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How To Use Delude In A Sentence

  • Cupidity and our ability to delude ourselves are constant. The Volokh Conspiracy » Fannie Meltdown?
  • In common with most social networking sites, Facebook has always seemed like a kind of yapping gallery of the lost, the deluded and the damned; if I fancy any of that, I can go to the pub with friends. It's our class, not our colour, that screws us up
  • These men were literally deluded, and those who urged them on were _deluded_ by what was then called the liberal part of the press. Memoirs of Henry Hunt, Esq. — Volume 1
  • A chasseur had been dispatched with the counterorder, who passed the exulting, but deluded G---- on the road. The Stranger in France or, a Tour from Devonshire to Paris Illustrated by Engravings in Aqua Tint of Sketches Taken on the Spot.
  • Blofeldism, an impossible and megalomaniac belief in world domination, is a perfect parody of Nazism and Stalinism —just as empty and just as deluded, although, thanks to 007, not nearly as deadly.
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  • This is not simply the story of a gentle, deluded old man whose attempts to expiate his guilt were poorly judged.
  • Each one was a girl of fair common-sense, and she did not delude herself with any vain conceits, or dress herself up, or give herself airs, in the idea of outshining the others.
  • I don't mean the big-name celebrities, the deluded orchestrators behind it all.
  • It is easy to delude yourself into believing you're in love.
  • The latter symbolizes that egoistic force of maya (the everyday world) which deludes individuals and keeps them from knowing their innate nature as god.
  • Indeed, as the years go by the originals of subpoenaed smoking pistols themselves will slowly disappear, to the point where those claiming they ever existed can be safely tagged as crazed, deluded loons.
  • Critics who decry regulatory costs are dismissed as deluded apologists for corporate rapacity.
  • Let not my length and my breadth nor yet my bulk delude thee, with respect to the son of Adam; for he, of the excess of his guile and his cunning, fashions for me a thing called a hobble and hobbles my four legs with ropes of palm-fibres, bound with felt, and makes me fast by the head to a high picket, so that I remain standing and can neither sit nor lie down, being tied up. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume III
  • And yet surely it is a vision worth celebrating, worth giving thanks for if we see it in terms of the embrace of the intellect by the church as issuing in that confident freedom, that liberty not to be manipulated, not to be bullied, not to be deluded, which is celebrated in our epistle. Archbishop Celebrates Selwyn College's 125th Anniversary
  • To suppose that the influence of a minority of party activists will not in the end prevail is to delude oneself.
  • He seemed only a poor clod like those around him, deluded by a childish theology.
  • Those who tried to delude the people into believing that this was the last war were either fools or knaves, and he inclined to think that there were more knaves than fools.
  • The manager deluded her into thinking he would give her the job.
  • Given Twelfth Night's tangled skein of interwoven plots and deluded lovers, there is plenty of comic potential.
  • I have been a deluded fool. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your morality, as you have confessed, is no better than a deluded theist's, so I can't do that. Contentment
  • This is either a clumsy attempt to be generous or wishful thinking of a quite deluded kind. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why are you playing the edges; why bother to debunk, why spend your time exposing people that are outright frauds, phonies, or who are merely self deluded?
  • Beth believed those women were deluded, but nevertheless, she saw how intimacy between two people was never quite erased.
  • Those in charge deluded themselves they were up to speed.
  • It is powerful, but it is deluded and self-delusion runs deep in the US. The United States faces a crisis not seen since the Depression | Will Hutton
  • It is a flophouse for deluded officers who believe in the ability to defeat the resistance.
  • I think that deluded his mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • He deludes himself into believing that he has not succumbed to radiation sickness because of some kind of inborn immunity, i.e. invincibility. Daniel Bruno Sanz: Bad Dreams From My Grandfather
  • Oh dear, I think Gordon actually thinks that his lines about the Liberals he thinks it is funny to say Liberals not Liberal Democrats - maybe we should all call his party the bour party and see if he likes it having regular changes of leader are funny, I fear he is deluded on this point. PMQs - 24.10.07 - some impressions
  • Murray Bradshaw was surprised and confounded at the easy way in which she received his compliments, and played with his advances, after the fashion of the trained ball-room belles, who know how to be almost caressing in manner, and yet are really as far off from the deluded victim of their suavities as the topmost statue of the Milan cathedral from the peasant that kneels on its floor. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 118, August, 1867
  • She's vaguely deluded, thinking the viewers see her as funny and cute.
  • Delude ourselves into that kind of thinking however and a rude awakening will await us.
  • The first poster is, however, even more seriously deluded and may, for all I know, believe also in albino assassin monks from a non-monastic society. June 21st, 2009
  • Autumn is an honest month; it does not delude man like spring does! It shows him the dark face of life, the tragedy, the rot, the separation, the sadness! Mehmet Murat ildan 
  • When we believe our own storyline, as if it were a novel that will reach its climax and denouement in tidy fashion, we delude ourselves.
  • I prefer to interpret it (read: delude myself) as showing love for the comics of an earlier age. What Price Super-Heroics?
  • The exacting demands of the theatrical calling dims the luster that lured the deluded one recklessly to enter the seemingly attractive circle, to appear as the make-believe heroines of romance on the stage. A Pirate of Parts
  • The politician deluded the voters with election promises.
  • The current system also deludes workers into saving less than they need to by providing the entirely false illusion that they are earning benefits with their ‘contributions’.
  • The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know as evidenced by Peggy Noonan, Christopher Buckley, and, yes, Colin Powell and many others. How did Sarah Palin get picked for VP?
  • Above all, he must not be deluded into believing that his condition can be permanently bettered by a mere battledoor [sic] and shuttlecock of words, or by any process of mere mental gymnastics or oratory. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995, Memorial Issue
  • But what makes the documentary Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room more riveting than anything Hollywood could dream up is all the damning footage those deluded finks left behind.
  • I will constrain my heart against my liking, save that I will not delude him with false hopes.
  • Any Dem who thinks this buffoon is going to reach across the aisle as he comes out of the gate is deluded. Think Progress » Why Scott Brown Cannot Be Trusted To Work Proactively To Reform Health Care
  • Valere is meant to be a street player lifted to societal acclaim by a deluded royal Joanna Lumley, who mistakes his endless persiflage for true poetry, and makes him the writer de jour, entertained and adored by high society. Gwen Davis: La Bete
  • The processes of both outlining and revision should reveal them to the author, though the characters (and, for a time, the readers) may remain deluded. SOLVED: The Outlining vs. Organic Writing Debate | Write to Done
  • It was a deluded parting shot from a captain whose lack of runs has been the single biggest reason for England's wretched performances. The Sun
  • She deluded everyone into following her.
  • Misguided explorers, hopeless romantics, deluded legionaries, quacks, misfits, visionaries, obsessives, the deceivers and the deceived, they love all that emptiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • But players in the political game who've found it convenient to join the president in the BP bear-baiting should not delude themselves that BP is a free hit. The President's Animosities
  • Prime Minister Gordon Brown was recently awarded a Best Actor BAFTA for his portrayal of a half-blind, malformed scruffy, deluded fantasist who believes himself to be a world statesman - a performance described by the academy as 'on a par with Olivier's Richard III'. Mandelson Nominated for BAFTA
  • Not so coincidentally also about the CIA, another 'phantasm' that you were deeply deluded about too. Heads up staffers, tips to avoid a Health Care "Town Hell" (Blog for Democracy)
  • Well, if he would add the claim that we are well fed because we are ignorant and deluded, while he is suffering and dying because he knows too much on the food question, he would be on a par with many of our infidelic friends. To Infidelity and Back
  • Which means, of course, that Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds and Tim Berners-Lee - to name but a few of those so-called "altruists" - are, in Microsoft's opinion, nothing but liars or utterly self-deluded.... How Sad is That, Microsoft?
  • You poor deluded creature.
  • But I never let my personal loyalties delude me into thinking that the determination of winners is anything but arbitrary.
  • These scoundrels succeed in politics only on the basis of their guile, their cunning, or basically their ability to delude people into falling in line with the rhetoric they throw up.
  • To suppose that the influence of a minority of party activists will not in the end prevail is to delude oneself.
  • He's done some great things, but this doesn't alter the fact that he's a deluded egomaniac.
  • In the end I was yanked off to make way for some other deluded driver fresh from the racetrack. The Sun
  • You are seriously deluded if you think principle and vision win elections.
  • Although sometimes would also similar to them always surround to delude, I still from the in the mind apprehensibility with accept these.
  • I went to Yahoo to search for her pic, and a stupid fan of hers (I suppose he is deluded) captioned the photos I found as ‘Very very pretty!’
  • The troll deludes himself that his comments are “dissent.” Think Progress » McCain refuses to condemn Palin’s ‘reload’ rhetoric.
  • What a rollicky good time these boys in congress are having, trying to delude taxpayers they actually give a crap about how the real world lives. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • The new study confirms earlier research showing how sadly deluded we are about our technical knowledge. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the end I was yanked off to make way for some other deluded driver fresh from the racetrack. The Sun
  • The west's deluded multiculti progressives should understand: In the end, this isn't about Gaza, this isn't about Jews. It's not about a return to 1967 borders, or even the existence of Israel; it's about a hatred of Jews and the West
  • Bit deludes himself that he knows me or can read my mind. Think Progress » Fox News Televangelist Hume: Tiger Would Be ‘Farther Down The Road’ To ‘Forgiveness’ With Christianity
  • This can delude people who want their leaders to improve their economic conditions.
  • It was a deluded parting shot from a captain whose lack of runs has been the single biggest reason for England's wretched performances. The Sun
  • The culture of the nation is to be replaced by one suitable only for rootless and deracinated people - a people that can be deluded that what it is told to think and believe is really ‘universal’ because it has long since ceased to have any real culture of its own.
  • In either case, then, one can not be deluded by biology.
  • I'm not flattering myself with some deluded belief of self-importance, if things get out of hand (which probably/hopefully they will not) I'll be the one getting really upset.
  • Well, he's a self-deluded coke addict who got away with murder.
  • The danger is that jargon deludes both the speaker and the audience. Cutting through the jargon
  • But, as you know, whenever the problem is delineated as cogently as Melanie has in this post (and many previous ones over the years), the hounds of hell are unleashed from the demiworld of deluded dreams to bark, bite, bluster and bullshit. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • You really are deluded if you go on believing in your ‘hero’ in the face of all the evidence that he's a fink, and a not very bright one at that.
  • To which Simon replied: "@piersmorgan look up the word deluded in your dictionary. Simon Cowell Joins Twitter; Engages in (Virtual) Fight with Piers Morgan
  • But if Othello dies a deluded and confused figure, would that not rob him of all dignity and nobility, turning him into the pitiful victim of a vicious, hostile society?
  • I must humour my own father: it is only dutiful to meet his desires. sed eccum Amphitruonem, advenit; iam ille hic deludetur probe, siquidem vos voltis auscultando operam dare. ibo intro, ornatum capiam qui potis decet; dein susum ascendam in tectum, ut illum hinc prohibeam. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • I say this in order that no one may delude you with plausible arguments.
  • To work this sportive vein still further, Mr Brass, by his counsel, moved in arrest of judgment that he had been led to criminate himself, by assurances of safety and promises of pardon, and claimed the leniency which the law extends to such confiding natures as are thus deluded. The Old Curiosity Shop
  • Hope often deludes the foolish man. 
  • So it must be other people, not us or not people in general, who are deluded by their biology.
  • Is it about the fundamentally deluded nature of human existence, or its perverse, incorrigible optimism?
  • Delude ourselves into that kind of thinking however and a rude awakening will await us.
  • I strongly suspect he is not deluded, but he is definitely a brave, or at least a courageous, man.
  • Deluded Dev even starts wearing 'guyliner' - eyeliner for men - in a bid to show off his good looks. Undefined
  • He claims that people who are deluded about themselves and who distort reality in their favour face a whole host of problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • But if we give up the second belief, then we do not think we are deluded by biology.
  • It was tempting to delude people that we had received more cards than we actually did.
  • But let's not compound our losses with deluded bombast about what we have to gain.
  • Hope often deludes the foolish man. 
  • When we learn of this "offstage" plot, we can think only less of him and less of Emma for the self-deluded conceit that lets him use her to taunt Jane: "Very luckymarrying as they did, upon an acquaintance formed only in a public place!" he gossips of the newlywed Eltons in terms that he knows Jane must take to heart; "They only knew each other, I think, a few weeks in Bath! Boxing Emma; or the Reader’s Dilemma at the Box Hill Games
  • Maybe Im overoptimistic, or just plain deluded, but I think that when the people making the big decisions on technology are the ones who have most absorbed it as a major part of their lives then things will make a little more sense (We like free downloads, dont like crippled media/software – aka protected, and dont think that the internet is a series of tubes) EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - What Does Bill Think Of Firefox?
  • Lurking beneath the rich and tempting viands were invisible spirits of evil, which filled the self-deluded gormandizer with aches and pains, passions uncontrollable, fierce tempers, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lumbago, and gout, and of these the Lloyds had a full share. Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, Written by Himself. His Early Life as a Slave, His Escape from Bondage, and His Complete History to the Present Time, Including His Connection with the Anti-slavery Movement; His Labors in Great Britain as Well as in
  • That businesses spend vast sums to delude consumers, not inform them, is too obvious to merit comment.
  • Among the road blocks, there are, for starters, the numerous theories -- highly loquacious in cyberspace -- that contend not only that flu vaccination is overtly dangerous, but that there is a systematic effort to delude the public about those dangers. David Katz, M.D.: What to Do About Flu? Get Vaccinated
  • We all delude ourselves to varying degrees, but we normally have some face-saving excuse.
  • I think you have things all wrong .. he is a great man with a good heart. .although Hillary supporters are so used to her twisted logic is doesn't surprise me you would see things as you do .. you are just plain deluded. Obama admits: I 'cannot know' what war is like
  • She saw now that he did not mean to acknowledge his failing, and knowing the secretiveness of the drug-taker she decided that he was deluded enough to think he could still deceive her. The Fruit of the Tree
  • It is better than a deluded belief in a non-existent benignity amongst our global neighbors.
  • If you think that is what is required to build a successful democracy then you're too deluded.
  • In a classic example of American culture, the caption of the YouTube video heaping ridicule on this deluded squawker (are you sure it's not you?) misspelled loser. Is That Legal?: No relation.
  • You can decide, or delude, for yourself how many of those people want a copy of the album to use as the soundtrack for their family video. deanowaco says: Matthew Yglesias » Intellectual Property is About Consumers
  • Is anybody interested in what these young, deluded fools have got to say?
  • As such it takes us back to the days when Cameron was denouncing anyone who backed Grammar Schools in intemperate terms or rejecting any contrary position as ‘pointless’ or deluded or whatever. Tories: Burn Your Bras!
  • But yours is the soul of a poet: surely you are not deluded by this triumphalist charade?
  • The bishop, enraged at being deluded by a mere girl, determined to have his revenge.
  • By the end of the" Forever's First Day", we realize that what appeared to have been a sunshiny love song perhaps is in fact a bittersweet imagination of a deluded lover.
  • In a review of Naguib Mahfouz's work in this book, Ghosh argues that the claim often made for Mahfouz's work, that it was a microcosm of Egyptian life, is deluded because Mahfouz's subject is the urban salariat, narrowly defined.
  • I have been a deluded fool. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then the goddess, strange and ominous to see, fashions into the likeness of Aeneas a thin and pithless shade of hollow mist, decks it with Dardanian weapons, and gives it the mimicry of shield and divine helmet plume, gives unsubstantial [640-673] words and senseless utterance, and the mould and motion of his tread: like shapes rumoured to flit when death is past, or dreams that delude the slumbering senses. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • And if that belief is true, then we are not deluded by biology.
  • You can decide, or delude, for yourself how many of those people want a copy of the album to use as the soundtrack for their family video. Matthew Yglesias » Intellectual Property is About Consumers
  • What I lost -- Ah! what I _lost_ was respect for "-- Blair choked --" for the institution that had deluded me. The Day of the Beast
  • A disciple of Kent had the cruelty to render this splendid old mansion (the more modern part of which was the work of Inigo Jones) more _parkish_, as he was pleased to call it; to raze all those exterior defences, and bring his mean and paltry gravel-walk up to the very door from which, deluded by the name, one might have imagined Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Volume I (of 10)
  • That such a populace of deluded hypocrits are allowed to take part in our "body politic" is a testament to the LIBERAL nature of our constitution. DNC: Barbour 'defended the indefensible'
  • They're ingrateful, self-deluded, self-important imperlialists just like the GOP. Mitchell in Israel; Netanyahu says 'no freeze' on construction
  • And sometimes national coaches possess a deluded sense of their own importance.
  • African Union summit, Mugabe said opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai should not "delude" himself into thinking the result of the June 27 poll could be expunged from the record books and should renounce his claims to the presidency. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Autumn is an honest month; it does not delude man like spring does! It shows him the dark face of life, the tragedy, the rot, the separation, the sadness! Mehmet Murat ildan 
  • It is now evident unto all that here hath been the fatal miscarriage of those poor deluded souls amongst us whom they call Quakers; and it is altogether in vain to deal with them about other particulars, whilst they are carried away with infidelity from this foundation. Pneumatologia
  • I think anyone who puts his dog in a cage on top of a car for a 12-hour drive and then deludes himself or tries to delude others that the dog really enjoyed it -- to me, with all due respect, I feel such a man shouldn't be president of the United States. Lanny Davis: Romney's "Dog on Car Roof Story" Won't Go Away
  • French pop was reduced - and deservedly in most cases - to a freak show of smutty sexploitation and deluded Elvis impersonators.
  • On the other side are the easily deluded, the ones who believe that a hit single or a television spot circumvents money to actually purchase happiness.
  • It had to be suffered and endured by rote learning and sing-songy renditions of pappy rhymes or the impenetrable stanzas of a tortured and deluded soul.
  • But we poor deluded souls keep colouring our hair in the wildest and most atrocious colours possible.
  • But we poor deluded souls keep colouring our hair in the wildest and most atrocious colours possible.
  • We delude ourselves that we are in control.
  • I believe that music-lovers are deluded when they claim to find artistic pleasure in any but a fraction of this music.
  • 'Overtures from Richmond,' set to the quaint air of '_Lilliburlero, bullen a la_,' which is said to have 'sung a deluded prince out of three kingdoms.' The Continental Monthly, Vol 3 No 3, March 1863 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • At first the stranger laughed at my tears and my agony, as the hysterical passion of a deluded and overreached wanton, or the wily affection of a courtezan. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Autumn is an honest month; it does not delude man like spring does! It shows him the dark face of life, the tragedy, the rot, the separation, the sadness! Mehmet Murat ildan 
  • But if the Labour Party thinks the Tories' disarray is long-lasting, they are deluded.
  • Out of over 30 cousins on one side alone, there are few renegades, and any sort of self-reliance is seen as catastrophic, or worse, deluded.
  • I was delighted to discover that a ‘poltroon’ is ‘an ignoble, uncourageous person; a base coward’; high praise indeed for a deluded, immoral creep like Peter Hain. On Peter Hain
  • He would have been dismissed as a deluded fool had he done that in early August. The Sun
  • The near-impossibility of arguing people out of political, social and religious beliefs is the same phenomenon as the impossibility of arguing deluded patients out of their false persecutory or jealous beliefs.www. html Election Prediction: Voting will be Irrational, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • No Hellenistic poet or philosopher quoted it[Sentence dictionary], although modern scholars have sometimes deluded themselves on this subject.
  • But it does sound like Chris Rock is making a simple generalization and calling any black woman with a weave or relaxer deluded and obsessed with whiteness. Good 'Hair?' Hardly. How Chris Rock gets it wrong |
  • Why would you delude yourself into believing that anyone here finds you the least bit credible, or that your opinion is worth anything more than a cup of spit, GOP suckhole? Think Progress » Obama: Gitmo Has ‘Been Subject To A Lot Of…Pretty Rank Politics’
  • There are two significant ways in which this fixation on passion as a prerequisite for success in business is seriously damaging: it deludes new and potential entrepreneurs into believing that if only they can find their 'true north', then their business venture will surely succeed; and it is hijacking or at least hobbling the development of serious leaders with genuine depth. Les McKeown: Stop Trying to Find Your Passion and Get to Work
  • Placebo's love affair with the British music press screeched to a halt in mid-2000 when the NME penned a scathing feature accusing the singer of being arrogant, difficult, unapproachable, obnoxious and deluded.
  • I adroitly delude myself that I have the know-how and Con cred to efficiently maximize my enjoyment, but my plans, without exception, get tossed shortly after I grab my badge. 7 Reasons to Attend Worldcon
  • Hope often deludes the foolish man. 
  • But this was not about them; in his deluded mind, it was about him. Times, Sunday Times
  • But we poor deluded souls keep colouring our hair in the wildest and most atrocious colours possible.
  • He deludes himself and as I don't want to disillusion him when he mentions this in my presence I just smile and say nothing. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • Hope often deludes the foolish man. 
  • The Real World for the nihilist is the one where life lashes out at all of us, every damned single day -- where hope is a deluded pipedream, and (bleep) happens. Wounded Trust, Lost Revenues
  • This deluded piece of crapola is all about smoke and mirrors, but, I don’t think his disgusting treatment of Bibi N. was anything more than what we all heard. Optimism Watch: Instapundit/Israel/Obama edition. | RedState
  • And yet you continue to delude yourself into thinking that the NIRA had something to do with the length of a global depression. The Volokh Conspiracy » Crisis, the Health Care Bill, and the Growth of Government
  • Johnson would have none of it: he scorned the lexicographer who deluded himself that he could ‘embalm his language, and secure it from corruption and decay’.
  • He would have been dismissed as a deluded fool had he done that in early August. The Sun
  • They are condemned, and they deludedly believe that they are commanded, to spread the contagion and to visit hell upon the unrighteous.
  • Television deludes you into thinking you have experienced reality, when you haven't.
  • To suppose that the influence of a minority of party activists will not in the end prevail is to delude oneself.
  • He deludes himself and as I don't want to disillusion him when he mentions this in my presence I just smile and say nothing. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • Either this was a stubborn refusal to acknowledge economic reality, or he was genuinely deluded. Times, Sunday Times
  • This poor deluded guy who calls himself "stonemason" is completely out of touch with reality. Labour: no presence at the Eisteddfod
  • But this was not about them; in his deluded mind, it was about him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Laugh at the deluded, half-blind political wannabe - then turn your backs. Laughter Is The Best Medicine
  • I was angry with him for trying to delude me.
  • Deluded, dehydrated, mad, Heck wandered toward a tree at the edge of the playa, across the railroad tracks, and approached Trego hot springs.
  • Critics who decry regulatory costs are dismissed as deluded apologists for corporate rapacity.
  • ‘Perhaps I am deluded in thinking that my jowls are an advertisement for courage, proclaiming that I'm not afraid of growing old,’ she writes.
  • He was deluded about American society, but endlessly inventive in his schemes to throw it into chaos. Times, Sunday Times
  • DeNiro's reaction is a double denial: he's trying not to laugh at Harvey, and his character cannot abide being mistaken for a cop; he's not, but he deludes himself, his parents and Iris that he's on secret mission for the government. Travis&Jared
  • Many steel execs thought Mittal was deluded as they watched him snap up distressed mills from Trinidad to Kazakhstan.
  • Millions of misguided merchants paying their hardearned out to deluded ‘designers’ so that they too can join the cyberspace community.
  • I would still argue that while discussions of such things as character or plot or point of view are perfectly useful ways of exploring our reactions to a work of fiction, we shouldn't delude ourselves into believing they're anything other than devices of convenience. Style in Fiction
  • The manager deluded her into thinking he would give her the job.
  • Why are you playing the edges; why bother to debunk, why spend your time exposing people that are outright frauds, phonies, or who are merely self deluded?
  • He spoke of him afterwards as “that amphibolous being sitting calmly and unmoved on the throne of amphibology, while he cheats and deludes us by his double meaning, covert phraseology, and claps his hands when he sees us involved in his insidious figures of speech, as a spider rejoices over a captured fly.” Luther and Other Leaders of the Reformation
  • Autumn is an honest month; it does not delude man like spring does! It shows him the dark face of life, the tragedy, the rot, the separation, the sadness! Mehmet Murat ildan 
  • You haue so tentered the king's qualliffications as in making him only who paieth ten shillings to a single rate to be of competent estate, that when the king shall be enformed, as the trueth is, that not one church member in an hundred payes so much & yt in a toune of an hundred inhabitants, scarse three such men are to be found, wee feare that the king will rather finde himself deluded than satisfied by your late act. The Land We Live In The Story of Our Country
  • Your deluded, vile, racist leaflets harken back to the awful days of the Reich's 'Nuremberg Laws'. Archive 2009-04-01
  • *Gag* Aside from being agrammatical, he’s, well, totally deluded. Firedoglake » A Cordial Invitation…the GOP Celebrates Cheney and Goss
  • I think that he, too, has been deluded by what you call my splendid semblance. The Tyranny of Weakness
  • It was a deluded parting shot from a captain whose lack of runs has been the single biggest reason for England's wretched performances. The Sun
  • To this extent are beings possessing personality - belief deluded and erring in their ways.
  • “This I tell thee, O King,” added the favourite “but that thou mayst not accept one word from these deluders, else will there befal thee that whereby thou wilt destroy thyself.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He claims that people who are deluded about themselves and who distort reality in their favour face a whole host of problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • So this dear, deluded old gentleman, having failed to secure a 'rune' in Java brought back something equally cryptic -- a woman? Cleek, the Master Detective
  • She flattered this weakness, asking him to save this headstrong deluded child of hers.
  • Innovative idea: They are company's main force , guide culture with picture composition, use color goblin to delude optesthesia , use line to arrange keynote in groups.
  • These beginnings of summer, always so alike, deluded me into thinking that in spite of my occasional fears my childhood would be indefinitely prolonged; but I no longer felt "joy at waking;" a sort of disquietude, such as oppresses one when he has left his duty undone, weighed upon me more and more heavily each morning when I thought that time was flying, that the vacation would soon be over, and that I still lacked the courage to come to a decision in regard to my future. The Story of a Child
  • It's all too easy to delude yourself that the few square blocks in which you live or work are the sum of New York.
  • Add me to The Galloping Beaver and their “Die Margaret Thatcher” friends, as well as POGGE and their inability to perceive the disingenuous hypocrisy behind Jack Layton and his politically motivated rhetoric, and Bastard Logic simply because he knows he wallows in deluded progressivist fantasy and is entirely comfortable with that. 2008 March 09 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • This pleased the mouse and she squeaked for joy and danced and frisked her ears and tail, and greed for the grain deluded her; so she rose at once and issuing forth of her home, saw the sesame husked and dry, shining with whiteness, and the woman sitting at watch and ward. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I think that deluded his mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is precisely because an important difference exists between a normal brain and the brain of someone who is seriously demented or unreachably deluded that such people are not considered responsible for crimes they might commit.
  • Disgusted, frustrated and utterly deluded about what's going on here, we run for the comforting embrace of sweeties and calorie-laden treats.
  • Television deludes you into thinking you have experienced reality, when you haven't.
  • They may become obsessed or enraptured, but also inevitably enraged because as their vision begins to grow, so does the rumor that they are simply deluded kooks that will never actually get it off the ground.
  • But we poor deluded souls keep colouring our hair in the wildest and most atrocious colours possible.
  • But to have said this would have been to drive away 90 per cent of boobyism, which is ever ready to be deluded, but insists upon gravity and long words from the operators. London: Saturday, September 16, 1865

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