How To Use Delinquency In A Sentence
The rise in delinquency is an indictment of our society and its values.
The types of delinquency ranged from low-level stuff like being rowdy on a street corner, to theft from home and school, up to housebreaking, joyriding and robbery.
There was no crime or childhood delinquency on her record.
And as we saw in our review of the history of delinquency, this has been the case throughout this century.
They are silenced and their anger is considered symptomatic of delinquency.

Here, with a cohort of equally disaffected friends, he indulges in some minor delinquency and dreams of the day when he will escape to the big city.
Times, Sunday Times
The research center was launched to assist in the reduction of juvenile crime and delinquency in Texas, according to officials.
He is an expert in juvenile delinquency.
Media reports on youth crime and delinquency regularly paint a picture of undisciplined and dangerous young people with negative attitudes towards authority.
Failure to enter into debt slavery equals social delinquency.
Then, against the background of bitter, violent parental quarrels, Chester began a spree of delinquency.
Crime and delinquency among our young people would have been at a minimum today if heads of all religious faiths and homes had the respect and admiration of those under their charge.
Gender is no barrier to delinquency and crime committed by youth.
There is a high rate of juvenile delinquency in this area.
If she was quite exasperated with the stupidity of Yakub, the dvornik, she pretended to curse him in a phrase of her own invention, a mixture of Hebrew and Russian, which, translated, said, "Mayst thou have gold and silver in thy bosom"; but to the choreman, who was not a linguist, the mongrel phrase conveyed a sense of his delinquency.
The Promised Land
A council has been blamed for a man's fall into delinquency and crime which led to a life sentence in prison.
Whole families were made to suffer for the alleged delinquency or opposition of any one of its members.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
Few had specialized treatment services, and most defined delinquency in highly gendered ways, routinely sentencing girls to reformatories for sexual behavior for which boys were rarely punished.
Rather, both traditions framed crucial social policies in such areas as education, child welfare, delinquency, imprisonment, crime prevention, and mental health.
Cash Junior made a full-frontal assault/attack on Hollywood's 'moral delinquency'.
These expectations are consistent with the observation that departure from their own culture would increase the risk of crime and delinquency.
For example, a study earlier this year by VantageScore found that the probability of serious delinquency, defined as nonpayment for 90 days or more, had increased by 417 percent among "super-prime" borrowers between June 2007 and June 2009.
Walk-aways leading to big changes for all borrowers' credit scores
This study reaffirms past research which shows that alcohol misuse is strongly related to other problem behaviors including illicit drug use and delinquency.
Punishment cannot hold back the swelling tides of the social chaos that cause this delinquency.
Times, Sunday Times
Juvenile delinquency, sporadic hooliganism and political extremism have been features of banlieue life for years.
Times, Sunday Times
Whole families were made to suffer for the alleged delinquency or opposition of any one of its members.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
Statistically significant covariances among random intercepts, rates of change, and effects of depressed mood and delinquency variety are reported in the text only.
It regards lack of social control as a determinant of crime and delinquency, including runaway as an early sign.
Since the latter half of the nineteenth century, the police have been the foremost public authorities who regulate juvenile crime and delinquency.
There was a sentimental love for an old con, an eager romanticising of gaol and crime and social delinquency.
That, in our submission, did nothing to excuse the delinquency of discovery.
The questionnaire consists of 64 items which fall under the following categories: serious crimes, delinquency, drug use, and school and family offenses.
Also known as a charver in Yorkshire and North East England [1] "chav" is often used to describe aggressive teenagers, of white working class background, who repeatedly engage in anti-social behaviour such as street drinking, drug abuse and rowdiness, or other forms of juvenile delinquency. [
Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
Punishment cannot hold back the swelling tides of the social chaos that cause this delinquency.
Times, Sunday Times
There was a sentimental love for an old con, an eager romanticising of gaol and crime and social delinquency.
Among teenagers, however, many of the problem behaviors, such as general delinquency and drug use, occur only because an opportunity to indulge occurs, and because peers provide a means of learning.
Theorists should acknowledge the role and importance of the peer group in explanations of crime and delinquency.
Since the latter half of the nineteenth century, the police have been the foremost public authorities who regulate juvenile crime and delinquency.
It's about how these children, many of whom lack self-confidence and are on the road toward delinquency, overcome challenges through this class.
Invest them with power upon the same tenure as the British judges hold their station, removable upon delinquency, punishable upon guilt, but fearless of danger if they discharge their trust, and they will be liable to no seducement, and will execute their functions with glory to themselves, and for the common good of the country and mankind.
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
He was charged in 1990 with contributing to the delinquency of a minor after being caught partially undressed with a 15-year-old girl.
More importantly, the blanket downgrade of Fitch implies an extraordinary delinquency in respect of its regulatory oversight functions.
The trauma of physical and sexual abuse is well documented in the literature on female criminality and delinquency.
he inherited his delinquency from his father
In doing so, crime and delinquency are seen as the consequence of individual pathology and association with a ‘bad crowd.’
A high level of delinquency was also related to a high level of the sensation-seeking facet of extroversion, while neuroticism and delinquency were not related.
Then, too, the services of the physician are often brought into requisition, to cure some physical ill, such as adenoidal growths, which may in a measure account for the delinquency of the child.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
This manifested itself in endemic delinquency and depression.
Group comportment had deteriorated by the day, with yours truly bearing the brunt of the collective delinquency.
Mr Forster said much of the present juvenile delinquency was due to children frequenting the streets with nothing to do.
These are the girls who are vulnerable to getting caught in crime, delinquency and early sexuality.
Cash Junior made a full-frontal assault/attack on Hollywood's 'moral delinquency'.
Then, against the background of bitter, violent parental quarrels, Chester began a spree of delinquency.
Punishment cannot hold back the swelling tides of the social chaos that cause this delinquency.
Times, Sunday Times
There is a high rate of juvenile delinquency in this area.
School drop-outs, juvenile delinquency, and gang wars were symptoms of underlying social pathology.
DATELINE: MINNEAPOLIS In response to the surprising rise in juvenile delinquency among young girls, first offenders in one small, unnamed suburb of Minneapolis are being held for 4 hours every day, after school, in the empty monkey house of the local zoo.
September 2009
If this sort of relationship did not happen then maternal deprivation resulted which could lead to crime and delinquency.
These aims were not realized: high unemployment persisted; urban gangs such as the tsotsis and the Russians, as well as delinquency, flourished.
Although cruelty to animals seems to hold potential as a predictor of recidivistic firesetting, it is most likely an externalizing behavior that correlates highly with delinquency.
Alcohol use goes hand-in-hand with other nightmarish behaviors: rape, delinquency and the use of "real" drugs, including a new favorite in New Jersey -- synthetic pot known as K2, which is associated with seizures, blackouts, cardiac infarction and psychosis.
Linda Flanagan: Why Adults Ignore Underage Drinking And Other Stories
An apparent upsurge in juvenile delinquency heightened concerns about teenagers.
That, in turn, may encourage impulsivity, which is linked to delinquency.
Daily Candy Intake Leads to Crime?
As the number of negative descriptive adjectives increased, so did the youths' self-reported involvement in delinquency.
Help develop restructuring plans to assist clients in resolving delinquency and avoiding repossession of lease equipment.
Let's face it, the holder of a card with Wells IS NOT periodically resurveyed as a credit as long as delinquency does not intervene.
Rural Maori were concerned about absenteeism in employment, thriftlessness, marital instability, crime and delinquency’ which that situation engendered.
We can curb juvenile delinquency by education.
He had no history of delinquency.
There are three levels of problems: mortgage origination underwriting, mortgage insurance underwriting, and delinquency risk assessment.
Group comportment had deteriorated by the day, with yours truly bearing the brunt of the collective delinquency.
To be precise, the delinquency rates are calculated as the percent of borrowers holding a particular type of credit who are delinquent 30 + days on one or more accounts.
This does not make it any the less disturbing and below we will discuss contemporary styles of delinquency in greater detail.
In the West, liberal support for the child's independence rather than regulative monitoring by parents tends to prevent juvenile delinquency.
While urban police are the public officials who most directly regulate juvenile crime and delinquency, their work has rarely been considered in histories of juvenile justice.
The study found that romantically involved teenagers showed a bigger increase in depression levels and delinquency problems than those who were uninvolved.
In some cases, relative income deprivation may also contribute to the growth of significant social problems, including crime, delinquency, and high rates of suicide and drug use.
Females conform to their peers more than do males, but there is greater social disapproval for female delinquency.
At Philadelphia I was in such a hurry to pass on, that I exhibited what I fear many will consider a symptom of inveterate bachelorship; but truth bids me not attempt to cloak my delinquency.
Lands of the Slave and the Free Cuba, the United States, and Canada
He explained his delinquency as a sleepless night antidoted by a mental health morning that stretched into an early-afternoon haircut.
Body of Knowledge
But, at the same time, the cancers are helped to metastasise by a culture that too often glorifies delinquency, misogyny, drugdealing and violence.
Delinquency was theorized by some as a rejection and inversion of the middle-class values purveyed by the school and, by others, as a celebration of working-class values.
Punishment cannot hold back the swelling tides of the social chaos that cause this delinquency.
Times, Sunday Times
The folks at are charged with contributing to the delinquency of the film-makers, who were likely duped into believing this could become a satisfying monster movie.
Thus gendered patterns of socialization and social control were linked to gendered patterns of deviance and delinquency.
The question on crime and delinquency was particularly nice.
There was a sentimental love for an old con, an eager romanticising of gaol and crime and social delinquency.
Cash Junior made a full-frontal assault/attack on Hollywood's 'moral delinquency'.
Cash Junior made a full-frontal assault/attack on Hollywood's 'moral delinquency'.
There is a high rate of juvenile delinquency in this area.
If she was quite exasperated with the stupidity of Yakub, the dvornik, she pretended to curse him in a phrase of her own invention, a mixture of Hebrew and Russian, which, translated, said, "Mayst thou have gold and silver in thy bosom"; but to the choreman, who was not a linguist, the mongrel phrase conveyed a sense of his delinquency.
The Promised Land
I find there was no delinquency in disclosure which would justify disentitling or reducing the plaintiff's right to costs.
What's common to all these situations is the feeling that people cannot rely on self-policing to hold minor delinquency this side of the law, or on external policing to enforce it.
These programs, called Blueprints, have been shown to reduce adolescent violent crime, aggression, delinquency, and substance abuse.