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  1. remove from the proper or usual locality

How To Use delocalize In A Sentence

  • The neighboring Mixtec and Zapotec villages pursue a southern delocalized pattern of dispersion and deterritorialization.
  • The fact of the matter is, Democrats are trying to delocalize these elections, these midterm elections, and essentially make them a referendum on Bush, hoping that low poll numbers will translate into high Democratic turnout. CNN Transcript Sep 18, 2006
  • NEW MEANINGS analyst gate mu-meson bob immune, adj. muonon, butter pat laggard suffix delocalize, v. lagger paging derrick, v. meson plasma digger microelectrode poach, v. fat receptor reduplicate, gravisphere ductibility v. moonfall electrohydraulic spinner parakite standoff resistojet fluidonics station BLENDS (2) fluoridizer zone gayola incapacitator VARIANT FORM plench Mosleyite tabbouli BOUND-MORPHEME mysterium FUNCTIONAL ITEMS (7) oceanologic, VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XV No 1
  • It didn't help that ultra-politically correct United Colors of Benetton got involved in a nasty conflict with "delocalized" Mapuche families in the early 2000s -- leading it to be known in many progressive quarters as United Colors of Land Grab. Pepe Escobar: Patagonia: The End of the World Is on Sale
  • delocalized" (that is, free to move among the atoms) under high pressure. Innovations-report
  • This version represents the delocalized aromatic pi-system as one IBond: Archive 2006-12-01
  • Theorists suggested that the volume collapse happens through changes in the electronic structure of the cerium atoms in which electrons bound to specific atoms under low pressure become "delocalized" (that is, free to move among the atoms) under high pressure. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Only 30% of the spectra carry a clear signature of delocalized excited states of a circular structure of the pigments.
  • Therefore, all such red-shifted pigments are believed to be highly delocalized, bond-equalized carbocations.
  • This result qualitatively explains the experimentally observed wavelength dependence of Phi for rhodopsin and reveals the importance of delocalized, torsional modes in the reactive pathway.
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