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How To Use Delineate In A Sentence

  • The geographical results were fruitful; the Ross Sea, the Admiralty Range and the Great Ice Barrier were discovered and some eight hundred miles of Antarctic coastline were broadly delineated. The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
  • Our objectives need to be precisely delineated.
  • I want to be careful to delineate the areas, as my report will be read by -' A knock at the door interrupted her. DALE BROWN'S DREAMLAND (5) STRIKE ZONE
  • Every day it advances and delineates the independent attitude of the international working class, in contradistinction to other social classes, to every major political development.
  • I like a transparent whellote, is he gave me thellos whellote paper delineate colorful bright - colored patterns.
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  • Here, too, he delineates his subject through a series of paradoxes: do English charivari and Skimmington rides represent punishment or celebration?
  • A theorem is proved that delineates criteria for the radii of the annulus of the zeros in the complex plane of the generating function for factorial moments as it applies to high-energy charged-hadron multiproduction.
  • Fine, delicate black lines delineate androgynous figures, heads turned heavenward, mouths open.
  • Acutely sensitive to vulnerability, he delineated unassertive fortitude with steady expertise. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have discovered that on these, the boundaries of hereditaments were often carelessly delineated and only outlined with coloured crayon.
  • This framework and a job description delineate the nurse's realm and boundaries.
  • And speaking of science, the story uses a fair amount of real, present-day science which is delineated from the fictional in an enlightening afterward. REVIEW: Twistor by John Cramer
  • Sonics could not be better, as every note is clearly delineated in a perfectly resonant environment.
  • *Commerically available specialized supplement programs exist that combine all these building block ingredients into one formulation for ease of use, provide specific amounts of each appropriate supplement to support healing and delineate which vitamins should be taken pre-op and post-op. Neal M. Blitz, D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S.: What Vitamins Should You Take Before Surgery?
  • By contrast, a rough scumble delineates the areas of textile left showing through them.
  • The western and northern boundaries and are delineated by mangroves and the Atlantic Ocean, while the eastern boundary occurs along a precipitation gradient - bordering xeric scrub and scrublands in the north, llanos and wetlands in the central portions, and moist forests in the south. Orinoco Delta swamp forests
  • The teacher delineated China on the blackboard with a coloured chalk.
  • Objective To delineate the immune regulatory pathway in pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) by using gene expression profile analysis.
  • Black and colored lines delineated triangular planes of color that made up a succession of cubistic forms.
  • She delineates the differences between graphology and graphoanalysis, the latter created by a man appropriately named Milton Bunker. The Indextrious Reader
  • Humboldt used lines, called isotherms, to delineate regions of equal temperatures.
  • He also changed the position of the lines used to delineate the alleged ‘paleosol’.
  • One other key variable that has traditionally been used to delineate rural areas is the percentages employed in agriculture and forestry.
  • So the first order of business at the Trial of Barack Obama was to "delineate" (I think he just meant "delete") the most explosive charges -- treason and sedition -- from the indictment. News & Politics
  • This section delineates organizational and operational responsibilities of the public health sector that are essential to achieve the goals of TB control in the United States.
  • And because Luke purposes to delineate Christ as the expiator of our sins, he makes no mention of these women. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • Countless casuals pick up occasional pieces, but the field of ‘serious’ glass collecting in Britain can still be largely divided into twelve narrowly delineated categories.
  • In a society as tightly structured as that which dominated Mexico when the Europeans arrived, culinary practices delineated class divisions as well as ethnic ones. The Mexican kitchen: a taste for all seasons
  • At the moment I am reading King’s “The Shining” and the internal monologue of all the characters features prominently – though in tiny snippets, rather than in large slabs and are delineated from the rest of the narrative, through the use of brackets. Interior Monologues in Writing « Write Anything
  • “Ironically, then, it would seem that the authors of the ‘Copycats’ report, which delineates a wired-up Britain permeated by the ‘copycat’ tendency in the realm of digital artefacts, are themselves unconscious copycats, albeit of a different, more rarefied kind, in the realm of ideas.” Entertainment industry bullshit
  • The preface and introduction fluently delineate many of the issues raised by the speeches.
  • 4. Council of Chalcedon (451); repudiated the Eutychian doctrine of monophysitism (the human nature subsumed in the one divine nature of Jesus) and delineated the two natures of Christ, human and divine. Notes from my CCU presentation
  • Four experiments delineate the effects of price expectation and confidence on the internal reference price.
  • The book delineates the need for intervention around the concept of "domestic violence," a gender-neutral term that hides the fact that domestic violence pertains to woman abuse most of the time.
  • The dividing lines among the ethnic groups are still clearly delineated.
  • Beneath an elegant cornice of acanthus-leaf scrolls, the top two floors are delineated by a stringcourse of shells, tridents, and sea creatures, and a symmetrical pattern of square and circular cartouches, the latter of which depict a majestic eagle-like bird puffing out its breast and extending its wings. Ruffled Feathers on Fifth Avenue
  • He saw a slip of moon, peeking, just momentarily --- undelineated, a fuzz of potentiality --- through the moist and whited cloud around him. BEHINDLINGS
  • A superior drama that delineates the corrupt mix of big-city politics and crime.
  • (* Mordant chortle*) I'd LOVE to hear her delineate in granular detail the protectionist measures she thinks might be necessary. Your Right Hand Thief
  • We have spoken of the admirable way in which Mr. Cruikshank has depicted Irish character and Cockney character; English country character is quite as faithfully delineated in the person of the stout porteress and her children, and of the George Cruikshank
  • During the Q&A, following last Thursday's WGAe preview screening, Sorkin eloquently delineated the various materials with which he crafted his character arcs: Aristotle. Susanna Speier: The Social Network Politiku
  • The other two pads Orion proposes would "delineate" where the company might have economic production of natural gas in the area, Harris said. Glenwood Springs Post Independent - Top Stories
  • The ship's route is clearly delineated on the map.
  • Justification of Ecoregion Delineation The boundaries were delineated using Zohary’s geobotanical map of the Middle East. Southwestern Arabian montane woodlands
  • Green markings which have been put down to delineate a cycle way on the road at Waterhead, Ambleside, have caused a flurry of letters to the Gazette in recent weeks.
  • The boundary of the Great Plains, as delineated by Macneal, was used to determine the soil composition of the historic grassland.
  • I want to be careful to delineate the areas, as my report will be read by -' A knock at the door interrupted her. DALE BROWN'S DREAMLAND (5) STRIKE ZONE
  • The designated ice field may need to be delineated in advance with a skin marker pen, because freezing may blur pretreatment lesion margins.
  • Future work must delineate the social and biological factors, including any differences in pharmacokinetics associated with chemotherapeutic agents, that account for disparities in outcome. The Volokh Conspiracy » Be Careful. Trust No-One. Shut Up.
  • The inability to see is an inability to "delineate": a persistent equation in the novel ( "Over him hung a form which I cannot find words to describe," Walton says [152]). _Frankenstein_'s Cinematic Dream
  • Further studies are needed to identify these factors and to delineate their precise mechanism of action.
  • The agreement establishes commissions to delineate the disputed border and provides for the exchange of prisoners and the return of displaced people.
  • It is precisely this awareness that delineates a separation between spectator and performer as insider/outsider.
  • It's testament to the audience's net savvy that they can delineate the distinction on the flip of a fivepence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The genetic model delineated in the previous section can serve as the basis to explore the population genetics of dominance evolution.
  • More work is necessary to delineate whether this could be one of the driving forces for increased vascularization.
  • That is, a concept is indefinitely extensible if any attempt to delineate the extension of the concept leads to an instance of the concept not so delineated.
  • A glistening black stuffed crow is perched on the volume's edge, its splayed wings and claws eerily delineated against the lucent white pages.
  • Both delineated the intolerability of a pastorate that reified historical constructions of the self and its inner life and that then exploited this reification to its own advantage.
  • And over the past few decades it has become ever more difficult to delineate these boundaries.
  • Now it seems to me very convenient to delineate, as it were, in the rough draught, those signs and marks that distinguish a malicious narration from a candid and unbiassed one, applying afterwards every point we shall examine to such as appertain to them. Essays and Miscellanies
  • In space-challenged homes, wall-mounted floating shelves are chic storage maximizers and a freestanding piece of furniture helps delineate space in an open room plan. Bookish Good Looks
  • The figure of the circle that delineates the library was seen by fifteenth- and sixteenth-century humanists as an essential aspect of the encyclopedia.
  • That's because the DOT will better "delineate" crosswalks. New Haven Independent
  • The city was gloriously clean, its classical columns and pediments and its baroque scrolls and volutes now clearly delineated by the shadows cast by an oblique sun on their pale surfaces.
  • “In the course of explaining the opinion of the divine Hippocrates and Galen,” he wrote in a letter, “I happened to delineate the veins on a chart, thinking that thus I might be able easily to demonstrate what Hippocrates understood by the expression και ιειυ, for you know how much dissension and controversy on venesection was stirred up, even among the learned.” The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Further studies are needed to delineate fully the link between infection and autoimmunity.
  • And each category is different from other categories. In addition, the thesis delineated the connection order between the short-term time adverbs and other time adverbs.
  • The upper part was sewn with vertical stitching to delineate the bodice.
  • Plans have been drawn up to delineate the two small plots with some form of kerbstone and allow for a headstone to be erected.
  • Objective To delineate the biological features between the transformed human articular chondrocytes and normal chord ro - cutes.
  • Entire epochs of capitalist development exist when a number of cycles is characterized by sharply delineated booms and weak, short-lived crises.
  • A well delineated picture of conflict between widely disparate civilizations, with a reminder that backwardness is not the same as stupidity. Quotes of the Day
  • By presenting children as unique in the severity of their susceptibility to human folly, the chroniclers were able to delineate a wide spectrum of dangers — both internal to each person and external in the world at large — that threatened humanity in general but were intensified by their focus on the peculiar weaknesses of the child. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • The boundaries of these areas should be clearly delineated .
  • If interest in the heresies he combated may be said to be confined to-day to scholars who study them as a chapter in heresiology, or seek in them a bone of contention, the interest in the points of ecclesiastical order delineated by him was never more intense than now. The Quarterly Review, Volume 162, No. 324, April, 1886
  • He used as reference the catenary cables of the RENFE train line that crosses the community as well as the horizon delineated by the mountains surrounding the area.
  • If a decent argument can be made, though, regarding "speculative" fiction's exclusive speculativeness-- or, at least, if it can delineate itself as a form in itself, then, ayun. More Issues Raised
  • But, as you know, whenever the problem is delineated as cogently as Melanie has in this post (and many previous ones over the years), the hounds of hell are unleashed from the demiworld of deluded dreams to bark, bite, bluster and bullshit. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Alcoves and portions of walls are delineated with pleated fabric hangings.
  • Facial features are indicated three-dimensionally but are not delineated in color.
  • Exposed skin sites that exhibit erythema can be clearly delineated from unexposed skin by sharp boundaries.
  • This last application of the strickle was used to accurately delineate decorative bands on the piece, as well as to locate the position of the trunnions.
  • The document delineates your rights and your obligations.
  • Bowlby carefully delineated a specific type of bond that is distinguishable from other types of social ties.
  • On our spherical earth each segment delineates a lune called a time zone.
  • By closely reading the famous poem "The Star" by Jane Taylor, this essay delineates some of the poetic forms involved in the inscription of environmental awareness, such as minimalism, and the foregrounding of what in structuralism is called the "contact" or medium of communication. Abstracts
  • I was of the opinion that it was wise to delineate clearly the boundary of responsibility in this aspect.
  • Before that period there were no Jews in Britain for about three hundred years; and earlier, their legal position had been very clearly delineated.
  • I have discovered that on these, the boundaries of hereditaments were often carelessly delineated and only outlined with coloured crayon.
  • The Petro-Sonde delineates depth, thickness and fluid content of specific lithologic units from the surface and without a drill hole. How To Get a Business Loan
  • Such regions delineate metallogenic provinces, which represent restricted areas of the crust where geological processes were suitable for the concentration of metals to form a group of ore deposits of a similar type.
  • The blow by blow attack on social evils was delineated through other forms of folk art too.
  • The main characters are clearly delineated in the first chapter of the book.
  • Lastly, a cleanly delineated arrow shows the way, forcefully directing the view diagonally across the picture surface in a delicate balance between lyricism and hard-edged abstraction.
  • The scene observed in false color illustrates the incident light pattern so explicitly as to delineate irradiance isopleths.
  • While exploring ideas of anxiety, autobiography, and taxonomy, Amundson and Gour's work goes beyond posing the question of why people collect, and seeks to understand how people delineate their existence through the amassment of things.
  • Integrated with GIS to delineate the serviced and unserviced area and to interpret the results.
  • The wrinkles, furrows and folds around the woman's assessing eyes, dominant nose and chin and clamped mouth are minutely delineated, as are the varying tones of brown in her tanned face.
  • A large Freud etched self-portrait, with typical merciless etching to delineate each patch of skin, is perhaps the most memorable work in the exhibition.
  • The beltlines crisply delineate the upper and lower body sections, and combine with the panel curvature to add tension to the surprisingly plain sides.
  • This is not intended to be an exhaustive list; building secure software requires much more than what we delineate here.
  • It protects the rights and lifestyle of Hong Kong people and delineates our obligations.
  • I have visited the sign in question, which yet swings exalted in the village of Langdirdum; and I am ready to depone upon the oath that what has been idly mistaken or misrepresented as being the fifth leg of the horse, is, in fact, the tail of that quadruped, and, considered with reference to the posture in which he is delineated, forms a circumstance introduced and managed with great and successful, though daring, art. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • At first glance, Colossal Youth gives the appearance of being almost atemporal, with no clearly delineated narrative, a series of scenes that take place in ambiguously defined present. GreenCine Daily: Same time next year?
  • Using lush grays and greens, his paintings convincingly evoke wet and misty terrain, as well as the more crisply delineated forms and glimmer of bright sunny days.
  • - Moreover, a zone of lamprophyre dykes and lamprophyric breccias has been delineated within a Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Contemporary ethicians assume that duty ethics, which focuses on right and wrong (like utilitarianism and deontology), cannot adequately delineate the importance of virtues among all moral judgments.
  • Delineate a person is leisurely and carefree with nature from the happy fine appearance.
  • But I take comfort in our inability to delineate the ‘entire picture’ - at best we can abstract a stable whole from the flow of its parts, and that can never be ‘true’.
  • Before considering the possible applications of the dynamical transition paradigm, it is necessary to clearly delineate this restricted domain of application.
  • Muscle tissue is composed of multinucleate myofibers surrounded by a basal lamina (extra-cellular matrix), which delineate the fibers from the interstitium consisting of vessels and connective tissue PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • MRI can delineate normal meniscus and articular cartilage.
  • This paper aims at describing the reform objectives of turnover tax, near term measures for its realization. Moreover, the author also delineates the policy targe...
  • It delineates the swift and unerring execution of Yhwh's laws upon His merciless foes and those of His people, and also points to Him as the sure refuge and security of those who obey and trust Him.
  • Biography must to some extent delineate characters.
  • The book delineates how we can call upon focusing techniques, imagery, body awareness and many other types of auto-suggestion in order to practice efficiently, overcome performance fears and find our expressive voice.
  • To delineate masculinity it was constantly necessary to define and proscribe unmanly behavior.
  • Though the plotting is a bit predictable, the female characters are sharply observed and delineated, and the humorous tone will be an appealing surprise. BookBrowse Previews April Books
  • In-depth interviews of women with subclinical eating disorders delineate these characteristic behaviors.
  • I want to be careful to delineate the areas, as my report will be read by -' A knock at the door interrupted her. DALE BROWN'S DREAMLAND (5) STRIKE ZONE
  • E.g. a fondness for Linnaean taxonomy in paleontology leads pretty rapidly to an acceptance of paraphyletic groups based on overall similarity, which then requires one to subjectively delineate the paraphyletic groups based on some fairly arbitrary “it looks like a pretty big difference to me” criterion. Creationist vs. creationist on Homo habilis - The Panda's Thumb
  • Families, the overlapping and intersecting lines of emotions connecting parents and children, husbands and wives, the ‘dangerous mix-ups’ of domestic life - these are the subjects she returns to in these stories and she delineates them with an old-fashioned amplitude of emotion and language.
  • -- 1832: THE WORKBENCH DELINEATED BY NICHOLSON was little improved over Moxon's, although the planes -- jack (1), trying plane (2), smoothing plane (3), sash fillister (7), and plow Woodworking Tools 1600-1900
  • One other key variable that has traditionally been used to delineate rural areas is the percentages employed in agriculture and forestry.
  • the characters were delineated with exceptional vividness
  • There is a period, which occurred between the time of being "hatcheled" and that of being "woven," that it exceeds my powers to delineate. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief
  • Ceiling draperies delineated the claustrophobic furnace of the harem and its imprisoned occupants.
  • After the catheter placement, we used a radioactive marker to delineate the catheter position and recording sites.
  • First, labor law must more clearly delineate such threats as illegal, and impose big enough penalties to deter employers from making them.
  • But most of the houses opened straight on to the road with only a single step to delineate their territory.
  • In many regions of the body the lymphatic tissues are not sharply delineated, but occur as infiltrations into the mucous membranes.
  • The painting was delineated with fine brushworks, delicately and elegantly.
  • Further on there is a group of smaller sections of cave containing painted figures, others delineated by finger impressions in the soft clay, and small plastic representations of animals in clay.
  • Two rows of sharply delineated feathers are finely executed in low relief with deep, precise incisions marking the details.
  • The southern boundary's exact location is not clearly delineated.
  • This democracy shall be called the Solarian Republic, and all bodies and entities hereafter delineated shall belong under its provenance. METAPLANETARY
  • Kozol's book delineates the differences between urban and suburban schools.
  • The playing area is delineated by two perpendicular lines that converge at the home plate, the focus point of the diamond made up of four bases - home, first, second and third.
  • Elsewhere I have discussed the importance and volatility of the figure of the body in aesthetic discourse (see Redfield, ch. 2); for present purposes it will suffice to note the emphatically aesthetic vocabulary with which Victor seeks to "delineate" his creature’s monstrosity. _Frankenstein_'s Cinematic Dream
  • Against a rich blue background, heavy lines delineate swooping curves that define a vertical, multicolored form with a bulbous yellow protrusion.
  • Under the firmly delineated garments, a compact, sturdy body makes its presence felt.
  • The physiotypes are physiological life forms as delineated by comparative physiology, biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology.
  • This paflitge of the aibrefaid pilfery is delineated, and wrought in the hangings about the choir, with the portraitures of the king, H v go I1. 1 m i, and the thief: under which are thefe verles: Antient funeral monuments, of Great-Britain, Ireland, and the islands adjacent
  • Theories of social cognition delineate how people process information in interpersonal interactions.
  • Before the widespread availability of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography was often used to delineate the biliary anatomy preoperatively.
  • Massive compartments are delineated by fractures of the regional orthogonal system, though rhomboidal patterns are also common.
  • Brooks Bruzzese perfectly delineated the sentimentality of Holst's Air and brought high spirited pulse to the suite's concluding Dance.
  • As I approach the end of her post, the following gnomic thought pushes itself towards the front of my brain and refuses to budge: borders only delineate states of mind.
  • Two rows of sharply delineated feathers are finely executed in low relief with deep, precise incisions marking the details.
  • The opening menu interface is clean with simple, well-delineated choices - go into the robot lab or go into the arena.
  • One other key variable that has traditionally been used to delineate rural areas is the percentages employed in agriculture and forestry.
  • Tunnel margins were best delineated on the radiographic view, and this view was used for all tunnel measurements.
  • Humbert's (1955) southern vegetation domain was used to delineate the Spiny Thicket ecoregion, with the remaining extent of Cornet's subarid bioclimate defined as the Succulent Woodland. Madagascar succulent woodlands
  • Invasion fronts for plants may not be easily delineated due to incomplete herbarium collections.
  • Flowing freely curve shape, delineate the sport and the metre that calmness art possess singly.
  • Over the course of the century, the city obviously evolved in various directions, and the exhibition delineates particular angles and themes that preoccupied succeeding eras.
  • More importantly, the date marks the actual moment of transition; it delineates the boundary between life and death, between temporal and eternal.
  • The outlines were so vague, not delineated clearly at all.
  • Because the two institutions stand apart, they can decide whether to recognize the legitimacy of the other but they cannot delineate each others boundaries.
  • The Bolivian portion of this ecoregion is delineated following Ribera et al., and follows the Rio Madeira boundary south until it abuts with the Beni biomes and later the Chiquitano dry forests, whose distinct vegetation justifies this separation. Madeira-Tapajós moist forests
  • The main characters are clearly delineated in the first chapter of the book.
  • Second, all of this may bear on how to delineate what counts as auditory perception, as opposed to visual or even amodal perception. Auditory Perception
  • The city was gloriously clean, its classical columns and pediments and its baroque scrolls and volutes now clearly delineated by the shadows cast by an oblique sun on their pale surfaces.
  • The three "Nocturnal" pieces, each a different size with distinct proportions, depict three registers of texturally delineated landscape (rocky pier), seascape (bark-like waves) and night sky (studded with stars) are particularly satisfying -- minimal or abstract versions of a Van Gogh nocturne at the De Young Museum in the current Post-Impressionism show. ArtScene: Current California Exhibitions You Should See
  • As a consequence of this fact it is possible to delineate the proper role of the congregation in the eucharistic prayer.
  • (In fact, the clear delineation of the altar and sanctuary by a rood screen might even be thought to have a similar "canopying" like effect that the ciborium visually has, insofar as it delineates that space and the altar within it.) Potentialities of the Rood Screen Today
  • This luxurious piece of furniture is rectilinear, with sharply defined planes delineated by vertical and horizontal bands of ornamental marquetry.
  • In February, 1955, Mr. Martin delineated for us Canada's importance as a world partner and said, The Empire Club of Canada, which takes its name from history's most successful association of free nations, is a singularly appropriate forum for the expression of the ideal of brotherhood in the community, national and international sense. Some Considerations in Canadian Foreign Policy
  • This luxurious piece of furniture is rectilinear, with sharply defined planes delineated by vertical and horizontal bands of ornamental marquetry.
  • Delineated by White's regs, hamadas and wadis vegetation type, the northern border of the ecoregion lies several hundred kilometers (km) north of the 100 mm rainfall isohyet, which is the northern limit of summer grassland pasture composed of the grasses Eragrostis, Aristida, and Stipagrostis spp. with the herbs Tribulus, Heliotropium, and Pulicharia. South Saharan steppe and woodlands
  • Poetry can be delineated as a specific area of analysis only by a comparison with what is not poetry.
  • Biography must to some extent delineate characters.
  • The conceptual dimensions delineated by Brown concern the methodology in psychological testing.
  • The saints, then, or believers (of whom alone our discourse is), may be briefly delineated by these few considerable concernments of their saintship: — 1. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • Just to let ya'll know, I saw in an interview with one of the comic's writers that that they deliberately delineated from the original story because they thought it would be more fun to show on screen and easier to ingest. Sound Off: Wanted - What Did You Think? «
  • That's certainly true of Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg), a socially maladroit Harvard sophomore computer nerd who, in the opening scene of the film, buzzily delineates his single-minded quest to be recruited by one of Harvard's elite social clubs, over beers with his girlfriend (the protean Rooney Mara). Marshall Fine: Movie review: The Social Network
  • It is 38 meters long and oriented to the southeast. 36 The choir bays are supported by four-part ribbed groin vaults with central bosses and are delineated by ribbed arches descending into half capitals. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • The depictions of corporeal decay delineate the destiny of the physical body and portray the mysterious transitional state between this and the other worlds.
  • First, arguers must convey to opponents that they are understood, and then they must delineate the aspects of opponents' positions that are valid.
  • The edges were carefully delineated, hedged with bushes and beds of obviously carefully-tended smaller shrubs.
  • The Ubangi and Uele Rivers demarcate the central and eastern borders with the northeastern Congo rain forest, while the Bar al Ghazall, part of the Upper Nile drainage, delineates the transition to the Saharan flooded grasslands to the east. Northern Congolian forest-savanna mosaic
  • He clearly delineated the constellation of today's fine art world by flowing and following the mainstreams.
  • The cuff bracelet in Plate XX is ornamented with chrysanthemums bordering a central faceted citrine and overlapping pinnatifid leaves engraved to delineate the veins.
  • With both testimony and judgment, however, we are still in the carefully delineated domain of law.
  • This could be a fault that delineates the present-day eastern boundary of the West Siberian Basin.
  • Professor has finished measuring, and is preparing to "delineate" me. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 93, September 24, 1887
  • *Commerically available specialized supplement programs exist that combine all these building block ingredients into one formulation for ease of use, provide specific amounts of each appropriate supplement to support healing and delineate which vitamins should be taken pre-op and post-op. Neal M. Blitz, D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S.: What Vitamins Should You Take Before Surgery?
  • Six mineral zones have been delineated in the thermal aureole formed by the post-tectonic Strath Ossian Igneous Complex.
  • The book's subtitle delineates precisely Mary's predicament: Born a princess in 1516 with an excellent education and formidable pedigree, she was declared illegitimate after her parents 'divorce but later crowned as England's first queen regnant. Three books on British royals
  • He admitted that the term magician was not as clearly delineated as witch and poisoner28. To Prevent a "Shipwreck of Souls": Johann Weyer and "De Praestigiis Daemonum." Elisa Slattery
  • While this does not change the basic modular structure of networks, it makes it more difficult to delineate the exact boundaries of these characters.
  • Like many other pedigree pundits, I delineated the key linebreeding crosses in her pedigree as if their significance to the reader was a given. Thoroughbred News |
  • Robinson, who is now 21 years old, looked half-awake when he walked into the training room for treatment on his left knee, which was swollen so badly you couldn't delineate the kneecap. A Day in the Life of Denard Robinson
  • Mr. EDWARD EFFINGHAM, Mr. COOPER had delineated a character intended for himself, and that his leading object, in addition to making money out of the publication, was to give himself and family a fictitious importance in Europe -- a harm - less vanity, with which no one would ever have interfered if he had not, at the same time, traduced every thing American, and grossly slandered each and every class and portion of our people, whose manners and customs he attempted to de - lineate. Fenimore Cooper's Libels on America and Americans.
  • The blue outline delineates the border of the Greenland ice sheet.
  • Podcasting seems like the battleground of public vs. private – I could write you a thesis on public vs private on land usage, squatting and rambling since that’s one of my partner’s favourite political footballs and I get the earbashing; but to some extent those areas have been delineated over time even though there is a constant tug o’war there. Public vs Private, 2003 vs 2005
  • It delineates formulas for medicines and identifies the plant, animal, and mineral ingredients needed to concoct them.
  • It's always been a volatile border, and not terribly well delineated, because the tide comes up and down, and the actual border changes when that happens.
  • Canada's laws also seem to "delineate" medical quackery and fraud somewhat differently from those in the United States. Latest Articles

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