How To Use Deformation In A Sentence

  • A energy absorbing structure is disclosed for the purpose of protecting human occupants of a vehicle from the damaging effects of sudden accelerative or decelerative forces by means of plastic deformation of the structure.
  • The rocks are asymmetrically folded and overthrust to the west, with chaotic units and abundant evidence for coeval soft-sediment deformation.
  • The Catalinas, in all of their grandeur, are going through that process of deformation right now.
  • Based on deformation features and productive experiences of angle steel a optimum design method is proposed.
  • The possibility that this scrappy specimen has also undergone very significant deformation should be considered.
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  • Steep and antithetic platy structure of rock mass and geomorphology of the longitudinal valley in the dam site area cause wide-range toppling deformation on the cross-strait slope.
  • There are various types of primary sedimentary structures and secondary deformational structures in Dakeng Formation.
  • While each of these has a field of application the overwhelming bulk of metal is shaped from the simple cast ingot by a series of deformation processes.
  • Large cobble - sized clasts of sandstone, up to 250 mm diameter, in the conglomerates contain fractures with void infilling by matrix, indicating cataclastic deformation before lithification.
  • In the paper the forming mechanism of the reflective cracks is analyzed from the angle of deformation compatibility relation , and the prevention way of reflective cracks discussed.
  • Some areas of the skull, such as the occipital table or the filling of the narial tubes, are preserved without deformation.
  • Ce serait une déformation du terme français "haut la crèche" crèche signifie berceau parce que l'on soulevait le berceau au moment de proclamer le nom de l'enfant. W.G. SEBALD.
  • Magnitudes and phases corresponding to alternating load and deformation were obtained by Fourierism transform.
  • Under the condition of exposed basement rock in Songzao mining area, the deformation law of destruction of solutio...
  • The stress-deformation behavior of diaphragm walls of concrete face rockfill dam built on thick alluvium deposit was analyzed using the numerical analysis method.
  • These deformations are random, with their amplitude and direction uncorrelated with the center of mass motion.
  • This review attempts to discuss the effectuality of surface plastic deformation strengthening treatment and the role of main influential factors for different original microstructure of steels.
  • The mesoscale geometric and kinematic characteristics of transpressional structures formed in regions of obliquely convergent deformation are still rather poorly understood.
  • Evidence comes from numerous quartz-filled fractures that crosscut the mylonitic foliation but recrystallized during deformation.
  • ‘I may see patients who need their jaws removed, jaw surgery for overbites and underbites, surgery on skeletal deformations, trauma patients that have suffered fractures and lacerations,’ Baker says.
  • The deformation energy for stretching is smaller than for comparable compression.
  • We want to understand the connections between aseismic deformation and earthquake occurrence.
  • At last, using the chosen eigenvector and kernel function build dam deformation forecasting model.
  • Is it because the clubface gives a little, resulting in slightly less deformation of the ball during impact?
  • Although it may be common for structural geologists to assemble fault-slip data without regard for their ages, such an approach is flawed for multiphase deformation in which the principal stress axes change orientation.
  • The criterion of energy transformation and conservation are used to derive the supplementary restraint condition of buckling deformation at the front of axial compression wave.
  • The stress at which plastic deformation or yielding is observed to begin depends on the sensitivity of the strain measurements.
  • Mylonitic limestones are particularly useful rocks for studying deformation mechanisms and fabrics in carbonate rocks.
  • Textures of kyanite, xenotime and monazite, and some staurolite and biotite, indicate that peak metamorphic mineral growth occurred after D 2 deformation.
  • Fine-grained mylonite developed in the fault corridor may have favoured aseismic deformation in the Shin volcano area.
  • The thermal deformation calculation on base definition of expansion coefficient is analyzed.
  • Transgender rage is the subjective experience of being compelled to transgress what Judith Butler has referred to as the highly gendered regulatory schemata that determine the viability of bodies, of being compelled to enter a “domain of abjected bodies, a field of deformation” that in its unlivability encompasses and constitutes the realm of legitimate subjectivity. Yet another trans 101, in which Helen tells cis people What’s What
  • Theoretical analysis based on measured glass viscosities shows that glass should not deform significantly even over many centuries, and a clear link is found between types of deformation in the glass and the way it was produced. Archive 2005-09-01
  • A similar deformation of the anisotropic crystallites has also been observed for N. clavipes upon tensile deformation.
  • Thus it was able to undergo intense transformations, such as mechanical deformation or metamorphism, but remain always in proximity to the surface.
  • A new study by physician researchers from Hasbro Children's Hospital and Children's Hospital Boston identifies risk factors for the severity of asymmetrical head shapes, known as deformational plagiocephaly (DP), or more commonly as flat head syndrome. - latest science and technology news stories
  • It has further been shown that the propagating distance of the deformation front depends on the brittle integrated strength and buoyancy force of the overriding plate, as well as the amount of migration of the trench.
  • Thus rigid pipes are less sensitive to crushing and more sensitive to plastic deformation and buckling than their flexible equivalents.
  • Any applied stress is now shared between the elements and each is subjected to the same deformation.
  • At high enough stresses, irreversible processes accompany deformation.
  • A baby's sleep position is the best predictor of a misshapen skull condition known as deformational ... THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • The volume of a hydrocarbon chain, v, does not change in the course of membrane deformations, because the hydrocarbon moiety of a lipid molecule is practically incompressible.
  • It is a useful test for sorting out new alloys and has direct application to design where creep deformation can be tolerated but fracture must be prevented.
  • This formula differs somewhat from the classical Hertz expression for elastic deformation of a plane by a rigid sphere.
  • The colloidal solution formed under lower concentration conditions has zero free water and is with large volume fraction, the advantage of which is good deformational ability at low pressure gradient.
  • Quality problems regardingformaldehyde emission and deformation of laminate flooring are also analyzed and discussed.
  • The deformation of the substratum due to the activity of the cell is measured using an optical flow-based algorithm that matches patterns of beads between the unstrained and strained fluorescent images.
  • In cases of severe growth inhibition, the wings appeared crumpled with strong structural deformation.
  • The air pressure variations due to lunisolar effects cause the deformation of the Earth and therefore directly and indirectly influence several geodynamical phenomena.
  • Steep and antithetic platy structure of rock mass and geomorphology of the longitudinal valley in the dam site area cause wide-range toppling deformation on the cross-strait slope.
  • Fracture is an inhomogeneous form of deformation which can be viewed on different levels.
  • The Zagros is an example of a young and active orogenic belt where geomorphology and seismicity provide invaluable constraints on the style of deformation, in ways not possible with ancient, inactive orogens.
  • In effect, sudden temperature changes, which give rise to sudden changes of humidity in the environment, cause deformation of the mushrooms from the time they are carpophores.
  • Plated with either copper or nickel, lead shot flies truer because it resists deformation.
  • At relatively low shear strains, deformation is apparent from the slight deformation of strain markers, such as the overturning of ice-wedge casts.
  • The significant time gap between orogenic deformation and thermal metamorphism implies that metamorphism in many other orogens may not necessarily be due to compressive tectonics.
  • Similar dynamics is observed in the plastic deformation of solids, in particular glasses.
  • Then there was the question of geoidal deformation, on which he had remained unaccountably silent. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, March 19, 1919
  • Several observations on normal and injured lungs raise interest in the molecule and pathway specificity of deformation triggered vesicular trafficking.
  • Posted on: Thursday, 19 November 2009, 14: 55 CST A baby's sleep position is the best predictor of a misshapen skull condition known as deformational plagiocephaly - or the - Articles related to Fat chance for kids who are losing sleep
  • As a risky landslide, the Manzhai landslide stands at the phase of wiggly deformation presently.
  • The rocks Macdonald and his colleagues analyzed in Canada's Yukon Territory showed glacial deposits and other signs of glaciation, such as striated clasts, ice rafted debris, and deformation of soft sediments. - latest science and technology news stories
  • In this tryptic, I find the lampoonery of the physical deformation inherent to both the slight-statured, fat-footed Frodo and the EPO-swilling, peglegged pirate in the first 2 images to be apt signifiers of his poorly cobbled performances and subsequent attempts at mea culpa. The BSNYC Absentee Art Exhibition (Part II)
  • Either the lunar crust and upper mantle have been strong enough to support these loads elastically, or the mascon loads have been decaying through viscous deformation of the lunar interior since their formation.
  • It should also be added that the fine precipitate particles can act as dislocation multiplication centers during plastic deformation.
  • The western limit of intense Caledonian deformation is defined by the Moine Thrust Zone, beyond which lies the Caledonian foreland.
  • This formula differs somewhat from the classical Hertz expression for elastic deformation of a plane by a rigid sphere.
  • The origin, sedimentation and flowing deformation of folk industrial arts are discussed.
  • The rock units that crop out within the windows all show some effects of Caledonian deformation, and are therefore interpreted as exposing parautochthonous rather than strictly autochthonous foreland.
  • To be stamped ‘official’ in accordance with the International Tennis Federation, a ball must meet rigid specifications for deformation and bounciness.
  • To say that deformation is simply another name for selection minimizes the radical scale of its intervention. Deforming Keat's 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'
  • Interative algorithm is used to calculate the tire deformation and sinkage, tractive force, rolling resistance, torque, tractive coefficient, tractive efficiency under different soft terrains.
  • Bridges can be designed either to remain elastic during the design earthquake or to undergo irreversible but controlled deformation or displacement.
  • The ductile structures show a progressive evolution into semi-ductile and brittle deformation.
  • He specialises in structural crashworthiness research, accident investigation, failure analysis, numerical modelling and experimental testing of a variety of structures subjected to impact and gross deformation loads.
  • Rumple child produced mainly attributable to the paper around the edge of the deformation ( tight ).
  • The TCA measurement robot is characterized by high accuracy, good efficient and reliance and nicety of acquired data in dam outer deformation monitoring.
  • And the army's own overoptimism, that professional deformation of soldiers, also played a part in the very mixed military record since the first Iraq war. Army cuts: Not 'All Sir Garnet' | Editorial
  • Also, an alternative method I think is that I can rotate the deformation gradient to corotational frame first, and then calculate the stress based on tranformed deformation gradient. IMechanica - Comments
  • These descriptions indicate that there has been no significant crystal deformation in these rocks.
  • If the doming is contemporaneous with non-coaxial deformation on the Main Central Thrust, it is unusual that the flanks of the domes have a consistent dip in all directions resulting in a perfectly symmetrical dome-shape in each case.
  • The constraint equation of the dynamic condensation matrix, which relates the deformations of the master and slave degrees of freedom, is directly derived from the original eigen equation at first.
  • When the load exceeds a value corresponding to the yield strength, the specimen undergoes gross plastic deformation.
  • The Moine rocks widely record polyphase deformation and metamorphism up to amphibolite facies.
  • In 1991 after inspection by the state, the selectmen ordered it to be closed due to deterioration of timber members and deformation of timber arches.
  • The magnetic lineation and magnetic foliation study of the ore area show that the magnetic fabric study can proclaim the stress field of rock deformation as the petrofabric analysis.
  • Bands of sheared sandstone, mudstone, and conglomerate locally form broken units indicating deformation prior to full lithification of sediment, consistent with an accretionary complex origin.
  • These residues modulate the structural deformations caused by the pyrrolidine ring of Pro.
  • These structures provide an opportunity to directly study deformation processes and possible slip behaviour operating along such low-angle faults at depth.
  • The differential salt tectonic deformation is mainly represented by structural differentiation at different levels, and structural zonation and segmentation in transverse and longitudinal sections.
  • The GPS units as a whole measure the rates of deformation of the earth's crust, using the benchmark sites as reference points. MINUTES TO BURN
  • In terms of protolith identification, many existing interpretations of the Langavat Belt do not fully consider the intense, multiphase deformation that it has suffered.
  • The plastic deformation improves inhomogeneity of chemical composition and structure, forming streamline shape graphite order arrangement.
  • There are the same number of pieces at each level, and he achieved the appearance of deformation by corbelling, overlapping, and rotating the material as the wall got higher.
  • Ductile materials undergo considerable plastic tensile or shearing deformation before rupture.
  • The paper analyses the vertical and horizontal deformations in San Jiang region by means of absolute gravity, deformation and GPS data.
  • It has also been argued that subglacial streamline bedforms (flutes and drumlins) are a product of subglacial deformation.
  • Fun-house reflections: deformations and odd angles.
  • Through the analysis forging defect structure, the main reason causing fold defects of the die flange yoke was the metal refluence by the wrong size of forging deformation.
  • The coating has a high resistance to oxidation and prevents any plastic deformation of the nano-crystallite, eliminating any boundary slip in the matrix that forms the coating. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • To the dam monitor mainly is to its deformation point displacement observation as well as the physical interpretation which distorts to the dam.
  • This deformation renders interpretations of the original nature of such contacts equivocal.
  • Intraplate orogenic belts are the most obvious exception to the plate tectonic paradigm, which assumes that plate interiors are rigid and undeformable, and that orogen-scale deformation occurs exclusively at plate margins. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • If the deformations betoken imminent disaster, alarms will be sounded.
  • The exhibits have been divided into six categories namely ostentation, quiet refinement, crispness, fine detail, deformation and flowers and birds. Brudirect News1
  • By adding boring grooves, T/C barrels provide more consistent velocities and a snug fit where bullet deformation is less likely. Further Testing on the Shaw Mark VII
  • Brittle deformation is preserved as the occurrence of fractures within quartz grains that have been healed by authigenic quartz and by cataclastic flow of fragmented feldspar grains.
  • Slant, Business card printing and membership card making edge easy deformation ( like soft squeegee ).
  • Determine the style of faulting and deformation on the flanks of the structure.
  • A considered shear deformation affect, exactitude multi - segment bar stiffness matrix was deduced by structural mechanics principle.
  • It is common sense that deer that are allowed to overpopulate any area eventually inbreed until disease and deformation start occurring regularly. Anti-Deer-Hunting Billboard Goes Up in Kansas City
  • They also increase the number of defects or imperfections in the lattice as an artefact of the deformation.
  • This again is a criterion of little value in high-strain rocks, where fine banding is a common consequence of deformation.
  • In physics, something plastic is capable of undergoing continuous deformation without rupture or relaxation; in biology it denotes the ability to form new tissue.
  • The vibratory energy that produces the minute deformation comes from a transducer which converts high-frequency alternating electrical energy into mechanical energy.
  • Rapid cooling between 22 and 20Myr reflects both uplift during ductile phases of extensional deformation and ambient cooling of the granitic intrusions.
  • He has authored more than 30 journal articles on such topics as airborne laser altimetry, crustal deformation monitoring, and high-precision GPS reference networks.
  • The deformation properties of core gravelly soil of the Nuozhadu high rockfill dam are studied by using medium-scale triaxial tests and the field loading tests.
  • Voluminous quantities of Late Ordovician to Wenlockian felsic pyroclastics and lava flows record the extensive volcanism associated with the collision and deformation.
  • Intraformational faulting is regarded as a non-linear deformational response of non-elastic anisotropic material to loading.
  • Filtered displacements feed into an Analysis module, which regularizes the data to generate a smooth deformation field and carries out a mechanics analysis.
  • There was asphalt cracking due to tensile strain resulting from plastic deformation within the crushed rock.
  • Roll-over is one of the main traffic accident forms for coach, invasive deformation such as superstructure disassembly or sink is likely to cause severe passengers casualty.
  • The deformation of the bones was caused by poor diet.
  • There was asphalt cracking due to tensile strain resulting from plastic deformation within the crushed rock.
  • When the tire to reduce the side of bead wire, cut-tire occurred deformation larger than whole tire.
  • In ABAQUS manual, it is said all stress and stretch tensor are defined in corotational frame, but how about deformation gradient? which frame is it defined in? IMechanica - Comments
  • In initial demonstrations last year, he and coworkers reported using the technique to investigate the deformation behaviour of partly plasticised samples of nylon 6.
  • Like the deformation modulus, the electrical conductivity is such an eigenvalue that it will characterize well the damage of conductible concrete.
  • This limits local concentrations of plastic deformation and suppresses fatigue damage.
  • Localized cataclastic deformation is common in both areas of outcrop, with millimetre-scale shatter seams containing comminuted material and rounded strained grains of quartz and feldspar.
  • On Grand this deformation will take the form of a concave window - what Diller calls a "dimple" - overlooking the avenue and framing a large conference room. - News
  • This is compatible with the idea that pyrenes are forced to lie close together in the complex; the pyrene ring is a quite rigid and thus close apposition of two pyrenes is expected to limit ring deformations.
  • Silicone rubber is a macromolecule polymer, and can suffer a large deformation.
  • The ipsilateral ear in lambdoid synostosis is displaced posteriorly toward the fused suture compared with the anterior displacement that occurs in infants with deformational plagiocephaly.
  • I was picturing shorter term deformation measurements like those used in volcano monitoring. Earth & Sky Podcast
  • Also, DSC is employed to obtain the thermal deformation field of the assembly structures of flip chip on ceramic substrate, especially for the strain concentrating area around the solder joints.
  • In summary, the type of deformation observed in rocks presently exposed at the Earth's surface is a function of many factors, not the least of which is the level of exposure.
  • The deformation bands found in sandstone dykes and sills are true cataclastic deformation bands.
  • Fundamental form and some kinds of deformations about TEM horn antenna which often be used in the time domain have been summarized, some kinds of its difference feed means have been introduced .
  • AFM data, described below, also did not show any obvious plastic deformation after repeated indentation.
  • Mineralization is commonly the result of full feedback coupling between the four processes of mechanical deformation, thermal transport, fluid flow, and mass transport.
  • Control over deformation behaviour in plane in say a honeycomb, allows control over spacing and orientation of EM active elements and thus functionaliies such as absorbtion/relfection, beam steering, wave compression, etc. IMechanica - Comments
  • These secondary shear bands form only in strongly foliated rocks and deform fabrics developed earlier in the same deformation event.
  • Association with vertical joints suggests that the deformation is progressively evolving towards dilatancy with increasing tectonically induced differential stress.
  • Those three main approaches: pose space deformation, shape by example, multi - weights enveloping.
  • A considerably longer time is required for complete deformation to occur.
  • As a result, the culverts may undergo excessive deformation or failure rendering the culverts unserviceable.
  • This disorder is called deformational plagiocephaly, which some people call flat-head syndrome or positional plagiocephaly. The Beauty of Love
  • It indicates that some deformation and erosion of the Annascaul rocks occurred prior to deposition of the Ballynane Formation.
  • The pia mater has received little attention regarding its function in the deformation of the spinal cord under compression.
  • The domains are interpreted to result from kinematic partitioning of a regional triclinic transpressional strain into contraction- and wrench-dominated end-member deformations.
  • In 1948, in my primary school, we had our first "visite médicale" - we got our first jabs, height and weight were recorded, and a doctor checked our shoulders and back (!) to make sure we didn't develop a "déformation de la colonne vertébrale" (scoliose)! Regle - French Word-A-Day
  • Low-strain deformation of many natural rocks, both unlithified sediments and lithified sedimentary rocks, occurs by strain localization in dilatant joints or in shear bands that can dilate or compact.
  • In the deformation, the parallelograms always remain parallelograms, because their opposite sides remain equal, but the angles change.
  • Since the end of the 1970s, hologram interferometry is a standard measurement technology for deformation and vibration analysis Lippmann's and Gabor's Revolutionary Approach to Imaging
  • The geometric shape, deformation behavior description, energy equation and constraint equation of the filter is constructed.
  • Therefore, changes in deformation could be obtained during indentation.
  • The relationship between the dip-slip displacements along the major fault plane and the multiple kinematics of the mesoscale pattern of deformation exhibited in its hanging wall is uncertain.
  • Plastic deformation ie mountian building, folding etc... is generally a precursor to the breaking of the rocks that is the fualting and thus the earthquake inducement and you measure this in strain rates which shows that for the middle of the 'crumple' zone or mountian ridge like the apanines in Italy the rate of deformation how fast its folding up is faster than that at the edges. Snell-Pym » 2008 » October
  • To measure the axial deformation, Bishop and Henkel used a vernier telescope, which was focused on top of the steel ball.
  • A monitoring system, including tension sensors, accelerometers, and deformation gauges, will be put in place for purposes of bridge maintenance.
  • Study on the Joint Deformation and the Interface Contaminant Ejection Rate in DC Upset Butt Welding.
  • Ortiz is awarded for a remarkable stream of achievements during the period 1998-2007, encompassing physical modeling, mathematical analysis and computational technique, including in particular development of the quasi-continuum method for multiscale modeling; formulation of new incremental variational methodology for plastic deformation, with non-convex dissipation functions leading naturally to the formation of dislocation sub-structures; development of a three-dimensional, finite deformation cohesive element model for simulation of fracture and fragmentation, and associated development of symplectic integrators; IMechanica - Comments
  • Faulting and deformation may be concentrated at a caldera because the caldera structure and associated magmatic system form weak zones in the crust.
  • The experimental results have shown proposed constructive solutions to accomplish electron-ion powder heating with following particles deformation at a tantalic target.
  • The observed tide is a result of the rotation of the Earth within the envelope of the two deformations, which remain fixed in orientation relative to the Moon and Sun.
  • The damping functions were obtained by stress relaxation experiments under biaxial, planar and shear deformations.
  • The development degree and predominant direction of extensional fracture relate to deformational curvature produced after force is exerted on rock.
  • Sand pile reinforcement increases the consolidating speed and confine the lateral deformation and consistently decrease the lateral displacement of soft ground.
  • In crystalline solids, plastic deformation tends to be confined to crystallographic planes of atoms which have a low resistance to shear.
  • The stress-deformation behavior of diaphragm walls of concrete face rockfill dam built on thick alluvium deposit was analyzed using the numerical analysis method.
  • However, this may be accentuated by plastic deformation of the distal end in UMNH VP 18040 that is similar to the distortion of this region observed in Portions of both ulnae, including the complete left ulna, are preserved ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The first sections of the converging continental margins to collide suffer the most intense deformation.
  • But the chap I spoke to warned me that the impression was blurred and, because of the deformation of the metal, distorted. A QUESTION OF PRINCIPLE
  • When the boundary of a plate is a continent, the resulting deformation, or orogen can be very broad and diffuse. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • He proposed that insight into the mechanism of rock deformation could be obtained by subjecting confined samples to high pressures in the laboratory.
  • Consequently, it was found that a certain deformation zone length depending on the temperature distribution is necessary to satisfy the geometrical similarity law in cross section.
  • In the Jerome or Verde district of central Arizona, folded pre-Cambrian greenstones and sediments were invaded by masses of quartz-porphyry, and after further deformation, rendering many of the rocks schistose, were intruded by an augite-diorite. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • The dislocation structures of metal materials experienced fatigue deformation are changed and the fatigue life is increased.
  • He opted for a double-curved, reinforced, thin concrete shell structure which permitted major spans, without deformation.
  • Bands of sheared sandstone, mudstone, and conglomerate locally form broken units indicating deformation prior to full lithification of sediment, consistent with an accretionary complex origin.
  • A new machining principle for non-cylinder pin hole of piston was presented by using giant magnetostrictive material (GMM) to control the deformation of tool rod.
  • The design achieves this performance with the use of aspherical surfaces and optomechanical mounts that introduce the lowest possible deformations.
  • It is a light grey, porphyritic volcanic to subvolcanic rock, which shows almost no deformation.
  • Ahead of this deformation front there is a record of synorogenic sedimentation that is referred to as the Culm.
  • At an earlier stage, however, the activity can be started, as with a sense organ, by mechanical deformation, and it ceases when the deformation is over. Edgar Adrian - Nobel Lecture
  • In view of the new geochronology, the Finnmarkian Orogeny cannot have played any part in the deformation of the Hellefjord Schist.
  • He postulated that the energy due to plastic deformation must be added to the surface energy associated with the creation of new crack surfaces.
  • Until the unfortunate reform - one should call it "deformation" - many converts found their way to the Church via the liturgy. On the Mass--New and Old
  • He may have some recollection of a study of cattle in fields downwind of the Steelworks, which indicated that fluorides deposited in these fields eaten by cattle produced discoloration of teeth and deformation of hooves.
  • The deformation of large masses of rock and soil is heavily influenced by the structure of the mass.
  • It is a light grey, porphyritic volcanic to subvolcanic rock, which shows almost no deformation.
  • Corrective helmets can also be used to treat more severe cases of deformational plagiocephaly or those diagnosed later. The Beauty of Love
  • The calipers are of monobloc type to maximize rigidity and reduce deformation due to the high stresses generated by the pressure of the pistons on the pads.
  • The lower unit, the Gneiss Group, is unaffected by Alpine deformation and is regarded as the autochthonous basement of the northern Apennines.
  • In reality, the deformation is probably smaller in magnitude, due to stabilizing interactions between the polar termini of the peptide and the polar lipid headgroups.
  • Sedimentary variability and deformation within the ridge suggests that the ice was advancing into its own outwash at a time of high relative sea level.
  • A significant amount of the total plastic deformation therefore occurs in the microcracks grow and link up in the final stages of fracture.
  • The method of surfacing welding sealing strip was adopted to repair the deformation of the flange joint surface of the high and intermediate pressure outer casing .

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