
How To Use Delayer In A Sentence

  • Mischel found that while the low delayer stared at the marshmallow until he could resist it no longer, high delayers distracted themselves, often playing with toys or singing while waiting for the researcher to return. Testing for Kindergarten
  • The delayering thrust in organizations is said to occur due to technological change, increased global competition, and retrenchment during recessions.
  • The Society took its name from the Roman dictator Fabius, nicknamed ‘Cunctator’, or delayer.
  • Although managerial hierarchies have been delayered organisational structures have not been fundamentally altered.
  • May 01, 2009 at 11: 58 PM try startup delayer to set some of the non-essential programs to start up later. How To Stop Windows From Shutting Down | Lifehacker Australia
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  • Miss the 31 January filing deadline - £100 penalty, plus a further £100 if you haven't filed by 31 July (and potentially £60 a day for serious delayers)
  • This was by necessity a long term strategy and gave rise to the term, Fabian tactic as well as earning Maximus the name Cunctator - the delayer.
  • Although lesser dictionaries give it the abbreviated meaning of ‘delayer or procrastinator,’ the Oxford English Dictionary will inform that it was once more commonly used to mean ‘one who delays past the appropriate time for departure.’ Word Fugitives
  • He could have demonstrated that a bloated top management group was delayering and sharing the pain. Globe Writers Guild Punch Pinch - Charlie Warner - MediaBizBlogger
  • Such organizations may be delayered internally, but they are not depowered either internally or externally.
  • Down-sizing, delayering, outsourcing and reengineering haunt the suburbs as well as the inner cities, mocking the commitments and hollowing out the institutions which were once the lodestars of the salariat. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Downsizing, delayering, and rising credentialism are factors that have careers during the 1980s and 1990s, resulting in spiral and transitory career patterns becoming more common.
  • In 2005, we announced a delayering of our organization, and a third of our managers left. Avon's Andrea Jung: CEOs need to reinvent themselves
  • JEFFREY KRAMES, AUTHOR, "THE RUMSFELD WAY": This guy was ahead of his time because here, in 1977, you Don't have companies out there doing things like down sizing and delayering and selling off noncore businesses. CNN Transcript Oct 1, 2006
  • At this level, delayering is accompanied by the need for self-supervision by work groups (sometimes called their empowerment).
  • Over the Eighties and Nineties, everyone else slimmed down the back offices, delayered, computerised, out sourced and reduced headcount.
  • Among those men, 53% said they were not interested in getting married anytime soon - the marriage delayers.
  • My generation of marriage delayers drifted into this period without any real understanding of its value or meaning.
  • The department had been redesigned, delayered, downsized, and the people were operating as a self-managed team.
  • Examples are numerous, but perhaps the most recent is the directive to restructure in order to delayer organizations.
  • Among other findings:•Women with a college degree are experiencing what the bureau calls a "delayer boom" — they're having babies at later ages than other women and having fewer children overall. White women more likely to be childless, Census says
  • Amid downsizing and delayering, most employees face both fewer opportunities for promotion and little hope of escape to some new employer.
  • Obama has taken a very similar stance as Bush when it comes to the UN by demanding China and India participate and he has acted as a "delayer" when it comes to climate policy. Latest Articles
  • There are different categories of family planning and these are multi-partners, breast-feeders, limiters and spacers or delayers.
  • A comprehensive process of institutional delayering has to be kick-started.
  • He said he's confident that recent changes in the leadership team and efforts to "delayer the organization" will improve its performance. Thomson Reuters CEO Cautions on Markets Unit
  • Down-sizing, delayering, outsourcing and reengineering haunt the suburbs as well as the inner cities, mocking the commitments and hollowing out the institutions which were once the lodestars of the salariat. Archive 2009-08-01
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