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[ US /ˈdɛkɝ/ ]
  1. English dramatist and pamphleteer (1572-1632)

How To Use Dekker In A Sentence

  • Improbable as it may seem — the tide of serial-killer dramas that TV writers churn out has been unrelenting — the L & O episode about the killer of 19 young women managed a raw suspensefulness, thanks to nimble plot complications involving DNA evidence and a mesmerizing performance by Terrence Howard in the role of Deputy DA Jonah Dekker. The Perps Keep Coming
  • The room, his mother, his wife, Dekkeret, all disappeared from his ken. LORD PRESTIMION
  • And Lord Dekkeret, from what I know of him, will not want to begin his reign by having half his kingdom secede. KING OF DREAMS
  • And Lord Dekkeret, from what I know of him, will not want to begin his reign by having half his kingdom secede. KING OF DREAMS
  • Another much-discussed microbiological fault, which can cause a wine to smell mousy, may be caused by yeasts of the Brettanomyces genus, closely related to Dekkera.
  • Though his injuries were always an obstacle in his training, as soon as Dekkers was well, he was back in the gym, working like a madman on the heavy bag, doing the repetitions necessary to develop his power.
  • Elizabethan satirists, -- the vitriolic bitterness of Nash, the sententious profundity of Donne, the happy-go-lucky "slogging" of genial Dekker, the sledge-hammer blows of Jonson, the turgid malevolence of Chapman, and the stiletto-like thrusts of George English Satires
  • Dekker, who wrote the greater part of _Satiro-mastix_. A Life of William Shakespeare with portraits and facsimiles
  • Next year (1602), Dekker replied with spirit to this attack, in a comedy entitled _Satiro-mastix_, where Jonson is called “Horace, junior.” Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook, Vol. 3
  • The room, his mother, his wife, Dekkeret, all disappeared from his ken. LORD PRESTIMION
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