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How To Use Defunct In A Sentence

  • The waste from a defunct reactor is full of plutonium, a highly toxic metal used as the explosive in atomic bombs.
  • Vnde missarum sacrificia, quibus uulgo dicebatur, Sacerdotem offerre Christum in remissionem poena aut culpae pro uiuis et defunctis, blasphema figmenta sunt, et pernitiosae imposturae. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • I have a feeling this subject is going to be even touchier than the speculation that surrounded the cast of the now defunct JLA movie, so let the battle begin in the comment section, or over in the Major Spoilers Movie Forum. via Hollywood Reporter Akira Getting Live Action Treatment | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Though defunct since 1997, many companies continued issuing them for some years later to be on the safe side.
  • It had evidently been the ballroom or reception-room of the defunct Marchesa in palmy days. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton
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  • The waste from a defunct reactor is full of plutonium, a highly toxic metal used as the explosive in atomic bombs.
  • the will of a defunct aunt
  • He wrote many articles for the now sadly defunct newspaper, the Daily Correspondent.
  • A federal jury found the so-called DC madam guilty of running a high-end prostitution ring. Deborah Palfrey said her now- defunct business was an "erotic fantasy service".
  • The now defunct Glasgow Club's record haul of 33 wins keeps them alive in name only in the history books ahead of their former rivals - though very much still in existence!
  • The Mercury music prize has been running for so long that the corporate sponsor whose name it bears is now defunct.
  • Because companies have limited liability, the staff and owners of a defunct company cannot legally be held to account for their past conduct. Times, Sunday Times
  • I almost wished we could use the defunct treadles because every time I turned my machine own it ran away with me.
  • Haeres cuius pater defungitur, si alicuius vult esse reputationis, mandat cognatos, amicos, Relligiosos, et sacerdotes pro posse, qui certo Die conuenientes sub magno Symphoniæ festo, corportant defuncti cadauer, in montis sublime cacumen. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • The barren delusion called 'managerialism' may soon be defunct. Times, Sunday Times
  • Afterwards it was discovered that his business and his investments were either defunct or valueless. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • The criminal convictions of three former stockbrokers and three former members of a defunct day-trading firm's management will stand in a plot to misuse brokerage firm "squawk" boxes, a judge has ruled. Judge Denies New Trial in 'Squawk' Box Case
  • a defunct organization
  • Ancient telex machines lie defunct, the lobby floors often stink of petrol - used as a cheap detergent - and windows still have anti-bomb tape on them.
  • Ever wondered what happened to the arch axeman of the defunct Ultrasound?
  • She drags little Marga through Freedomland, the now-defunct Bronx theme park, in search of Chubby Checker. Erika Milvy: "Marga Gomez Is Not Getting Any Younger" Extended
  • Computer Aid international has launched a new appeal for companies and individuals to send it defunct PCs to be reconditioned and distributed to schools and community groups in the developing world.
  • Sylva worked as the groundskeeper at the now-defunct Maui Zoo in Wailuku and began planting native foliage to the point that it also became known as a botanical garden, Hobdy recalled. Starbulletin Headlines
  • We realize it could be impossible to recover costs from an overseas company that's been described as defunct with no assets, but it's going to take years to clean up the toxic site, so both efforts should be pursued concurrently. News Review - Top Stories
  • In fact, it was an overall loss, given commuting, New York City housing and frequent trips to the far too conveniently placed giftshop in the now defunct Shea Stadium -- which I made sure to remember with a number of commemorative trinkets and ornaments. Jordan Zakarin: I Quit: A Jets Fan's Lament
  • They are protesting over the Bank's failure to recompense them for produce sold to the now defunct meat plant, but never paid for.
  • On the sixth bannerol was impaled, with the arms of the defunct, the arms of Mary his third wife, daughter of Sir George Cotton, Knt. vice chamberlain to King Ed. VI. Collins's Peerage of England; Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical
  • The original plan was to create several 10 - minute "Webisodes" for the now-defunct Digital Entertainment Network, a streaming-video Web site.
  • Holding one's index finger and thumb to the mouth, as if smoking, signals the now-defunct financial-services firm "Refco" because "it sounded like 'reefer' to the traders," Mr. Carlson says. Trader Keeps Hands in History
  • A past champion when this contest was held at the now-defunct Upper Level Club, Alicia Wellington was the first up and set a high standard for the competition.
  • On the lifth bannerol was also the defunct's arms, impaled with the arms of Margaret his second wife, daughter of Ellis Barlow, Esq. Collins's peerage of England; genealogical, biographical, and historical
  • I've heard rumours that it's now defunct, which is a crine shame. Boing Boing
  • a defunct Indian tribe
  • A recent survey at the end of the year for the Austrian broadcaster, the ORF, found that two-thirds of the country still thought in terms of the now defunct schillings.
  • And as a bonus question, name defunct MLB teams with three letters on the cap. Cardinals win World Series - as it happened!
  • In March, wrote back and they said that their supplier went "defunct" -- I thought People was the supplier. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • To blame the old liberal wing of the party, now pretty much defunct, is the equivalent of a baseball team blaming the batboy for a tragic loss. Matthew Yglesias » How Many Divisions Has Jane Hamsher?
  • Pall Mall Shooting Gallery, now defunct.
  • He wrote many articles for the now sadly defunct newspaper, the Daily Correspondent.
  • The vintage vehicles, representing one of the world's finest collections of military transport, were leaving the defunct museum, which closed down last year.
  • To emulate (in the specific patois of archivists) is to re-create a work that uses a defunct technology by essentially re-copying it into a current technology.
  • After a long affiliation with Trevor Jackson's now defunct Output Records, which came to an end in 2006-when the label shut its doors just after the release of Circlesquare's excellent PopMatters
  • Laws on the marketing of investment funds date back to the mid-1980s and to a defunct regulator known as Lautro.
  • The focal point of the park is the now defunct fountain, surrounded by conifers, oaks, planes, jacarandas, and tipiana trees dropping their yellow blossoms.
  • More saliently, however, this positioning of himself in such a way was, in part, because of a deep melancholy over all those who were gone from his life and regret for all the experiences that they had given him -- experiences that had accumulated and embedded carvings onto the walls of his brain until there were reliefs of inexpugnable, defunct memories, aggravating the past so that it was alive in him still. An Apostate: Nawin of Thais
  • The long-playing record was made defunct by the arrival of the CD.
  • Between 1975 and 1980 I was a junior bandsman with the now-defunct Brighouse St John Ambulance Brigade Band, based in Brighouse.
  • This banner, a 1960s souvenir from a now-defunct Southern California amusement park, was pinned to a wall at an estate sale. 2009 March 27 « Scavenging
  • It was created to be worn by the chairman of the now defunct Cleveland County Council, which was abolished in 1996.
  • Of uk quit smoking help who bogbean defunctness on the trucker or on a longitudinal pisanosaurus at coquettishly stertorously a duramen migratory they loweringed delusively nisi contusion as a cocuswood. Rational Review
  • The order became defunct with the death of its last knight, HRH The Duke of Gloucester, in 1974.
  • He is fascinated by defunct systems of thought - and his knowledge of them is breathtaking.
  • Just walk around the defunct City Arts Centre and see what looms ahead.
  • When I was alone in the toy aisle of a department store now long defunct, I took one experimental hop on a pogo stick and landed hard on the back of my head.
  • The base is made from the stone remains of a defunct wolfram mine and its wharf.
  • But he blamed such strikes on terrorists and loyalists from the defunct regime.
  • Namque nec sibi potest mortem consciscere, si velit, quad homini dedit optimum in tantis vitae poenis: nec mortales aeternitata donare, aut revocare defunctos; nec facere ut qui vixit non vixerit, qui honores gessit non gessarit, nullumque habere in praeteritum ius, praeterquam oblivionis, atque (ut facetis quoque argumentis societas haec cum deo copuletur) ut bis dena viginti non sint, et multa similiter efficere non posse. — The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Livingetc The home's d é cor is an adaptation of a Brooklyn brownstone featured in the November 2008 issue of the now-defunct Domino magazine. Magazine-Inspired FiDi Condo
  • The long-playing record was made defunct by the arrival of the CD.
  • Haeres cuius pater defungitur, si alicuius vult esse reputationis, mandat cognatos, amicos, Relligiosos, et sacerdotes pro posse, qui certo Die conuenientes sub magno Symphoniæ festo, corportant defuncti cadauer, in montis sublime cacumen. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Portsmouth is yet another defunct municipal airport.
  • Their products don't have "sizzle" -- unlike complex financial instruments like collateralized mortgage obligations, initially created for the defunct Freddie Mac. Dan Solin: A Bailout for Index Funds? Not Likely
  • We're located in Tucson AZ, the sweltering armpit of the southwest desert region, surrounded by the empty shafts of defunct cold-war missile silos.
  • Fairfield's quirky blend of farmers, computer programmers, accountants and organic-fabric clothing designers began in the early 1970s, when the maharishi, the Beatles' spiritual adviser and leader of the international transcendental meditation movement, took over the defunct Parsons College on the outskirts of town and turned it into the Maharishi University of Management. Meditators Back Paul for Peace
  • Museums are dead, defunct, past things. Times, Sunday Times
  • Victoria's last publication was the Officium defunctorum, written, he states, for the exequies of the dowager empress in 1603, and including his famous six-voice music for the Requiem Mass.
  • This may result in unexpected application behavior, accessing a defunct application, incomplete database records or buffer overflow.
  • Left neglected in a Swedish TV station's cellar for 30 years, it was discovered by documentary filmmaker Göran Hugo Olsson who conceptualized the linking of the sparse and seemingly incohesive material of the movement with amazingly shot intimate b-roll of children playing in defunct playgrounds, commentary from Erykah Badu, Talib Kweli, John Forte and other "socially conscious" artists, looped to a sweet soundtrack crafted by none-other than ? Naima Ramos-Chapman: 'The Black Power Mixtape': Who's Telling You Your Stories?
  • The last address I could find for you was in the Detroit area, but it's now defunct.
  • However, the society has been defunct in the district for quite some time, said an official of the Department of Animal Husbandry.
  • The 3D element of these collisions is what makes defunct GTO rocket stages so much more of a problem than low-altitude, co-planar, co-orbital bumps. Satellite Collisions: Sooner Or Later ... - NASA Watch
  • Gass followed up with a collection of short stories calledIn the Heart of the Heart of the Country, which included a longish story called "The Pedersen Kid," a story which he'd had a hell of a time getting published (John Gardner finally published it in a small magazine called MSS, now defunct) and which Raymond Carver, who you've heard of, couldn't make any sense of when he was learning the trade with Gardner. What's Eating William Gass?
  • And these edifying Benedictine "consuetudines" give the reason: "Nam tanta est auctoritatis præsentæ ipsius defuncti, ut etiam in tanta solemnitate hujusmodi missa non potest negligentia intermitti" (For the presence of the corpse constitutes such a serious reason that, even on festival as great as this, a Mass of this kind must not be neglected). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Pall Mall Shooting Gallery, now defunct.
  • A republican federacy could be formed out of the provinces of the defunct monarchy.
  • He is perhaps known as the defunct XFL's biggest star; he played under the moniker "He Hate Me. - Cuts: M. Anderson, Pryce, S. Davis among players shed; Simms re-signs
  • Uno verbo, inde judicare Hcet quanta sit fides adhibenda editioni quae tot clarorum virorum, tum defunctorum, tum adhuc in terris degentium, lucubrationibus fuerit illustrata. Satirae ad codices Parisinos
  • If I was you, I'd be more upset about the fact that my name is almost - but not quite - the same as that of the lead singer of the thankfully-now-defunct saccharine-sweet sugar-coated Lightning Seeds.
  • It was accused of being culturally irrelevant, economically unviable and technologically defunct.
  • The rubrics af the Roman Missal prescribe the recitation of the sequence by the celebrant on the following occasions: (1) in the Mass of All Souls 'Day (In commemoratione Omnium Fidelium Defunctorum); The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Humankind may one day join the ghostly parade of defunct species, but the jury on that is still out.
  • A quasi-defunct dotcom is doing a reverse-takeover deal with the world-famous NYC peeler-club Scores to take the titty bar public and expand it into a giant, national chain. Boing Boing: January 6, 2002 - January 12, 2002 Archives
  • Q: Now that Flip is going defunct, are there other pocket-size camcorders worth buying? Finding a New Flip
  • By then, Vensure had gone from a nearly illiquid "sleepy little credit union" connected to a defunct Knights of Pythias lodge in New York's Adirondack mountains into a fast-growing processor of online poker funds, federal credit-union regulators said in a May filing after they took control of Vensure, whose business they said was too risky. Full Tilt's Collection Woes Bred Alleged Ponzi Scheme
  • Absolve, Domine, animas omnium fidelium defunctorum ab omni vinculo delictorum et gratia tua illis succurente mereantur evadere iudicium ultionis, et lucis æterne beatitudine perfrui. Archive 2009-06-01
  • It may prove a little more difficult to find a home for all those defunct Books etc shops, alas. Times, Sunday Times
  • The marquis sat at the head of the table, and behind his chair stood his old servant Yvon, dressed in Breton mourning-costume in memory of his defunct mistress; that is to say, in blue, black, and yellow. A Childhood in Brittany Eighty Years Ago
  • The elder Saumell learned how to ride a pony before obtaining a job walking horses at now defunct Oriental Park in Havana.
  • Music was for kids, and all the old geniuses that I had revered had either become defunct, died or fallen into senescence.
  • The facilities here extend no further than a long defunct green petrol pump outside the former wheelwright and a pair of stocks.
  • This kind of housing owes its origin to the colonization of Manhattan's defunct industrial and warehouse spaces by trendy, arty, sixties types.
  • I was a kid sportswriter just getting started, more than 40 years ago, at a now-defunct newspaper in central Ohio; Tom was one of the stars of the staff.
  • And therefore in that style or addition, which is and hath been long well received and brought in use, felicis memoriae, piae memoriae, bonae memoriae, we do acknowledge that which Cicero saith, borrowing it from Demosthenes, that bona fama propria possessio defunctorum; which possession I cannot but note that in our times it lieth much waste, and that therein there is a deficience. The Advancement of Learning
  • Now, a Unladen swallow retrospective confirms that the project is defunct and is no longer being developed.
  • If I was you, I'd be more upset about the fact that my name is almost - but not quite - the same as that of the lead singer of the thankfully-now-defunct saccharine-sweet sugar-coated Lightning Seeds.
  • In an effort to bolster their own armories of technology patents, many of them also are spending billions of dollars buying up troves of patents from defunct companies or trading them among themselves in alliances. B&N Sought Microsoft Inquiry
  • The Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 1999, which came into operation on November 11, introduced a new statutory procedure to deregister solvent defunct private companies.
  • Whereas in previous paintings she featured lavishly-painted structural elements of defunct worlds, in her new work Gualdoni sheds the nostalgic architectural references and authoritative facture to find meaning in the process itself. Sharon L. Butler: NYC Gallery Visit: Angelina Gualdoni at Asya Geisberg
  • We show that channels pass through a dilated condition with altered selectivity as they are becoming defunct.
  • With a resonant voice and warmly earnest delivery, Mr. Davis was an on-air presence at WGMS for more than 50 years until the station went defunct in 2007. Bob Davis, former WGMS host, has died
  • Seven years ago, I wrote a piece for a now-defunct web magazine about five young female starlets who I thought had the potential to become major Hollywood stars.
  • Actor in defunct HDM series blames Pope for unemployment News bits
  • To blame the old liberal wing of the party, now pretty much defunct, is the equivalent of a baseball team blaming the batboy for a tragic loss. Matthew Yglesias » How Many Divisions Has Jane Hamsher?
  • The two-time gold medalist is the all-time leading scorer in women's professional basketball history, including her days in the now-defunct Meet the USA Olympic basketball teams
  • Traces still remain of the long-defunct Surrey Iron Railway.
  • The following humorous extract, written by Leo, was in a story published in a long defunct magazine.
  • Two weeks later he was admitted for an anterior resection and defunctioning ileostomy.
  • But my replacement fridge - swiped by the clever handyman from the currently empty apartment next door-is newer and cleaner than the Defunctadaire ever was. Two Things with Radishes
  • When I do it the first five or so results are always the same defunct personal websites for which I have long forgotten the passwords.
  • This beats a static blogroll any day - a blogroll is a pain as blogs are always going defunct, or getting boring, so I take them out of my RSS reader, but then have to go into the Typepad dashboard to update the blogroll (or, actually, not, as I can't be bothered - so the Petrona blogroll isn't very current the further down it you go, and probably has some serious omissions, sadly). Web/Tech
  • He also stressed on energisation of defunct lift irrigation points on war footing. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Frontpage
  • To replace a defunct rhododendron I planted a small red osier dogwood and on the hot sunny side of the house, a canadice grape vine that promises prolific fruit suitable for jams and jelly. Elizabeth Grossman: Supper on a Sunday of Hands in the Dirt
  • Brokering deals with things Britain didn't even possess is what kept her afloat in an age where several companies had a larger gross revenue and more disposable budget than the defunct remnants of age old empires.
  • At 5 am, I was shaken awake from my sleep by the dissonant sound of drumbeats and jarring notes emerging from a defunct synthesizer.
  • The Bishop gazed at his defunct colonial colleague in the portrait over the mantelpiece.
  • The immediate vicinity of the ranch house featured old tires, the burned-out chassis of a '50s-era sedan, the bed of a pickup truck, propane tanks, and a defunct furnace.
  • The former of these I do report deficient; which seemeth to me to be such a deficience as if, in the making of an inventory touching the state of a defunct, it should be set down that there is no ready money. The Advancement of Learning
  • These items were in good working order and condition; they are now completely defunct.
  • The defunct RTITB Services is separate from the ongoing company RTITB Ltd, which provides training for the road haulage and distribution industries, not vehicle maintenance.
  • Five lions abandoned in a defunct zoo faced imminent extermination until a local veterinarian called on an international animal rescue group to step in.
  • The forum, which started in 1993 and is now defunct, was funded by local authorities around the country.
  • The financier Allen Stanford is trying to force a reluctant group of Lloyd's of London underwriters to foot legal bills for his defence against $7bn (£4. 5bn) fraud charges laid by the US government, in a battle over an insurance policy indemnifying executives of his defunct business empire against litigation. Allen Stanford in US court to sue Lloyd's over payment of his legal fees
  • Note 5: RHF, 18: 728B: "effosso sepulcro propriis manibus, corpus extraxit defuncti foetens admodum et putridum, magnum naribus offendiculum, utpote quod jam per menses aliquot ibi jacuerat tumulatione, et ab ipsa camera usque ad coemeterium Montis-Autrici, nudis pedibus, solis indutus lineis ut plebeius quilibet, ad tumulandum ibidem propriis humeris deportavit, sese humlians salubriter coram Deo". back A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • LONDON - As a government-commissioned inquiry into Britain's journalistic practices opened Monday, its chief lawyer delivered a series of bombshell revelations about what he called a "thriving cottage industry" of illegality at the defunct News of the World tabloid. The Seattle Times
  • People translate the defunct word ‘umbles’ for the innards of a deer into ‘humble’, as in ‘humble pie’.
  • A copy of the Manchester Courier, which is now defunct, was also found.
  • Calatrava's tower seems the more absurd because it is to be close to the mighty gantry crane of the defunct Kockums shipyard.
  • On Tuesday, I am going to Radio Rhema at the now defunct train station and am initiating the beginning of the end.
  • For example, the now-defunct New Zealand launch site included virtual men with whom you could have "guiltless" virtual affairs: launch website imagines the chocolate bar as a tribute to Womanhood in all its "shimmery" glory: The Hathor Legacy
  • The new facility abuts tract homes and a defunct oil refinery.
  • a Mrs. Wright, found in a scarlet bag which she wore under her arm a pure gold "sigil" or round plate worth about ten dollars in gold, which the former husband of the defunct had used to exorcise a spirit that plagued him. The Humbugs of the World An Account of Humbugs, Delusions, Impositions, Quackeries, Deceits and Deceivers Generally, in All Ages
  • Would you actually know if the last snow leopard were defunct, as long as you could see it on the screen? Times, Sunday Times
  • The revelation that a number of shops are welcoming back the officially defunct currency illustrates the mood.
  • He assured journalists this did not mean the present system was defunct.
  • Having trained on the Richmond & Twickenham Times group of newspapers in south-west London, then owned by Question Time presenter David Dimbleby, Bilmes joined Condé Nast in 1997 as a subeditor on the now-defunct GQ Active. Alex Bilmes: 'I'm a total starfucker'
  • Though the treaty is all but defunct, its goals remain laudable.
  • Actor in defunct HDM series blames Pope for unemployment News bits
  • Do you, my dear (to whom theory and practice are the same thing in almost every laudable quality), apply the observation to yourself, in this particular case, where resolution is required; and where the performance of the will of the defunct is the question — no more to be dispensed with by you, in whose favour it was made, than by any body else who have only themselves in view by breaking through it. Clarissa Harlowe
  • To prevent such explosions, defunct satellites are supposed to ‘passivate’ by discharging batteries, releasing compressed gases, or dumping propellant.
  • I can make a wheel," Goody said, and set about fashioning one from an old rim of a small branch of a defunct beerbarrel tree. Pet Peeve
  • The focal point of the park is the now defunct fountain, surrounded by conifers, oaks, planes, jacarandas, and tipiana trees dropping their yellow blossoms.
  • Its extraordinary jurisdiction in civil matters was compared with the extraordinary jurisdiction of the now defunct Star Chamber in criminal matters.
  • The orders they receive, however, are for food via a dumbwaiter sent from the defunct restaurant above.
  • a defunct law
  • Carol M. HighsmithAladdin's lamp from the defunct casino of the same name is one of many nostalgic signs of bygone Las Vegas saved in the Neon Boneyard.
  • And on the outside of them, about the said "ehariot, rode six other esquires, their hoods on tbdr heads, their horses trapped, each of them bearing a bannerol, not only of the defunct's amis, bat also the arms of such noble houses whereof he was descended, viz. the arms cf Tho - mas, first Earl of Derby of that name. Collins's peerage of England; genealogical, biographical, and historical
  • It seems like every month, obscure recordings and nearly impossible to find tracks are being rereleased as independent labels scour the catalogs of defunct record companies, searching for buried treasure. Broward-Palm Beach New Times | Complete Issue
  • The word defunct in this instance means no longer in effect or use; no longer functioning or operating. Defunct
  • That's a time I do remember, quite fondly: the house was a big old place, built from old wood, crowned with a steep shingled roof, crestings, and defunct chimneys.
  • But defence lawyers say their clients only wanted to observe Colombia's now defunct peace process.
  • But in a settlement announced on Friday, the Securities and Exchange Commission casts Mr. Ruettiger in a far less heroic light—as a key participant in a so-called pump-and-dump stock scheme that generated more than $11 million in allegedly illicit profits for a now-defunct beverage company, Rudy Nutrition. SEC Tackles 'Rudy' in Fraud Case
  • If her goal was to minimize her involvement with a defunct thrift, she has failed.
  • Note 5: RHF, 18: 728B: "effosso sepulcro propriis manibus, corpus extraxit defuncti foetens admodum et putridum, magnum naribus offendiculum, utpote quod jam per menses aliquot ibi jacuerat tumulatione, et ab ipsa camera usque ad coemeterium Montis-Autrici, nudis pedibus, solis indutus lineis ut plebeius quilibet, ad tumulandum ibidem propriis humeris deportavit, sese humlians salubriter coram Deo". back A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Throughout the parish, remnants of old-fashioned narcissi give clues to the location of defunct market gardens and orchards. Country diary: St Dominic, Tamar Valley
  • Do you, my dear (to whom theory and practice are the same thing in almost every laudable quality), apply the observation to yourself, in this particular case, where resolution is required; and where the performance of the will of the defunct is the question -- no more to be dispensed with by you, in whose favour it was made, than by any body else who have only themselves in view by breaking through it. Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 2
  • Last year the poet hit the headlines when he turned down the opportunity to be made an OBE, saying the award was a throwback to the days of the defunct British Empire.
  • I grew up on a diet of stock-car racing at the long-defunct Walthamstow Stadium in the Sixties, and the term "blast from the past" could not be more apt. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • He wrote many articles for the now sadly defunct newspaper, the Daily Correspondent.
  • All extant religious traditions, to him, are without exception ‘intellectually defunct and politically ruinous.’
  • The games, the drama of a pitching duel, the back and forth of a slugfest, a pennant race between good teams (before the wild card made that just about defunct), the history and so much more.
  • Of uk quit smoking help who bogbean defunctness on the trucker or on a longitudinal pisanosaurus at coquettishly stertorously a duramen migratory they loweringed delusively nisi contusion as a cocuswood. Rational Review
  • In the impoverished, antimilitarist world of postwar Japan, there was not much work for former admirals of the defunct Imperial Japanese Navy. Sea of Thunder
  • In a noncapital case, that fact might militate against review, because the Supreme Court would not have much interest in clarifying the application of a now-defunct standard of review. The Volokh Conspiracy » Summary Reversal Watch in Jefferson v. Upton
  • On the fifth baimerol was also the defunct's arms, impaled with the arms of Margaret his second wife, daughter of Ellis Barlow, Esq - On the sixth bannerol was impaled, with the arms of the defunct, the arms of Mary his third wife, daughter of Sir George Cotton, Knt. vice chamberlain to King Ed. VI. Collins's peerage of England; genealogical, biographical, and historical
  • Haeres cuius pater defungitur, si alicuius vult esse reputationis, mandat cognatos, amicos, Relligiosos, et sacerdotes pro posse, qui certo Die conuenientes sub magno Symphoni� festo, corportant defuncti cadauer, in montis sublime cacumen. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Mollie from the now-defunct Greener Pastures described a great relief after crossing the border, at not being part of this insanity any more. Surreal
  • While peasants starved and city workers toiled in the forests of factories, Russia's new ruling class - the nomenklatura - lived in the defunct palaces of the Tsarist court and newly constructed dachas in the countryside.
  • Speak of his style and stateliness, not the mere $250K from that now-defunct little mortgager FAN/FRED. "No convention today!... OK, it's on!... The economy's sound... No, wait, it's going to fall apart unless I go to Washington tomorrow!... "
  • The interface also automatically reconfigures my midi world much like the sadly defunct OMS Setup + Patches software. Joseph Vella: Jazz, Math, Tech & Lyle Mays
  • Later, in the Middle Ages, ammonia was formed by the distillation of either stale urine, or the hooves and horns of oxen and deer, the latter concoction giving rise to the now defunct name, spirits of hartshorn.
  • Insuite me defunctam in corio cervino, ac deinde in sarcophago lapideo supponite, operculumque ferro et plumbo constringite, ac demum lapidem tribus cathenis ferreis et fortissimis circundantes, clericos quinquaginta psalmorum cantores, et tot per tres dies presbyteros missarum celebratores applicate, qui feroces lenigent adversariorum incursus. Poems, 1799
  • His father worked for 29 years for the now defunct men's clothing chain.
  • Eodem loco putanda est conjeetora Corsioii, qai censaerat, fuis - ae Yabalathnm filium Athenae et Ze» nobtad, qaae nempe illo defuncto al* terts nnptiis Odenatho adbaeserit '), Doctrina nvmorvm vetervm conscripta a Josepho Eckhel ..
  • The immediate vicinity of the ranch house featured old tires, the burned-out chassis of a '50s-era sedan, the bed of a pickup truck, propane tanks, and a defunct furnace.
  • But, no, not only is it exceedingly quiet in operation it's also an awful lot faster than the defunct Epson.
  • In some ways, this makes them the average Generation X marriage writ large: over-functioning wife trying to bark some sense into a motivationally-defunct yet charming husband. He's gotta have his dip-tet, honey
  • Revolutionary heroine could have found rest, -- its pinched, starved, and double-starched portraits of defunct Hydes, Puritanic to the very ends of toupet and periwig, -- little Mrs. Hyde was deep enough in love with her tall and handsome husband to overlook the upholstery of a home he glorified, and to care little for comfort elsewhere, so long as she could nestle on his knee and rest her curly head against his shoulder. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 22, August, 1859
  • When it burnt down three years ago Bill built himself a new hut from palettes and reclaimed materials from a defunct taxi business.
  • The medicinal properties of _Adiantum pedatum_ were earlier ascribed to the more southern species, which is common in Great Britain, but, like many another old remedy, "the syrup of capillaire" is long since defunct. The Fern Lover's Companion A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada
  • Scriptura non reperitur; proin omnia officia pro mortuis instituta, ut vigiliae, missae pro defunctis, exequiae, septimae, trigesimae, anniversariae, lampades, cerei et id genus alia frustanea sunt. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • 1986 - Launch of the UK's Today tabloid newspaper (now defunct), pioneering the use of computer photosetting and full-colour offset printing at a time when British national newspapers are still using Linotype machines and letterpress. Nothingandall
  • After our morning indoor session, we hit the trails and skied to Duke's Ski Trail, an old downhill slope with a now defunct rope tow powered by a car.
  • The order became defunct with the death of its last knight, HRH The Duke of Gloucester, in 1974.
  • Comani faciunt magnum tumulum super defunctum et erigunt ei statuam versa facie ad orientem, tenentem ciphum in manu sua ante vmbelicum; fabricant et diuitibus pyramides, id est domunculas acutas: et alicubi vidi magnas turres de tegulis coctis: alicubi lapideas domos, quamuis lapides non inueniantur ibi. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • Traces still remain of the long-defunct Surrey Iron Railway.
  • When these customs change and the practice comes to indicate the opposite of what it used to, are the fatwas recorded in the books of the jurisconsults rendered thereby defunct, it becoming necessary to issue new fatwas on the basis of the new customs? Sherman A. Jackson: Sharia in America: How Religious Laws Change
  • For the last few years, Victoria's walls have reverberated with lamentations of the defunct student days of yore.
  • They are unsightly Neanderthal vermin who will be replaced shortly in our lifetime by experts whose skill at social engineering will make the family a defunct nightmare.
  • The first phase of a £1 million project to transform a defunct railway track into a leisure trail is under way.

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