How To Use Dehydrated In A Sentence

  • They called C4, which is Mexico's emergency dispatch system and advised them that they had been lost for two days, were stranded, dehydrated, and were going to light a signal fire to attempt to get some help," said Cal Fire spokesperson Roxanne Provaznik. Knowledge is Power
  • The picture shows a dehydrated snowman: just his hat, coal eyes, carrot nose and stick arms remain.
  • In the desert, you get dehydrated very quickly
  • He grimaced at the thought of eating dehydrated food; I described the simple pleasure of drinking ice-cold water from a mountain stream.
  • Dehydrated garlic prepared from fresh, mature, and clean wholesome bulb of the perennial plant Allium Sativum L.
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  • Yes, if the athlete is dehydrated, any water will accomplish that, dumbo!
  • Alcohol acts as a diuretic, making you even more dehydrated.
  • Stained elements were dehydrated in a graded series of alcohols, cleared in xylene, and mounted in histological resin.
  • The sections were then counterstained in eosin, dehydrated, cleared, and mounted with glass coverslips.
  • Yes, if the athlete is dehydrated, any water will accomplish that, dumbo!
  • fever resulted from becoming dehydrated
  • He simply needed, he explained, to stock up on dehydrated pawpaw, prunes, banana flakes and other high-fibre energy nibbles. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • The more water you drink, the less dehydrated you will become, and the less severe your hangover will be.
  • The five cross-breed puppies, no more than four weeks old, were found terrified and dehydrated.
  • I usually have currys made from dehydrated roux base, which are OK I suppose, but very occasionally I have a boil-in-the-bag, which are excellent! Fathers, food and family life: part 1 of 3
  • Do not confuse with evaporated milk, also known as dehydrated milk, which is a shelf-stable canned milk product with about 60 percent of the water removed from fresh milk, and with no added sugar. The Christmas Cookie Cookbook
  • These sulfur-containing additives are used as preservatives in dried fruits, wines, and dehydrated potato products like mashed potato flakes.
  • Leaves were sectioned on a sliding microtome and stained with safranin and Alcian Blue before being dehydrated through an alcohol series, taken through Histoclear and mounted onto microscope slides in Euparal.
  • He was dehydrated, his throat was swelling, and he had lost blood.
  • The wanderer is like a dehydrated traveller in a waterless desert, or a lover longing to see the distant beloved.
  • A child who has diarrhea from giardiasis may lose too much fluid in the stool and become dehydrated.
  • The crystalline cake of acetone sodium bisulphite, which separates on standing, is well pressed, to free it from impurities, decomposed by distillation with dilute sodium carbonate, and the aqueous distillate of pure acetone dehydrated over calcium chloride. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • Hypertonic saline dressings are not appropriate for minimally draining wounds or wounds covered with dehydrated slough or eschar; these dressings depend on wound moisture to moisten them.
  • If your child is having difficulty breathing, if they are dehydrated, that is they are very dried out, they are vomiting and they are not able to keep fluids down, they need to come in and be seen. CNN Transcript Sep 2, 2009
  • It can be totally dehydrated and can take huge doses of ionizing radiation in the dehydrated state.
  • In a single day his stubbly cheeks had begun to look hollow, and the muscles of his shoulders and legs stood out in dehydrated splendor.
  • I picture the ICC executives heading into their purpose-built decision-making room if it helps you, I always visualise this as the military bunker from Dr Strangelove and brainstorming for several hours until they emerged, dehydrated and bottom-sore, with the solution. England's cricketers will get a mace to go with their kingly crown | Emma John
  • carry dehydrated food on your camping trip
  • Cholera vibrios release a poison that damages the lining of the intestine so that it leaks fluids and salts, and as a result, the patient is intensely dehydrated.
  • If you are dehydrated, the test will overestimate your body fat by as much as 3 percentage points.
  • Dehydrated flies were mounted for electron microscopy.
  • dehydrated eggs
  • The five cross-breed puppies, no more than four weeks old, were found terrified and dehydrated.
  • The milk is dehydrated and stored as powder.
  • If water cannot seep in, the roots become dehydrated and lose anchorage.
  • ↑ Tweedle CD, Hatton GI (1976) Ultrastructural comparisons of neurons of supraoptic and circularis nuclei in normal and dehydrated rats. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • She's dehydrated and quite stressed and anguished, so they are keeping her in for observations.
  • To serve, arrange the red fingerling bananas, blackberries, raspberries, dehydrated mangoes, and Brazil nuts on a large plate.
  • Coconut: Ground from pure, dehydrated coconut meat, then de-fatted to make a gluten free, low carbohydrate, high protein and high fibre powder. A [Couple] Dozen Flours
  • This facial for dry, dehydrated complexions aims to detoxify and decongest skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • The price of wheat middlings may preclude their use in a dehydrated mixture containing human food waste, and acceptance of the feed product by producers may limit the retail value of DF as a feedstuff.
  • They also pack dehydrated foods like dried fruit and mashed potatoes.
  • In Cardassian script, the container’s contents were described as dehydrated vole bellies. DARK VICTORY
  • I shove aside a pile of dehydrated red and black typewriter ribbons and set my machine down with a clunk.
  • These people just don't sip, they imbibe, they absorb liquor like dehydrated sponges, letting the story-soothing booze flow through their veins until it seeps from their pores in the squalid stench of defeat.
  • One of the consequences of being dehydrated is a feeling of general weakness. Archive 2003-08-01
  • If your child is very dehydrated, she needs immediate medical attention.
  • If your child is dehydrated, it is important to replace lost body fluids right away.
  • The granulite to eclogite transformation may not occur if water is absent; for example, if ocean crust has been dehydrated as happens when a slab subducts.
  • Slides were counterstained with hematoxylin, dehydrated, and mounted with glass coverslips.
  • Different shades of dark gray are also shown by mummified plant and animal fragments and by dehydrated components of microbiota.
  • I am better now, had to go to my hosp in Maryland a day after i got home because i was still dehydrated and they gave me 2 more bottles of IV liquids. Tips in the hospital
  • During the race, he relies on packs of freeze-dried, dehydrated food as well as oatmeal and instant noodles. Extreme racer keeps going back for more
  • I was on the fag end of an extended cold, unshaven, lacking decent sleep and possibly a little dehydrated.
  • Alma settled to this in good heart, but soon her heart felt old, dehydrated. LOST CHILDREN
  • Dehydrated fruit in bulk quantities depending on availability. Mango, Pineapple, Coconut, Early Fig, Goldenberry or Physalis grape, Banana.
  • I also felt dehydrated by the previous evening which had been dominated by Tej, Ethiopian honey wine, backed up by some injudicious sampling of the local cloudy millet beer.
  • was dehydrated after the marathon
  • On examination, he was mildly dehydrated and showed petechiae over his trunk and limbs; no lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, or bone masses were identified.
  • The addition of dehydrated strawberries helps the texture, too, giving it an extra chewiness as well as a fruity boost. Times, Sunday Times
  • To serve, arrange the red fingerling bananas, blackberries, raspberries, dehydrated mangoes, and Brazil nuts on a large plate.
  • I'm pretty sick of people trying so hard to avoid the dreaded 'tourist' label that they make themselves uncomfortable, dehydrated or even just plain inconvenienced. But I don't want to dress like a gringo
  • Patients get severe muscle cramps; their skin hangs loose, and their hands look like a washerwoman's that have become dehydrated after prolonged water exposure.
  • There were people being sick and confined to their rooms and lots of people were dehydrated.
  • The w profiles in the plant were affected by these soil w, becoming more negative as the soil dehydrated, but recovering when water was resupplied.
  • I'm dehydrated, but I can't stand the thought of water.
  • Because of their experience, they were put in charge of a military warehouse for dehydrated foods, and warned not to get any ideas for a new business.
  • Processed, dehydrated, deepfrozen and joyless: the veggie burger has done little to ingratiate itself to foodies over the years. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Physically exhausted, emotionally drained and severely dehydrated, Ashby started to hallucinate.
  • From these basic ingredients, the book includes recipes for lasagna, burgers and burritos and even nasi goreng, a spicy Indonesian rice dish, using ingredients such as vacuum-packed sausages, dehydrated onions and eggs, canned bacon, rice and beans. Military Top Stories Center
  • The fact that it was so warm caught a lot of people out and I was dehydrated rather than anything else.
  • The sections were then counterstained in eosin, dehydrated, cleared, and mounted with glass coverslips.
  • Diets are a major culprit, and although it's much less common for someone bulking up to get dehydrated, water is still the easiest, cheapest and most effective single nutrient you can add to any eating plan.
  • Dehydrated meals, soups and sauces contain a lot of salt.
  • I expect to lose half a stone, as I'll only be eating dehydrated food and getting water every 10 kilometres.
  • Cramps often occur when an athlete is dehydrated.
  • Use composite dressings cautiously if the patient is dehydrated or has fragile skin.
  • My best friend passed out on the dance floor and that was the only way she was able to get a glass of water, when she was totally dehydrated.
  • It is a sort of thin flatbread, made with sprouted seeds that have been ground and dehydrated.
  • The ratio of powder to water has been calculated in order to give your baby the right amount of food to water, and prevent your baby becoming constipated or dehydrated.
  • The substance is dehydrated and stored as powder.
  • The most dehydrated grapes in the press may not in any case yield juice until being pressed twice or three times.
  • A child who has diarrhea from giardiasis may lose too much fluid in the stool and become dehydrated.
  • Since there is less moisture in the air, the skin can become very dry and dehydrated, as it fails to replenish the moisture that is exuded naturally into the air.
  • The slides were then dehydrated and cleared in graded alcohol and xylene, respectively, and mounted with a coverglass.
  • To serve, arrange the red fingerling bananas, blackberries, raspberries, dehydrated mangoes, and Brazil nuts on a large plate.
  • I'm feeling just a wee bit dehydrated and ever-so-slightly tetchy.
  • They're sleep deprived, dehydrated, exhausted, and famished.
  • The boat is equipped with a desalinator for making seawater drinkable, solar panels and a small generator for electricity and six different types of high-calorie dehydrated expedition food.
  • Tissue was postfixed in 1\% osmium tetroxid in Sörensen's phosphate buffer for 1 h, washed 3 times and dehydrated in ethanol with increasing concentration: 25, 50, 75 and 96\% for 2×10 min respectively and 100\% for 2×15 min. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The substance is dehydrated and stored as powder.
  • Many athletes and the general norm of people are dehydrated without being aware they are.
  • Physical examination revealed a dehydrated man with poor skin turgor but no evidence of pedal edema, cyanosis, dubbing, or telangiectasia.
  • Perhaps we were still a bit dehydrated but nothing could take away the feeling of euphoria we had at our joint achievement.
  • 2: 16-3: 30 - If you haven't had to urinate within two hours of a workout, you're dehydrated, so drink up.
  • Sculptural stucco is dehydrated lime, which is calcium hydroxide, produced from firing and slaking marble or travertine.
  • A child who has diarrhea from giardiasis may lose too much fluid in the stool and become dehydrated.
  • This luxurious talcum lotion restores softness and suppleness to dehydrated skin.
  • All of a sudden I was extremely dehydrated, with a splitting headache.
  • Gases and non-aqueous liquids can be dehydrated by passing them over or through a hygroscopic substance, one that readily absorbs water.
  • I was woken by the smell of my polycotton wool blend pants burning on the heater, and the feeling of being dehydrated.
  • You know that you can't live long without water, but how do you know if you're dehydrated?
  • Specimens were dehydrated in a graded series of ethyl alcohol and propylene oxide solutions and embedded in araldite.
  • Our huge selection of long term dehydrated food and freeze dried food can meet any emergency food storage need. Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • One approach to camping chow is to purchase pre-packaged, dehydrated meals.
  • Thus, when a person is dehydrated by more than 2% of body weight, both heart rate and body temperature are elevated during exercise.
  • I regularly apply moisturisers and lip salves to reduce these effects because they restore some much-needed moisture to dehydrated skin. The Sun
  • All this exercise and sweating has dehydrated me
  • Depending on environmental conditions, it can shift from viviparous to oviparous reproduction, with production of encysted and dehydrated embryos.
  • According to the Scholander assumption, an excised leaf should suck air into open vessels if it is dehydrated at the time of excision.
  • But several hours later the week-old baby was be-coming dehydrated, so she decided to try to hand-rear him using a syringe filled with sugar water.
  • Only if my lips feel like they're going to fall off in dehydrated chunks. Wanton Memery
  • Deluded, dehydrated, mad, Heck wandered toward a tree at the edge of the playa, across the railroad tracks, and approached Trego hot springs.
  • It is especially important that babies and small children do not become dehydrated.
  • As a result, the kidneys fail to reabsorb water and the body becomes dehydrated. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dehydrated cheese omelette - you ever taste squashy plasterboard ? C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • 75 percent of Americans are chronically dehydrated - mainly because your body is low on water long before your thirst response alerts you.
  • At the far extreme of technology, meat is dehydrated by freeze-drying to provide lightweight military rations.
  • He has a palpable ‘olive’ above the umbilicus near midline and he is severely dehydrated.
  • Part of me thinks that trail mix supplemented with a steady flow of dehydrated fettucine alfredo should do the trick. Globe and Mail
  • Normally specimens have to be dehydrated.
  • This facial for dry, dehydrated complexions aims to detoxify and decongest skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • A lactone is a cyclic ester, a type of lactide, which is formed from dehydrated lactic acid. Not all "Lact" Words Are the Same
  • He simply needed, he explained, to stock up on dehydrated pawpaw, prunes, banana flakes and other high-fibre energy nibbles. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • If you get a little behind each day, by the end of the week you'll be severely dehydrated, feeling lousy, and riding poorly.
  • Since there is less moisture in the air, the skin can become very dry and dehydrated, as it fails to replenish the moisture that is exuded naturally into the air.
  • If you're dehydrated, your body may not recover as quickly after a workout (leaving you sore longer).
  • Dehydrated meals, soups and sauces contain a lot of salt.
  • If your child is having difficulty breathing, if they are dehydrated, that is very dried out, they are vomiting and not able to keep fluids down, they need to come in and be seen. CNN Transcript Sep 2, 2009
  • Provesta Micro-Feast ® L - 10 larval diet, an enriched dehydrated torula yeast, was used in this study.
  • Slides were counterstained with hematoxylin, dehydrated, and mounted with glass coverslips.
  • The preservative metabisulfite, found in pickled foods, sausage, dehydrated fruit and fruit juices, can also be a trigger for asthma. Cold Weather and Hypothermia
  • When I got up this morning, I was feeling dehydrated from the heat. Two weeks in Veracruz: a travel diary
  • He simply needed, he explained, to stock up on dehydrated pawpaw, prunes, banana flakes and other high-fibre energy nibbles. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • Avoid giving sugary fruit juices and drinks (such as Kool Aid or soda pop) to a child who is dehydrated.
  • As a result, the kidneys fail to reabsorb water and the body becomes dehydrated. Times, Sunday Times
  • They began to hack at the hard, dehydrated earth, with mattocks, breaking up the soil and watering it enough to plant vegetables.
  • Saltwater fish, poor things, have an unquenchable thirst, because they are constantly being dehydrated by the saltier sea all around them.
  • A shoot apex was considered dead if the terminal bud was absent or if it was dark-brown in colour, dehydrated or damaged.
  • The buzzard survived his ordeal, although he was extremely dehydrated and had suffered some damage to the muscles in one of his wings.
  • But if no rains fall during the warm seasons and the tortoises don't get a chance to drink, they will enter hibernation dehydrated, malnourished, and with a bladder full of toxic waste.
  • At the time of admission she seemed to be in pain and was distressed and dehydrated, with a coated tongue.
  • When you're dehydrated, your skin is one of the first organs to show it.
  • Different shades of dark gray are also shown by mummified plant and animal fragments and by dehydrated components of microbiota.
  •     When the body is fully dehydrated, wrap natron-soaked gauze or bandages around it. Wrapping Kevin
  • Between periods in the locker rooms, IVs drip fluids into dehydrated athletes, who eat bananas and drink even more liquids to fight off cramping.
  • Oral rehydration is indicated for patients who are mildly to moderately dehydrated; intravenous therapy may be required for more severe dehydration.
  • The granulite to eclogite transformation may not occur if water is absent; for example, if ocean crust has been dehydrated as happens when a slab subducts.
  • An after sun cream will cool overheated skin, moisturise dehydrated skin, and help prevent peeling, so you keep the colour even longer.
  • Children with Coxsackie virus may become dehydrated because mouth sores can make it painful to eat and drink.
  • Samples were postfixed in 1% phosphate buffered osmium tetroxide, dehydrated through a graded acetone series, and embedded in an Araldite 502/Epon 812 resin. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Depending on environmental conditions, it can shift from viviparous to oviparous reproduction, with production of encysted and dehydrated embryos.
  • Thanks to the addition of agar-agar, the disks have the consistency of gelatin and are extremely fragile, so transferring them from tray to the drying rack on which they will be lightly dehydrated requires a bit of finesse. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • A condition known as vasovagal syncope can reduce the heart rate and blood pressure -- particularly if the victim is dehydrated. NDTV News - Top Stories
  • An increase in inhomogeneous broadening from heterogeneous water distribution and an increased resolution of hydrated and dehydrated states are to be expected.
  • He suffered from multiple bruises and was mildly dehydrated.
  • The doctor suggested she lie on her side and drink two large glasses of water to make sure she wasn't dehydrated.
  • Specimens were dehydrated in a graded series of ethyl alcohol and propylene oxide solutions and embedded in araldite.

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