How To Use Deforest In A Sentence
Deforestation and mineral extraction can damage entire regions used along the birds' annual migration paths.
New fields are prepared in the following manner: First a suitable and fertile area is identified after which this area is deforested.
Intense deforestation is constrained to the few roads that do exist or around urban centers such as Iquitos, Puerto Maldonado, and Rio Branco.
Southwest Amazon moist forests
It is essential that sustainable agriculture be developed in the areas already deforested and settled.
Deforestation and overgrazing destroy productive land, while acid rain damages crops.
Human actions are of no consequence as far as the geotectonic processes are concerned, but they have greatly accelerated the rate of weathering due to deforestation, overgrazing of pastures, and improper crop cultivation.
Global material cycles
The area to be deforested is four times the size of Portugal and would be mainly used for agriculture and pastures for livestock.
Of particular importance is the effect that deforestation has on tropical soils.
Where data does exist it may fail to consider current risks such as increased rainfall due to climate change or increased run-off of water from land due to deforestation or the drainage of wetlands.
Crowned sifaka lemurs are found only in Madagascar, and their survival is threatened by deforestation.
This means the government can do what it wants on ancestral indigenous lands, even if tribes disagree with an extractive, transnational company going into our communities to deforest Mother Earth," said a statement from Aidesep, an umbrella group representing Amazon tribes.
Peru's tribal groups chide president for vetoing rainforest law
Unlike acid rain or deforestation, global warming has no visible manifestation .
The authors also predict an increase in violent storms, fires, landslides and avalanches in the Alpine region as well as widespread deforestation.
Cooking with wood is also a cause of deforestation in many countries.
It is true that sandy uplands have forests of loblolly and slash pine, and that baldcypress is a dominant tree in swamps; but such vegetation represents either xerophytic and hydrophytic forms in excessively dry or wet habitats, or second-growth forest following fire and deforestation.
Outer Coastal Plain Mixed Forest Province (Bailey)
Deforestation, soil erosion, overstocking of cattle are no longer seen as bogeys or as inevitable consequences of population increase.
All of that land had been deforested prior to 1930.
Cold dry periods, glacier expansion and crop failures between 5,800 and 4,900 years ago resulted in deforestation, flooding, silting of irrigation channels, salinisation and the collapse of the Sumerian city states.
Unlike acid rain or deforestation, global warming has no visible manifestation .
Instead, the food is cooked over open fires, causing serious deforestation.
Also, coca farmers are migrating up mountainsides, avoiding the police but causing massive soil erosion and deforestation problems in mountainous areas unfit for intense cultivation.
They observed the consequences of deforestation and, in response, developed the practice of planting and cultivating trees for food and for timber.
Two thirds of the region has been deforested in the past decade.
All it promises now is deforestation, escalating world food prices, revolution and starvation. the only conscionable use for food is food.
Pig farmers warn of pork price rise as their feed costs soar
Severe deforestation linked to both tropical storms and the human impact of habitat destruction had reduced the bat population to 70 by 1975.
Two thirds of the region has been deforested in the past decade.
As the deforestation continues due to the increase in world population, the effect upon habituation is often significant.
But there has been no other time in the history of the world when greenhouse gases, airborne methane and mercury, desertification, and deforestation have been around.
When hikers discovered that a good view was being obstructed by trees, the government would unleash lumberjacks - and cows - to deforest the area, imagineering the scene back into the Platonic tourist ideal.
A few years ago a campaign targeting large agricultural corporations actually caused the major soya producers to declare a moratorium on planting in any land that had been deforested illegally.
Global Voices in English » Brazil: Land reform or deforestation boost for the Amazon?
January 26th, 2010 SHIMLA - Call it the effect of global warming, deforestation or rise in pollution, the Queen of Hills, as Shimla was fondly called by the British, is totally devoid of snow cover in this peak winter month of January.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
Deforestation and intensive land use from the Hellenistic period onward seem to have initiated intense soil erosion on the hill slopes, resulting in major alluviation (up to 1.5 mm/year) so intense that the valley bottom got clogged with fine earth material creating the current landscape.
Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Geomorphological Survey Report 1
In a long-winded speech peppered with German phrases no one else understood, he made it sound as if television was right up there with sharing dirty needles or deforestation.
By rephrasing the problem of deforestation more exactly as a lack of timber of a particular quality, it becomes possible to reflect on pre-industrial society's multiple uses for wood.
The WWF report said Vietnam is on the verge of an "extinction crisis" with several other species - including the saola and the Tonkin snub-nosed monkey - threatened by deforestation, widespread poaching and a "largely uncontrolled" illegal wildlife trade.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
They're just going to come in and totally deforest the area," said Barbara Brown, who has lived in her home for 12 years.
Falls Church community braces for rail yard expansion
So, with your help, Greenpeace will continue to push Nestle cut Sinar Mas from its supply chain completely and become a public advocate for peatland protection and a deforestation moratorium.
Daniel Kessler: Nestle: (Still) Taking a Bite Out of Rainforests
In low-income countries with small remnant forest areas, for instance the Ivory Coast, population growth appears to increase the rate of deforestation.
A particular concern is slash and burn farming on steep slopes with highly erodable soils, and deforestation rate of 3000 ha/yr which increases sedimentation in coastal areas.
Trinidad mangroves
Deforestation, desertification and the number of endangered species continue to rise.
In general, the river basins are of high relief (i.e., have steep slopes), have seasonally intense rainfall, and highly erodable soils, which makes them prone to erosion caused by agricultural practices, deforestation, and livestock grazing.
Moist Pacific Coast mangroves
Actually, deforestation is when people clear land permanently -- for farming, development, grazing, etc.
Kids and the Kindle
For two decades now he has been singlehandedly sowing Boca da Mata, a mostly deforested reservation, with hundreds of seedlings of Brazil wood, massaranduba and oticica, monumental trees with musical names that once flourished there.
Not As Green As They Seem
Thirty years of ruthless deforestation has reduced the cypress forest area by about half.
And although this was appealing to the honey producers, the combination of Africanized bees and deforestation has meant a decline in the population of stingless bees.
Honey: A sweet Maya legacy
Some parts of tropical America have seen over 70% deforestation.
Environmentcurrent issues: soil pollution from toxic chemicals such as DDT; the energy crisis of the 1990s led to deforestation when citizens scavenged for firewood; pollution of Hrazdan (Razdan) and Aras Rivers; the draining of Sevana Lich (Lake Sevan), a result of its use as a source for hydropower, threatens drinking water supplies; restart of Metsamor nuclear power plant in spite of its location in a seismically active zone
Reaching a goal of zero net deforestation will require reducing the pressures to deforest that come from population growth, rising affluence, the construction of ethanol distilleries and biodiesel refineries, and the fast-growing use of paper.
Earth Policy Institute: Planting Trees and Managing Soils to Sequester Carbon
There's also alarm at the rate of deforestation in Indonesia.
We can study pollution, deforestation, agriculture, climatology, global warming, species migration, and other aspects of man's interaction with the planet.
By rephrasing the problem of deforestation more exactly as a lack of timber of a particular quality, it becomes possible to reflect on pre-industrial society's multiple uses for wood.
The landscape was deforested by the enemy attacks
Environmentcurrent issues: deforestation; soil erosion; overgrazing; desertification; air pollution from industrial effluents and vehicle emissions; water pollution from raw sewage and runoff of agricultural pesticides; tap water is not potable throughout the country; huge and growing population is overstraining natural resources
They did not clear or deforest wide areas as they would have done if they had based their economy on a dry farming system.
Even more salutary was the case of the four-coloured flowerpecker, thought to be extinct on the grounds that the Philippine island of Cebu, its only habitat, had been deforested.
Wells et al. observed the disappearance of rare species at a highly disturbed study area following watershed deforestation.
England, for instance, was largely deforested by the 1700s.
In Scotland, Orbost is a thriving wood in an area that was heavily deforested in previous centuries.
Expansion of cattle ranches, coca (Erythroxylum coca) plantations, and colonization along rivers results in deforestation and habitat degradation, driving the fauna away.
Solimões-Japurá moist forest
Does the meat industry perpetuate world hunger and deforestation, and if so are these inevitable industry by-products?
This puts enormous pressure on the environment, contributing to deforestation and desertification in these countries.
Large areas have been deforested to dedicate them to a rudimentary and migrant agriculture; forest fires are intense and frequent, destroying the young trees and therefore the regeneration capacity of the forest.
Furthermore, the influx of people could lead to uncontrolled forestry, mining, agricultureand huntingresulting in deforestation, soil erosion, disruption of the fragile ecological equilibriumand dislocation of traditional indigenous practices.
Darién National Park, Panama
Organizers demanded that tobacco cultivation have to be stopped in environmentally-sensitive areas such as the hill tracts, deforestation have to be stopped for making land and drying tobacco.
GYM 2009 | Archive | March
The expansion of mining and other extractive industries, deforestation and road building can increase the habitat for malaria carrying mosquitoes leading to an increase in the incidence of the disease.
Does the meat industry perpetuate world hunger and deforestation, and if so are these inevitable industry by-products?
Deforestation was believed to be a to threat to water supplies because it dried up springs and reduced rainfall.
By rephrasing the problem of deforestation more exactly as a lack of timber of a particular quality, it becomes possible to reflect on pre-industrial society's multiple uses for wood.
Commercial felling of timber since the Gold Rush era, the red cedar is continuing deforestation, timber companies and environmentalists are among the subject of debate.
Distinguished by its prominent nose, the endangered proboscis monkey lives only on the island of Borneo, where deforestation threatens its continued existence in the wild.
In Cojimíes, for example, deforestation is evident and critical and its specific effects are closely related to shrimping activities.
Manabí mangroves
Most of the area is deforested and carpeted with African savanna grasses, but various parks preserve patches of remnant or second-growth forest.
The result was rather an increase in deforestation and illegal logging and a rapid decrease in forest resources.
Landsat image revealing "fishbone" deforestation along roads in the Brazilian Amazon News
Mexico has moved into first place worldwide in deforestation - 2.5 million acres of forest are lost every year.
Endangered Mexico: An Environment on the Edge by Joel Simon
Other regions of the lake basin have experienced much more extensive sedimentation impacts related to deforestation.
Diamond's book will help scare bright and impressionable young people into childlessness, which is turning out to be a much worse problem for civilization than the deforestation that scares Diamond.
Easterbrook vs. Diamond
Widespread deforestation to make way for ski slopes has eroded topsoil, increasing the incidence of avalanches.
And deforestation is really bad in most places on the planet.
A Promise
Deforestation set in motion a series of environmental changes that undermined the subsistence economy of the region.
In Kenya, meanwhile, the bongo antelopes, victims of deforestation and poaching, are teetering on the brink of extinction.
In 1984 an area of 9557 ha was designated as part of the State Forest and steps are being taken to reafforest the already deforested area.
According to the results of a one-time questionnaire-based statistical survey published by the University of Illinois, with 3146 individuals completing the survey, 97% of the actively publishing climate scientists (as opposed to the scientists who are not publishing actively) agree that human activity, such as flue gas emissions from fossil fuel combustion and deforestation, is a significant contributing factor to global climate change [1].
About: Blinded by Science
Deforestation and other radical ecosystem alterations also promote diseases, such as malaria and cholera, as well as new strains of existing contagions.
Many fatalities occurred as a result of mudslides in deforested areas.
400,000 square kilometres of the Amazon basin have already been deforested.
The litany of contemporary change includes global warming, ozone loss, soil erosion, deforestation, desertification, collapsing fisheries, and disappearing aquifers.
He was responsible for passage of the Wilderness Act, which is all that stands between deforestation and wildcatting across millions of acres of pristine federal land.
The results showed that nearly one-third of the areas that were logged selectively were completely deforested for grazing and other uses within four years.
He said most of the land had been allocated to charcoal burners who had ended up deforesting the area.
One root cause of desertification and deforestation is the use of wood as the basic source of energy, with the consequent loss of trees and degradation of the soil.
But with the park still intact and once deforested areas being restored, researchers will continue to descend on Masoala.
Deforestation is also a hallmark of the human impact on the environment.
Reduce deforestation emissions by key corporations committing to avoiding purchasing products that cause deforestation, such as soy or cattle from deforested lands in the Brazilian Amazon, palm oil from deforested agricultural land in Indonesia, or illegal wood and wood products throughout the world
Jake Schmidt: Key Actions on Climate & Energy That World Leaders Need to Take at the Earth Summit in 2012
On the other hand, as more people have acquired land titles, they have helped curb deforestation by planting trees and terracing their farms.
There had been no deforestation in these parts and the vegetation - rhododendrons, deodars, larch and birch - was identical to that in Fraser's prints.
‘In heavily deforested Haiti, about 80 percent of the loss of tree cover came from coffee production,’ explains Llach.
The rate of deforestation and habitat loss is so great that some scientists are predicting that the orangutan will be the first great ape to go extinct in modern times.
The problems are global - poverty, air and water pollution, deforestation, desertification, overfishing, climate change - no country can confront these challenges alone.
Between AD 1200 to 1300, we see a decrease in stomata and a sharp rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide, due to deforestation we think," says Dr van Hoof, whose findings are published in the journal Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
Boing Boing: February 26, 2006 - March 4, 2006 Archives
‘It looks bad,’ she said, noting that huge swaths of the park appear to have been deforested.
The second play, "Escurial," is directed by Joe DeForest, who is technical director and facilities manager at Wells.
The conifer habitat where they breed has suffered extensive deforestation in Washington during the past sixty years.
Despite the continuous processes of deforestation, agricultural extensification and fragmentation, the patrimony forest does have lower rates of change (compared to the rest of the study area not in patrimony forest), suggesting it does act to constrain the process of forest conversion.
Protected areas
As a young woman, she saw the deforestation of her native British Columbia and helped organize the largest protest ever- with 10,000 people.
Kari Henley: What Seeds Of Change Are You Planting This Spring?
This vulnerability to fire damage in some regions was a key reason why there were large deforested areas when Europeans first arrived in the country.
I knew from guide-books that there were thousands of acres of woodland still, though much had been "deforested"; but I didn't know it hid many beautiful villages, and even towns.
Set in Silver
Erosion consequent on agriculture, deforestation, construction, or mining operations can deposit particulates like soil into water bodies.
Unlike acid rain or deforestation, global warming has no visible manifestation .
It also provides for increased penalties for dumping oil at sea, and for fortnightly satellite monitoring of deforestation.
In Nepal, new forests tend to be planted on relatively gentle slopes, whereas deforested areas are more often steeplands.
They have established a tree nursery where they cultivate and then plant hundreds of saplings a year to reverse deforestation.
The Act was hurriedly drawn up in response to quickening deforestation which included new roads being driven into virgin wilderness.
Landlords and administrators complained, contesting the legality of the takeover, bewailing deforestation, and, most interestingly, arguing that the latter caused dangerous soil erosion.
All things considered, the most significant current driver of deforestation is the expansion of beef industry.
Global Voices in English » Brazil: Land reform or deforestation boost for the Amazon?
Africa's mountain bongo antelopes are teetering on the brink of extinction because of deforestation and poaching.
According to the results of a one-time questionnaire-based statistical survey published by the University of Illinois, with 3146 individuals completing the survey, 97% of the actively publishing climate scientists (as opposed to the scientists who are not publishing actively) agree that human activity, such as flue gas emissions from fossil fuel combustion and deforestation, is a significant contributing factor to global climate change [1].
About: Blinded by Science
With this in mind, Beijing then took the unusual step of paying the loggers to become tree planters – to reforest instead of deforest.
Earth Policy Institute: Planting Trees and Managing Soils to Sequester Carbon
Deforestation and desertification, caused in part by overpopulation, force people off of the hinterlands and into the cities.
As the pace of deforestation picked up, the area of land covered by dense forest declined considerably.
Will they look more like the deforested, erosion-clawed exposed steppes of Afghanistan?
Bird Cloud
In other words, simply by stopping deforestation we would make a major contribution to slowing global warming.
The area had become barren because it was deforested and had lost the thin layer of rich soil.
Population pressures, poverty, and clear-cutting are rapidly deforesting the Earth while causing much associated damage.
Elsewhere in deforested Haiti, wind gusts uprooted a palm tree and flung it into a mud hut, killing one person and injuring three in southern Les Cayes town, the Red Cross said.
Unless agricultural production is increased on the good lands, population pressures will cause farmers to move upslope and deforest the hillsides.
More importantly, the rate of deforestation appears to be accelerating.
VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'With Guns and Fines, Brazil Takes On Loggers'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Brazil knows that deforestation of its tropical forests contributes to global warming, but scoflaws who value biocidal greed over scientific realities hold the upper hand.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: With Guns and Fines, Brazil Takes On Loggers
Deforestation also can have regional climatic effects because trees are a key link in the evapotranspiration cycle between soil and the atmosphere.
The causes of such deforestation is unknown; however, it is probable that in some of those areas semi-industrial exploitation was carried out, or that small-scale extraction levels, to meet local needs, were constant for decades.
Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
However, due to centuries of deforestation, very few cedars are left.
It is essential that sustainable agriculture be developed in the areas already deforested and settled.
Within the area three main types of vegetation are dominant: evergreen forests (73,8% of all five reserves), mixed dipterocarp/deciduous forest (5.3%) and deforested scrub, grassland and secondary growth (18%).
Dong Phayayan Khao-Yai Forest Complex, Thailand
They often blame poor rural producers for what are perceived to be unsound practices including slash and burn cultivation, overgrazing, and deforestation for fuel wood.
But reducing your carbon footprint to nil, or even that of an entire city or state, is not going to keep the climatic forces away if elsewhere they continue to burn coal or deforest the Amazon.
Asher Miller: Shovels and Ballots... Getting to Work on 10/10/10
The conclusion drawn is that the ecological damage from long term deforestation and resulting habitat fragmentation has been disproportionately related to the actual economic taking of forest.
Habitat fragmentation
However, a more important reason, and the basic one, was surely that fuel has long been in short supply in the Near East but used to be superabundant in Europe, as deforestation proceeded.
Indiadeforestation; soil erosion; overgrazing; desertification; air pollution from industrial effluents and vehicle emissions; water pollution from raw sewage and runoff of agricultural pesticides; tap water is not potable throughout the country; huge and growing population is overstraining natural resources
Environment-current issues
Many other countries today face similar crippling environmental problems, including the deforestation, overgrazing, erosion and salinization that brought down the Fertile Crescent.
Over 98 percent of the country has been deforested by logging and improper environmental management.
Ethan Budiansky: The Roots of Cholera in Haiti: A Lack of Trees
The vast coastal swamps caused by centuries of deforestation made malaria endemic in many parts of central and southern Italy.
It is essential that sustainable agriculture be developed in the areas already deforested and settled.
Yes | No | Report from naten wrote 5 weeks 6 days ago ok thanks. muskiemaster im down in the madison area and when i hunt down here i hunt over by deforest if you know where there is. there is a ton of corn standing still so i was hoping to get out and get a deer during this late season. how was your season muskiemaster?
With wet conditions in wisconsin this year there is a lot of corn still standing around here.
Unlike acid rain or deforestation, global warming has no visible manifestation .
(11 / 16 / 2005) Primary forests are being replaced by "modified natural," "seminatural," and plantation forests in the United States according to new deforestation figures from the United Nations. News
On the other hand claims of massive deforestation since antiquity seem mistaken: Greece today has a greater area of woodland than it had fifty years ago, and the classical landscape may have been less wooded than today's.
Along the rivers that delimit the region, both intensive activities, such as mining and agriculture, and extensive activities, such as logging, agriculture, hunting, and fishing, have resulted in deforested or degraded habitat and resultant population reductions in plants and animals.
Japurá-Solimoes-Negro moist forests
This is one of the most deforested and degraded regions in Amazonia, second only to the Tocantins-Araguaia-Maranhão moist forest region to the east.
Xingu-Tocantins-Araguaia moist forests
Thirteen Buddhist pagodas, 17 schools, and several villages are now planting those trees in an attempt to restore a severely deforested area.
The fires are likely to permanently deforest the land.
Deforestation along the East Coast also opened up large tracts of land filled with small prey, making the area even more inviting.
He and Mr. Gallagher admired some recently denuded areas, now planted in fescue, and discussed which areas to deforest next.
Trading Shots With Donald Trump
Armeniasoil pollution from toxic chemicals such as DDT; the energy crisis of the 1990s led to deforestation when citizens scavenged for firewood; pollution of Hrazdan (Razdan) and Aras Rivers; the draining of Sevana Lich (Lake Sevan), a result of its use as a source for hydropower, threatens drinking water supplies; restart of Metsamor nuclear power plant in spite of its location in a seismically active zone
Environment-current issues
Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.
Thanks to global warming and deforestation, the millennial snowcap that was said to cover King Solomon's tomb is receding.
Vanishing Acts
Those who deforested illegally would be required to reforest less area over a longer period of time.
Carter Roberts: Code Red for Brazil's Forests
Deforestation, injury to and loss of agricultural land, the loss of terrestrial and marine plant and animal species must be halted.
This allegedly causes supply shortages, which lead to higher soy prices, causing people in far-flung markets like Brazil to deforest more land for profit from soy.
Josh Tickell: Where's My Orangutan? Why Biofuels Don't Kill Apes
Deforestation, over grazing, river channelization, hardscaping (covering large swaths of landscape with asphalt and concrete), and many other activities impact the frequency and severity of natural disasters.
Why are There so Many Natural Disasters Lately?
Environmentalists warn that deforestation of this critical watershed area could have disastrous consequences for downstream regions.
Brazil knows that deforestation of its tropical forests contributes to global warming, but scoflaws who value biocidal greed over scientific realities hold the upper hand.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: With Guns and Fines, Brazil Takes On Loggers
What's more, the howlers' habitat was being deforested for agricultural uses and for firewood.
Poor planning deforested the area in several years.
It's now as smooth and gleaming, and as ruddily glowing, as a freshly deforested Alpine slope at sunset.
And bioenergy is proving an ecological disaster: it encourages deforestation and food-price hikes that cause devastation among the world's poor.
Times, Sunday Times
These digesters help prevent deforestation, since biogas rather than wood is used for cooking.
The deforestation was especially expensive to the Norse Greenlanders because they required charcoal in order to smelt iron to extract iron from bogs.
What happened is that the Anasazi deforested the area around their settlements until they were having to go further and further away for their fuel and their construction timber.
If you can be sturdily present to yourself with all the internal garbage that comes up in sitting practice, then you can be present to the facts of deforestation and species extinctions, and all the insanities happening to our world today.
The hills of the eastern plains in the area are denuded and extensively deforested.
It's now as smooth and gleaming, and as ruddily glowing, as a freshly deforested Alpine slope at sunset.
My country has developed a sustainable farming system which can curb soil erosion and minimize deforestation.
At least half the deaths were caused by a landslide above Las Colinas, an area deforested by excessive construction work.
In the face of devastation caused by widespread deforestation, some furniture makers are turning to alternative sources of lumber.
Too bad rosewood is an endangered veneer and it’s continued use is leading to deforestation.
HTPC Green Sustainable Computer by Design Hara » Yanko Design
That implied that about 2.6 million of cordwood is used annually making it among the highest contributors of deforestation.
Where food is scarce, people will often over-exploit the land in order to squeeze out of it what they can; that can lead to deforestation and desertification.