
How To Use Delimit In A Sentence

  • These envision a range of possible outcomes within which the actual future is delimited.
  • The ability to control the darkness is the ability to command the light, and the ability to control the waters is the ability to delimit their boundaries and make them useful rather than destructive; useful for sustaining life. Final Participation and the Light of God « Unknowing
  • The central sulcus of the insula runs in an upwards and backwards direction, almost parallel to the cerebral central sulcus that delimits the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe.
  • Signs are the content metaphor in disguise, words as frames of meaning even if our perspective is flipped inside-out, even if that frame (of determination, of delimitation, of definition) is seen as excluding rather than including. Notes on Notes
  • In delimiting teaching aim, we ought to help students understand rhetoric better and acquire better language competence.
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  • The driver examined the damage caused to the car, while Hubert and his Phaedran friends chatted with us by a hedge delimiting a field of mastodon grazing on tall luxuriant grass.
  • Like its conceptual cousin, the uncanny, it delimits the boundaries of certainties about identity and experience.
  • During some centuries India, as a political region, was not delimitated on the north-western side as it is at present and numerous principalities rose and fell which included Indian territory as well as parts of Afghanistan. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1
  • Considering the reports submitted by the Collector of Cuttack and the Secretary of State Election Commission ruling out anomalies in the delimitation exercise, the court delivered judgement. posted by Neel @ 10: 14 AM HC dismisses petitions over delimitation
  • The Orissa High Court dismissed the six writ petitions challenging the delimitation and reservation of various words within Cuttack Municipal Corporation limits on Friday. HC dismisses petitions over delimitation
  • State and Northern Natal, to be delimitated in such a way that ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I quoted the bit about the delimiter-separated values file format being being better than CSV to a co-worker once and it turned out he'd contributed the section when ESR had it up on his website for comments/additions/corrections. Insightful Book: The Art of UNIX Programming
  • Nobody could have expected in the autumn of 1918 that the frontiers of the new State would be rapidly delimitated. The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 2
  • The concept of functional units of regulation supposes the presence of chromatin loop domains, delimited by sequences known as chromatin boundaries.
  • Critical to this hypothesis is the identification of insulator or boundary elements that delimit chromosomal domains.
  • Sharp, low ridges delimit fusiform areas along the body surface with fine transverse striation recognizable in places.
  • For instance, although Perl makes it easy to parse delimited text files with regular expressions, OCaml provides tools specifically designed for writing a compiler.
  • Here, the overall inventive concept is said to be obvious, and the particular means used to delimit the boundaries of the claim is insufficiently described.
  • The delimitation of the northern bounder between China and Burma in 1960 didn't mean that the Chinese government had recognized the legitimacy of the McMahon Line.
  • Lines up- and underlying DNA sequences delimit the footprints described in the text.
  • ATP simulation results prove that the protection algorithm can delimitate between faulty lines and non-faulty lines accurately and credibility.
  • These two powers thus delimit the bounds of heaven and the world.
  • Attribute value delimiters are set to quotation marks (double quotes).
  • A. convert table from PDF to delimited text file that can be imported into database.
  • a delimited frontier through the disputed region
  • No longer does the English commentary injected into a program have to be hidden in comment delimiters at the top of the file, or under procedure headings, or at the end of lines.
  • Our question is then to examine the possible cross-cultural value of the issue of Human Rights, an effort which begins by delimiting the cultural boundaries of the concept.
  • Pero claro, los ambientes tan amplios precisan que delimitemos zonas, y aquí es que entra la novedad de hoy: las estanterías redondas de concreto. Modular bookshelves and room dividers by Permafrost and Katharina Styren
  • But I imagine that this is hard to avoid in a subject in which things are so hard to delimitate. Myths and Scottish Fairies
  • If it happens elsewhere outside of (the carefully delimited) “socialist” regimes that Prof. Somin wants to highlight, he at least should ask why, and whether that changes his answer WRT the “socialist” regimes. The Volokh Conspiracy » Competing Explanations for the Oppressive Nature of Socialism
  • Notwithstanding their loyalty to the head of state combined with adherence to Christianity, the principle-one must obey God rather than man-was understood by them in concrete situations as meaning that the Church is superior to the state any time a claim dangerous to the fundamentals of the Church demands such a decisive delimitation of authority. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • Under the umbrella of religious or cultural norms, discrimination is promulgated through the delimitation of cultural contingency.
  • Indeed physiology is qualified to hope for significant victories in this field; it is as yet impossible to delimitate here the boundaries of the power of physiology. Ivan Pavlov - Nobel Lecture
  • Clinical activities may be best understood by delimiting functional tasks as the episodes of interest.
  • The little room, extended in length, is decorated with a frieze which represents scenes with vintager Puttos, delimited by caryatids.
  • Such now familiar terms as Orientalism and primitivism, while they mark the beginning of a consensus, are by no means completely defined or delimited.
  • Further, types of edges that delimit grassland patches vary from one area to another, which can influence area sensitivity.
  • Medvedev and his Azerbaijani counterpart, Ilkham Aliyev, will also sign a border agreement that will delimitate part of the land border that begins where Russia, Azerbaijan and Georgia meet and runs eastward to the Caspian Sea. RIA Novosti
  • This heuristic is currently the most commonly used for delimiting sessions.
  • It is a route to the definable, the consolable, and the delimiting.
  • Separation is not always the factor which is chosen to delimit the marital rape exemption.
  • Notes are not to be understood as signs — signifying symbols arbitrarily ascribed to signified ideas in a code, a game of differentiation where the meaning of each sign is determined by its not being the other signs in the system, where its usage is delimited by its difference from them. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The eastern district is delimited by the distribution of the endemic treelet Bonnetia roraimae; some genera endemic to this district include Quelchia, a shrubby member of the sunflower family, Connellia, in the Bromeliaceae, and Tepuia in the Ericaceae. Canaima National Park, Venezuela
  • Field length from the previous sibling or delimiter.
  • Determining the scope of fair dismissal for disobeying orders is vital in delimiting the bounds of managerial prerogative.
  • Why does the enterprise in account of individual of primary endowment insurance delimit partial Biliru decides?
  • Coarse woody debris was sampled using the overstory plots as the delimiter.
  • Equally, intellectual forays get delimited when there is a growing "militarisation" of the mind. Opinion Source: Delivering summaries of editorial and op-ed pieces from major papers by email.
  • He delimits time preference to the role of determining the rate of net consumption, which last, he argues, is the primary direct determinant of aggregate profit.
  • They may delimitate the border on maps but demarcation can only be viable if implemented on the ground. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • You need to edit the Sequential File stage to identify the comma-delimited file that contains the input data.
  • Mojón o poste de piedra, por lo común labrada, que sirve para indicar la dirección o la distancia en los caminos o para delimitar terrenos. Hito
  • Conceived as delimiting a verbal habitus or ethos, verse instigates a traverse whose unruliness is grooved deep into the genesis of phrasing — and of its evoked and self-razed alternatives — rather than merely awaiting some transgressive gesture on the reader's part. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • As her face appears in the ornate mirror hanging over her jewelry box, she begins to delimit the boundaries of her search.
  • Species occurrence frequencies in paleoecological data identified ecologically persistent species and may be useful for delimiting local species pools.
  • Reports that Achrysocharis species do not have a delimited clypeus are generally erroneous: the clypeus may or may not appear delimited based on the size and condition of the specimen.
  • An important defining feature of perfectivizing prefixation in Russian is the use of po- to signal the relative change of state in inchoatives as well as the indefinite temporal delimitation of atelic activities.
  • Thoughts are important because they delimit the child's capability in a given situation.
  • The area legally delimited between 1908 and 1919 as the Champagne-producing region covers 34,500 hectares.
  • The people in the various communities self identified and stuck to their tribes use of the term differentiated by delimiter. Personal InfoCloud
  • Technical experts on the delimitation and demarcation of the maritime boundary between Namibia and Angola finalised the treaty last year.
  • Here, the area of the rock engravings is delimited, at its ends, by two big cupels engraved in the platforms of the rocky bank; both have been carefully engraved and are deep and well finished.
  • But issues such as delimitation and and voter registration will make the 1999 elections substantially more complex. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Eurocentric culture, race, gender, and social class are matters which are increasingly delimiting in the search for universal expressions of transcendent and immanent experience.
  • Background: The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of the world's five oceans (after the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, and the recently delimited Southern Ocean). Arctic Ocean
  • Hm, I had the problem without using the 'delimiter' statement.
  • For if the differences of their bodily structure could be shown to be one of degree and not radical, it could be supposed that the lines of demarcation which now delimitate the larger types might some day vanish. At the Deathbed of Darwinism A Series of Papers
  • Foundations on Bruneau's plan are so wide and so clearly parallel to, and equal distances from, the north and south walls, respectively, that they must have delimited corridors or ambulatories.
  • I had some problems with the install, which turned out to be nothing more than a stupid little delimiter in the configuration file that I didn't need.
  • The attraction and sense of appreciation that is produced by the vastly dissimilar artworks populating the exhibit's journey is primarily intellectual, not visceral, something that the 20th century critic Clive Bell would have pointed out as a hallmark of true art -- conclusively delimited from the easy, reflexive enjoyment of something that merely looks good. Robert L. Powell: AbEx: Masterpieces From The Museum of Modern Art
  • The inclusion of figures or dimensions in the claim shows that they are intended to contribute to determining and hence to delimiting the subject matter of the patent.
  • The sum delimited for military spending, 108,000 million roubles, equalled that set aside for social security.
  • More extensive analysis of this region will be necessary to delimit the precise boundaries of this haplotype block.
  • Sovereignty over natural resources on the continental shelf, ownership of all coastal States, but in the adjacent coastal States and the relative, the existence of specific delimitation.
  • The entrance is in both cases delimited by a dissuader formed by an elongated bar of a semi-circular shape.
  • The temporal delimitation suggests an arbitrary empiricism reluctant to address either the agony of contemporaneity, or the pathological prehistory of modernity.
  • A ravine delimited the property on the south.
  • Civil society at large will not be convinced by any attempt to ascribe his remarks to the delimitation which is said to have altered the electorate profile of Pilibhit constituency. Undefined
  • Put bluntly, anywhere ‘too different’ falls outside a strictly delimited comfort zone and is construed as both alien and irrelevant.
  • Counts were made within a 21 x 21 cm area delimited by a sheet of acetate.
  • The suggestion that MBH “reconstructions of past temperatures take into account the uncertainties in those reconstructions” is ludicrous in light of the fact that there is no way to quantitate, or absolutely scale, the magnitude of the temperature signal within the total tree ring response or d-O18 response, for that matter in the absence of any theory delimiting the various contributions to the signal. Treydte, Moberg, Soon and Baliunas « Climate Audit
  • Yet we live in a world in which the boundaries delimiting marked identities from those that are unmarked are increasingly ambiguous.
  • Correspondingly, we shall have to consider three aspects of the delimitation of a lexical item.
  • Meanwhile it appears that one result of scientific investigations has been to delimitate religion by making it clear that, while it belongs as an influence to all life, it cannot include scientific theories as a part of its content -- a result that cannot be otherwise than favorable to its development. Introduction to the History of Religions Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume IV
  • What I might well be suggesting is that this is what all thought is, what language is, where it is not (if it can ever not be) a game of symbols and ideas defined, delimited and determined by difference (if symbols and ideas can ever be so bound). Archive 2009-07-01
  • Of course, a space is not the only word delimiter, and to check for all those would make the code slower. The Code Project Latest Articles
  • Traditional ethnography assumed that informants knew what was going on in a delimited space.
  • Forward to end of word delimited by white character. EmacsWiki: RecentChanges
  • A ravine delimited the property on the south.
  • Orissa Business and Career: HC dismisses petitions over delimitation HC dismisses petitions over delimitation
  • The park contains two well delimited major phytogeographical formations: subantarctic Patagonian forest and Patagonian steppe. Los Glaciares National Park, Argentina
  • The matter of delimitation needs the two countries to negotiate. It can't be decided unilaterally.
  • Once you have delimited the topic of your study, it is time to select your research strategy.
  • Just to illustrate how great out ignorance of the optimum forms of delimitation of various rights remains - despite our confidence in the indispensability of the general institution of several property - a few remarks about one particuilar form of property may be made. Glaeser on Coercion and Contracts, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Decorated with psychedelic medallions and mandalas of red, yellow, and green, a high wall delimits the compound.
  • Officials would at first define and delimit the investment accounts but eventually allow a wider array of investment options.
  • Future research needs to more clearly delimit variability within broad-band categorizations of behavior problems.
  • There is need to delimit the boundary of the Indus drainage basin on its south-eastern side to determine the area of the Basin falling in Haryana and Rajasthan.
  • Unix files have the newline character as the line delimiter not carriage return. Scripting News for 4/11/2008 « Scripting News Annex
  • Have to pusher water from bend an arm to arrive of make a long arm accelerate a process, the palm go up from introversion, from below up behavioral course delimits quickly to ham by.
  • The babirusa stomach differs from that of the domestic pig chiefly in the enormous size of the diverticulum ventriculi, the prominence of the constrictions that delimit its three main divisions, and in the size and complexity of the cardia. 11 The Bearded Pig
  • The temperature and concentration domains of each of these phases were experimentally determined, and coexistence domains have been also delimited.
  • The short answer is. that no concis. statement can yet be made which delimits the substances that stimulate cell divis. on in quiescent cells.
  • But I prefer to use the word phantasm as hinting the indefiniteness into which the Soul spills itself when it seeks to communicate with Matter, finding no possibility of delimiting it, neither encompassing it nor able to penetrate to any fixed point of it, either of which achievements would be an act of delimitation. The Six Enneads.
  • We assume that a sequence consists of subsequences delimited by functionally constrained blocks.
  • This approach helps strictly delimit the scope of the object, which, as is known, is broader than the subject, and then also the subject matter of the study of the military sphere.
  • The renewal is possible because the superimposition of names is artificial, the delimitation of place revocable through restoration.
  • There would be a voter's role and wards would be delimitated. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • All Germany's other frontiers should be delimitated in a like spirit. The Inside Story of the Peace Conference
  • Champagne is derived from the Latin term campagna, used to describe the rolling open countryside just north of Rome, which since the early Middle Ages was applied to this now strictly delimited area. At My Table
  • At the beginning of a project, these are empty lines bounded by the comment delimiters.
  • These have been manifested in, for example, the state formation of "delimitated religious plurality" to restrict the public into only five official religions: Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism and Buddhism. The Jakarta Post Breaking News
  • * @return string A pipe delimited version of the row function compress_row ($row) return gzcompress (implode ( '|', $row), 9); VBulletin Community Forum
  • The CSV file we using contains a list of unquoted terms delimited by tab. ThinkPHP /dev/blog
  • Now we must get to closer quarters, and show how it enables us to delimitate the exact position comedy occupies among all the other arts. Laughter : an Essay on the Meaning of the Comic
  • And if you dropped the delimiter “American” from the question above, the winner would undoubtedly be Stephen Hawking. Guest Post — Kip Thorne on Stephen Hawking
  • Marking the threshold between choir and nave, it represents the ‘liminal zone which partakes of the qualities of both’ the realms it delimits.
  • Kant took himself to be delimiting the a priori presuppositions of experience, and of empirical science.
  • A political resolution on the Abyei situation is absolutely essential and so is the resolution of the issue of wealth sharing and oil, as is the issue of demarcation and delimitation of boundaries in five different spots along the north-south boundaries, the issue of citizenship," he said. South Sudan Faces Numerous Challenges Ahead of Independence
  • This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.
  • In delimiting teaching aim, we ought to help students understand rhetoric better and acquire better language competence.
  • I feel like there's no statute of limitations, but that you don't need to have any super special delimiter, just not bury Final Crisis spoilers in an article about Secret Invasion, for example, without a warning. What’s the statute of limitations for comic spoilers? | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Article 6 assumes a series of delimitation agreements between adjacent States allowing for bilateral relationships within the overall multilateral regime.
  • This is useful to define data hierarchies from within flat data structures such as delimited files and thus provide greater flexibility of template design Bobsguide News
  • Engineering and biology are constrained in different ways, but their domains are rather poorly delimited (and may be crossing: bio-engineering). The Weasel Thread
  • Along the rivers that delimit the region, both intensive activities, such as mining and agriculture, and extensive activities, such as logging, agriculture, hunting, and fishing, have resulted in deforested or degraded habitat and resultant population reductions in plants and animals. Japurá-Solimoes-Negro moist forests
  • Article 6 assumes a series of delimitation agreements between adjacent States allowing for bilateral relationships within the overall multilateral regime.
  • Not to speak of the unostentatiously low-key, delimiting, and cool-filtered cinematography by Leigh's usual cameraman, Dick Pope.
  • The Colonial treaties which are the basis of the Algiers Agreement and which should have been the key basis for the delimitation and demarcation of the boundary leave Badme inside Ethiopia.
  • Specify the source file column delimiter type. Specify comma, tab, semicolon, or another character.
  • The extent to which the continent of Africa has been spoliated and delimitated by Europeans is shown in the fact that of 11,360,000 square miles of territory, all of it has been absorbed or is claimed except the 9,700 square miles controlled by Liberia on the west coast. Africa and the American Negro...Addresses and Proceedings of the Congress on Africa Held Under the Auspices of the Stewart Missionary Foundation for Africa of Gammon Theological Seminary in Connection with the Cotton States and International Exposition De
  • Now you must specify the source file's column delimiter type. You can choose comma, tab, semicolon, or another character.
  • The investigation that the author manages this job, delimit now and the following development works.
  • Anybody poverty to surmisal how we came to exposit and delimitate a BEAR market? Xml's
  • Hence, many of the Surrealist images disjoin scenes of beauty delimited by the intrusion of an otherworldly ‘thing’.
  • But instead of following the never-ending spiral of an apple peel, the story is delimited by closed circularity: it begins with the last tercets and closes with the first quatrains of a sonnet.
  • He has recently been named judge ad hoc of the International Court of Justice in a maritime delimitation case between Romania and Ukraine. Congratulations to Bernie Oxman
  • However, the actual usable number of characters that can be entered is 48, since the delimiters must be accounted for in the total.
  • In doing so, she delineates the political and cultural anxieties these authors exhibited in delimiting boundaries of the individual and the nation as a means of preserving health.
  • The notion of colourspace explains why we should be able to do that, but at the same time it does so by redefining the shades he sees as distinct and simple things into different terms entirely — into nominally labelled zones artificially delimited within a framework of potentialities. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Separation is not always the factor which is chosen to delimit the marital rape exemption.
  • However, there are other ecclesiastical circumscriptions in the Church which are delimited on a personal -- and not territorial -- basis, for various pastoral needs. Archive 2008-04-01
  • This paper discusses the principles conformed by Delimitation of Maritime Boundary in the Beibu Gulf and the factors considered by the principle of equity.
  • The frozen hoar frost from the summer fog delimits annual ice bands in the core.
  • In the judicial practice that the case of explosion is handled, certain difficulty has been in the delimitation of crime of willful and malicious injury and crime of murder.
  • The deal will delimitate the part of land border which begins on the junction of Russian, RIA Novosti
  • The anterior wing margin, delimited by the L1 wing vein, is composed of a triple row of sensory bristles.
  • Once you have delimited the topic of your study, it is time to select your research strategy.
  • Just to illustrate how great out ignorance of the optimum forms of delimitation of various rights remains - despite our confidence in the indispensability of the general institution of several property - a few remarks about one particuilar form of property may be made. Glaeser on Coercion and Contracts, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The risks are the perils with the exclusions; together they delimit the risks covered.
  • You can create content and mark it up with delimiting tags, making each word, phrase, or chunk into identifiable, sortable information.
  • 226118: IPTC metadata tag delimiter is no longer stored (since 0.10). Mixed RSS Feed
  • Grammar and lexicography help the understanding of scripture: medicine has been of great use in establishing the influence of the Lamas: secular law is or should be an amplification of the Church's code: history compiled by sound theologians shows how the true faith is progressive and triumphant: art and ritual are so near together that their boundaries can hardly be delimitated. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3
  • But in Asia the frontiers are not thus rigidly delimitated, nor are God and man thus opposed. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1
  • Within the Serpent Wall that delimitated its boundaries, the Sacred Precinct included the major temples of Mexica gods, areas for specific sacrifices, and the houses and schools for priests. Archive 2010-01-01
  • Freud has delimited what he calls obsessional or compulsion neurosis (Zwangsneurosis), which is classed under psychasthenia by the French and under neurasthenia by others. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • In the space of regulation, boundaries are delimited and linear.
  • The babirusa stomach differs from that of the domestic pig chiefly in the enormous size of the diverticulum ventriculi, the prominence of the constrictions that delimit its three main divisions, and in the size and complexity of the cardia. 11 The Bearded Pig
  • Millions have been killed to reach ‘agreement’ about the various sovereignties we now see delimited in our atlases and car-maps.

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