demagogue.
  • He agreed with Pareto that universal suffrage promoted the corrupt and devious political skills of the flatterer, the wheeler-dealer, and the populist demagogue.
  • Moreover, the demagogue and the corruptionist often work hand in hand.
  • Roosevelt hoped he had been of some assistance in moving our people along the line Mr. Rhodes mentioned; that is, along the line of a sane, moderate purpose to supervise the business use of wealth and to curb its excesses, while keeping as far aloof from the policy of the visionary and demagogue as from the policy of the wealthy corruptionist. Theodore Roosevelt An Intimate Biography
  • The _popular_ free discussion of affairs of the last degree of complication, religious and state affairs, except during the _crisis_ period of revolution, only renders that worst of despotisms, anarchy, chronic; it seats in the social organism that political gangrene, demagogism, which has always hitherto sooner or later required the cauterization of military despotism in order to save even civilization. The Christian Foundation, Or, Scientific and Religious Journal, March, 1880
  • In contrast to some of my other professors, he never takes advantage of the podium to engage in demagogy or any sort of language that reveals his opinions. Obama judicial nominee faces tough Senate scrutiny
  • We never thought of demagoguing the event.
  • You can't learn any demagogical kunststucks here; Melanie meticulously avoids cheap tricks. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Indeed, the milder manners of the patrician body were ill suited to resist this ermined demagogue, whose motto through life was _audacity, again audacity, and always audacity_. A Popular History of Ireland : from the Earliest Period to the Emancipation of the Catholics — Complete
  • The heterogeneous triflings which now, I am very sorry to say, occupy so much of our time, will be neglected; fashion's votaries will silently fall off; dishonest exertions for rank in society will be scorned; extravagance in toilet will be detested; that meager and worthless pride of station will be forgotten; the honest earnings of dependents will be paid; popular demagogues crushed; impostors unpatronized; true genius sincerely encouraged; and, above all, pawned integrity redeemed! History of Woman Suffrage, Volume I
  • It also serves to mobilise despairing layers of society for a right-wing programme and garner support for the government with populist demagogy.
  • Hoover the speech was "demagogic" and that "We must mark [King] now, if we have not done so before, as the most dangerous Negro of the future in this Nation. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • His followers see in him a populist hero, but more than anything else he resembles a postmodern version of William Jennings Bryan, the Democratic firebrand whose demagoguery derailed the People's Party in 1896.
  • As divided and unprepared democratic forces fumbled for a plan of action, demagogues would rush forward convincingly promising protection.
  • And I'm sure they'll be as strident and demagogic as ever in warning us of the disastrous consequences of failure.
  • In so doing, she claims, they fall into ‘the logic of terrorists, demagogues, and other absolutists who perceive no moral dilemmas: For them, the right path is always clear.’
  • Gregg, who supports the legislation, blasted Tancredo's tactics, saying those who take what he called a demagogic approach are using it to raise their own political visibility. CNN Transcript Jun 5, 2007
  • So the aristocrats who sought elections as tribunes had to be able to play the demagogue.
  • Secondly, the continuing decline in living standards has led to a level of desperation and social degradation that provides a fruitful basis for the emergence of right-wing demagogues.
  • National Liar, Premier Minister of the Province, and First Juggler of its finances: -- a profligate in public in the name of the Church -- in secret in the name of Free-Thought -- _beau diseur_ -- demagogue of the rabble and chieftain of the Cave. The Young Seigneur Or, Nation-Making
  • School children are taught that democracy in ancient Greece failed because demagogues whipped up mobs.
  • Many in Rome wanted to see the restoration, most people because the tribunate of the plebs was a hallowed institution in proper harmony with the mos maiorum, and not a few people because they missed the vigor and buzz of the old days in the lower Forum Romanum when some militant demagogue fired up the Plebs until fists swung and hired ex-gladiators waded into the fray. Fortune's Favorites
  • What makes Rush a hate speech demagogue is the fact that he only targets liberals with his garbage. Think Progress » Limbaugh compares Pelosi to a terrorist for saying passing health care is more important than re-election.
  • The wealth of entrepreneurs and capitalists is, whatever the anticapitalistic demagogues may fable, so much inferior to that of kings and princes that they cannot indulge in such luxurious construction.
  • demagogic speeches
  • He demagogued and demonized and slandered his opponents.
  • His demagogic promises of jobs and wage increases never materialized.
  • A public assembly, though composed of men of the smallest possible culture, nevertheless will see clearly the difference between a mere demagogue (that is, a flatterer and untrustworthy citizen) and a man of principle, standing, and solidity. Treatises on Friendship and Old Age
  • The first thing the little rascal did was to write a withering leader denouncing Mr. Scandril as a "demagogue, the degradation of whose political opinions was only equaled by the disgustfulness of the family connections of which those opinions were the spawn! The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 8 Epigrams, On With the Dance, Negligible Tales
  • Demagoguery and aggrievement are nothing new in American politics. John McQuaid: Czarist Nonsense
  • Moreover, the demagog and the corruptionist often work hand in hand. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • For conservatives to make immigration their Big Issue distracts from the far more urgent matter of prosecuting the war against Islamofascism and has introduced both an unwontedly nasty tone and a strain of anti-capitalist demagogy into right-wing rhetoric. Latin America
  • Newcastle is not remembered as a radical demagogue.
  • When, contrary to the old-established custom of the demagogue, the little politician in homespun had confided to the men in front of him what he thought of them, he told them that the Woman's Movement which they held themselves so clever for ridiculing, was in much the same position to-day as the Extension of Suffrage for men was in '67. The Convert
  • So, to summarize, your evidence that canada has an inferior society is based on a largely false and overly demagogued piece of information. Matthew Yglesias » Culture and Size and Scope of Government
  • The "Le Pen" of American public life (cf. the French you love to hate) apparently believes that demagogic national chauvinism is a ticket to political success. Lou Dobbs weighing White House run in 2012
  • This is the "Bema," the orator's stand, whence speak the "demagogues," the molders of Athenian public opinion.
  • The idea that anyone was going to 'force these people from their homes at gunpoint' (in order to make way for a bunch of 'Germans') is more demagogical nonsense. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • 'hallucinated' Magdalens, conducting grand picnics in that 'charming' climate, and making life a May day, is not the world's mighty Deliverer; and his miracle-mongering demagogue, claiming to be the Son of David in lying genealogies, and the Son of God in blasphemous audacity, is not the world's Teacher of all Truth and Righteousness. Continental Monthly , Vol. 5, No. 6, June, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • My oh my, how that must irritate this part-time demagogue in the almighty press.
  • There were rummies in 1789, too, and over the years I have seen a Runyanesque array of drunks, dimwits and demagogues shuffle through the chamber, standing at the mahogany desks of true giants of American history. Living Politics: Seeing Red ... and Blue in the Senate
  • Oratory is praised as the literature of the people and denounced as the instrument of the demagogue.
  • The leadership passed from intellectuals to semi-literate demagogues.
  • The country is quite capable of withstanding a little divisive demagoguery.
  • A demagogue is simply, etymologically speaking, “a leader of the people.” Is That Legal?: In the wake of the Kerry Remarks, Democrats are...WINNING.
  • Not by fire-breathing communist fanatics and demagogues of the Guevara-Mao type, but by true-blue conservative dumbos sprung from blue-rinsed matrons like Dubya Bush ...... On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Faced by a wave of support for anti-immigrant demagogues, there is a danger that governments will adopt some of their attitudes.
  • Oh, I could effuse all day, but must agree that Grant sometimes feels demagoguish to me - but that may say more about me rather than he.
  • There exists a common faith in the demagogic witchery among the ethnic groups of Yunnan Province, and the erotic sorcery is one of the types.
  • Unfortunately, according to the present dogma health care is not a matter of health, merely a matter of political demagogy and media sensationalism.
  • The Senator was a gifted demagogue, with particular skill in manipulating press and television.
  • Anyone who disagrees with me is guilty of cheap demagoguery and will get what's coming when I'm doling out the wedgies and the Chinese burns.
  • He described efforts to pass a blocking law in Germany as "demagogic" in a recent documentary aired on German public TV channel NDR. PCWorld
  • The Senator was a gifted demagogue, with particular skill in manipulating press and television.
  • Moore represents an honest -- or at least demagogical -- voice which perhaps we [British] lack," says Rob Blackhurst of London's Foreign Policy Centre. European Idol
  • To those who "demagogued this case for their own political goals: You should be ashamed of yourselves," he wrote. Prayer Case at School Is Settled
  • The result begins to be alarming -- enormous taxation, purchasable votes, demagogism, -- all these alarm the more thoughtful, and we are not yet sure of the end. Debate on Woman Suffrage in the Senate of the United States, 2d Session, 49th Congress, December 8, 1886, and January 25, 1887
  • Perhaps a firebrand demagogue from a "backwards" Southern state begins to organize Share Our Health Clubs calling for a radical nationalization of the entire health care infrastructure. Your Right Hand Thief
  • We do not make excuses for the haters, the bigots and the demagogues who incite against Jews and other minorities around the world, and we must not make excuses when the inciter is one of our own. Matthew Yglesias » Lieberman & Lieberman: Together at Last
  • But Schröder sees only the work of populist demagogues.
  • While his friends admired him as a nationalist leader, his enemies simply considered him a communist, a demagogue, and a dangerous man.
  • The demagoguing of these programs has become something else entirely.
  • Because what has happened--it does get demagogued. FAIR Thee Well?
  • British people, who were disgusted with the arrogance of some of the governing class, and discontented with the methods of government, they were gradually alienated by the demagogism of the French Canadian majority, who did not hesitate to profess their desire to make French Canada
  • In Germany, for example, the term Anglo-Saxon is often bandied about as an epithet for political demagoguery to represent free market ideology. Edward Harrison: The recession is over but the depression has just begun
  • The nation is extremely divided on so many issues, and to see this demagogue deliberately disinform his viewers, incite extremists of his party to act without thinking and re-write history and facts to disinform the low-information viewer is particularly harmful to the fabric of the nation. Think Progress » Apple and other advertisers have ‘abandoned’ Fox News because of Glenn Beck.
  • What historians have said, they use this term demagogue so freely, I just wondered what you think of that term for Mississippi politicians from Oral History Interview with Lucy Somerville Howorth, June 20, 22, and 23, 1975. Interview G-0028. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • Nor did a demagogue emerge to match Senator Joseph McCarthy, whose cynical witch-hunts in the l950s put a generation on trial.
  • When people in the North repeatedly turn out to vote for sectarian demagoguery and backstreet thuggery above all available normal democratic alternatives, then they have not delivered a verdict which needs to be respected.
  • It rests on aggressive xenophobia, chauvinism, fanatical imperial ambitions and fascist demagogy.
  • Instead, he delivered a non-controversial speech that was demagogued by right-wing conservatives. Obama delivers controversial school speech
  • He is a powerful demagogue and a high ranking political propagandist for the Republican party.
  • We spotted Obama as an empty suit and pandering hyoocritical demagogue from the start. Two more Edwards delegates switch to Obama
  • What do these reformist demagogues propose to the millions of minimum-wage workers and the millions of unemployed?
  • This is the Bill Gates claim that can properly be called demagogic. How Bill Gates misinterprets ed facts
  • Well, those of us old enough can remember Joe McCarthy, and his rabid press demagogues, cowing Americans into silence. Archive 2009-09-01
  • Whoever promises a quick and easy solution is either a fool, a charlatan or a demagogue.
  • A plan characterized by demagogic war cries of "Drill, baby, drill" that sound eerily similar to the incantations of disciples on the verge of englutting a ceremonial Jonestown toast. Michael Hughes: This Election, Plates of Human History Will Shift
  • It is, therefore, particularly disappointing when politicians fall for this demagoguery. Times, Sunday Times
  • A return to national self-determination, he believes, would take the feet from under the new nationalist demagogues and bolster democratic politics in the historic nations of Europe.
  • Scapegoats have been created in a demagogic and provocative fashion in order to justify the strengthening of existing laws.
  • In a television address yesterday, Mr. Putin railed against opponents '"demagogy," urging voters not to assume that Russia's revival will continue "automatically. On the Ballot in Russia: Putinism
  • William was not the bombastic chowderheaded demagogue he was portrayed as - and in fact he actually won his case.
  • McCarthy was a state-backed bully and demagogue who harmed many innocent people.
  • Traditionally, French presidents have always maintained a rather demagogical speech regarding French farmers. 'Agriculture and economic liberalism are not compatible'
  • The union had no room for self-serving demagogues.
  • The masses were, in brief, shortsighted, selfish and fickle, an easy prey to unscrupulous orators who came to be known as demagogues.
  • The U.S. government sought support for that additional war through top-level demagogy about the potential "mushroom cloud," and by claims of biological agents allegedly secreted in mobile trailers. 9/11: Did the U.S. Overreact?
  • I am sorry, Mr. Goldsmith, Civil War was a gratuitous exercise in sensationalism, trying to take silly ideas like Superhero Blockbuster (it is formatted very much like a Bay movie), applying a demagoguery hamfisted, hollywood-liberal demagoguery to it. /Filmcast Ep. 91 - Green Zone (GUEST: Jeff Goldsmith from Creative Screenwriting Magazine) | /Film
  • This is a climate in which right-wing and nationalist demagogy flourishes.
  • Mr. Putin, for example, said in a speech in April: "The country needs a decade of stable, calm development, without going to extremes one way or the other, without ill-conceived experiments, confusion over sometimes unjustified liberalism or social demagogy. Sparring Partners
  • For historians of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the case against Athenian democracy was linked directly to the case against the rhetorical practices of the Athenian demagogues.
  • The book also parodies his demagoguery and propensity for offensive outbursts. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's demagogued as someone who wants to gut social insurance programs altogether.
  • Furthermore it allows the electorate to participate more fully in national matters making politicians more experts in government than demagogues.
  • Socrates was one of the most critical opponents of the demagogues.
  • In addition, the country is fraught with numerous divisions upon which demagogues can flourish under circumstances of want and inequality.
  • Throwing out the term communism has all the demagoguery of Sen. Joseph McCarthy and recalls a dark chapter in American history. Byron Williams: Facts Left the Health Care Debate Long Ago, Emotion Is the Driver Now!
  • Press baron demagoguery, however unfair, reflected the biases and passions of specific men, and was thus self-limiting.
  • ‘Lies have always been regarded as necessary and justifiable tools not only of the politician's or the demagogue's but also of the statesman's trade,’ he claimed.
  • With all the seriousness naturally to be elicited by a responsible mission, I mounted Chaos, and started at a speed that beplastered the skeleton houses on each side of the way with mud, heaving a delectable morsel, as I passed the "doggery," full in the mouth of a picayune demagogue, who, viewing the political sky with open mouth, was vociferating vehemently on the merits of his side. Odd Leaves from the Life of a Louisiana "Swamp Doctor"
  • In some instances, too, the desire for popularity and for future advancement at the hands of friends and neighbors introduced a spirit of demagogism hurtful in the extreme. Four Years in Rebel Capitals An Inside View of Life in the Southern Confederacy from Birth to Death
  • He uses up the first 95 percent of his time explaining, re-explaining, and demagoguing about how bad the problem is.
  • Discontent fuelled by the pro-business policies of social democratic governments has given a boost to right-wing demagogues in several European countries.
  • The book also parodies his demagoguery and propensity for offensive outbursts. Times, Sunday Times
  • We should be aware of these limits because otherwise we fall prey to demagogical appeals, which often mask a quest for political power by promises that cannot be filled by anyone anywhere. What can we expect of democracy?
  • It spurred students and workers in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to oppose the military strongmen, dictators and demagogues in their countries.
  • It must, furthermore, avoid everything which might diminish or even weaken its ability to move the masses, not for 'demagogic' reasons, but in the simple knowledge that without the mighty force of the mass of a people, no great idea, however lofty and noble it may seem, can be realized. Mein Kampf
  • They hate us, their treatises and demagogues have long proclaimed, because we appear to them spiritually lukewarm, religiously flaccid.
  • They avoid open repudiations of their predecessors, no matter how demagogic.
  • Consequently, rock-ribbed demagoguery and uncompromising resistance seemed to be the only responses available to southerners who opposed desegregation.
  • The GOP are planning their own defeat and if they think the demagogy they are doing will work they should wait and see. Tea Party Express rallies against 'big government'
  • He is a trouble-maker, a disturber of the public peace, a shallow-pated demagogueTHEFT
  • Was that truly desire to help the people I saw in her empassioned gaze -- or rather demagogic joy in being loved by a mass of millions of adoring fans? Karin Badt: Benazir Bhutto: Saviour of Pakistan? New Biopic Released Today in the U.S.
  • I sometimes wonder if some of the bitterness that is injected into politics is just a form of demagoguery, an effort to hold onto this group of voters.
  • I'm loathe to give support to reform which would bring such demagogues into parliamentary politics, let alone government.
  • George Bush used the same demagoguery, the same false claims and accusations to scare the people of the United States into giving him dictatorial powers, what he calls the unitary presidency. Placing George Bush on the ten worst presidents list is a mistake
  • As divided and unprepared democratic forces fumbled for a plan of action, demagogues would rush forward convincingly promising protection.
  • He recklessly demagogued the issue to spare himself a political problem.
  • It is time to oppose the racist demagogues and unite the defence of foreign workers and refugees with the campaign against unemployment, welfare cuts and attacks on basic rights.
  • Keeping the cuts in the marriage penalty and the increase in the dependent deduction could, he said, help shield the Democrats against "demagogic" attacks by the GOP. Campaign 2004: Democrats: Time To Start The Tax-P
  • What's so depressing about the current censorship is its lack of imagination, its dull-witted displacements and deletions, its demagogic vacuity.
  • WHEREAS, in 1928, the War Department of the United States defined democracy in Training Manual No. 2000 – 25 as a “government of the masses” which “[r] esults in mobocracy,” communistic attitudes to property rights, “demagogism, ... agitation, discontent, [and] anarchy”; ... The Volokh Conspiracy » More on the Republic vs. Democracy Debate
  • Gian Marco Moratti, chairman of Italy's second-largest independent refiner by capacity, Saras SpA, criticized the measures, calling them "demagogical. Italy Plans 'Robin Hood' Taxes for Oil Firms
  • There will be plenty of opportunities for demagoguery on the part of special interests. Times, Sunday Times
  • The spirit of conciliation and justice, which has happily influenced the action of leading English and French Canadian statesmen in the administration of public affairs, has been so far successful in repressing the spirit of passion and demagogism which has exhibited itself at certain political crises, and in bringing the two nationalities into harmony with each other. Canada
  • “Welfare programs,” which is more a demagogic slur than an actual policy, is relatively unpopular amongst conservatives, but the constituent parts of welfare, aid to the poor, childcare, social security, are supported by conservatives. dm says: Matthew Yglesias » Corrected Graph on Conservative Cuts
  • I think those two particular concerns are totally unfounded and the issue has been largely demagogued.
  • Overall, this stance of ‘solve X and Y before you tackle Z’ comes across to me as mere demagogic rhetoric, the end result of which will be that X, Y, and Z will remain unsolved.
  • By the poverty and ignorance of his people the Negro lawyer or doctor was pushed toward quackery and demagogism, and by the criticism of the other world toward an elaborate preparation that overfitted him for his lowly tasks. Strivings of the Negro People
  • Although the political scene continues to be dominated by nationalist demagogues, there are signs that a significant section of voters feel disenfranchised as a result.
  • Spencer Tracy as the Clarence Darrow character and Fredric March as the demagogue based on William Jennings Bryan have a field day in their speechifying and harangues.
  • I don't want to demagogue my talk.
  • The red-baiting demagogue who publicly made wild, unsubstantiated charges assailing victims' patriotism proved no match for the fact-checking investigative reporter.
  • We left inoculated against right-wing demagoguery for life. Times, Sunday Times
  • This elementary ruling has resulted in demagoguery. Times, Sunday Times
  • What Palin has experienced is simply the media looking into doors she opened herself in her shameless bid for self-promotion as a demagogue diva. dina osullivan I'm 'saddened' by 'vicious attacks' on Palin, McCain says
  • Regional "presidents and party leaders are looking over their shoulders (concerned about the) specter (they) thought they had safely interred: that of the populist demagogue, the authoritarian man on horseback known as the caudillo (strongman)" taking power. Paid Lying: What Passes for Major Media Journalism
  • WHEREAS, in 1928, the War Department of the United States defined democracy in Training Manual No. 2000–25 as a “government of the masses” which “[r]esults in mobocracy,” communistic attitudes to property rights, “demagogism, ... agitation, discontent, [and] anarchy”;... The Volokh Conspiracy » More on the Republic vs. Democracy Debate
  • We never thought of demagoguing the event.
  • He has still not been allowed back but proves a democrat rather than a demagogue in person.
  • It's the demagogues who know exactly what they're doing in stirring up the ignorant and the hateful to oppose Rauf who are most chilling in their calculation. Jesse Larner: The "Ground Zero Mosque" and the War on Terror
  • If they do vote it is only for the most demagogic of reasons.
  • Bismarck taught the king to bury the Prussian towns in an ­avalanche of votes from newly enfranchised and resentful peasants, who he rallied with demagogic rhetoric, calling the perfectly reasonable Prussian liberals "loafers, freebooters, all sorts of scum. The Shrewdest of the Shrewd
  • If I had stuck with the word all and given Vorster a little room to equivocate, I might have left the diplomats a little happier and given Vorster less chance to demagogue the event for home consumption. The Good Fight
  • Its chief glories are the demagogue, the military bully, and the spreaders of libels and false history.
  • Seeing it also in the radical imams at the heart of Muslim fundamentalism, and in the major forces of 20th Century politics, I wonder if the demagogue is perhaps the most adaptive form of the latter-day Pentheus in the Modern era, the age of mass-communication. Archive 2006-09-01
  • The career of Tom Watson, who mutated from radical egalitarian to racist demagogue, is symbolic of the Faustian bargain of Southern populism. Matthew Yglesias » Obama on Affirmative Action
  • Elsewhere Aristotle reiterates that flattery is intertwined with demagoguery: “the demagogue is a flatterer of the people …” Politics 1318. Is That Legal?: In the wake of the Kerry Remarks, Democrats are...WINNING.
  • Just last year, after Democrats passed a health care law that cut half a trillion dollars from Medicare over the objections of House Democrats, who would instead have had the wealthiest Americans pick up the tab for subsidizing health care for workers their friends pay too poorly to afford it, Republicans all over the country demagogued the issue and ran against Democrats for "trying to take away your Medicare. Drew Westen: Three Ways Democrats Could Choose to Lose in 2012, and What They Can Do to Avoid It
  • His language is hip-hop demagoguery, like a minister preaching a religion of which you have never heard. Times, Sunday Times
  • The footnote may be the most powerful antidote to historical demagoguery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence Pythagoras and his disciples, though they were vegetable-eaters, eschewed the bean as an article of diet, from its association with politics, demagogism, and ochlocracy. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 101, March, 1866
  • There was a meeting of the "Comite de Tierras Urbanas", some administrative monstrosity who is trying to treat urban lands as if they were Agricultural AND Urban lands, in the spirit of the most demagogical of all Chavez programs, the artificially recreated version of "Los Sin Tierras", the landless. Great moments in populism
  • February 5th, 2010 at 1: 09 pm tombaker says: modern american life has overwhelmed the intellects of a lot of our citizens, leaving them vulnerable to the divisive and insidious messages of mansonite demagogues like the drugster, the crybaby, and the dude-looks-like-a-lady lady. Think Progress » Tancredo says Obama won because we lack a ‘literacy test before people can vote in this country.’
  • You have to finally stand up their demagoguing and face them down.
  • Mr Fillon dismissed the union demands that the government add measures to its 26 billion euro (£23.5 billion) recovery plan to boost consumer spending as "demagogy". Latest News Breaking News and Current News from the UK and World Telegraph
  • His campaign inspired the sense that there was another way, that could actually solve problems instead of simply demagoguing them.
  • We never thought of demagoguing the event.
  • As divided and unprepared democratic forces fumbled for a plan of action, demagogues would rush forward convincingly promising protection.
  • A fallacy that has grown over the years is that there were three distinct Malcolms: the street thug, the white-hating demagogue and, after his split with the NOI, a liberal integrationist who was in essence a slightly more outspoken Dr King. Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention by Manning Marable – review
  • They want to gain political points by demagoguing the issue.
  • It would have encouraged white/black coalitions that hampered the implementation of the kind of demagogic mob politics Mugabe has used to fortify his political power at the expense of his country's happiness. Latest Articles

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