
How To Use Delinquent In A Sentence

  • Or he would lecture her on the bad manners and delinquent habits of the twins, as displayed on their infrequent visits to him. Times, Sunday Times
  • But some two dozen states collect delinquent taxes on property by holding lien certificate auctions.
  • She was invited to deliver a speech to the young delinquents last December.
  • When we focus only on delinquent students, we allow some of the real culprits in this cycle of school degeneration to escape unscathed.
  • Terms of cash on delivery or advance payment should be instituted for future sales to consistently delinquent accounts.
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  • During the long, cruel month of February, waiting for my delinquent digestive system to kick in, I had contracted low-grade pneumonia.
  • You're a bit mealy-mouthed and quiet to be a ‘juvenile delinquent’.
  • Many people feared that the 1969 Act was too radical and would make life too easy for the young delinquent. Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
  • Traditional jazz, or trad jazz, was the pop music of the day and any kind of delinquent behaviour was usually reported as the work of ‘jazz fans’.
  • It is sung, played, and written for the most part by cretinous goons, and by means of its almost imbecilic reiteration, and sly, lewd—in plain fact, dirty—lyrics . . . it manages to be the martial music of every sideburned delinquent on the face of the earth. A Renegade History of the United States
  • The truth is, we're just beginning the real descent into Lawsuit Hell - a place where average citizens injured by delinquent doctors or defective products are denied any recourse.
  • The community should provide adequate programs to help juvenile delinquents setup criminal lexus company brick rear donation school stuff direct detective cover factory brake pony cement man church admission feet attack sim politics tiger audi boyfriend home actor flat blast keyboard wolf case display samurai technologies laptop acura block monte will read it later. Firefighters Union Initially Snubbed Giuliani For "Disgraceful Lack Of Respect" After 9/11...And Other Campaign Updates
  • delinquent minors
  • Windfor, with orders to feize the delinquents, and bring them off, if they judged they could do it with fafety. A complete history of Connecticut, civil and ecclesiastical, from the emigration of its first planters from England, in MDCXXX, to MDCCXIII
  • And we are empowering the bullies, the delinquents and the troublemakers.
  • Punish the delinquent employees and also the people who contaminate the atmosphere.
  • It sold about $350 million in delinquent loans and distressed properties in a bulk sale during the last quarter. Regions Financial Loss Narrows
  • One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.
  • He spent his teenage years in Lafayette, Indiana, an angsty reprobate and hardened juvenile delinquent.
  • I had one reader who told me he was reading it outside one day when a ned came up to him -- "ned" being Scots for ... um ... think as disenfranchised as you can get -- the juvenile delinquents from our equivalent of the projects, shell-suited gangs into Buckfast and hard drugs, petty theft and hassling strangers, the type of person that is to your average SF/Fantasy reader as a hyena is to a gazelle. More Aesthetics
  • Juvenile delinquents of all races were forced to train as soldiers to fight and kill those who opposed apartheid.
  • It's easy to stereotype all adolescents as alcopop-swigging, hoodie-wearing, dope-smoking delinquents.
  • Getting a 23% paydown on a delinquent loan was a big win for bondholders, Mr. Cobb said. A Tiff Develops Over Loan Change
  • It appears that, if one of you had done some simple research - such as reading The Star's story last June - or going to Jackson County's website, you would have spotted the word "delinquent" regarding Hughes' tax records. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • All of this was delivered by the veejay–who referred constantly to an autocue–as a lesson he had to teach the delinquent Emerson. EVENING’S EMPIRE
  • Additionally, house prices continue to appreciate for the time being, lowering the debt/equity ratio and making it less likely that the delinquent homeowners will walk away from their equity.
  • The principal character is a delinquent libertine, Don Juan, who has killed Don Gonzalo, a military commander, in an unequal duel.
  • He also warned that the City would continue to take credit control measures against delinquent accounts.
  • In fact, they mattered more than her wretchedness, even more than my loved, lost and delinquent father who had put us in this situation.
  • I've done enough to avoid any feelings of delinquent wastery, but enough to keep it from being a hectic mess. Oatcake Diary Entry
  • Many people feared that the 1969 Act was too radical and would make life too easy for the young delinquent.
  • In other words, if you file Chapter 13 because you are three payments delinquent, your missed payments (the mortgage "arrearage") will be paid in your plan. The Ad-Free Personal Finance Blogs Aggregator
  • The stronghold of the bailiff was carried by storm, the scholar set at liberty, and the delinquent catchpole borne off captive to the college, where, having no pump to put him under, they satisfied the demands of collegiate law by ducking him in an old cistern. The Life of Oliver Goldsmith
  • The dress made her look like the aging matron of a delinquent youth's correctional institution. CORMORANT
  • 10.One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.
  • She got a particularly strong ovation, especially from female patrons, when she rendered a ditty about making delinquent fathers support their children.
  • A "delinquent" is a person required to be registered under the selective service law who fails or neglects to perform any duty required of him under the provisions of the selective service law. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9979
  • It said an additional 22% of current nondelinquent loans would default after this year. Chevron, Abbott Take Their Share in $10 Billion Day
  • That is, these mounted men were regarded as tyrannical bullies, delinquents and pests.
  • b. - by consecuence 85 % are not and a huge porcentage are "autochthonous" and the others are a mix of indigenous and spanish descendants. so even if hollywood represent Mexicans like domestic servants, gardeners and delinquents is very important precise what part of this "society" belongs to. Page 2
  • Numerous sources informed my understanding of corruption in Mexico, first among them news accounts of lynchings or attempted lynchings of both police officers and suspected “delinquents,” in addition to archival articles and John Ross, in his comprehensive descriptions of illicit political acts in each post-Revolutionary presidency, in El Monstruo. Down and Delirious in Mexico City
  • She had been teaching English in the state school system where she often worked with troubled or delinquent children.
  • Chasing down delinquent accounts is no fun either.
  • It appears that, if one of you had done some simple research such as reading The Star's story last June or going to Jackson County's website, you would have spotted the word "delinquent" regarding Hughes' tax records. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • After Wang, Zhang happening, can appear before court automatically, declared in a confession truthfully its delinquent account, is surrenders, may legally leniently or the mitigated punishment.
  • It is known to act as a barrier to the development of delinquent tendencies, among other things.
  • Meanwhile, only 1.5 million homes have been liquidated, that is, they've been repossessed from a delinquent borrower and sold off to a buyer capable of making monthly payments. Home Page
  • It is that afterthought - a sort of half-dotty intentness on completion such that an alternative river has to be provided to receive the delinquent bullocky - that imbues this observation with its ironic momentum.
  • a delinquent account
  • In the aftermath of the incident, his government will have to take quick and resolute steps with thorough probes and punishments of the delinquent officials concerned.
  • At this level, the authorities must deal with delinquent parents who literally nurture criminals, almost the way other parents work hard to mould their children into decent citizens.
  • Instead, county governments auction off tax lien certificates that investors purchase for the amount of the delinquent taxes and penalties.
  • But some two dozen states collect delinquent taxes on property by holding lien certificate auctions.
  • She's also the only proper grown-up on the show, trying to keep her family together as she deals with an unfaithful husband and a delinquent son.
  • His company checks for past rental or mortgage nonpayment, unlawful detainers, delinquent consumer debt, and income sources.
  • Instead, county governments auction off tax lien certificates that investors purchase for the amount of the delinquent taxes and penalties.
  • 10.One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.
  • 10.One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.
  • The youth, of Rostraver Township was adjudicated delinquent in juvenile court and placed in a residential program.
  • As that happens, you'll see more companies trolling through tax records, looking for delinquent homeowners to exploit.
  • He had been a " juvenile delinquent," he would sometimes say. The Passion of Michel Foucault
  • This study suggests that screening for ADHD is crucial because of the high prevalence of ADHD among the delinquent population.
  • When passed, it would limit the amount of time that juveniles are detained for "nondelinquent status offenses," such as truancy, running away or violating curfew, alcohol and tobacco laws. James Bell: One Size Does Not Fit All: A Slippery Slope to Increased Juvenile Incarceration
  • In children too there seems to be an increase in problems relating to antisocial, aggressive conduct and delinquent acts.
  • The foreclosure crisis forced the federal government andseveral states to come up with plans to prevent or delay the process to help delinquent borrowers. - News
  • A dozen men armed with clubs set upon a corporal in the colonial militia when he tried to execute a sentence on a man delinquent in his duty.
  • Adolescents residing in neighborhoods plagued by high levels of disorder are more likely to participate in delinquent behavior.
  • ‘When the previous home was there, which housed delinquent teenagers, they did not feel the need to fence them in like this,’ she added.
  • He was on the cusp of becoming a delinquent teenager when a Christian camp counselor asked if he was going to heaven or hell: He decided at that moment to dedicate his life to Christ.
  • This is where desperate immigrants, former showbiz stars and ancient juvenile delinquents seek asylum.
  • Clarissa Gaff, a staff attorney with the Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation in Alton, Ill., told HuffPost that her clients, Allen and Mary Pierson, became delinquent on their mortgage because of an extended HAMP trial modification that started in the spring of 2009. Treasury Department Says HAMP Doesn't Put People Into Default
  • It regarded them as mere jetsam, to be banished from the world like delinquents or the incorrigibly idle.
  • I will always be your delinquent friend ready to bitch-slap anyone who messes with you.
  • Kong diverts the company large amount fund to it the delinquent account to confess fully.
  • She was known for her ability to teach blind and mentally challenged or emotionally disturbed children, and juvenile delinquents.
  • But, what should the church do with a person indulging in delinquent behavior? Christianity Today
  • If the education system fails in accomplishing that then it is responsible for the delinquents, the drop-outs, the rejects, the youth suicides.
  • The surfer who is a delinquent tearaway is 'hodad' or 'homum'. Times, Sunday Times
  • A consumer can be delinquent on one account and pay other accounts on schedule.
  • One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.
  • To what extent do girls act as brakes on, or motivators of, delinquent behaviour in masculine adolescent gang-culture, for example?
  • The delinquent middie was sent to the ‘crows nest’ on the top of the main part of a mast; that is, below the topmast, which was a short mast lashed to the lower mast.
  • The company also applied its published methodology updates to the nondelinquent portion of the transactions. Moody's Downgrades Bear Tranches
  • How do we keep the rabble of criminals and delinquents at bay since they now pose a threat to all of us - rich, poor, powerful or inconsequential?
  • Plus, your ex-husband must pay interest on the delinquent child support payments.
  • Chinamen (cited by Mr Candidate Mulligan) in consequence of defective reunion of the maxillary knobs along the medial line so that (as he said) one ear could hear what the other spoke, the benefits of anesthesia or twilight sleep, the prolongation of labour pains in advanced gravidancy by reason of pressure on the vein, the premature relentment of the amniotic fluid (as exemplified in the actual case) with consequent peril of sepsis to the matrix, artificial insemination by means of syringes, involution of the womb consequent upon the menopause, the problem of the perpetration of the species in the case of females impregnated by delinquent rape, that distressing manner of delivery called by the Brandenburghers STURZGEBURT, the recorded instances of multiseminal, twikindled and monstrous births conceived during the catamenic period or of consanguineous parents — in a word all the cases of human nativity which Aristotle has classified in his masterpiece with chromolithographic illustrations. Ulysses
  • The loan officer agreed to extend the delinquent's due date and offered him an additional $250,000 to get through the rough times.
  • Say you've got $20 million in delinquent receivables.
  • Certainly, organised, structured delinquent gangs do not appear to be the norm in Britain today.
  • When we focus only on delinquent students, we allow some of the real culprits in this cycle of school degeneration to escape unscathed.
  • Fortunately, you can collect delinquent receivables and keep your valued clients.
  • He spent his teenage years in Lafayette, Indiana, an angsty reprobate and hardened juvenile delinquent.
  • One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.
  • But they are commonly seen as aberrations from a peaceful norm, or as the exceptional behaviour of a few young and delinquent drivers.
  • Mr. Hampton and the cast cycled through dozens of English phrases for the French word "caractériel," someone who relishes in behaving badly, including "self-centered brute," "hooligan," "delinquent. Turning Paris Into Brooklyn
  • Wage garnishment is a creditor collection tool that a delinquent debtor can escape by filing for bankruptcy.
  • So far no one has uncovered evidence that banks kicked nondelinquent borrowers out of their homes, despite robo-signing and other sloppy paperwork. A Real Robo-Signing Scandal
  • The researchers reportedly go with one of the more obvious ones: Kids grouped with lots of other young delinquents end up enmeshed in a “culture of deviance” where criminality is both taught and valorized. More Punishment, More Crime
  • Launched in 1939, the study had a control group of nondelinquent boys who grew up in similar circumstances — children of poor, mostly foreign-born parents, about half of whom lived in a home without a tub or a shower. What Makes Us Happy?
  • At least 16 per cent are delinquent or in foreclosure, and 4.6 percent actually are in foreclosure.
  • Loan delinquencies have steadily risen in the past 24 months, to the point where nearly 1 in 20 home loans is delinquent - one of the highest rates in the past decade.
  • To be precise, the delinquency rates are calculated as the percent of borrowers holding a particular type of credit who are delinquent 30 + days on one or more accounts.
  • One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.
  • Our calls are up 280 percent," said Richard Boggs, founder and chief executive of Los Angeles-based Nationwide Tax Relief, a firm that helps delinquent taxpayers resolve tax issues.
  • You wouldn't believe how much trouble those damn delinquents cause.
  • But it was no teenage delinquent - the man caught red-handed was a 59-year-old university lecturer.
  • The home was intended to provide temporary shelter for dependent and delinquent children until permanent placement in homes or institutions could be arranged.
  • Speaking for millions of renters and nondelinquent borrowers, Mr. McConnell said that the vote "ensures that homeowners who pay their bills and follow the rules won't see an interest-rate hike at the whim of a bankruptcy judge. Cramdown Slamdown
  • I remembered that there were a lot of these abandoned blocks of flats, taken over by stewbums, heroin addicts, homeless, and juvenile delinquents.
  • 10.One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.
  • OUTCOME: Judgment affirming the denial of appellant corporation's motion to dismiss an order and notice of assessment of delinquent contributions entered by appellee state was affirmed.
  • In children too there seems to be an increase in problems relating to antisocial, aggressive conduct and delinquent acts.
  • the reclamation of delinquent children
  • He is a farmer who marries a rich woman from the city and finds life in Athens with her and his delinquent son torturous.
  • Dalgliesh wondered what aberrant fancy had conceived that effeminate angel with his curdle of yellow hair under the plumed helmet or the sword embellished with glutinous lozenges in ruby, bright blue and orange with which he was ineffectively barring the two delinquents from an apple orchard Eden. She Closed Her Eyes
  • In addition, the author has designed a set of group training courses surrounded by the topic of self-control, which intervene the juvenile delinquents' violent aggression.
  • Proceeds from the sale must be applied first to delinquent rent and, if authorized by the lease, to the costs of packing, moving and storing the property.
  • We're still at the awkward age, they tell us, and too much mustn't be expected of raw youth, especially of delinquent youth that plays hookey from the Sunday-School of civilization. Canada Finds Her Voice
  • Civil disobedience of this kind will not land someone in jail, although delinquents will suffer from a high interest penalty.
  • She's also the only proper grown-up on the show, trying to keep her family together as she deals with an unfaithful husband and a delinquent son.
  • Last year, delinquent debt overshadowed the total currency in circulation almost 5 to 1, Imaz says.
  • In the collective mind of the general public, the word beatnik became synonymous with juvenile delinquent. The Typewriter Is Holy
  • derelict (or delinquent) in his duty
  • The present study sought to assess the differential facilitation of delinquent activities.
  • had hopes of rehabilitating the institutionalized juvenile delinquents
  • There is nowhere dedicated to housing and rehabilitating delinquent girls or juvenile female offenders.
  • To stay in the house, she invents the story that she is a runaway juvenile delinquent, and kind of blackmails the goodhearted Prof. Patterson, who is all worried about propriety.
  • They then print what they call delinquent books and balance those to make sure. Neosho Daily News Homepage RSS
  • If the matter was not public, the delinquent was not to be criminated because he did not make it so. Sermons on Various Important Subjects
  • Rather, the criminogenic and psychological variables that coalesce to produce the delinquent or delinquent group are also functions of larger societal processes.
  • Consider Shakespeare's only fully-realised portrait of a young delinquent: Prince Hal.
  • First, stop selling your cars to show-offs and delinquents.
  • The almshouse, which is now called by various names, the county home, the county infirmary, etc., ceased to be the repository for all types of delinquents, and for children, and became an institution primarily for the care of the aged and infirm. Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. K
  • Lower provisions for delinquent loans also helped.
  • delinquents roaming the downtown streets
  • For Billy the boy is a nagging reminder of his own delinquent youth: for Shirley-Diane he is a strange mix of sex object and living reproach.
  • One of the three of us would shin up the steps and tie the cardboard sign about 8ft above the ground so that local delinquents couldn't get at them.
  • She then decided to join them and shortly after a few drinks the men forced her onto the bed, restraining her while each of the 13 delinquent youths violated her.
  • Take caution in pursuing delinquent accounts.
  • The businessman was billed for delinquent taxes.
  • Elsewhere, a retired regimental sergeant major storms into the school to sort out his delinquent grandkids with a good talking to and a short, sharp shock. Times, Sunday Times
  • Loan delinquencies have steadily risen in the past 24 months, to the point where nearly 1 in 20 home loans is delinquent - one of the highest rates in the past decade.
  • At the Baghdad correction center, about 200 delinquents share four dormitories built around a square courtyard cut by a volleyball net.
  • Or he would lecture her on the bad manners and delinquent habits of the twins, as displayed on their infrequent visits to him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Massey is contesting 353 violations, and 127 are delinquent. Think Progress » Deadly Record: Massey’s Mine In Montcoal Has Been Cited For Over 3,000 Violations, Over $2.2 Million In Fines
  • I pictured him walking home in the cold, or being held down and pummelled by some delinquent's fists.
  • The governor of a borstal institution tries to reform a group of juvenile delinquents through sympathy rather than punishment.
  • As the beer was chilling for the vernissage of the dual exhibition Fra Delinquenti, the Mirror sat the duo down for a compare-as-you-dare chat.
  • In his half-mast trousers, short-cut jacket and spiky wig, he looks like a delinquent Jack Horner.
  • They lie to friends, they steal, they have delinquent behaviour, they embezzle money, do whatever it takes in order to keep gambling.
  • His guess as to how many of the little delinquent brats he works with will wind up in jail: Not too many of them.
  • The governor of a borstal institution tries to reform a group of juvenile delinquents through sympathy rather than punishment.
  • It successfully produces delinquents, creating a criminal section of the population and thereby dividing the subordinate classes into mutually antagonistic fractions.
  • Back in London's more buoyant days, Christmas windows were brasher and naughtier; Selfridges in 2008 featured a delinquent Santa Claus surrounded by booze and neon lights. Christmas through the looking glass
  • He is a farmer who marries a rich woman from the city and finds life in Athens with her and his delinquent son torturous.
  • Do you think the reason why they are not getting the loan modification processed and completed is because they haven't been delinquent yet? Color of Money Live
  • The average loan in foreclosure is 484 days delinquent, according to LPS Applied Analytics. Foreclosures Jam the Court System
  • Directors shepherding millionaire delinquents to and from disciplinary hearings are eager enough to express their sincere concern for refereeing standards.
  • Eysenck was the earliest theorist to suggest that delinquent or psychopathic individuals have difficulty inhibiting previously rewarded behaviour.
  • It waived millions of dollars in delinquent fees on late-paying cardholders and increased credit limits to cash-starved clients.
  • Average of 560 days in delinquent status (approximately 18 months) 33% of properties were vacant Rebecca Mairone: Setting the Record Straight on Bank of America Foreclosures
  • A team which works with young delinquents has been recognised for its ground-breaking service.
  • In the interrogation, Fu , Liu regarding rapes Sun Jie the delinquent account to confess fully.
  • Usually, these delinquent mothers are charged by the police and have to serve a sentence.
  • Mr Sarkozy this week sought to regain the upper hand by launching a nationwide debate on "national identity" and a plan to impose a curfew on delinquents.
  • In the 1970s, Vaillant and his staff tracked down most of these nondelinquent boys — it took years — so that today the Harvard Study of Adult Development consists of two cohorts, the “Grant men” and the “Glueck men.” What Makes Us Happy?
  • Instead, county governments auction off tax lien certificates that investors purchase for the amount of the delinquent taxes and penalties.
  • Alex is a "droog" - a juvenile delinquent who lives for sex, violence and subcult high fashion.
  • We've seen a huge rise in what we call the rookie delinquent taxpayer," he said. WORLD Magazine | Community
  • Deanes writes and lectures about teenage delinquents.
  • The various utilities might then have the leverage to disconnect each other's services in order to ensure recovery of arrear and delinquent accounts.
  • A few idlers passing by paused to jeer at the victim and throw balls of mud, and now and then a more sober citizen was to be seen, seizing a moment from the round of daily duties to attend to the moral improvement of the delinquent by means of a few well-chosen words of reproval and advice. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • And appeal to young hip-hop delinquents in the process.
  • _Podiase este rrescatar, despues dando la cantidad y en el entreianto seruir_ Era ley qe si Venian dos timaguas y auia aFrenta en alguno dellos tenia de dinero Conforme A la Calidad de la afrenta y esto era al arbitrio del juez y si el afrenta era grande la pena asimismo y no teniendo de qe pagarla pasando de çinco taes quedaua por esclauo del ynjuriado y si El Delinquente pedia de med al principal, o a otro amigo, le prestase El su dinero quedaua por esclauo del que le prestaua El dinero y esta esclauonia se entendia, con solo El delinquente, y no con sus hijos ni parientes saluo con los hijos qe The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 05 of 55 1582-1583 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • In the wake of protests from delinquent taxpayers about the depressing music that telephone callers to the Internal Revenue Service must endure when they are automatically placed on hold for forty-five minutes, the IRS has issued a statement, which reads, in pertinent part: There will be no changes made to our current telephone system configuration. John Baxter: IRS Refuses to Play More Upbeat Music for Callers on Hold
  • Moreover, it is perhaps doubtful whether many delinquents hold openly oppositional views or values as Cohen suggests.
  • California doesn't allow debt collectors to garnishee the bank accounts of delinquent borrowers. In Debt Collecting, Location Matters
  • The Ripuarian law condemned the female delinquent to slavery; but the woman had the alternative of killing her base-born husband. Primitive Love and Love-Stories
  • In the circumstances, it seems extraordinarily delinquent on the part of the regulators to abrogate their collective responsibilities in this area.
  • A teenage delinquent is sentenced to attend an elite gymnastics academy in the hope it will teach her a thing or two about discipline. The Sun
  • Mentawl wrote: We generally use the word "ned" (or Non Educated Delinquent) rather than "chav", but the effect is much the same. The Tech Report: News
  • Car loans have been restricted by the lack of an effective procedure for recovering delinquent loans or repossessing vehicles from borrowers that default on repayments.
  • Seaforth profited by the confusion to take the delinquent who had caused this "stramash" by the arm, and to lead him to the lawn, where he had a word or two for his private ear. Humorous Ghost Stories
  • By the end of the year, 10% of the poor quality loans turn seriously delinquent with little chance of collection.
  • Mr. Guccione also made a series of ill-advised investments, including a failed $18 million movie production of an X-rated adaptation of "Caligula," and $45 million in delinquent taxes, which contributed to his empire's downfall. Penthouse founder Bob Guccione dies at 79
  • But, whether the message is hedonistic, happy-go-lucky or delinquent, there is a dark side to the tropical nightclub scene.
  • As Blackstone noted, the law of England inherited by this nation established seven as the dividing line: the capacity of doing ill, or contracting guilt, is not so much measured by years and days, as by the strength of the delinquent's understanding and judgment; ... our maxim is, that 'malitia supplet aetatem.' If the question is whether a life sentence for rape is "cruel and unusual" when imposed on a 13-year-old...
  • 10.One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.
  • It's not unusual for a U.S. state to have billions of dollars in delinquent taxes. Naoki Abe: Governments Benefit From Smarter Tax Collections
  • It is argued that this is a significant factor in reducing the likelihood of girls joining delinquent groups.
  • However, the treasury department is now computerizing tax collection information and data is also being kept on delinquent taxpayers still owing the city.
  • delinquents retarded by their negative outlook on life
  • With the advent of interactionism and labelling theory in the 1960s, attention turned to the importance of societal reaction in constructing deviant or delinquent acts.
  • The numbers of delinquents and the estimated amounts of tax money involved have not been detailed.
  • There are also circumstances where delinquents disapprove of criminal offenses as strongly as nondelinquents.
  • Many teenagers turn rebellious while the sick parent is still alive, sometimes leaving home or they begin running wild with other delinquents.
  • Furthermore, I saw from the first month that she generally gave delinquents no more than a stern talking-to, followed by a pat on the back, rather than suspensions, detentions, or any other meaningful punishment.
  • Those who leave the delinquent group, as with those who leave any kind of group, do so because they find the group uncongenial; those who remain do so because the group remains intrinsically rewarding to them.
  • In some places, he used some harsh language to blame the irresponsible parents for their lack of support for their delinquent children.
  • Terms of cash on delivery or advance payment should be instituted for future sales to consistently delinquent accounts.

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