How To Use Degage In A Sentence
His manners are graceful and winning in the extreme - quiet, affable and dignified, yet cordial and dégagés.
adopted a degage pose on the arm of the easy chair
Avec Titildes on a delire sur les chansons de gravitation (OAV et Série) enfin plutot JE delirais et Titildes comatait devant son ordinateur pour pas me dire 'degage tu m'saoule' bon bref ......
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
He was handsome, degage, extremely gallant, and in his dress exceeded most others.
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
Learn how to do the degage move for ballet dancing in this free instructional dance video for beginners.
rather degage after the nervousness he had shown at dinner
And although some Armenian Dragoman, a restless spy like all his race, occasionally remarked voila un Persan diablement degage, none, except those who were entrusted with the secret, had any idea of the part I was playing.
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
A correct fifth prepares you for a croisé line and for all extensions where your working leg lifts: dégagé, fondu, développé, grand battement, and grand jeté.
Their cool, uncluttered, somewhat dégagé style meshes perfectly with my mood for spring.
Il est tres peu travaillé mais est sans conteste celui qui degage le plus de choses quand je travaille avec.
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
Ghannouchi, degage!" the demonstrators demanded, refusing the rule of someone closely associated with Ben Ali.
Judie Fein: Why You Should Travel to Tunisia
For fashion folk, there was added frisson in Finney's voluminous white shirt: the lustiness and dégagé elegance of its frills and pleats catching the eye.
Demonstrators defiantly held up signs that read, "Ben Ali, degage!
Judie Fein: Why You Should Travel to Tunisia
Mais je sais aussi avoir la claaaasse "allez Lyon, degage tu m'pompes l'air!!
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
Jean affected a somewhat dégagé manner and a perceptible swagger.
Prior to this, Fowler had avoided taking sides at all costs; he was dégagé.
One of Arthur's sparks of kindly feeling awoke when he beheld his once handsome, high-spirited sister, altered and wrapped up, entering the room with an invalid step and air; and though she tried to look about in a bright 'degage' manner, soon sinking into the cushioned chair by the window with a sigh of languor.
Heartsease, Or, the Brother's Wife
J'essaie de dire que j'etouffe mais bon il comprend pas tout suite (huuuum - _ -) alors je me retape un grand coup dans le thorax pour degager un peu tout ce bordel et mon pere capte enfin alors il me tape un grand coup dans le dos et pouf ....
Pinku-tk Diary Entry