How To Use Dehisce In A Sentence
The anther must dehisce (burst open) before pollen grains can be released.
Chapter 25
flowers dehisce when they release pollen
Any of various tropical American trees of the genus Lecythis, having a large, woody, urn-shaped pod that dehisces by a lid.
Berry A juicy indehiscent fruit having the seeds enclosed in pulp.
Chapter 9
They are indicated for patients with chronic, acute, traumatic, subacute and dehisced wounds, partial-thickness burns, ulcers (such as diabetic, pressure or venous insufficiency), flaps and grafts.
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The affliction — superior canal dehiscence syndrome — was unknown until ten years ago.
The Sun
Sauer consequently provided the name Amaranthus rudis for plants with a circumscissily dehiscent utricle and single, well developed sepal.
The percentage of thecae that dehisced longitudinally varied greatly among rice varieties.
You can deal with trying to get him onto oral meds later, but your goal right now is to get his sugars under control so he doesn't get a wound dehiscence with a roaring post-op skin infection or peritonitis.
Oil and Water (Sometimes): Guidelines and Real Life
The stigmas were then pollinated with pollen from a flower whose anther had dehisced that day.
Dehiscence of the anther valves begins at the distal end.
It appears that the dehiscent and indehiscent forms do not belong to separate species, rather dehiscence is segregating within populations.
Despite meticulous suturing, telescoping techniques, or covering the anastomosis with pedicles of vital tissues, dehiscence may still occur.
-- Halted at Ghaloom's, the Rafflesiacea is found all about, anth. bilocular, apice poro-gemino dehiscent, pollen simplex, materie viscosa cohaerenti, ovula antitropa, tegumento unico.
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
Acacia nilotica is easy to recognize by its bright yellow flowers in round heads, straight stipular spines often slightly deflexed, and dark indehiscent pods compressed over the seeds.
Chapter 10
Pods of some crops such as peas, do not easily dehisce, but others, such as arugola, do so at the slightest touch, throwing seeds quite a distance (Figure 14.3).
14. Saving seeds for planting
In the experiments in Table 1, pricking of an anther and the ovary induced dehiscence whereas cutting or piercing of the glumes did not.
Pollen grain viability at the time of anther dehiscence and later stages was estimated using the fluorescein diacetate test.
You will find nothing but blunder and embarrassment result from any endeavour to enter into further particulars, such as "the relation of the dissepiment with respect to the valves of the capsule," etc., etc., since "in the various species of Veronica almost every kind of dehiscence may be observed" (C. under V. perfoliata, 1936, an
Proserpina, Volume 2 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
Seed extraction from the indehiscent pods is usually carried out by manual threshing. milling or maceration of the pods followed by winnowing and screening.
Chapter 8
Dehiscence is controlled by a set of transcription factors that define the fruit tissue layers and whether or not they lignify.
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An acute wound that does not proceed to heal in an orderly manner, such as a dehisced incision, may become a chronic wound.
Insect larvae of many species typically destroy a large proportion of the mature seeds before they dehisce.
Chapter 8
[9] Complications that take affect early on include: infection, dehiscence, leaks from staple breakage, stomal stenosis, ulcers, and deep thrombo-phlebitis in over 10%.
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He observed that only pulpy, but indehiscent, fruits with a juicy, sweet flesh produce ethanol when becoming overripe.
Despite this distribution, dehiscence does not occur in two sets: when the flower opens usually only one or two stamens are fertile, the others being short and indehiscent; these gradually elongate and open.
They indicate a draining and possibly dehisced wound, and they can be irritating to the skin.
A developmental process termed dehiscence, in which the fruit ruptures in a predetermined fashion, effects the release of seeds from a dry capsule or other fruit form.
Koa pods are slow to dehisce and about 15 cm long and 2.5 to 4 cm wide.
Chapter 2
In this paper, a case of dehiscent jugular bulb presenting as an asymptomatic retrotympanic bluish mass in the right ear of a 49-year-old male is reported.
The nutritious indehiscent pods have evolved for animal dispersal.
Chapter 10
Maggie has a history of her abdominal surgical wound breaking wide-the-frack open -- technical term: dehiscence -- and taking months, infected, pain-filled, pus-dripping agonizing months to heal. * shudders* Throughout the last two weeks, much much more than dying, dehiscence and cancer have been Maggie's major fears.
One Week After Emergency Abdominal Surgery Maggie Jochild Is Still In Intensive Care
The large pannus predisposes patients to fluid accumulation, creating an environment conducive to seroma formation, infection, and wound edge separation or dehiscence.
Despite meticulous suturing, telescoping techniques, or covering the anastomosis with pedicles of vital tissues, dehiscence may still occur.
I told her about my wound dehiscence issue, and she paled a little.
Conclusion Restoring tooth crown longitudinal dehiscence is of the effective Methods: To keep the sick tooth.
These complications included keloids, wound dehiscence, incisional hernias, and chronic abscesses at the wound site.
A major concern had been that the sutured tissue would break down, or dehisce.
Mountain Gorillas: Discovery Channel: Following Umoja
Seeds are dispersed by herbivores eating the indehiscent pods or by the pods floating down rivers.
Chapter 10
Cones indehiscent, from 9 to 14 cm. long, short-pedunculate, ovoid-conical or subcylindrical; apophyses dull pale nut-brown, rugose, shrinking much in drying and exposing the seeds, prolonged and tapering to a more or less reflexed tip, the umbo inconspicuous; seeds large, wingless, the spermoderm entire.
The Genus Pinus
Owing to the gradual dehiscence of the thecae, at any time, syrphids could only access part of the pollen of each anther.
Objective To investigate the prevention and treatment of the abdominal incision dehiscence.
Unlike most legumes, the Pterocarpus fruit is indehiscent and dispersed by wind.
Chapter 8
The surgeon called it wound dehiscence and said it was common in people who keloided with scars.
The androecium of each flower had dehisced on the morning of sampling.
A capsule was considered mature when it dehisced or reached full size.
Ms. Pakula notes the way Mme. Chiang loved to deploy esoteric words ("indehiscence, " "ochlocracy") in her speeches in English, sending reporters scrambling for their dictionaries.
After fruit maturation, all fruits were collected before dehiscence.
It is assumed that the accumulation of osmotically active compounds, such as sugars, proline and betaine is accelerated, leading to water efflux from the anther wall and thus triggering dehiscence.
Dehiscence of the tympanic segment of the facial nerve.
The female flowers are followed by dehiscent capsules, usually trilocular, with 6 seeds, usually winged for wind dispersal, though many of the cultivated forms have become partially or highly sterile.
Chapter 37
You will find nothing but blunder and embarrassment result from any endeavour to enter into further particulars, such as "the relation of the dissepiment with respect to the valves of the capsule," etc., etc., since "in the various species of Veronica almost every kind of dehiscence may be observed" (C. under V. perfoliata, 1936, an
Proserpina, Volume 2 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
The temporal aspects of stigma receptivity and pollen longevity were investigated in relation to protandry (the occurrence of anther dehiscence prior to stigma receptivity) and breeding system.
Habitu et colore Dicksoniis ac - cedit, sed indusia simplicia mtus dehiscentia.
Species plantarum : exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas
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The phenology index was calculated as the proportion of flowers with dehiscent stamens.
The whole perianth was colored, the anther dehiscence was extrorse, the stigma was subulate, and the perianth was hexamerous.
Studies on development of antheridia and antheridial dehiscence have been conducted by Davie and Hartman.
The analysis separates materials primarily based on bract to utricle length ratios and bract length followed by sepal number and utricle dehiscence.
The members of subgen. Bomarea s.str. have an inferior ovary and a dehiscent capsule.
The spherical pericarp of the bertholletia, perforated at the summit, is not dehiscent; the upper and swelled part of the columella forms (according to M. Kunth) a sort of inner cover, as in the fruit of the lecythis, but it seldom opens of itself.
Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 2
Acacia nilotica is easy to recognize by its bright yellow flowers in round heads, straight stipular spines often slightly deflexed, and dark indehiscent pods compressed over the seeds.
Chapter 10
Fruits were harvested just prior to dehiscence of the capsule valves.
I removed the anthers from a single flower on each marked branch before dehiscence and marked the base of the hypanthium with a spot of paint.
The fruit is dehiscent, woody, aggregated in bunches and generally contains two seeds.
When the fruits were ready to dehisce, the seeds were counted, weighed and planted to test for germinability as described in the previous experiment.
Koa pods are slow to dehisce and about 15 cm long and 25 to 4 cm wide.
Chapter 8
Some legume pods, such as carob and mesquite, are indehiscent and do not split open.
Ripe pods dehisce along a single margin, and the mature, black, hard-coated seeds
Chapter 5
Dehiscent fruits separate along the zone of dehiscence, the utricle cap (with the stigmas) falling free with the seed, the basal portion remaining on the inflorescence with attendant bracts and sepals.
The dad of two was experiencing autophony, one of the symptoms of superior canal dehiscence syndrome, an illness that was unknown until 10 years ago. | Top Stories
Typical patients eligible for V.A.C. ® Therapy in Japan include those with dehisced and hard-to-heal open wounds, and wounds following trauma, surgery, amputation and debridement.
Pistillate flowers are polymorphic for dehiscence and sepal number.
An Achene is a single-seeded dry indehiscent fruit in which the seedcoat is not part of the fruit coat.
Each time that Heidegger refers the question of being to the question of the proper-ty (propre), of propriate, of propriation (eigen, eignen, ereignen, Ereignis especially) this dehiscence bursts forth anew.
Archive 2009-04-01
A pilot study with NanoDOX ™ to treat dehisced surgical wounds is being developed in collaboration with Walter Reed Army Medical Center through a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA).
Pods of some crops such as peas, do not easily dehisce, but others, such as arugola, do so at the slightest touch, throwing seeds quite a distance (Figure 14.3).
14. Saving seeds for planting
The fruits are ordinarily dehiscent capsules, while some species have baccate fruits or nut-like fruits.
Tube thoracostomy may be required for evacuation of pneumothoraces, but focal dehiscence usually heals without surgical intervention.
Chiang Stumps Even Her Teacher, the reporter for The Christian Science Monitor listed indehiscence (a botanical term for the state of being closed at maturity), maunder (to move slowly and uncertainly), and cenote (a sinkhole) among a list of eight difficult words she had used, saying that even Wellesley professors had to consult their dictionaries.
The Last Empress
The stigmas were then pollinated with pollen from a flower whose anther had dehisced that day.
Early in the Neolithic revolution, we chose to cultivate nonexploding—or indehiscent—varieties.
The Fruit Hunters
Fruits are occasionally baccate, usually capsular and sometimes winged or lobed, or indehiscent and dry or fleshy.
In the Jubuloideae, which in other respects form a well-marked group, the seta is short and the elaters extend from the upper part of the capsule to the base; at dehiscence they remain fixed to the valves into which the capsule splits.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
It was the doctor's assistant who explained I had a skin condition called dehiscence, which means wounds tend to not stay closed.
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Two ops did not cure the problem, known as superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome.
The Sun
Pericarp woody, dehiscent at the tip by 2-4 valves; contains 1-4 seeds, slightly orbiculate, coriaceous.
The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
FRUIT: A grey to purple-black, straight or slightly curved indehiscent pod up to 12 cm long by 1.2 cm wide, with a whitish bloom and a gummy pulp.
Chapter 7
Both genera were transferred to Flacourtiaceae by Warburg and later by Gilg on the basis of a number of morphological characters, such as a trimerous ovary with parietal placentation and anthers with longitudinal dehiscence.
At this time the pods are ready to dehisce, or pop open to distribute the seeds.
14. Saving seeds for planting
The patient with a prosthetic aortic valve who presents with infective endocarditis and an extensive annular abscess should undergo surgery before massive dehiscence occurs.
Bundles of unthreshed grains or pulses can be treated with smoke, but care must be taken that they do not dehisce while in storage.
14. Saving seeds for planting
The dad of two was experiencing autophony — one of the symptoms of superior canal dehiscence syndrome.
The Sun
This indicates that similar mechanisms may trigger anther dehiscence in rice and two-rowed barley.
Crosses were performed at each of four successive stages of floral development, where stage 1 was represented by one dehisced anther and stage 4 by four dehisced anthers.
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Upon maturation in October through November, the outer husk dehisces, exposing white arillate seeds.