How To Use Deleterious In A Sentence

  • Moreover, scientific studies on choking reveal no deleterious after effects.
  • As for carbon dioxide emission - if this does have a deleterious effect, how should we deal with the problem?
  • deleterious chemical additives
  • All stone and other deleterious material larger than 3 inches shall be buried to a depth of not less than 24 inches or such other depth as may be agreed with the Local Planning Authority.
  • Considering data demonstrating extensive human exposure, we think that current environmental levels of Cd could be deleterious to early gametogenesis. Dan Agin: Cadmium Pollution Kills Human Fetal Sex Organ Cells
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  • Recessive deleterious mutations are a major cause for the phenomenon of inbreeding depression, and diploidy may have evolved to mask the effects of recessive deleterious mutations.
  • This reduction in splanchnic blood flow is potentially deleterious in septic shock.
  • The deleterious effects of the free radicals are kept under check by a delicate balance between the rate of their production and elimination by the different antioxidant systems.
  • The use of untransformed data for multiplicative fitness traits induces positive bias in the estimates of up to 50% for the ratio estimate when there are many segregating deleterious mutations per individual.
  • Thus the ratio of the proportions of deleterious mutations and nonsynonymous sites to that at synonymous sites is 6.6: 1.
  • In fact, the war itself would have had a deleterious effect on tourism, one would have thought.
  • ~ A Unique Twin Study On The Increased Cardiometabolic Risk In Obesity -- "Study finds that obesity, already in its early stages and independent of genetic influences, is associated with deleterious alterations in the lipid metabolism known to facilitate atherogenesis, inflammation and insulin resistance. Speedlinking 2/20/07
  • Hence, the polymorphism hypothesis is attractive because it could help to explain how a segmentally duplicated genome such as that of maize can avoid deleterious ectopic recombination between paralogs.
  • Furthermore, the total rate of production of deleterious mutations and their pattern of age-specificity are unknown.
  • The two most often cited explanations for this phenomenon are unmasking of the effects of deleterious recessive alleles and summation of the dominant effects of multiple loci brought together in the progeny.
  • These are poor in nutrients and their peaty soils have little capacity to absorb any more acid without deleterious effects.
  • Nor do they show evidence of any long-term deleterious effect in children attending day-care from an early age.
  • They also subdue signals from the sympathetic nervous system and inhibit deleterious overgrowth of damaged heart muscle.
  • These are poor in nutrients and their peaty soils have little capacity to absorb any more acid without deleterious effects.
  • The problem of retrospective awareness of the deleterious effects of mining is difficult to deal with.
  • I see the deleterious consequences of this mistaken belief in many of my patients.
  • For example, in the iron and steel industry, the search for methods to neutralize the deleterious effects of phosphorous iron ore not only produced technological change, it also made the range of useable ore inputs endogenous.
  • This is the Balkan - a florilegium of contradictions within contraventions, the mawkish and the jaded, the charitable and the deleterious, the feckless and the bumptious, evanescent and exotic, Terrorists and Freedom Fighters
  • Note that modeling mutation this way does not assume that it is equally likely to have a mutation arise that is beneficial overall vs. one that is deleterious.
  • However, some of those compounds such as capsaicin (the substance that makes chilies pungent) and some cyanogenic glycosides, have no apparent deleterious or deterrent effect on birds.
  • The world situation has had deleterious effects on a couple of international film festivals this week.
  • Children and adolescents may be particularly vulnerable to the deleterious effects of bias and stereotypes.
  • The rationale is that self-sterile ryes are highly heterozygous and commonly carry deleterious genes (in heterozygous condition), some of which become homozygous in triticale and presumably result in reduced vigor and/or fertility. 8 Research Needs
  • He asked some good and difficult questions about the deleterious consequences for inflation of the government's expanded fiscal agenda.
  • As long as experiments, research, and the use of its findings is properly used, we need have no fear that people will be harmed, either directly or by deleterious effects on society.
  • The computer keeps track of each mutation's position and deleterious effect on a single haploid chromosome for each individual.
  • The invention provides a tinted pair of lenses for overcoming the deleterious effects of nystagmic oscillations, particularly in persons suffering from dyslexia.
  • Third, reduced pollen and seed fertility may both indirectly result from this deleterious effect.
  • All very understandable, but the effect on the impressionable minds of our intellectual class has been deleterious.
  • There have been some deleterious side effects of cryotherapy previously documented.
  • Hence, if one traits is highly adaptive but another pleiotopically linked trait is mildly deleterious, the deleterious trait can be selected for because of its pleiotropic association with the more advantageous trait. Evolution
  • However, in the absence of such an improvement, much may be done by care and attention at the mill; the green bands and trash which usually accompany the canes from the field, should, therefore, be carefully removed before they are passed through, as they contain no saccharine matter, abound in the deleterious substances already mentioned, and communicate a bad color to the juice; therefore, _the ripe cane only should pass through the mill_. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • This move will have a deleterious effect on horse riders, who are predominately female. Times, Sunday Times
  • I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug.
  • Such selection is inimical to the evolution of traits like sinistrality that, at least in their early stages of development, are accompanied by mildly deleterious side effects.
  • These drugs have a proven deleterious effect on the nervous system.
  • Similar to the deleterious metals, element contents which would be worth recovering and marketing in the form of by-products are also often overlooked; for example, zircon sand from alluvial deposits, gold-containing pyrite and arsenopyrite from complex sulphide veins. Chapter 6
  • And finally, it examines the deleterious effect that this might have on the performer and the people around them.
  • The virus causes about 1 million deaths a year due to its deleterious effects on the liver.
  • Similarly, inbreeding decreases the effective size of selection but unmasks deleterious alleles in homozygotes.
  • Therefore, as everybody can disclaim an injurious idea and denounce sharing a deleterious belief, all we have to take into consideration is an act, a deed, an action, and their visible, attestable objectives. American Chronicle
  • About as deleterious a trait as you could imagine, evolutionarily speaking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus deleterious recessives had not been eliminated from the population to the extent that consanguineous matings were harmless in terms of offspring viability.
  • The culture supernatants, though produced cytopathic effect in various tissue cultures, failed to have any deleterious effect on the worms.
  • Though the mutagenic activity of ethylene thiourea is well documented, very little is known about the deleterious effects of zineb.
  • Some members of the school evidently though that it might be, but the orthodox opinion was that pleasure was a sort of aftergrowth and that the direct pursuit of it was deleterious to the organism. Guide to Stoicism
  • The brownseed mutants (bs, bs, and bs) of tomato all possess dark testae and deleteriously affect seed germination speed and/or final percentage.
  • Where partially treated products, such as concentrates, are to be sold, not only will there be further losses, but deductions will be made by the smelter for deleterious metals and other charges. Principles of Mining Valuation, Organization and Administration
  • These drugs have a proven deleterious effect on the nervous system.
  • A ready re-agent for detecting the presence of lead, or any other deleterious metal in wine, is known by the name of the _wine test_. A Treatise on Adulterations of Food, and Culinary Poisons Exhibiting the Fraudulent Sophistications of Bread, Beer, Wine, Spiritous Liquors, Tea, Coffee, Cream, Confectionery, Vinegar, Mustard, Pepper, Cheese, Olive Oil, Pickles, and Other Articles Employ
  • The resulting instability often has deleterious effects on the children of the relationship.
  • Special tax treatment for health benefits has several deleterious effects.
  • It would operate like inbreeding, which increases the odds of offspring inheriting the same deleterious recessive allele from both parents.
  • We should vigorously oppose such a show, which can only have a deleterious effect on the moral and spiritual climate of our city.
  • The long-run effect, however, is even more deleterious and corrosive—the "hurdle" rate for investments also sags in direct relation with lower interest rates. Low Rates Encourage Dumber Investments
  • The deleterious consumption of monoxides and dioxides has also weakened my mental acuity, sensitivity and enthusiasm.
  • Sinistral individuals in normally dextral populations often deviate slightly in shell form from wild-type dextrals, perhaps implying that the left-handed condition has small deleterious side effects.
  • This can be seen as an example of synergistic epistasis, in which deleterious alleles tend to magnify each other's effects.
  • A food product is also considered "adulterated" if it bears or contains any poisonous or deleterious substance, which may render it injurious to health. William Marler: Prosecuting Those Who Poison
  • Is it as broad then, do you say, as any deleterious consequence to a plaintiff, compensable by a monetary award?
  • Thus deleterious recessives had not been eliminated from the population to the extent that consanguineous matings were harmless in terms of offspring viability.
  • In general, these drugs have no deleterious effects on training or competition.
  • The fixation of deleterious mutations may be a general explanation for heterosis in crosses between ecotypes, despite alternative overdominance interpretations.
  • The deleterious effect is that there can be no public scrutiny and comment on the conduct of the police investigation.
  • If the mutation is question is severely deleterious, for example if homozygote embryos invariably die during development to take an extreme example, it can never be fixed. The Rise of Human Chromosome 2: Beyond the Deme - The Panda's Thumb
  • These are poor in nutrients and their peaty soils have little capacity to absorb any more acid without deleterious effects.
  • The world situation has had deleterious effects on a couple of international film festivals this week.
  • Indeed, in one particular 'sutra' the Buddha contemns such a belief as deleterious to the development of man's spiritual understanding. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Her espousal of a brand of Catholic fundamentalism, that for too long had a deleterious effect on Irish society, is enough to put me off for life.
  • If a deleterious mutation occurs, the chromosome carrying that mutation can be lost following unequal assortment during amitosis of the macronucleus.
  • The findings emphasize the deleterious effects of cocaine on the brain and the potential for improvement with medications.
  • It is currently unknown whether the deleterious effects of fats are limited to specific fatty acids.
  • This suggests that neuroticism / narcissism combined with an abusive and/or harassing work environment does not make one more prone to deleterious drinking behavior.
  • Select a disinfectant / sterilant that has no deleterious effects on the items to be sterilized.
  • However, brown bullhead in the same study showed some resistance to the deleterious effects of mill effluents.
  • We are importing ideas and concepts, embodied in media such as television programmes and music that are potentially deleterious to our society.
  • A healthy person can consume a large quantity of water without any deleterious effect.
  • This is because inbred individuals are more likely to express deleterious alleles as homozygotes than are outbreds.
  • Finally, not all feedbacks from output markets have a deleterious effect on innovative activity.
  • Some deleterious effects ascribed to lead may include contributions from other metals.
  • The mechanisms by which such deleterious rhizosphere bacteria operate include the production of phytotoxins and phytohormones, competition for nutrients, and the inhibition of mycorrhizal fungi.
  • So what can be done to wind back the deleterious effects of confidentiality agreements on public safety?
  • The dominance of deleterious mutations thus represents an important parameter in evolutionary biology.
  • hybrid offspring from these Arctic animal matings will likely be strong and healthy, because unlike inbreeding, which magnifies deleterious genes, so-called outbreeding can mask these genes. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Oxytocin is a neurohypophyseal hormone hypothesized to coordinate both the causes and effects of positive social interactions, and may be involved in positive physiological adaptations such as buffering the deleterious effects of stress and promoting resilience. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Actions taken because of the fear of this older future are already having deleterious effects for lots of older people.
  • This type of genetic shuffling may have unpredictable, often deleterious effects.
  • I think, to that degree, it may have had a deleterious effect upon the medium since then.
  • By contrast, at least some nonsynonymous mutations are expected to be strongly deleterious because they damage protein structure and thereby render the cell nonviable.
  • Consequently, older children have more opportunities to find outside support systems that can help to buffer the deleterious effects of a discordant home.
  • In the society of survival, where the agonistic and vertiginous play of the potlatch is displaced by accumulation, an awareness of this has a deleterious effect on humanity.
  • But the want of general efficient efforts, unobstructed by local laws and deleterious influences, cannot but, in a few years, convince the Boards that the colonization of the tribes West is the best, if not the only hope of prosperity to the race _as a race_. Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers
  • This, combined with a sufficiently high rate of deleterious mutation, can allow sexual genotypes to outcompete asexual genotypes in the face of the twofold cost of sex.
  • Now, suppose that deleterious mutations reduce survival below this optimal value.
  • High levels of refractory elements such as rhenium can make the alloys prone to the formation of what are known as deleterious topologically close packed The Engineer - News
  • Mrs. Purnell at that time brewed her own ale, which was very different from the nauseous and deleterious trash that is now supplied to such houses by those common pests of society, _common brewers_. Memoirs of Henry Hunt, Esq. — Volume 1
  • Any move is likely to have a deleterious effect on their health and will certainly adversely affect the quality of their life.
  • Much is made of the collapse of bimetallism and its deleterious implications for countries on a silver standard.

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