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  1. combustion that propagates through a gas or along the surface of an explosive at a rapid rate driven by the transfer of heat

How To Use deflagration In A Sentence

  • Very few blast-resistant windows installed during the renovation of the structure that was begun in 1999 and scheduled for completion in 2010 broke during the impact and deflagration of aircraft fuel.
  • Other times, depending on the casement, whether it is plastic or metal, especially metal, it will do low order detonation, or what we call deflagration.
  • The chemical constituents of Henbane are "hyoscyamine," a volatile alkaloid, with a bitter principle, "hyoscypricin" (especially just before flowering), also nitrate of potash, which causes the leaves, when burnt, to sparkle with a deflagration, and other inorganic salts. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • If it is a deflagration the explosion propagates at subsonic velocity, as opposed to a full fledge detonation where there is a supersonic shock front. Griffin - No Human Space Flight Review Needed - NASA Watch
  • To answer your question the deflagration likely is caused during the collapse of the white dwarf in the seven to eight seconds it takes to reach its highest density during the collapse, after which the star detonates when a certain density is reached. Merging White Dwarfs Set Off Supernovae | Universe Today
  • I dont know if there is a way to determine this except in simulations, but 2 WD orbiting very closely will either grace eachother that should set off the deflagration or one of the WD will be gravitationally disrupted and mass transferred over. Merging White Dwarfs Set Off Supernovae | Universe Today
  • First, I am not saying there will not be a deflagration NASA ESAS Study Appendices Show up on Pay-Per Use Site - NASA Watch
  • This is why it is called the deflagration- to-detonation DDT transition. Merging White Dwarfs Set Off Supernovae | Universe Today
  • As for mass ranges, first of all it ofc doesnt have to be 2 WD of equal mass so the limits only occur for the pair, and for the upper masslimits orbital motion and deflagration point are very important factors, as it is the deflagration that counters the collapse in the first place. Merging White Dwarfs Set Off Supernovae | Universe Today
  • The propellant deflagration produced only a fireball, and a small one at that, by comparison to a LOX-hydrocarbon mix. Black Zones - NASA Watch
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