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How To Use Deliverance In A Sentence

  • The general theme of the elegies is the sorrow and desolation created by the destruction of Jerusalem [2] in 586 B.C.: the last poem (v.) is a prayer for deliverance from the long continued distress. Introduction to the Old Testament
  • The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
  • The contents of the kyack meant _life_ to herself and to Ben, -- deliverance and safety when all seemed lost. The Sky Line of Spruce
  • Texans were more or less thought of as yahoo barbarians somewhere between the Beverly Hillbillies and Deliverance.
  • While I was conducting a deliverance meeting, without my knowing it, an unsaved couple came to the Lord.
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  • Stupidity is closer to deliverance than intellect which innovates," is a phrase ascribed to a Mohammedan saint, and do not modern theologians report with enthusiasm, the unlettered condition of Jesus? Cosmic Consciousness
  • Yet this is not all: they are proud still, and therefore they do not seek unto God (Ps.x. 4), or, if they do cry unto him, therefore he does not give answer, for he hears only the desire of the humble (Ps.x. 17) and delivers those by his providence whom he has first by his grace prepared and made fit for deliverance, which we are not if, under humbling afflictions, our hearts remain unhumbled and our pride unmortified. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • The opening scene shows them celebrating their sudden deliverance from war.
  • But the full concept of salvation in the New Testament is deliverance from our present sins.
  • The prophecy, probably, contemplates ultimately, besides the affliction and deliverance in Sennacherib's time, the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome, the dispersion of the Jews, their restoration, the destruction of the enemies that besiege the city (Zec 14: 2), and the final glory of Israel (Isa 29: 17-24). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • -- This morning I felt great power in prayer, and an ardent desire for full deliverance from every besetment. Religion in Earnest A Memorial of Mrs. Mary Lyth, of York
  • No harm shall befal you; for the Caliph, fifth537 of the sons of Al – Abbas, hath pledged himself for your deliverance and I have forgiven you. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • We pray for deliverance from our sins.
  • Thou hast compelled me to forespeak, as well deliverance to the afflicted, as destruction to certain inobedient, the performance whereof, not I alone, but the very blind world has already seen. John Knox
  • On the contrary, it was a faith of pure practical reason, securely founded in the authoritative deliverances of the moral consciousness, that he sought to legitimize; nothing less would do.
  • The allure, in my case, was not service to others, but the deliverance of myself.
  • Holy men advised the population to assemble in churches and pray for deliverance.
  • It is set in the offices of the Olympic Deliverance Commission deliverance, geddit? around two years away from the start of the Games, with Mama Cass's rockets and bells having long since faded. Ken Bates and the art of slow seduction cannot help but leave me cold| Martin Kelner
  • The cry for forgiveness was also the cry for inward healing and deliverance from the mental and physical effects of sin.
  • For the stronger the conviction, the speedier is the deliverance. The Doctrines and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church
  • He also spent a fair amount of time in deliverance ministry. Christianity Today
  • Most were content to contemplate their deliverance, but some were more boisterous.
  • His poetry is a kind of maieutics - an act of deliverance. Nobel Prize in Literature 1984 - Presentation Speech
  • His compassionateness hath been the fountain of their deliverances. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
  • Note, Those who have been sharers with each other in afflictions and mercies, dangers and deliverances, ought in consideration thereof to unite for their joint and mutual safety and protection; and it is likely to be well with the church when Ephraim and Judah are one against the Philistines. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • We cannot see how deliverance will come or when it will come, but nothing is more certain that every trace of Hitler's footsteps, every stain of his infected, corroding fingers will be sponged and purged and, if need be, blasted from the surface of the earth. No to the Nazis
  • This deliverance he called saintship (_arahattam_) or nirvana of which I shall say something below. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1
  • But what about the third-rate, Deliverance style hicks tormenting the kids?
  • From there, still an alcoholic, he travelled to South Africa, still looking for deliverance.
  • He also spent a fair amount of time in deliverance ministry. Christianity Today
  • The youth was dazed and knew not whither he should wend, but after a few days as he sat pondering his case, he caught sight of the sails of a ship in the middlemost of the main, as it were a star in the sky; and his heart clave to it, so haply his deliverance might be therein. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Boorman, son of the director John Boorman, had acted in 24 films since a childhood role in Deliverance in 1972.
  • In our arms is the child of our ever - delving intellect, but another deliverance is about to be and the suffering is great. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • Medicine (1991) - Alan Kligerman, deviser of digestive deliverance, vanquisher of vapor, and inventor of Beano, for his pioneering work with anti-gas liquids that prevent bloat, gassiness, discomfort and embarrassment. Celebrating Silly Science Since 1991
  • A comfortable persuasion of our acceptation with God in Christ is the bottom of this peace; it inwraps deliverance from eternal wrath, hatred, curse, condemnation, — all sweetly affecting the soul and conscience. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • Rudy McBagel: im sure chucky raped ned beaty in deliverance If KFC’s “Double Down” Kills Us, At Least We’ll Go Down Smiling | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • As you led everyone in a prayer for deliverance from any curse over their lives, I felt a definite sense of release from bondage.
  • An outgate is just a gate out, a way of redemption, deliverance and escape. Samuel Rutherford
  • Everyone waits for deliverance that never comes.
  • It is not as though there is a ‘real’ private voice somewhere inside us which gives us infallible deliverances which are right.
  • Handsome mosaic floors, three aisles, and a semicircular apse give it the look of a church, but stucco friezes on the walls show Orpheus leading Eurydice back from Hades, Heracles rescuing Hesione from the sea monster, and other scenes of mythological deliverance. Underground Rome
  • In the case of Orestes, for example, there is the madness which led to his capture, and his deliverance by means of the purificatory rite. Poetics
  • And surely that is the best deliverance in all affliction, to be made so spiritually exhilarant that we can rise above it. My Daily Meditation for the Circling Year
  • Oh blest deliverance — what a profane wretch is here, and what a lewd world we live in — oh London, London, how thou aboundest in Iniquity, thy Young men are debaucht, thy Virgins defloured, and thy Matrons all turn'd Bawds! my Lady Fancy, this is not company for you I take it, let us fly from this vexation of spirit on the never-failing wings of discretion. — Sir Patient Fancy
  • How dare the ITC even consider for a moment allowing the utter screaming nutcases who sell the awful lie of religious deliverance from such suffering to do so legally and publicly to people so weak they might just believe it?
  • This sound, which is peculiar to the Australian bush, uttered with the intonation and force of healthy lungs, can be heard at a surprising distance; and often, when used by one lost in the nemoral labyrinths of the country, is the means of attraction; and consequent deliverance from danger and probable death. Fern Vale (Volume 1) or the Queensland Squatter
  • The picture has been variously described as a cross between Badlands, The Blair Witch Project and Deliverance.
  • Durazzo to assist their own deliverance by a well-timed sally from the town. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • As we entered their den, said a common mumper, to whom we had given half a teston, Worshipful culprits, God send you a good deliverance! Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • He seems at this point to affirm the religious perspective of his enslavers: He condemns himself and assumes that he is unworthy, even as he prays for divine deliverance.
  • In a worde, what was sayd of Cinna, might well be applyed to him, Erat illi consilium ad facinus aptum, consilio autem neque lingua neque manus deerat, he had a heade to contryve, and a tounge to perswade, and a hande to exequte any mischieve; his death therfore seemed to be a greate deliverance to the nation. Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles
  • The _foundation_ of this temple may be laid in humility and contrition of spirit, wherein the inhabiter of eternity delighteth to dwell; we may refer the _porch_ to the mouth of a saint, wherein every holy Jacob erects the _pillars_ of God's praise, calling upon and blessing his name for received mercies; when songs of deliverance are uttered from the _doors_ of his lips. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • Her deliverance of her stories will once again have her audiences spellbound.
  • For some people deliverance is needed. Beyond Chaotic Eating
  • Do not go middle – that's banjoes and Deliverance. Film-inspired holidays: The Great American Road Trip
  • The prophecy pictures the return of the exiles from Babylon as being like the deliverance from slavery in Egypt.
  • Finally, only one outward symbol remained to remind him that he had been set apart for a special work of deliverance for his people----his unshorn hair.
  • So when the nest-owner would have gone out after his wont, he drew near the Cat; whereupon she seized him and taking him in her claws, began to bite him and shake him and take him in her mouth and lift him up and cast him down and run after him and cranch him and torture him. 63 The Mouse cried out for help, beseeching deliverance of Allah and began to upbraid the Cat, saying, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • In a word, the redemption wrought by Christ being the full deliverance of the persons redeemed from all misery, wherein they were inwrapped, by the price of his blood, it cannot possibly be conceived to be universal unless all be saved: so that the opinion of the Universalists is unsuitable to redemption. The Death of Death in the Death of Christ
  • John Paul’s deliverance from the hardship of the lower deck was a brass instrument called an octant. John Paul Jones
  • You share brief, frugal meals with the monks in the refectory, then it's back to your cell to pray - for salvation, inspiration, or deliverance, take your pick.
  • What substance this is can be inferred from the deliverances of the active faculty, namely the ideas in my imagination.
  • What was this hymn which now the tenors sang, and what was the answer that came from all the voices so close to me, the words in Latin unstrung and only incoherently enveloping me: "Lord, I am come into the Valley of Death; Lord, I am come to the end of my Sorrow; Lord, in thy deliverance I give life to those who would be idle in Hell were it not for thy divine plan. Vittorio, The Vampire
  • The key is that we look to God for salvation and deliverance, which may be in this world, but if not, then in the judgement to come.
  • Song thus contains both words and music, but speech performance is also more than just a neutral deliverance of verbal semantics.
  • With his pale Irish skin, stick-out ears, and lantern jaw covered in reddish-brown stubble, wearing a green waffle-pattern long-underwear shirt and a pair of Sprawl athletic shorts, he looks like an elongated version of the actor Matt Damon preparing for a role in a remake of Deliverance. Rampage
  • The person seeking deliverance must exercise his or her will in such circumstances.
  • That which, in the next place, we are to speak unto is, "The equity of this divine constitution, -- that, in the ordinary way of God's rule and dispensation of his providence, repentance and reformation shall turn away impendent judgments, and procure unto a people a blessed deliverance; and nothing else shall do it:" "Except ye repent, ye shall perish. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Peel's speech was described as temporising, and the deliverance of his young lieutenant was temporising too, though firm on the necessary principle, as he called it, of which the world was before long to hear so much from him, that the nation should be taxed for the support of a national church. The Life of William Ewart Gladstone, Vol. 1 (of 3) 1809-1859
  • He does not presume on it, as if deliverance from God is a matter of fate or inevitability.
  • He knew that, next to the worship of God, the true _worship_ of a fellow-creature, in the old meaning of the word, is the most potent thing for deliverance. There & Back
  • And another (rather inspired this one) when he serenaded them with a banjo while plucking the theme tune to 1970s hick-horror flick Deliverance.
  • Deliverance Dobbins, a frumpish, fizgig of a maid, ever complaining of bodily ills though her chuffy cheeks were red as pippins, reported that one day when she had gone for simples she had seen strange, dead things in the jars of M. Picot's dispensary. Heralds of Empire Being the Story of One Ramsay Stanhope, Lieutenant to Pierre Radisson in the Northern Fur Trade
  • That I had to believe the word unquestioning, I asked my aunt while in uni ... she was a pastor with FOUNTAIN OF LIFE ... she said I was questioning the bible and told my parents I needed deliverance, I asked a Jew and he said we christians don't know anything about the religion we claim ... In the Beginning.....
  • Like tourists bustling into great cathedrals we go to her full of noise, impatient for learning and deliverance. Times, Sunday Times
  • But if ever martyr were worthy of being called a partaker of the sufferings of Christ it was surely this girl, free, if ever human creature was, from self-seeking, or thought of reward, or ambitious hope, in whose heart there had never been any motive but the service of God and the deliverance of her country, who had neither looked before nor after, nor put her own interests into consideration in any way. Jeanne d'Arc
  • Nahari claimed that Shalit and his father should have utilized the first Saturday after he was freed from Hamas captivity to say the Gomel benediction of deliverance -- a Jewish prayer of thanks traditionally said by those who survived an adversity or were released from prison. Rabbi Jason Miller: Gilad Shalit, Iran Hiker Josh Fattal And Freedom Of Religion
  • Men on cycles, lean-faced, unkempt, scorched along every country lane shouting of unhoped deliverance, shouting to gaunt, staring figures of despair. The War of The Worlds
  • The happiness of those who repent: they recover themselves out of this snare, as a bird out of the snare of the fowler; the snare is broken and they have escaped; and the greater the danger the greater the deliverance. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • And so should we do still, for the stronger the conviction, the speedier is the deliverance. The Doctrine & Discipline of the African Union First Colored Methodist Protestant Church, of the United States of America, or Elsewhere.
  • All I know is that we said prayers of deliverance and kept our mouths shut when arguments began as to whether the bombs needed to be dropped or not.
  • Pass after pass was lofted astray and only the muscle of Goodman appeared to offer the visitors hope of deliverance.
  • But shorn of his falling hair, and without a streak of paint on his cheeks, verily his heart might be found to die within him, before furies with faces fiery with rouge, and heads horrent with pomatum -- till instinctively he strove to roll himself up in the Persian carpet, and there prayed for deliverance to his tutelary gods. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol 58, No. 357, July 1845
  • Such structures can be read as dramas of redemption, of deliverance from the chaotic environment of an unreasoning nature.
  • There was a small congregation in the parish part of the church even at Compline that night, a dozen or so goodmen of the district, come to offer devout thanks for deliverance from terror. The Virgin In The Ice
  • Whatever that may be, we are all interested in finding out what the composite is to be after he has given his various deliverances over the radio. Exciting Events
  • He ministered in mercy to the suffering, ministered healing to the incurable, ministered deliverance to those in bondage, ministered forgiveness to the fallen!
  • Although the person feels free, he often needs much more deliverance.
  • He also spent a fair amount of time in deliverance ministry. Christianity Today
  • Never did poor prisoner long for deliverance, more than I have longed for an opportunity to disburthen my cares into your friendly bosom; and the occasion which now presents itself, is little less than miraculous — Honest Saunders Macawly, the travelling The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • Let us go back and reflect on the three Christian beliefs we are declaring to be unscriptural, and then proceed to the two primary dimensions of deliverance from sin.
  • The same deliverance furnishes the imagery by which the return from Babylon is described (Isa 48: 20, 21). destroy -- literally, "devote," or "doom," that is, dry up; for what God dooms, perishes (Ps 106: 9 Na 1: 4). tongue -- the Bubastic branch of the Nile [Vitringa]; but as the Nile was not the obstruction to the exodus, it is rather the west tongue or Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • She was merely making use of a current phrase, as was frequently her custom, and attributing no precise meaning to it, unless it were that wine vaguely suggested to her mind the idea of cordiality and the hope that after her deliverance she would see the The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2
  • Afraid he had not sacrificed in the proscribed manner, he squeezed his eyes shut and called out a prayer to God for deliverance.
  • Or, just perhaps, the prayers of the faithful for deliverance from ungodly rule are at last being heard.
  • Local legend attributes its origins to commemoration of the village's deliverance from the Great Plague in 1665.
  • They were praying for death for deliverance from pathetic existence.
  • When it hath prevailed on others, and the soul is not filled with dislike and abhorrency of them and their ways, nor with pity and prayer for their deliverance. Of Temptation
  • 'I now exulted in our prospect of success in my deliverance: I grew more cheerful, my uncle was tender and affectionate; I bore his caresses without any repulses, but left the room soon as possible I employed myself in packing up a few necessaries in a small portmantua, with what little valuables I had, and was tolerably supplied with money, as I thought, knowing little of the expences of a journey. The Castle of Wolfenbach
  • Thou hast compelled me to forespeak, as well deliverance to the afflicted, as destruction to certain inobedient, the performance whereof, not I alone, but the very blind world has already seen. John Knox
  • On one occasion, when this had been the case, he retired to a secluded spot, under a hedge, where, with many tears, he poured forth his prayers for deliverance from this besetment. The Annual Monitor for 1851 or, Obituary of the members of the Society of Friends in Great Britain and Ireland, for the year 1850
  • As we entered their den, said a common mumper, to whom we had given half a teston, Worshipful culprits, God send you a good deliverance! Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Than such a conclusion nothing could be, I insisted, less warranted; and not only so, but more contrary to facts, as disclosed in his mysterious deliverance from that murderous in fluence during his Shropshire excursion. Green Tea
  • The Commissioners discuss the affairs of the church over a full seven days of debates which lead to deliverances, which set out the Kirk's policies.
  • Not only that: the sinful, disorderly, unsubduable passion torturing Amfortas, for a moment tortures equally Parsifal, whose nature is thrown by it into a horror of self-hatred, and casts itself upon frenzied prayer for deliverance and pardon. The Wagnerian Romances
  • This, then, is his deliverance from darkness, his final triumph over darkness, what we call his conversion; for himself the most important of all epochs. Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • I kept too good a look-out to apprehend any sudden calamity short of capsizal, which I no longer feared, and during the watches of that long night I dreamt a hundred waking dreams of my deliverance, of my share of the treasure, of my arriving in England, quitting the sea for ever, and setting up as a great squire, marrying a nobleman's daughter, driving in a fine coach, and ending with a seat in Parliament and a stout well-sounding handle to my name. The Frozen Pirate
  • For centuries, Italians had turned to the Virgin Mary in times of individual or collective trouble to ask for salvation or deliverance.
  • Miriam the Girdle-girl, hath a mind to visit the church this day, to seek a blessing by pilgrimage and to make oblation thereto, a douceur517 of thank-offering for her deliverance from the land of the Moslems and in fulfilment of the vows she vowed to the Messiah, so he would save her. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Commentators on this psalm agree that only such a person can hope to receive an answer to their prayer of deliverance from enemies.
  • She metamorphoses from a Gothic heroine passively awaiting deliverance to a hyperactive maniac who believes that she needs to protect men by dragging them away from “The fierce and fiery light” (5.2.45) and the imaginary legions of the advancing dead (Orra 164). The Liberating and Debilitating Imagination in Joanna Baillie’s Orra and The Dream
  • It glares upon sin with indignation, but throws its arms of mercy around the sinner; offers to him a deliverance from the guilt and power and pollution and inbeing of evil; gives him the favour and image of his The Wesleyan Methodist Pulpit in Malvern Sermons Preached at the Opening Services of the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, in 1866
  • The deliverance ministry has grown considerably in England, in recent decades, both among laity (as in the deliverance ministry support group I belong to, in my diocese) and among clergy (dioceses now have deliverance teams, and deliverance training, I understand, is returning to ordinand training programmes). Devilish deception « Anglican Samizdat
  • This psalm is purposely placed in the midst of the Hallel Psalms because the deliverance of God is something for which we must continually thank and praise Him.
  • The very scene of thy calamities is to be the scene of thy deliverance. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • When catastrophe threatened, they turned to God for deliverance.
  • Koreish, compelled the Abyssinians to a disgraceful retreat: their discomfiture has been adorned with a miraculous flight of birds, who showered down stones on the heads of the infidels; and the deliverance was long commemorated by the aera of the elephant. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • You share brief, frugal meals with the monks in the refectory, then it's back to your cell to pray - for salvation, inspiration, or deliverance, take your pick.
  • We adopt a double standard: we subject religious doctrines to rigorous scrutiny that we would not dream of imposing on the deliverances of science and common sense.
  • Holy men advised the population to assemble in churches and pray for deliverance.
  • 'Hellenism' and nationality have become for him identical ideas; and when at last the hour of deliverance struck, he welcomed the Greek armies that marched into his country from the south and the east, after the fall of Yannina in the spring of 1913, with the same enthusiasm with which all the enslaved populations of native Greek dialect greeted the consummation of a century's hopes. The Balkans A History of Bulgaria—Serbia—Greece—Rumania—Turkey
  • Deliverance came in a large steel box that rendered clotheslines obsolete and turned my father into a walking-talking spokesperson for the unsung plight of the housewife. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Thanks Dad
  • This is a key word, a ‘dramatic metaphor’ which includes deliverance from slavery, and being set free at the payment of a price.
  • Edinburght, whare the one, to witt Caldar youngar, remaned whill his band of manrent to the Cardinall was the meanes of his deliverance, and the other, to witt Ormestoun, fread him self by leapping of the wall of the Castell, betuix ten houris and allevin befoir none; and so breakin ward, [377] he eschaped preassone, which he injustlye sufferred. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • The Galatians in desiring to return to legal bondage are, he implies, renouncing the deliverance which Christ wrought for us. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • But for both, it is deliverance from all evil, it is supreme affranchisement. Ten Great Religions An Essay in Comparative Theology
  • You share brief, frugal meals with the monks in the refectory, then it's back to your cell to pray - for salvation, inspiration, or deliverance, take your pick.
  • The deliverance of the godly is the work of God, that which he concerns himself in, both his wisdom to contrive the way and his power to work out the deliverance out of temptation, to prevent their falling into sin and their being ruined by their troubles. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • The opening scene shows them celebrating their sudden deliverance from war.
  • We give thanks at this hour that this deliverance, in fact, took place.
  • After God had accomplished the miraculous deliverance by sending His death angel over the besiegers ' camp, only a few survivors, including Sennacherib, returned to their homes in shame (37:29).
  • Biblically, salvation means deliverance; the question is, ‘Deliverance from what?’
  • The aim of deliverance must continue to apply methods and paths of salvation.
  • Another whacko from the reichwingnuts in the deliverance wing of the fascist GOP. Think Progress » Sen. Inhofe: ‘Gore Is Full of Crap,’ ‘All Recent Science…Confirms This Thing Is A Hoax’
  • To complete this fear, it is required that a man have such an apprehension of the coming of hell and wrath upon him as that he be not relieved against it by any interposal of promise, or aught else, from God, that he should be preserved in the way and path whereby he shall assuredly find deliverance from that which he fears. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • This is not resuscitation, it is a deliverance from adversity, whether it be sickness, or some other lamentable circumstance.
  • But the reason why this deliverance is attributed to that subject, arises from the cause of deliverance, that is, the vivifying Spirit, which Spirit, as it exists in Christ and is to be obtained in him, is likewise in "those who are in Christ Jesus. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
  • David's abandonment in the forest primeval is also his deliverance from destruction, Moses left in the bulrushes.
  • He would lie on the ground and gaze upward at the heavens and pray for deliverance.
  • a month after this great deliverance, the champion expired; and his most splendid epitaph is the regret of the Ottoman prince, who sighed that he could no longer hope for revenge against the single antagonist who had triumphed over his arms. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Does mere longing for freedom necessarily bring deliverance? Times, Sunday Times
  • His preaching is conservative and frequently hard-hitting, often focusing on themes of obedience, sin, and deliverance. American Grace
  • Instead, he demonstrates Jesus' authority by describing the deliverance of a man with an unclean spirit.
  • Instead it gets bogged down in motions and amendments, addendums and deliverances, overtures and the like.
  • After the first diaries, which deal with years of persecution and suffering, one expects this one to be a chronicle of deliverance.
  • Concocting a satisfying Christmas mystery is as tricky as making good eggnog: you want a jigger of low-proof danger to mix smoothly with a measure of sweet deliverance. All Through The Night
  • The man you term your deliverer, I have seen; it appears, upon the whole, that he has acted from coercion, and that what share of guilt may attach to him, has been much extenuated by your deliverance. — Magdalen; or, the Penitent of Godstow
  • In Psalm 27, we are treated again to the language of light, salvation, and deliverance from enemies in the form of confession and petition.
  • work is the deliverance of mankind
  • Septuagint here, and Greek (Mt 1: 23), have the article, the virgin, some definite one known to the speaker and his hearers; primarily, the woman, then a virgin, about immediately to become the second wife, and bear a child, whose attainment of the age of discrimination (about three years) should be preceded by the deliverance of Judah from its two invaders; its fullest significancy is realized in "the woman" (Ge Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • We should, therefore, beware of the error to which in our unspirituality we are specially liable; and when we hear Christ assert that "whosoever committeth sin is the slave of sin," we should believe and know, that these words are not extravagant, and contain no subtrahend, -- that they indicate a self-enslavement of the human will which is so real, so total, and so absolute, as to necessitate the renewing grace of God in order to deliverance from it. Sermons to the Natural Man
  • There's "character development" to break up the lupine action, though, as plane-crash survivors cope with their Alaskan version of Deliverance. This week's new films
  • And just such a deliverance comes about in the next few lines. Celtic Mythology
  • Deliverance Dobbins, a frumpish, fizgig of a maid, ever complaining of bodily ills though her chuffy cheeks were red as pippins, reported that one day when she had gone for simples she had seen strange, dead things in the jars of M. Picot's dispensary. Heralds of Empire Being the Story of One Ramsay Stanhope, Lieutenant to Pierre Radisson in the Northern Fur Trade
  • Deliverance was solid, but Damnation was an unqualified success.
  • Although there was a fake formality to the deliverance of Cameron's lines, Kate still believed them to be sincere.

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