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How To Use Delusive In A Sentence

  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • delusive faith in a wonder drug
  • In fact, the same 'delusive' powers which he had earlier employed when dancing with the cowgirls -- making each believe he was dancing with her and her alone -- are now being used to satisfy his wives. The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry
  • But that delusive passion has subsided, and among the unmerited mercies for which I have to be thankful is that, in my frantic pursuit of Clara Day, I was not cursed with success! The Hidden Hand
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  • But not all shifts in public opinion are delusive or temporary. The Founders’ Great Mistake
  • But experience had long since proved the delusiveness of the simile. The Custom of the Country
  • Those performing English/French translation must be aware however, of the many delusive cognates, known as ‘false friends,’ in the two nomenclatures. French/english Translation: the Unusual History of the English Language « Articles « Literacy News
  • Eastern peasants, living in the very thick of every conceivable kind of delusive influence. The Fair Haven
  • delusive expectations
  • In my elimination of delusive thoughts, my conscious mind believes that my past delusions were wrong.
  • You remind the mechanic that the man in the landau has been the ruin of thousands and you mention people whom he himself knows, people in various grades of life, widows and orphans amongst them, whose little all has been dissipated, and whom he has reduced to beggary by inducing them to become sharers in his delusive schemes. The Romany Rye
  • She sat there rocking to and fro, in the delusive belief that she was facing the worst. THE ONLY GAME
  • Ethics without science is at best uninformed and at worst delusive, while science without ethics is at best suspect and at worst downright dangerous.
  • I decided to attempt disarranging the target troop in order to pull up a gap by feinting from a delusive direction in the manner of the wolf.
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • But behold, the sinner now, at the sight and sense of his own nothingness, falleth into a kind of despair; for although he hath it in him to presume of salvation through the delusiveness of his own good opinion of himself, yet he hath it not in himself to have a good opinion of the grace of God in the righteousness of Christ. The Riches of Bunyan
  • A figurative pat on the head is worthless if youthful naivete is allowed to grow and flourish in a delusive psyche.
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • Of uk quit smoking help who bogbean defunctness on the trucker or on a longitudinal pisanosaurus at coquettishly stertorously a duramen migratory they loweringed delusively nisi contusion as a cocuswood. Rational Review
  • Well for him had he seen as clearly the delusiveness of other temptations! The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories
  • The alternative will be called delusive, for, in European literature at least, there is no word-symbol that does not imply a spoken sound, and no excellence without euphony. Style
  • I have learned nothing except the vanity of wisdom, the impotence of magic, the nullity of love, and the delusiveness of memory ... Beloved Nylissa
  • Pop is about the glorious effusive, delusive Now, isn't it?
  • In 1924, during the delusive era of "Coolidge Prosperity" when the Republicans ran the incumbent "Silent Cal" and the Democrats a Wall Street lawyer, John W. Davis, the shrinking cadre of surviving beleaguered Progressives lacked a candidate worth voting for. Bernard Weisberger: Onward Wisconsin
  • Cook called the delusive point Cape Flattery and added: "It is in this very latitude (48 degrees 15 minutes) that geographers have placed the pretended Straits of Juan de Fuca; but we saw nothing like it; nor is there the least possibility that any such thing ever existed. Vikings of the Pacific The Adventures of the Explorers who Came from the West, Eastward
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • An air of compelling charm, romance, and excitement, especially when delusively alluring.
  • The second inquiry, therefore, is the meaning of this delusiveness. Sermons Preached at Brighton Third Series
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • the village looked delusively near
  • The cause of these beliefs, and perhaps of their delusiveness, is the social situation and interests of the believers. Social Epistemology
  • And why did he always yearn to embrace those delusive fantasies? THE OUTSIDER
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • Ordinarily, the intellectual impotence of man is regarded as carrying with it moral incapacity as well, and the delusiveness of knowledge is one of the strongest arguments for pessimism. Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher
  • For this exposure of supernatural agents upon a stage is truly bringing in a candle to expose their own delusiveness. On the Tragedies of Shakspere Considered with Reference to Their Fitness for Stage Representation
  • They brought back piquantly appropriate or delusive answers, piquant enough to condemn the stories.
  • And Molnár's comedies do have the most unlabored, delusively easeful air of happy improvisations.
  • France, by the perfidy of her leaders, has utterly disgraced the tone of lenient counsel in the cabinets of princes, and has taught kings to tremble at what will hereafter be called the delusive plausibilities of moral politicians. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 14 — Philosophy and Economics
  • The process is delusive and insufficient, exactly in proportion as the subject-matter of the observation is special and limited in extent.
  • But we should be clear that we are doing so for reasons of justice and not in the delusive hope of greater security.
  • A cat's vast sense of entitlement may be delusive but at least it's honest.
  • It was not only delusive but dangerous, for it lulled the public into a false sense of security.
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • Perceptions can be delusive, especially when core beliefs are at stake.
  • Scientific truth is always paradox, if judged by everyday experience, which catches only the delusive nature of things.
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • Thus we can have common-sense knowledge while not knowing that we are not having the delusive experience of a brain-in-a-vat.
  • Therefore the learning of many languages is injudicious, inasmuch as it arouses the belief in the possession of dexterity, and, as a matter of fact, it lends a kind of delusive importance to social intercourse. Esperanto: Hearings before the Committee on Education
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • In each episode, he illustrates that the erasure of human history is both an elusive and delusive act, propelled by the desperate illusion that there is no consequence to one's actions.
  • An air of compelling charm, romance, and excitement, especially when delusively alluring.
  • So the sense of beauty, the feeling for it, the desire to bring it into his work, grows up in his heart; and a new kind of fidelity -- fidelity to _feeling_ rather than to _fact_ (if I may speak for the moment in the delusive language of dualism) -- begins to weave itself into his artistic consciousness. What Is and What Might Be A Study of Education in General and Elementary Education in Particular
  • But we should be clear that we are doing so for reasons of justice and not in the delusive hope of greater security.
  • You remind the mechanic that the man in the landau has been the ruin of thousands, and you mention people whom he himself knows, people in various grades of life, widows and orphans amongst them, whose little all he has dissipated, and whom he has reduced to beggary by inducing them to become sharers in his delusive schemes. The Romany Rye A Sequel to 'Lavengro'
  • Scientific presumption may suggest the delusiveness of this sphere, just as in former times religious presumption sought to restrain the inquiries of science. Some Facts of Religion and of Life: Sermons Preached before Her Majesty the Queen in Scotland, 1866-76.
  • Wednesday's win was a pleasing, restorative result at a time when it was badly needed, but it would be delusive to read too much into it.
  • A full perception of the delusiveness of official bulletins can only be obtained by reading histories of the war. New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 5, August, 1915
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • Of uk quit smoking help who bogbean defunctness on the trucker or on a longitudinal pisanosaurus at coquettishly stertorously a duramen migratory they loweringed delusively nisi contusion as a cocuswood. Rational Review
  • Fredric Jameson's 1981 lecture, ‘Postmodernism and Consumer Society,’ sheds some light on Wideman's portrayal of ghetto experience as delusive.
  • However, as hard as she tried, her attempts were delusive.
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • But it was best to dismiss all things, he being so weak; to resign himself; all this had happened before, and had passed away, prosperously or unprosperously; it would pass away in this case, likewise; and in the morning whatever might be delusive would have disappeared. Doctor Grimshawe's Secret — a Romance

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