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How To Use Delusional In A Sentence

  • She regarded him as a somewhat crazy and delusional man, no matter how good he looked.
  • It takes a special kind of mindset to be this delusional in the face of cold, hard facts.
  • So this exercise in tilting at windmills can't even be described as quixotic, since that would imply some expectation of success, however delusional. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • If Gordon Brown's comments weren't so delusional and misleading it'd be funny. Is Gordon Brown a hypocrite?
  • Sorry, but pretending that any American auto manufacturer is healthy is delusional, stupid and ridiculous. Think Progress » Arizona legislature demands immigrants and President of the United States verify their status.
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  • But Boyko disagreed, saying that anybody who thinks there is broad support for such a proposal is ‘delusional.’
  • If this is not what you may call incompetency, either you are high on something or by nature, delusional.. NY Daily News
  • Also know as erotomania, De Clérambault's syndrome is one in which a delusional belief is held by a patient that another person, usually older and of higher social status, famous, wealthy or in a professional relationship with the patient is deeply in love with them. Mental Nurse
  • So his dogged belief in his ability as a salesman doesn't come off as gumption and moxie, instead he comes off as delusional.
  • The term delusional disorder was suggested by Winokur 1072 to avoid the confusion resulting from the diverse concepts of paranoia and the ambiguity of that term, which has been used to denote insanity, suspiciousness, persecutory or grandiose delusions, schizophrenia, and a specific disease entity distinct from other psychoses. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Even if he is a delusional, the fact is he might still be accessing accurate information paranormally.
  • The killer, Yigal Amir, a student of Jewish law, was an activist of the organized religious right. He was neither delusional nor incoherent.
  • On every page there are unhappy husbands, bewildered boyfriends, disappointed lovers and delusional relatives.
  • In addition to that I think that the ending is less then definite, taking into account the predominant viewpoint of the film and the combinative delusional and Oedipal connotations of the film.
  • Fenton dismissed this talk of Judgement Day as mental illness and prayed that his father was having a brief delusional episode.
  • The problem is called, she later discovered, delusional parasitosis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just perturbance at another worthless uttering from a delusional campaign apparently meriting yet another "camp hillary says ..." post. Harold Ickes: Hillary Will Need "A Few" More Super-Dels Than Obama To Catch Him
  • All but Brendan, the youngish owner and barkeep, have tales to spin: tales of the supernatural in which they were involved but that may be merely delusional.
  • The soi-disant "antifascist" Western elites have veered so far into a delusional dreamscape that they themselves have become enablers of open Socialist fascism acting as a pathfinder for its Islamic kin. The Brussels Journal - The Voice of Conservatism in Europe
  • In your delusional mind the world waits with bated breath for your next revelation and tweet. Palin: 'My heart goes out to Huckabee'
  • The condition is rare and has various aetiologies; it can surface in association with schizophrenia or affective disorders, or on its own as a single delusional disorder. Mental Nurse
  • Nah, more like a mix of datura and PCP; flat barking delusional, our Loo Tenant (Residentista de Crapper). Think Progress » Mark Krikorian: ‘Haiti’s So Screwed Up Because It Wasn’t Colonized Long Enough’
  • Clearly this ‘clan’ resides in the same delusional fairyland that Hambo is known to occupy on occasion.
  • On this basis there develop conditions of pseudologia-phantastica, systematized delusional formations of all sorts, delirious psychoses, etc. Studies in Forensic Psychiatry
  • Only from the standpoint of its dishonest and delusional character did the speech provide an indication of the real state of American society.
  • Your opinion of my complacency and being delusional is your suggestion or is it another runoff the mill copout that you have no suggestion accept to say something for the sake of saying nothing. Page 3
  • Reduplicative paramnesia is the delusional belief that a place or location has been duplicated, existing in two or more places simultaneously, or that it has been 'relocated' to another site. Mind Hacks: August 2005 Archives
  • If the government thinks it can take us back to an era of managed news by self-interested politicians, then it is even more delusional than we thought.
  • Reduplicative paramnesia is the delusional belief that a place exists in two or more locations simultaneously and has been the inspiration for the project where we will try and get participants to hold contrasting and contradictory memories of a past location in mind, while experiencing movement through a current space. Mind Hacks: Gallery Space Recall
  • ‘You have to excuse my room mate, she is a little delusional it looks like,’ I heard Penelope plead.
  • Rarely, patients excoriate their skin in response to delusional ideation; in such cases, the appropriate diagnosis would be psychosis.
  • Fact is, as this tricky little self-delusional phrase indicates, corporately we're not budging an inch, and never will until we're all dead of profit.
  • We whistle, skipping to the car in a delusional, potentially ridiculous flitter.
  • And if we occasionally want to uncouple our mental state from our actual situation in the world (e.g. by taking powerful drugs, drinking great quantities of alcohol, etc.) we don't want this to render us permanently delusional, however pleasant such delusion might be. Sam Harris: Toward a Science of Morality
  • The delusional woman received a variety of diagnoses and was subjected to varying pharmacological regimens.
  • Doctors, according to the article, claim that Morgellons is actually a form of DP - delusional parasitosis.
  • The myth of coequality protects our delusional democracy and makes a mockery of our constitutional republic. Constitutional Rubbish
  • The delusional belief that his solidary architectonic can be studied in isolation by decoupling it from the fundament as well as the transcendent is nothing but intransigent vanity. Deleuze’s solidary architectonic can't be studied in isolation by decoupling it from the fundament
  • He won the general in a landslide because he ran in a safely Republican district against a delusional Democrat with no campaign.
  • Their opinions are often hypercritical before they become paranoid and delusional. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe he worries that outsiders might think that the campus is filled with ignorant or delusional people.
  • Being a psychologist, he'd studied the pathology of delusional behaviour.
  • She's just traded identities -- and everything else she does -- _everything_ else -- stems logically out of her delusional premise. Brain Twister
  • During the coming week, artist Simon Pope and I will be giving a couple of talks on Walking Here and There - an art / science collaboration project that aims to investigate the interaction of place and memory in psychosis, and particularly reduplicative paramnesia, the delusional belief that a place exists in two or more locations simultaneously. Mind Hacks: October 2006 Archives
  • They are missing the fact that his dream was so hubristic as to be delusional.
  • You guys are delusional … Flora brings together excellent quotes, and the main impact is … (as she puts in her piece), “the war will only be lost at home”. Waldo Jaquith - Conservative blogger accidentally promotes Webb.
  • July 2nd, 2009 1: 03 pm ET sanford has lost all credibility. he needs to resign and return to the private sector. he has not been forthcoming from the first, lying to his wife and family, to the state of S. C, to his voters. he might have also lied to maria, his mistress in argentina. jenny is delusional by holding onto mark sanford who truly loves another woman. Sanford book deal falls through
  • In other words, the current fixation with a second UN resolution is delusional.
  • Na-Nachman psychiatrists believe Chomsky-Schleim-Landau is due to suppressed anger over delayed diaper change or unsatiated breast feeding, leaving a CSL carrier prone to anger, temper tantrums & in later life a Peace Now delusional state & Jewish self hate. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • It can be found in the context of schizophrenia and delusional disorder but is also associated with alcoholism and sexual dysfunction and has been reported after neurological illness.
  • She nursed the mentally unstable mathematician through half a lifetime of delusional daymares.
  • Anyone who believed such a thing was by definition clueless and delusional, and the lyrical contributions are matchlessly banal.
  • The woman had all the symptoms of delusional parasitosis, a well-documented psychological disorder in which patients are convinced that parasites have burrowed underneath their skin.20 Indeed, this woman had predicted that her doctor would give her that diagnosis—but, she said, she was absolutely certain that she was suffering from a real physical disease and not a psychological disorder. The Panic Virus
  • We were taught in medical and nursing school that we were helping them and giving them amnesia about their ICU experience but what we are really giving them is delusional memories and hallucinations and long term impairment," he says. Changing Intensive Care to Improve Life Afterward
  • Keep him in office for all to see and remember ..... that this is the kind of hypocritic, delusional FAILURE that the slack-jawed neo-nitwits elect to office. Sanford resists calls for resignation
  • You might accuse XP practitioners of being delusional, but not of being poor - quality - oriented hackers.
  • Somehow, Marshall has developed the idea fomented by Sam himself, no doubt that Sam is on the verge of greatness, that his unique line of bull is, in fact, the truth, instead of delusional fantasies of how Sam would like to see his life. The Full Feed from
  • In particular, delusional patients showed higher scores in agitation and anxiety.
  • Delusional guilt can also cause persecutory beliefs such as the feeling that others are critical of the individual.
  • It would merely serve to shine a light under the dark, dank rock from which hypocritic, delusional [R] ightwingers slither. Sanford should stay, two top South Carolina papers say
  • It was preceded by months of attempted negotiations with a megalomaniac, power-hungry, delusional autocrat.
  • The term ideas of reference refers to the more specific conclusions reached by some patients with a delusional mood. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • More accurate, factual, data is appearing instead of the antidotal, fictional, delusional, overly wordy garbage you have posted from a, self delusional, narcissist, that is potentially paranoid and psychotic. Peter Sumaruck II
  • In most cases someone spewing the delusional, grandiose and revenge-fueled pushback of what can only be called a cornered man would be talking this way to the Starbucks barista, the clerk at CVS, the ER nurse or the last person on his cell phone list of favorites who will take his calls. The Full Feed from
  • If Gordon Brown's comments weren't so delusional and misleading it'd be funny. Is Gordon Brown a hypocrite?
  • Smith ain't the answer, and anyone who tells you he is is either hopelessly delusional or a spin doctor in disguise.
  • Anyone who plays along with her aggrievement is delusional or a chump. Maybe Palin doesn't mind being 'stalked' by McGinniss
  • The least mature—or psychotic defenses include: denial, distortion, and delusional projection paranoia; the immature defenses are: fantasy, projection, hypochondriasis, passive-aggression and acting out. SYMPTOM VS ADAPTATION, OR, WHO'S REALLY PROJECTING ?
  • Now either he is seriously delusional, or else he considers the electorate to be a bunch of gullible fools.
  • Psychiatrists actually recognize a condition they call delusional parasitosis—a terror of being attacked by parasites. Parasite Rex
  • Would it be considered naive or delusional to suggest that sometimes "bad" things that happen can be transformed alchemically into something good? Jayne Lyn Stahl: Accidentally on Purpose
  • It can be found in the context of schizophrenia and delusional disorder but is also associated with alcoholism and sexual dysfunction and has been reported after neurological illness.
  • One woman shows off very severe and fresh scars from delusional parasitosis, digging into her skin at hallucinated bugs. Policing and Addiction
  • It looks like he ` s got a delusional disorder of the erotomanic type, specifically, some profound personality pathology with histrionic and narcissistic features, maybe even gender identity disorder in the case of the possible sex change operation. CNN Transcript Aug 31, 2006
  • Lindsey is delusional, the Repug have been working against President Obama and the Democrats since the elections even his fellow Senator from back woods SC said he hope Obama fail and they have been doing everything so far to acheive that however, without sucess. State of the Union: John King's Crib Sheet for December 20
  • July 2nd, 2009 1: 03 pm ET sanford has lost all credibility. he needs to resign and return to the private sector. he has not been forthcoming from the first, lying to his wife and family, to the state of S. C, to his voters. he might have also lied to maria, his mistress in argentina. jenny is delusional by holding onto mark sanford who truly loves another woman. Sanford book deal falls through
  • The story itself is inspired by a legendary 18 th-century fabulist whose name has become synonymous with delusional behavior.
  • As opposed the what Nietzsche called the "Apollonian" side of culture, that which seeks balance and structure, we were now moving into the realm of the "Dionysian" - the irrational, the delusional, the fanatical side of human nature. Guarding America's Future Against the Heirs of Cromwell
  • Setting aside the most extreme examples, to flatly dismiss such products as esoteric, or their advocates as delusional, is a mistake. The Best Luxury Audio Gear
  • After listening to the delusional ramblings of the regulars and rinsing a few glasses, he drove home.
  • Aligning himself with a delusional President, in hopes of securing the red base, was a catastrophic mistake for a man who once _was_ independent. McCain's Michigan State Chair Quits
  • Architecture devolved into primitive geometrics some time ago, but actually appears sober in comparison with the delusional self-parody of modern sculpture.
  • Walking ahead of me was a tall, bulky man - the sort who shaves his head in a self-delusional attempt to hide his baldness.
  • I had the delusional fantasy that other people would get better solely because of my presence.
  • He speaks the truth, but he is very delusional about his status in the marketplace.
  • So Mr. Burnett is not being delusional in shrugging off the hysteria surrounding his start. With A.J. Signing, Yankees Can't Avoid the Consequences
  • They are delusional, hallucinatory and confused; the clinical picture resembles somewhat the French notion of bouffees delirantes.
  • But many were alarmingly sincere and outright delusional that their opportunity had come knocking.
  • Hoodathunk (sponsored by the FSM, Noodles for Freedom!) says: the cranial butt plug is smelling more and more like a certain delusional physician. Think Progress » Stupak receives death threats after voting for health reform.
  • Others might view such people as demented or delusional or megalomaniacal.
  • A proper monster, hatched from a proper egg, Charles was neither fabrication nor delusional invention. 365 tomorrows » 2008 » October : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Erotomanics have the delusional belief that the target of interest, usually of higher status, is in love with the stalker.
  • Am I being totally delusional about this whole thing?
  • Anyone who believes that we can afford collectively what we cannot afford individually is delusional ... Health Care Madness, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I was delusional to think that by the age of 22 I was done dating.
  • Well, I was gonna chime in earlier on the clearly delusional heliograph, but it appears my work has been done for me. Polls Contradict Rudy's Blue-State Claim
  • The only pity is there are so many brianwashed morons like YOU still stubbornly holding on to your delusional fantasies because you prefer them to reality. Think Progress » Utah state representative claims climate change is a ‘conspiracy’ aimed at population control.
  • Lyrically, it's a typically delusional tale of a couple who burn down dance floors with the electricity between them.
  • Why then is the President's proposal not met with hoots of derisive laughter, or perhaps with a grave suggestion that he be examined, so as to determine the cause of this delusional pattern of thought?
  • As Pale Fire progresses, rather than shedding light on the elliptical poem, these fictional paratexts instead begin to illuminate the delusional psychological state of the annotator. Ballardian » Unique visual complexities: A review of Grande Anarca
  • The awful sight of the bloody lieutenant writhing around on the ground was enough to sober him up from his delusional state.
  • After having been force-fed a steady diet of terrorist teriyaki in 2004, fearful Americans re-enthroned a delusional White House chef de cuisine who believes that he has a divine mandate to jam his recipe for theocracy down the nation's throat. Food and Drink
  • Spirituality is often presumed to be an epiphenomenon or side effect of the brain and our need for hope, even if the hope is delusional. The Sacred Promise
  • It's fun tearing apart this delusional woman's aberrant thought processes.
  • SAUNDERS: Well, this was a classic case of what we call erotomania, and it ` s a delusional disorder where a stalker or a person believes that there is a relationship between them and the celebrity. CNN Transcript Nov 12, 2008
  • I don't know if he's quite that reckless ... or stupid, but his adoration of all things self and his delusional infallibility is going to be the death of his lucky stumble towards 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. “The Mouth That Roared”
  • Anybody who votes for a self-centered selfish 100 million dollar crybaby is delusional. Obama shoots, but doesn't score
  • Liberals who evade such an easily recognized truth of human nature are living in a delusional world, and it is because of their delusions that we are now in the mess we are in.
  • The only candiodate who will ever do anything for the Clinton and McCain base is Barack Obama, but these people are too frightened (if not delusional like their candidates) to realise that. Clinton: I feel like the Goldilocks of this campaign
  • We may want to pretend that the militia movement is anything but a bunch of paranoid delusional xenophobes who are periodically whipped into a frenzy by a wealthy elite who are only conservative in the sense that they want to conserve their own power. Think Progress » Oklahoma Republicans Conspire With Tea Parties To Form Anti-Federal Government Militia
  • Cease and desist with your delusional self-worth and self-view within every one of your insipid little posts, twerp …. Think Progress » Did Palin write the answers to Tea Party Convention questions on her hand?
  • Maybe I'm a delusional fantasist who right now is wearing three-fingered white gloves.
  • ‘Dreams are a delusional hallucinatory state’ driven by activation of the brain's basic motivational system, Solms told a recent gathering of scientists in New York City.
  • This is also, unfortunately, a quintessentially human thing: to expect others to fail spectacularly before your eyes in order to fulfill a kind of voyeuristic pleasure in their incompetence, to laugh at the delusional aspirants of greatness who are too foolish to recognize their own personal shortcomings. I Dreamed A Dream « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Delusional, disillusioned, detoured — I couldn't put my finger on it.” On Deadline
  • Thus, the "Obama Effect" is not an outrightly delusional mis-perception, but there is a dearth of evidence to suggest it has yet to have any meaningful impact in the Muslim world. "Obama Effect" On Lebanese Election Touted By Some, Doubted By Others
  • Why would we want another delusional president?? gobo Lieberman increases criticism of Barack Obama
  • Frank reminds me of the psychotic patient who, unable and unwilling to confront his own delusional system, reflexly asserts that it is everyone else who is out of touch with reality. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Please explain in detail because the last place you said the word convoluted you displayed your lack of wisdom while sounding like a certain leader of another country, a little delusional. Top headlines
  • And that ` s really erotomania, which is having a delusional fixation on another person. CNN Transcript Jan 11, 2007
  • I don't know if they think their stuff is that good or if they're just delusional.
  • Apart from its simplicity, this view is dangerous because it is both delusional and imbued with self-loathing.
  • Exposing his delusional tendencies, Paul also concocts another story for Judy about his real parents.
  • The trick is to select those who have an affliction that is genuinely new – for many who contact the programme are only one step away from hypochondria and include dozens of cases of chronic daily headache and of Morgellons syndrome, a delusional parasitosis whose sufferers believe they have insects crawling over their skin. In pursuit of diseases that have no name
  • The man is a menace to everything he once professed to represent, which makes him either delusional or hypocritical.
  • For example, in the old days, which is to say before the DSM-III, doctors talked about manic-depressive illness, in which patients alternated between those two poles; involutional psychotic reaction, a condition of delusional guilt and self-loathing that came on in middle age; and depressive neurosis, the garden-variety unhappiness that psychoanalysts treated in the Freudian heyday. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • Some people are clearly sociopaths while others are so delusional that it is clearly unfair to expect them to behave in a rational manner.
  • None of us really understand it - we think he might have some kind of delusional obsession.
  • It's easy to write off Dumont's dark view as cynical, even delusional and childish, and it's even easier to laugh off the film's emotional catharses in order to create a safe distance.
  • Many years after critics scoffed at the 1945 movie as a silly weepy, Marxists led the fight to restyle "Mildred Piece," most notably as a brilliant, ironic parody of the striving and delusional petit bourgeoisie. Mommie Mildred Dearest
  • That the singer, Cervantes' Don Quixote, is certainly delusional, possibly mad, doesn't vitiate the song's potency.
  • Day He Himself Shall Wipe My Tears Away (1972), [15] Oe draws the portrait of a delusional father dying of bladder cancer, a pseudo-Emperor who ensconces himself in a barber's chair in the family storehouse and plots to bomb the Imperial Palace with his little son-soldier on August 16, the day after the Emperor's momentous announcement. Kenzaburo Oe: Laughing Prophet and Soulful Healer
  • Many of us have been raised with what I call delusional thought patterns. Blisstree
  • In particular, he appreciates that the robust differences between dreaming and waking consciousness such as the visuomotor hallucinosis, the delusional belief that one is awake, the distinctive defects in cognition, the heightened emotionality, and the poor memory have their neural correlates in the altered neural activation pattern of REM sleep. Being No One
  • Anyone who honestly believes that this "Health care reform" bil "will be better than what is currently available is delusional. RNC spoofs drug ads in new 'Reforma' Web video
  • During the coming week, artist Simon Pope and I will be giving a couple of talks on Walking Here and There - an art / science collaboration project that aims to investigate the interaction of place and memory in psychosis, and particularly reduplicative paramnesia, the delusional belief that a place exists in two or more locations simultaneously. Mind Hacks: October 2006 Archives
  • Reality-based persecutory fantasies: Much of Loughner's paranoia about government control, etc. is likely delusional, but there is one area where his persecutory beliefs are grounded in reality. Mark Goulston, M.D.: Understanding The Arizona Shooter From The Inside Out
  • Your analysis/opinion/imagination regarding the job prospects of UM Law grads is delusional. Patricia D. White to Be Dean of University of Miami School of Law
  • Over the next 24 hours, the patient became increasingly delusional and combative with hyperexcitability.
  • She also seems to possess the delusional qualities that Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin exude, refraining from any semblance of reality. McMahon says WWE antics not a liability to Senate run
  • Others might view such people as demented or delusional or megalomaniacal.

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