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How To Use Delairea In A Sentence

  • The much-vaunted Frankfurt preference for modernist artworks of great complexity is the preference for a Baudelairean art still intent on risking experimental enactments of romantic aura together with mimetic reflections on postromantic modernity’s most anti-auratic, advanced technical-productive developments. Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
  • Yet this homage to the heroic model of Baudelairean modernity is, of course, a semiparodic one.
  • That is, Brecht's late enterprise entails the non-parodic revivification of an ostensibly passé, auratic, "lyric-aesthetic" poetics, a revivification Brecht in part accomplishes by returning to the Shelleyan-Baudelairean imperative that lyric critically reimagine itself. Intervention & Commitment Forever!: Shelley in 1819, Shelley in Brecht, Shelley in Adorno, Shelley in Benjamin
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