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How To Use Deistic In A Sentence

  • “Homer of the North,” could fulfill Rousseauistic, deistic, and preromantic visions of a pre-Christian society unspoiled by institutions and filled with love, melancholy, and nature. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Miguel Dickson: – ... lots of atheists see nothing particularly troublesome about giving thanks to others, and, in a certain sense being grateful, without necessarily needing a deistic object to be grateful to. The Volokh Conspiracy » District Court Judge Strikes Down Statute Providing for National Day of Prayer
  • Full of enthusiasm for the ideas of his English friends, he wrote _Letters on the English_ -- a triumph of deistic philosophy and sarcastic criticism of church and society. A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
  • I do not believe that any large proportion of Englishmen are actual disbelievers, who reject Christianity as unworthy of credence, or attach themselves to any of the innumerable varieties of deistical and pantheistical schools. Expositions of Holy Scripture : St. Matthew Chaps. IX to XXVIII
  • I thought I was showing that Collins 'argument is based on a deistic view, not a theistic view, which would be a problem for Collins, since he's a theist. Collins' Deistic Hangover
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  • Theological speculation and deistic tendencies were much discussed and much feared.
  • But to insist that it must have done so, because a deistic argument says so, seems a little unreasonable to me. Collins' Deistic Hangover
  • Put into practice, her ceremonial deism will cease to be either ceremonial or deistic.
  • The worldview of the society around us is deistic at best and we follow our culture in not giving too much credence to speculations about demons or spirits.
  • Some of the many positions on creationism include progressive, deistic, theistic, ex nihilo, and directive creationism.
  • He regarded formal religion as a force to be controlled, but personally subscribed to beliefs that can be termed deistic or even agnostic, rather than conventionally religious. THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
  • Actually, cbodlt, bpbaptista, lots of atheists see nothing particularly troublesome about giving thanks to others, and, in a certain sense being grateful, without necessarily needing a deistic object to be grateful to. The Volokh Conspiracy » District Court Judge Strikes Down Statute Providing for National Day of Prayer
  • But because the ambiguities of accidentalism at this time had to be conceptualized by alternative characterizations of God as either the rational or the capricious Uncreated Being, the result for men was fideistic optimism or nescience. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • He considers this a ‘logical possibility’, but later dismisses it as deistic.
  • Those hemp-growing, tree-hugging, corporate-hating deistic free loving and free thinking present-at-the-creation Americans believed above all that the Truth would keep us free. Harvey Wasserman: The Tea Party/GOP Would Hate Our Actual Founders
  • My own learning has taken place at the fertile conjunction of Hinduism and Buddhism, although my deistic inclination firmly locates me in the former tradition.
  • Some interviewee responses suggest beliefs closer to pantheism than deistic faiths.
  • Yet I've always admired Doctor Who; not only for its values of intellect and empathy, but also for its often overlooked ability to explore deistic themes – both in the show and through the ardent devotion of fans. Does Doctor Who feature a god for our times? | Stephen Kelly

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