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How To Use Deictic In A Sentence

  • The traditional approach to this difficulty is to dismiss epideictic oratory as irrelevant and gratuitous display.
  • He means Goethe, not the preludic and breath-born (e) launch of Wordsworth's "Oh there is a blessing in this gentle breeze," where the deictic "this" serves almost to demonstrate the poem's own aspirant impetus. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • In completing my own offering on scepticism as a rhetorical-poetical "war of ideas," I turn to the close grappling between Byron and Hemans over the enthymeme, or rhetorical syllogism, which like the epideictic is a legacy of the classical Sophism. [ 'A darkling plain': Hemans, Byron and _The Sceptic; A Poem_
  • Tony Blair's epideictic performance at the Labour Party conference last year won admiration even from his foes, but by and large the digital age is cool to rhetoric and, as the enthronement of the blogger suggests, prizes incoherent impulse over the Ciceronian arts of the exordium and the peroration. First Post Says Blair to Resign on May 9th
  • Strange, I've posted exactly about this pre-Etruscan *i- deictic and its relationship to animacy, ergativity, and PIE *i- before online somewhere Yahoogroups like Cybalist perhaps? Aegean phonotactics against word-initial /j/
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  • Egocentricity is a basic feature of deixis, but deictic projection exists in practical usage of deixis.
  • Additionally, the encomia inscribed in the Urbino portraits provided exemplary ingredients for epideictic oration. 48 19 Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • : cleansing or scouring agrestic: rural, rustic, unpolished, uncouth apodeictic: unquestionably true by virtue of demonstration caducity: perishableness, senility compossible: possible in coesistence with something else embrangle: to confuse or entangle exuviate: to shed (a skin or similar outer covering): short and stout, squat griseous Club Troppo
  • In the case of ellipsis and anaphoric (and cataphoric) pronouns the designation is determined, or at least constrained, by the linguistic context of the utterance, while the designation of deictic demonstratives is fixed by contextual extralinguistic facts. Pragmatics
  • In acts of deictic reference, speakers integrate schematic with local knowledge.
  • Chomskyans typically take this point, conceding that the argument from the poverty of the stimulus is not apodeictic. Innateness and Language
  • Now because all is here gradually incorporated with the understanding -- inasmuch as in the first place we judge problematically; then accept assertorically our judgement as true; lastly, affirm it as inseparably united with the understanding, that is, as necessary and apodeictical -- we may safely reckon these three functions of modality as so many momenta of thought. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • Further, the moral law is given as a fact of pure reason of which we are a priori conscious, and which is apodeictically certain, though it be granted that in experience no example of its exact fulfilment can be found. The Critique of Practical Reason
  • The domain from which potential antecedents for both individual and discourse-deictic anaphors can be elicited is defined in terms of dialogue acts.
  • Our purpose here has been to illustrate how three visible ‘bows’ depend for their system-specific meanings on several invisible spatial, orientational and deictic features of the whole systems to which they belong.
  • I believed it was apodeictic that Collins was not as well known, but it appears I was embrangled. Save the language! « Write Anything
  • This duty is founded on something that is indeed quite independent of these suppositions and is of itself apodeictically certain, namely, the moral law; and so far it needs no further support by theoretical views as to the inner constitution of things, the secret final aim of the order of the world, or a presiding ruler thereof, in order to bind me in the most perfect manner to act in unconditional conformity to the law. The Critique of Practical Reason
  • By writing in epideictic's distinctively biographical but general terms, she can catch up in her apostrophes a Byron, a Hume, 'A darkling plain': Hemans, Byron and _The Sceptic; A Poem_
  • One implication of the unending nature of the interpretation of appearances through infinite sequences of signs is that Peirce can be no type of epistemological foundationalist or believer in absolute or apodeictic knowledge. Nobody Knows Nothing
  • It is apodeictic that the caliginosity of the agrestic embrangle periapts with mansuetude. Save the language! « Write Anything
  • It is apodeictic that the caliginosity of the agrestic embrangle periapts with mansuetude. Save the language! « Write Anything
  • It is apodeictic that the caliginosity of the agrestic embrangle periapts with mansuetude. Save the language! « Write Anything
  • And restricting ourselves only to PIE and internal reconstruction of PIE, I've also already stated that a deictic postclitic with added support from real-world languages which do the same sufficiently explains the marked nominative in PIE without contorting the entire declensional system to eke out an ergative suffix so that you can fantasize about Hurrian links. Nipping the PIE ergative *-s theory right in the bud
  • They center in the words ‘tangent’, ‘quiet’, ‘evidence’, the notable enjambment at the end of the line group, and the deictics ‘Here’ and ‘there’.
  • Logic, or Analytic, as the theory or method of arriving at true or apodeictic conclusions; and (2) Dialectic as the method of arriving at conclusions that are accepted or pass current as true, [Greek: endoxa] probabilia; conclusions in regard to which it is not taken for granted that they are false, and also not taken for granted that they are true in themselves, since that is not the point. The Art of Controversy
  • The apodeictical proposition cogitates the assertorical as determined by these very laws of the understanding, consequently as affirming a priori, and in this manner it expresses logical necessity. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • And I also know where this *i deictic might have come from. Aegean phonotactics against word-initial /j/
  • He argues that epideictic rhetoric with its traditional concern with the noble provides the model from which a contemporary reasoning about ends could proceed.
  • But I knew I wouldn't get it - I conlang, a lot, but I have no finished conlang to show, and judging by the HBO pitch, I don't think that showing off my flashy deictic systems would have impressed them much. HBO creates new language for GAME OF THRONES
  • It is apodeictic that the caliginosity of the agrestic embrangle periapts with mansuetude. Save the language! « Write Anything
  • Both these types of phenomena are apodeictic realities.
  • I believed it was apodeictic that Collins was not as well known, but it appears I was embrangled. Save the language! « Write Anything
  • When experience is presupposed, these principles are apodeictically certain, but in themselves, and directly, they cannot even be cognized a priori. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • Again, many of the so-called epideictic epigrams are little more than stories told shortly in elegiac verse, much like the stories in Ovid's Select Epigrams from the Greek Anthology
  • But in the Critique itself it will be demonstrated, not hypothetically, but apodeictically, from the nature of our representations of space and time, and from the elementary conceptions of the understanding.] The Critique of Pure Reason
  • After all, the inclusion of each word in this article suggests that their usefulness is apodeictic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nonetheless, epideictic rhetoric may have political implications.
  • Pericles' funeral oration for Athenians killed in the Peloponnesian War is a famous example of epideictic oratory
  • The demonstrative determiners combine with non-deictic terms for spatial organization to yield complex deictic descriptions of location.
  • Overall, epideictic rhetoric may address policy or value issues, can issue blame as well as praise, and bears a close conceptual relationship with song.
  • For he cannot pretend to any certainty of the non-existence of God and of a future life, unless - since it could only be proved by mere reason, and therefore apodeictically -- he is prepared to establish the impossibility of both, which certainly no reasonable man would undertake to do. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • deictic pronouns
  • Note 48: Another of the progymnasmata exercises, the encomium offered "basic training" for epideictic rhetoric, although it was also useful in deliberative and forensic oratory. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • The contrast should rather be seen as one between apodeictic certainty (about intelligible matters) and plausibility [13] (about empirical matters). Plato's Timaeus
  • The decoder has to create a cognitive space in which the deictic elements and terms can be realised indexically.
  • That is, the songs' rhetorical strategies paralleled those of epideictic speeches.
  • Establishing orthodoxy: The letters of St. Ignatius as epideictic rhetoric. American Rhetoric - Christian Rhetoric Scholarly Reference Guide
  • Some lawyers are successful in the elenchical mode of argument -- to use a logical term -- that is, in demolishing the structure of their opponents, while they fail in the deictic, that is, in raising on its ruins an impregnable fabric of their own; but it was difficult to decide which process was the most thorough in the reasoning of Tazewell. Discourse of the Life and Character of the Hon. Littleton Waller Tazewell
  • It is apodeictic that, while perhaps obscure, words like "skirr" and "periapt" serve uniquely expressive purposes and cannot be subrogated by other, more commonplace words. A malison on the poor of spirit.
  • Very similar problems arise with the interpretation of the temporal deictic expression now.
  • The third-person examples are much improved if the pronouns are clearly deictic rather than anaphoric; the first-person examples are already deictic, of course.
  • Traditionally the past tense is defined as a deictic tense mainly used to locate an event or state at some point or period in time prior to the moment of speaking, .
  • Action signs, like vocal signs also take part in deictic (space/time) reference, indexicality and performativity.
  • Either our proposition must be proved apodeictically; or, if this is unsuccessful, the sources of this inability must be sought for, and, if these are discovered to exist in the natural and necessary limitation of our reason, our opponents must submit to the same law of renunciation and refrain from advancing claims to dogmatic assertion. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • Traditionally the past tense is defined as a deictic tense mainly used to locate an event or state at some point or period in time prior to the moment of speaking, .
  • In the assertorical, we regard the proposition as real (true); in the apodeictical, we look on it as necessary. Blowing Hot and Cold
  • We cannot prove that this practical rule is an imperative, i.e., that the will of every rational being is necessarily bound to it as a condition, by a mere analysis of the conceptions which occur in it, since it is a synthetical proposition; we must advance beyond the cognition of the objects to a critical examination of the subject, that is, of the pure practical reason, for this synthetic proposition which commands apodeictically must be capable of being cognized wholly a priori. SECOND SECTION
  • In the assertorical, we regard the proposition as real (true); in the apodeictical, we look on it as necessary. Blowing Hot and Cold
  • Some lawyers are successful in the elenchical mode of argument ” to use a logical term ” that is, in demolishing the structure of their opponents, while they fail in the deictic, that is, in raising on its ruins an impregnable fabric of their own; but it was difficult to decide which process was the most thorough in the reasoning of Tazewell. Discourse of the Life and Character of the Hon Littleton Waller Tazewell
  • The algorithm accounts for deictic as well as anaphoric referential identifications.
  • After all, the inclusion of each word in this article suggests that their usefulness is apodeictic. Times, Sunday Times
  • While learning the rudiments of epideictic presentation in a "parrot-like" manner, a student committed exemplary passages of poetry and literature to memory. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Doctorow later spoofed the epideictic mode in The Book of Daniel. Too isolated, too insular?
  • In these ‘referential’ uses, it is replaceable by the deictic pronouns this and that (This is red, That is possible).
  • The deictic, directional, and locative constructions differ, however, with respect both to their semantics and to the kinds of items that are eligible to fill the X and V slots.
  • Not surprisingly, there's a predominant use of deictics throughout the text, ‘now’ ‘here’ ‘I’, a device used here to confirm, the congruence of the writer with the time and place of writing.
  • Particular attention is given to the minute performance of pronouns and deictics such as ‘this’ and ‘that’ which mark the boundaries between ‘us’ and ‘them'’.
  • In other words, the usual epideictic speech inculcates values, while these political songs employed values as topoi for a purpose more typical of deliberative speech.
  • On the other hand, epideictic rhetoric implies that tradition or social standing authorizes the rhetor to locate the object of praise in the criteria of excellence.
  • In persuasive song and epideictic speech alike, however, the use of the topoi of praise and blame, coupled with the substitution of performance for evidence, remains interesting to the student of political rhetoric.
  • If they adopt the second view of inherence, which is preferred by some metaphysical natural philosophers, and regard space and time as relations (contiguity in space or succession in time), abstracted from experience, though represented confusedly in this state of separation, they find themselves in that case necessitated to deny the validity of mathematical doctrines a priori in reference to real things (for example, in space) -- at all events their apodeictic certainty. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • It is very tempting to see a somewhat similar development in the case of Etruscan pronouns: the merger with an initial *i- deictic. Aegean phonotactics against word-initial /j/
  • For geometrical principles are always apodeictic, that is, united with the consciousness of their necessity, as: "Space has only three dimensions. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • The deictics in are introduced by ‘here’ or ‘there’ and serve to direct the hearer's attention to an entity currently in the speaker's perceptual field.
  • : cleansing or scouring agrestic: rural, rustic, unpolished, uncouth apodeictic: unquestionably true by virtue of demonstration caducity: perishableness, senility compossible: possible in coesistence with something else embrangle: to confuse or entangle exuviate: to shed (a skin or similar outer covering): short and stout, squat griseous Club Troppo
  • On the Minoan Language blog, Andras Zeke counters my entry against a prefix *i- in Minoan with a new idea that the morpheme in question was a separate deictic instead. Archive 2010-02-01
  • The word *i = "that" would make a perfect and natural deictic, that could later have been merged onto the demonstratives KA and TA. Aegean phonotactics against word-initial /j/
  • As Walker points out, ‘A ‘lyric’ is, in effect, a versified or sung oration, a variety of epideictic discourse’.
  • After all, the inclusion of each word in this article suggests that their usefulness is apodeictic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Strange, I've posted exactly about this pre-Etruscan *i- deictic and its relationship to animacy, ergativity, and PIE *i- before online somewhere Yahoogroups like Cybalist perhaps? Aegean phonotactics against word-initial /j/
  • It is epideictic poetry, I submit, that accommodates and accounts for the hubristic heights and unsounded depths of an intertext made up of Childe Harold, Manfred, "The Abencerrage, 'A darkling plain': Hemans, Byron and _The Sceptic; A Poem_
  • The apodeictical proposition cogitates the assertorical as determined by these very laws of the understanding, consequently as affirming a priori, and in this manner it expresses logical necessity. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • But the reason why this objection is so unanimously brought against our doctrine of time, and that too by disputants who cannot start any intelligible arguments against the doctrine of the ideality of space, is this -- they have no hope of demonstrating apodeictically the absolute reality of space, because the doctrine of idealism is against them, according to which the reality of external objects is not capable of any strict proof. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • It is apodeictic that the caliginosity of the agrestic embrangle periapts with mansuetude. Save the language! « Write Anything
  • Very similar problems arise with the interpretation of the temporal deictic expression now.
  • Where our knowledge of a cause is derived from our knowledge of the effect, which is falsely (I think) here supposed, nothing can be logically, that is, apodeictically, inferred, but the adequacy of the former to the latter. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • epideictic orations
  • While secondary stress would have once donned most instances of the agglutinated deictics *-sa and *-ta in MIE, it wouldn't have naturally done so in unstressed MIE *kʷai-ta *kʷittᵊ PIE *kʷid "what?" yet the inanimate pronominal marker shows voicing nonetheless. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Strange, I've posted exactly about this pre-Etruscan *i- deictic and its relationship to animacy, ergativity, and PIE *i- before online somewhere Yahoogroups like Cybalist perhaps? Aegean phonotactics against word-initial /j/
  • It is understood that a combination of assertory or of apodeictic premises may warrant an assertory or an apodeictic conclusion; but that if we combine either of these with a problematic premise our conclusion becomes problematic; whilst the combination of two problematic premises gives a conclusion less certain than either. Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • To understand a deictic is therefore not to ‘interpret’ it but simply to grasp by observation what it singles out in the physical situation of utterance.
  • Arguments pursued in these poems take the form of "enthymemes," curtal syllogisms, which like the epideictic mode are a legacy of the 'A darkling plain': Hemans, Byron and _The Sceptic; A Poem_

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