How To Use Degrade In A Sentence

  • I again affirm that I need make no apology for attaching my name to that of one so worthy the esteem of his co-dogs, ay, and co-cats too; for in spite of the differences which have so often raised up a barrier between the members of his race and ours, not even the noblest among us could be degraded by raising a "mew" to the honour of such a thoroughly honest dog. The Adventures of a Dog, and a Good Dog Too
  • We also believe that practically any country that degrades women or any country that cuts them off from the vital life of the country is making a very big mistake.
  • No one can degrade us except ourselves; that if we are worthy, no influence can defeat us. 
  • However, this does not take into account the optics of the system which degrade image quality somewhat giving a commonly accepted resolution of 1 arcminute/cycle. The Register
  • It scales brilliantly, degrades gracefully, supports optional categories and ‘beaming,’ and is configurable to an unlimited number of options.
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  • As plants do not possess a mechanism to degrade lignins, lignification represents a significant, non-recoverable investment of carbon and energy.
  • Over time, however, it oxidizes and chemically degrades to form alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, acids and esters.
  • It is necessary to design the antenna properly or system performance will be degraded.
  • Some materials are better degraded under anaerobic conditions than under aerobic conditions.
  • Cardamine tangutorum wild vegetable planted artificially could markedly improve the biomass of degraded ecosystem, and this kind of wild vegetable is more suitable for growing in the forest.
  • And our soldiers are degraded and insulted on their own soil.
  • The other day in the midst of Port-au-Prince, the great degraded capital city that is my home, I saw a car, an old battered car, a jalopy, falter and sputter and come to a slow halt.
  • In our own time such words as papoose, sachem, tepee, wigwam and wampum have begun to drop out of everyday use; 11 at an earlier period the language sloughed off ocelot, manitee, calumet, supawn, samp and quahaug, or began to degrade them to the estate of provincialisms. Chapter 2. The Beginnings of American. 2. Sources of Early Americanisms
  • Interspersed among the spermatozoa are what appear to be the cytoplasmic contents of degraded cells.
  • Diamonds, symbols of eternity, are not forever - they will eventually degrade to worthless graphite.
  • May responded that this exclusion did not constitute discrimination, nor did it degrade the status of women in the Church.
  • The rough uneven surface of slate can seem quite riven, chipped and degraded.
  • For example, degraded scatterometer measurements from QuikScat can still be useful for cross-calibrating the mission's climate data record with measurements from other scatterometers, including the operational EUMETSAT ASCAT instrument, India's recently launched Oceansat-2 and a planned Chinese scatterometer. - latest science and technology news stories
  • We have seen no evidence that this degraded fault-line scarp is Holocene active.
  • The report was critical of the lack of action by governments across the world in protecting the environment from being degraded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Blackened and degraded by centuries of dust and dirt, they emerged in a remarkable state of preservation that gives an excellent idea of their intended flamboyance.
  • Growing cities, overuse of fertilizers, and factories that heedlessly dump wastewater have degraded China's water supplies to the extent that half the nation's rivers and lakes are severely polluted.
  • That is because poverty degrades individuals and robs them of dignity and worth.
  • In reply to the first part of the objection, we would observe, that among all uncivilized people rites and customs prevail, which are abhorent to the better instructed christian; and with regard to the latter we would ask, what can be expected to result from a system which so degrades and brutifies a class of men, repressing everything that is noble and generous in them, and encouraging the growth of all that is vicious and mischievous in their merely animal nature. God's image in ebony : being a series of biographical sketches, facts, anecdotes, etc., demonstrative of the mental powers and intellectual capacities of the Negro race, by edited
  • But to get back to the criticism: Games are flashy, degraded, violent little entertainments for adolescent boys.
  • Blind image restoration is to recover the original image form the observed degraded image with unknown the Point Spread Function (PSF).
  • He simply didn't wish to degrade either of their sensibilities with points of commiseration.
  • The wild type molecule at the cell surface cycles from the membrane to sacs within the cell interior called endocytic vesicles where it may be degraded.
  • That is because poverty degrades individuals and robs them of dignity and worth.
  • Victims of sexual harassment often feel degraded.
  • The CCC thus saw the atrophied bodies of those joining the program much as it viewed cutover forests and eroded soils: as a degraded natural resource in dire need of conservation.
  • Hence, they were likely to be strict anaerobes, or possibly microaerophiles, with a capacity to degrade sugars and/or amino acids, forming acetate as one of the end products.
  • UV-Vis spectrum indicated that the phenyl structure and naphthyl structure of methyl orange were destroyed, methyl orange solution was degraded.
  • The relevance to my analysis in The Edge of Evolution is that, like other mutations that help with malaria, these mutations, too, are ones which degrade the function of a normally very useful protein, called pyruvate kinase. Scientists' Responses Solicited
  • Heat death will occur when all the energy of the cosmos has been degraded to random heat energy, with random motions of molecules and uniform low-level temperatures.
  • To class man and the ape together, or the lion with the cat, and to say that the lion is a _cat with a mane and a long tail_ -- this were to degrade and disfigure nature instead of describing her and denominating her species. Evolution, Old & New Or, the Theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, as compared with that of Charles Darwin
  • If we keep this mighty nation one and inseparable, we shall have answered it forever; if not, why then those who revile man as vile and irreclaimably degraded may raise their pæans of triumph; the black spectres of antique tyrants may clap their hands gleefully in the land of accursed shadows, and hell hold high carnival, for, verily, it would seem as if they had triumphed, and that hope were a lie. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 2, February, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • As to the bad things, the thing I can think about is writing E-mail will degrade my hand writing.
  • Some local residents advocate pre-emptive privatization of degraded communal lands to protect these areas from municipal encroachment.
  • Micro-organisms can also degrade a range of toxic xenobiotic compounds (synthetic chemicals, which do not occur naturally) such as herbicides and pesticides.
  • The project will reforest old crop fields and pastures and an abandoned rock quarry that has degraded over the years.
  • Quoting Proverbs, the priest said virtue would elevate a nation to a higher plane, while vice would degrade it.
  • All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind. Aristotle 
  • The letters still extant from the princes of the East to Sapor are manifest forgeries; 151 nor is it natural to suppose that a jealous monarch should, even in the person of a rival, thus publicly degrade the majesty of kings. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • All people knew (or thought they knew) that he had made himself immensely rich; and, for that reason alone, prostrated themselves before him, more degradedly and less excusably than the darkest savage creeps out of his hole in the ground to propitiate, in some log or reptile, the Deity of his benighted soul. Little Dorrit
  • Abject flattery and indiscriminate assentation degrade as much as indiscriminate contradiction and noisy debate disgust. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • This language degrades and objectifies women as nothing more than objects to satisfy man's sexual pleasures. Colleen Perry: Teen Dating Violence Is on the Rise. What You Need to Know Now.
  • The active device area must be hermetically sealed to prevent the ingress of water and oxygen that can degrade the polymer and the reactive metal cathode.
  • She believed that horses would be emotionally damaged if it was not explained to them that their riders meant no harm nor wished to degrade them in any way.
  • entropy increases as matter and energy in the universe degrade to an ultimate state of inert uniformity
  • Your phone won't be locked to an individual carrier, so you can easily switch providers if performance degrades or you move to a new house where your original carrier doesn't work.
  • It is simply titaniferous iron, iserine, pleonaste, ilmenite [Footnote: Or peroxide of iron, with 8 to 23 per cent, of blue oxide of titanium.] and degraded itabirite, the iron and quartz formation so called in the Brazil; and it is the same mineral which To The Gold Coast for Gold, Vol. II A Personal Narrative
  • A criminal might deserve to be tortured; we refuse to torture him nonetheless, because to do so degrades us.
  • The fashion for equating chimps with children is based on a degraded view of humanity and an ignorance about animals.
  • Hafner and Ardea have laid bare two detestable souls, the one of an infamous usurer, half German, half Dutch; the other of a degraded nobleman, in whom is revived some ancient 'condottiere'. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • Indeed, in the absence of amylase starch is not degraded, and anoxia-intolerant cereals such as wheat and barley suffer soon from sugar starvation, and eventually die.
  • In some areas of Argentina, the Andean degraded caespitose (growing in dense tufts) herbaceous vegetation with open stands of dwarf shrubs includes Acantholippia hastulata, Adesmia horridiuscula, Baccharis incanum, Ephedra breana, Fabiana densa, Junellia seriphioides, Psila boliviensis, Senicio viridis, and Tetraglochin cristatum. Central Andean dry puna
  • Does interaction at a distance disinhibit the urge to degrade? How To Trick an Online Scammer Into Carving a Computer Out of Wood
  • The Abbe chanced one day to be in company with my husband, who was an old acquaintance of his, where many of the chopfallen deputies, like themselves, true lovers of their country, could not help declaring their indignation at its degraded state, and reprobating Bonaparte for rendering it so ridiculous in the face of Europe and the world. Memoirs of the Courts of Louis XV and XVI. Being secret memoirs of Madame Du Hausset, lady's maid to Madame de Pompadour, and of the Princess Lamballe — Volume 7
  • For instance, those who grow herbicide-tolerant soybeans typically avoid the most noxious weed killer, turning instead to glyphosate herbicides, which are less toxic and degrade more quickly.
  • But the idea that a woman cannot be expected to cope with going into a witness box, where she will be publicly identified, is equally stereotypical: it implies a degraded notion of weak and timorous women.
  • The doctrines which the sages had associated with the idea of Serapis, debased and degraded by the most contemptible trivialities; lost all their worth and dignity; and after the great Complete Project Gutenberg Georg Ebers Works
  • As for “degraded performance all over the place”, enforced net neutrality and a ban on traffic-shaping for whatever reason would concentrate the “degraded services” to those which are time-sensitive, such as streaming video and remote stuff like telesurgery, AND put the State in a position to mandate how fast/slow packets are “permitted” to travel. DPI is GOOD for you: ‘Um – crap’
  • Under the assumption that landforms unaffected by drainage channels are degraded according to the linear diffusion equation, a procedure is developed to invert a scarp profile to find its ‘diffusion age.’
  • He was degraded from the grandeeship and exiled to the Philippines.
  • The land here is degraded, monocultural olive groves, ecologically wrecked by big farmers and largely devastated by the fires of 2007 which ironically helped developers. Grand ambitions: ecoluxury in Greece
  • For that reason the name degrades him the more, and lowers him from an intellectual phenomenon to a physical attribute, which is vulgar. What Will He Do with It? — Complete
  • Densification degrades the quality of existing urban space and places greater burdens on an already creaking infrastructure. Times, Sunday Times
  • The grain and camcorder quality degrade the already poor material to the point of being unwatchable.
  • They have treated them after a fashion which has intensified their treachery and "devilry" as enemies, and as friends reduces them to a degraded pauperism, devoid of the very first elements of civilization. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • The dolphin's habitat is being rapidly degraded.
  • No one can degrade us except ourselves; that if we are worthy, no influence can defeat us. 
  • They are free certainly, but they are also degraded, rejected, the offscum and the offscouring of the very dregs of your society .... American Negro Slavery A Survey of the Supply, Employment and Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime
  • A strange contradiction emerged as the art was praised while those who created it were degraded.
  • We believe that overall each of those remaining four divisions has been significantly attrited to this point, significantly degraded. CNN Transcript Apr 4, 2003
  • He was degraded from his orders, and being even in danger of assassination, took refuge with Douglas of Longniddry, and there remained until the end of 1545
  • As for “degraded performance all over the place”, enforced net neutrality and a ban on traffic-shaping (for whatever reason) would concentrate the “degraded services” to those which are time-sensitive, such as streaming video and remote stuff like telesurgery, AND put the State in a position to mandate how fast/slow packets are “permitted” to travel. DPI is GOOD for you: ‘Um – crap’
  • Thus whilst the wife and the lover were conjoined as much as might be, the hocussed and sleeping husband was dismissed (ma'zul = degraded) like a nunnation dropped in construction. Arabian nights. English
  • Cruel physical punishments degrade the punishers as well as the punished.
  • Mahaffey said she and another student filed complaints with Lopez's dean about halfway through the semester following a lecture in which he said that sexual behavior involving less than 5 percent of the population should be classified as a mental disorder and that homosexuality "degrades" society. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Sacred bovids, beginning with the fecund cow and advancing to the virile bull, were finally degraded to mere substance in the hands of humanized deities.
  • But the same difficulty has been experienced in effecting this union which has been experienced in forming a second chamber—either the spiritual power has usurped upon the civil, and established a sacerdotal society, or the civil power has invaded successfully the rights of the spiritual, and the ministers of religion have been degraded into stipendiaries of the State and instruments of the government. On the Principles of His Party
  • An unspeakably peaked-looking shoeless fellow wrapped with bandages in a degraded state, approached me.
  • They make lots of city people look very degraded indeed.
  • He was degraded from his dukedom in 1399, and was beheaded in January of the following year for conspiring against Henry IV.
  • Molecular dimers are assumed to be not directly degraded.
  • We have always said this needs to be degraded and destroyed. The Sun
  • This is a degraded view of the public.
  • The Peer said: ‘We are degraded by what is being done in our name.’
  • As you get older, the collagen in your body is naturally degraded: so the skin gradually begins to lose its fullness and elasticity, leading to wrinkles.
  • How can you degrade yourself by writing such trash?
  • There is nothing holy which is not desecrated, which is not degraded to a mean end among this people. Uncollected Prose
  • The purse-lipped PhD People in charge think tv, movies and pop music are degraded and evil.
  • Buyer beware: Linearity starts to degrade long before reaching the output - swing maximums .
  • In apoptosis, DNA is degraded into oligonucleotides with a few hundreds of basepairs that subsequently diffuse out of the nucleus.
  • June 21st, 2006 at 7: 42 pm unbelievable says: approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent Think Progress » Santorum: We Found the WMD
  • Occasionally, that system of trading degrades into heated barter or anger.
  • Charity degrades those who receive it and hardens those who dispense it. George Sand 
  • A peaceful world is in the interests of all people, and a world torn by civil conflicts or wars over land, water, and wealth degrades the lives of all.
  • In almost every order we find some plants which have become thus reduced or degraded for wind or self-fertilisation, as Poterium and Sanguisorba among the Rosaceae; while this has certainly been the case in the cleistogamic flowers. Darwinism (1889)
  • Diamonds, symbols of eternity, are not forever - they will eventually degrade to worthless graphite.
  • The word "decurtate" - means to cut short but in English lang "curtate" itself means "to cut short" and "de" is a pref. to make the following words as opposite or to make it degrade/declass. BEAT THE JUDGE.
  • However, accuracy of the position estimate by triangulation may be degraded depending on array geometry and rover location, the well known dilution of precision.
  • In sound recording , interference , such as ambient noise and reverberation, degrade the quality.
  • I felt degraded by having to ask for money.
  • This substance degrades rapidly in the soil.
  • No one can degrade us except ourselves; that if we are worthy, no influence can defeat us. 
  • The weed lantana, for example, has degraded more than four million hectares of Australian rangelands. Biodiversity 100: actions for Australia
  • The vague antipathy to American sovereignty and the gauzy support for an unexamined ‘open borders’ concept degrades real immigrants in real ways. Matthew Yglesias » Climate Migration
  • I well know the vanity of decorative ribbonry and tinware, especially when, as too often happens, intrigue degrades the honor conferred; but, coming as it did, that bit of ribbon is precious to me. The Life of the fly; with which are interspersed some chapters of autobiography
  • Over time, however, it oxidizes and chemically degrades to form alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, acids and esters.
  • Whereas the anticholinesterase compounds, which have high acute toxicity (and hence are highly hazardous to the applicator), are readily and rapidly degraded in nature, the halogenated hydrocarbons are not. Rachel Carson’s Victims, R.I.P.
  • He was degraded from director to assistant director.
  • Plastic bottles do not biodegrade
  • The pope and the sacred college had never been dazzled by his specious professions; they were justly offended by the insolence of his conduct; a cardinal legate was sent to Italy, and after some fruitless treaty, and two personal interviews, he fulminated a bull of excommunication, in which the tribune is degraded from his office, and branded with the guilt of rebellion, sacrilege, and heresy. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • I hate to break it to the EnviroNazies, but even THEY will 'biodegrade' one day, LOL Latest Articles
  • Pagan or Chris - tian allegorism of myth is dismissed or degraded as wrongly dignifying myth or else ignoring history in favor of mystery. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Neighbourhood associations argued that non-owner-occupied domiciles, such as lodging houses, do not contribute to the community and degrade quality of life in their neighbourhoods.
  • It's also the case that political liars degrade the truth and misname lawful act ... Rabbi Abraham Cooper: UPDATED APOLOGY FROM CONGRESSMAN--HAVE WE NO SHAME? DEBASING THE HOLOCAUST FOR ANOTHER TEN SECONDS OF MEDIA COVERAGE
  • The grain and camcorder quality degrade the already poor material to the point of being unwatchable.
  • Everything tends to lose its hallowed meaning; it becomes degraded, bestialized. South Wind
  • Virtually all of the carbohydrate accumulated as starch and sucrose during the day was degraded at night.
  • It's insulting to my morals as a decent human being to have to watch people degrade themselves on television and use sly tactics in order to win money.
  • The next bit of land then becomes degraded and then there's no green belt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Students use standard procedures to qualify saline and sodic soils, observe salt and sodium effects on water percolation, and conduct a bioassay of incrementally-degraded soils with plants of varying salt-tolerance.
  • I left the originals in wmv format because otherwise i would have had to do a recompression, which would have resulted in same size or even larger files in most cases, and degrade the quality noticeably. jim Ken Miller Webcast Archived - The Panda's Thumb
  • We would be forwarding to listeners an already degraded signal.
  • The progenitor cell loses its nucleus, and most of its intracellular membranes are degraded; the now non-nucleated form of the cell, termed a reticulocyte, then loses its ribosomes, thus preventing any further synthesis of haemoglobin. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • By some instinct I told them at once about James Hinton, whom, of course, they knew by name as the first aurist of his day; how, with all that this life could give him, he had died of a broken heart, a heart broken over the lost and degraded womanhood of England, the hosts of young girls slain in body and soul whom he met with at night in our terrible streets. The Power of Womanhood, or Mothers and Sons A Book For Parents, And Those In Loco Parentis
  • All of this energy eventually degrades to heat and has to be either stored in the soil beneath the cities, radiated away, or convected away.
  • The Ceratonia siliqua tree layer in particular is so degraded that it is only represented by a few individuals. Eastern Mediterranean conifer-sclerophyllous-broadleaf forests
  • It degraded the whole of colonial society, both felonry and free.
  • The word "decurtate" - means to cut short but in English lang "curtate" itself means "to cut short" and "de" is a pref. to make the following words as opposite or to make it degrade/declass. BEAT THE JUDGE.
  • By choosing appropriate mantissas and exponents, we can increase the resolution at shallower depths and degrade it at greater depths.
  • The research contents of the paper mainly involve the driving force analysis of degraded ecosystem, assessment of degraded ecosystem as well as degraded ecosystem restoration and rehabilitation study.
  • He is a rob - ber of the vileft fpecies, who degrades humanity, and dishonours the dignity and equity of executive juftice in a free government, by a condud fo lawlefs and barbarous; who thus ihuts up the avenoea of lenity, and fteals from the poor fettler in the colony, the hard earned fruits of induftry. The Monthly Review
  • Handsets and cartridges can take years to biodegrade - a single printer cartridge takes up to 1000 years to decompose - meaning that if dumped in landfill sites these items can pose a long term threat to the environment.
  • Recently, more and more attention was paid on insect chitinase in plant pest control, for it could degrade chitin, one of the main components of insect integument and petritropic membrane.
  • No one but ourselves can degrade us.
  • Otherwise, our higher education system will become steadily more degraded.
  • Brilliantly though the power of war to destroy, corrupt and degrade everything it touches is conveyed, the book's unrelieved grimness will be a problem for some.
  • In our climate, organic waste biodegrades rapidly, which widens our options for dealing with it.
  • The cell wall and extracellular material are often only crudely preserved in this process, and the internal cytoplasm may degrade and be destroyed.
  • The brutality and apparent collapse of front-line discipline is charted in thousands of meticulously filed US government reports, proving only one thing, that any war "among the people" that goes on too long degrades its participants and degenerates into senseless cruelty. Simon Jenkins: What on Earth Are America's Friends to Say?
  • In Vermont streams, one or more of the tolerant, eurythermal species (blacknose dace, white sucker, and creek chub) are often found in the same stream reach as are the coldwater species in least-degraded streams.
  • They say it would do nothing to reduce the risk of wildfires but would degrade America's forests.
  • I interpret that as meaning that the individual who did this wanted to degrade her, defeminize her, show her that he was in total control. CNN Transcript Mar 3, 2006
  • The tranquillity of countless thousands of people will be harmed, homes will be bulldozed and air quality degraded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even slight mismatching will cause large errors in the transfer function and degrade the output impedance causing the circuit to become less of a true current source.
  • The mica does not everywhere present this coarsely crystalline appearance, but in flexures and lines of union with the quartz and orthoclase is degraded to a mica schist upon whose surfaces appear uranates of lime and copper (autunite and torbernite), and in which are inclosed garnet crystals of considerable size and beauty. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • Sprouting, which may appear as a swelling from the shoot at the germ portion of the grain, degrades wheat quality.
  • Spark plug wires that suppress electro-magnetic interference are a necessity in our electronics-rich race cars, but these wires can degrade over time.
  • They were unaware that a degraded environment leads to a scramble for scarce resources and may culminate in poverty and even war.
  • Reading from a declassified portion of a report by the National Ground Intelligence Center, a Defense Department intelligence unit, Santorum said: Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. June 2006
  • Australian firm, Marinova has for several years been working in the area of seaweed fucoidan extraction and it previously claimed to be the only company to have developed a coldwater, ethanol-free process to extract fucoidans, which unlike ethanol based extraction does not degrade the product. NutraIngredients RSS
  • To feel humiliated and degraded is not what you signed up for.
  • And so they proceding to degrade him of hys small orders of Benet and Collet, he sayd with a loud voyce, take from me not onely your owne orders, but also your owne baptisme, meaning thereby, whatsoeuer is besides that which Christ hymselfe instituted, whereof there is a great rablement in Baptisme. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • The manufactured disposable dishes have a very long half-life, meaning that they biodegrade at an enormously slow rate.
  • Therefore also dikē is the implacable foe of that peculiar trespassing of the bounds of propriety which the Greeks called hybris (W. & D. 213, 238-39; Archilochus, frag. 94), and even though hybris may degrade dikē to violence in the Iron Age (W. & D. 190-93; cf. Theognis 'complaints at 44-45 and 291-92), dikē will win out in the end Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • They degrade members of our community who provide us with services.
  • 'The term mulatto,'" he read, "'is not invariably applicable to every admixture of African blood with the European, nor is one having all the features of a white to be ranked with the degraded class designated by the laws of this State as persons of color, because of some remote taint of the negro race. The House Behind the Cedars
  • Most such sanctuaries have either been encroached on or have been completely degraded.
  • Their message about humanity is even more degenerate and degraded than that spouted by the previous administration.
  • Given the present degraded state of the film industry, its subject matter, this is nearly a provocation.
  • A 17-year-old said he felt "degraded".
  • As the polyurethane, which is made from petroleum, degraded, the number of fungi increased as they digested the byproducts, showing that it was indeed the fungi that were breaking down the plastic. - latest science and technology news stories
  • That's not where it all ends, for it's been found that some types of synthetic material used for making cups doesn't easily biodegrade.
  • No one can degrade us except ourselves; that if we are worthy, no influence can defeat us. 
  • Lister's carbolic acid, now known as phenol, is a common main ingredient in household detergents like Lysol, Pine-Sol and Spic-n-Span (it's also found in mouthwash). laundry detergents and all-purpose cleaners, is banned in Europe, and biodegrades slowly into even more toxic compounds Beyond phenol, other chemicals found in household disinfectants include:
  • Culture or civilization in a degraded state of sentimentality and vulgarity.
  • The diverseness and conflict of the fusion information are managed effectively; meanwhile, the uncertainty, non-integrality and indefiniteness are degraded.
  • In our own time such words as papoose, sachem, tepee, wigwam and wampum have begun to drop out of everyday use; 11 at an earlier period the language sloughed off ocelot, manitee, calumet, supawn, samp and quahaug, or began to degrade them to the estate of provincialisms. Chapter 2. The Beginnings of American. 2. Sources of Early Americanisms
  • Thus previously authoritarian government officials joined with previously suspicious villagers to successfully regenerate the degraded sal forests of southwestern Bengal.
  • Should the product end up in a landfill, it will biodegrade.
  • Over time, however, it oxidizes and chemically degrades to form alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, acids and esters.
  • I was sat down and what you call degraded, so to say, for no apparent reason. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • Yet this process of degradation does not destroy its object; rather, the degraded object finds renewal in the regenerative, positive aspect of the fecund and fecal body.
  • Thus whilst the wife and the lover were conjoined as much as might be, the hocussed and sleeping husband was dismissed (ma’zul = degraded) like a nunnation dropped in construction. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A study published in the journal Developmental Cell reveals how connective tissue holding a cancer cell in place might degrade, unmooring the diseased cell and allowing it to spread to other parts of the body.
  • On an orbiting satellite, energetic particle exposure degrades the efficiency of the solar-cell panels used to provide operating power.
  • I saw how the fine form of man was degraded and wasted; I beheld the corruption of death succeed to the blooming cheek of life; I saw how the worm inherited the wonders of the eye and brain.
  • But the microbeads do not biodegrade so when flushed away, trillions end up in the marine food chain. The Sun
  • Our Dace Hall music culture, which is saluted by the youth, is one that frequently degrades women in its lyrics as well.
  • These ones have some sort of a plastic film that probably won't biodegrade for 10,000 years.
  • You would not think of calling Paganini a 'fiddler,'" he wrote; "why, then, should you degrade me with the coarse term of 'cracksman'? Cleek: the Man of the Forty Faces
  • Energy is always degraded to a less useful form.
  • Additionally, this waste is a potential source of pollution when it degrades, releasing undesirable chemicals into the soil and air.
  • Even photographs which seemingly degrade their sitters, such as Two men with barbel and Scrap collector holding globe are in reality witty art historical burlesques.
  • You said that was an amply sufficient qualification, and that no aquatic reporter who respected himself and his readers, had ever so far degraded himself as to row in a boat and to place his body in any of the absurd positions which modern oarsmanship demands. Punch, Or The London Charivari, Volume 101, July 11, 1891
  • Wars should result in improved security for an affected nation's citizens, but often result in degraded or deteriorated social conditions.
  • Don't leave your tent pitched all day for a prolonged period - this will degrade the flysheet.
  • Europe and England "have dropped beyond the level of the most degraded and unpleasant African tribe that it is possible to find," he wrote to his mother shortly after the Munich Pact of 1938. Drawn to Harsh Places
  • The actress could have been degraded by the exploitation material, but somehow she punches through the stereotypes and retains her dignity and poise.
  • I am satisfied it was named by the Diggers -- those degraded savages who roast their dead relatives, then mix the human grease and ashes of bones with tar, and 'gaum' it thick all over their heads and foreheads and ears, and go caterwauling about the hills and call it The Lake of the Sky Lake Tahoe in the High Sierras of California and Nevada, its History, Indians, Discovery by Frémont, Legendary Lore, Various Namings, Physical Characteristics, Glacial Phenomena, Geology, Single Outlet, Automobile Routes, Historic Town
  • By the first week in June, French rail and road communications had been seriously degraded.
  • In Washington, they favor degraded or otherwise gravelly soils.
  • Moving terabytes of data through servers becomes impractical and degrades the overall system.
  • They essentially consist in transferring power from nature to man, leaving nature degraded and depleted in the process.
  • Absolutely stunning CGI slowly degrades into a very unconvincing PS2 version of the Rock as the Scorpion King.
  • The psalm throbs with exultation, but no human victor's name degrades the singer's lips. Expositions of Holy Scripture Psalms

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