How To Use Definitely In A Sentence
It will definitely take a lot more tweaking to get me completely happy with it.
And I think the resort is about 25% overpriced, considering the worn-down state of the place and the fact you can get a two-night package at the definitely more upmarket Avillion in Port Dickson (also not really PD, but a dozen kilometres south) from about RM800 as well.
Vacations: Tiara Beach Resort — Fusion Despatches
Ten of his team are definitely travelling but there are doubts about the other two.
Co-conference chair Jennifer Pahlka from TechWeb acknowledged that the title definitely seemed to get under people's skin.
BBC News | Technology | World Edition
The human was definitely looking at her.

The restaurant is definitely trying to get you to go for this choice.
The Sun
But we should not expect our troops to go on doing this indefinitely.
Oh I know, post-lapsarian; I am definitely conscious of my fall from an edenic state of grace!
Agatha Christie and Guilt « Tales from the Reading Room
She's definitely got a good eye for a bargain.
He was a large, meaty, oily type of man — a kind of ambling, gelatinous formula of the male, with the usual sound commercial instincts of the Jew, but with an errant philosophy which led him to believe first one thing and then another so long as neither interfered definitely with his business.
The Titan
Unless these conditions are fulfilled, we consider any assistance given to the artels and the co-operatives not only useless, but definitely harmful.
Due to the very long stroke and alloy conrods, the motor is redlined at 7,000 and will definitely explode if persistently over-revved.
Phoenix, for so Peter had dubbed the haggard in memory of his and Jenny's first discussion of the bennu hieroglyph in the Egyptian Museum, had known the ecstasy of freedom and had a look about her that definitely said she preferred the wild to captivity.
From This Beloved Hour
And they definitely participate in intramural sports.
Social Beavers and Normal Women
I am assuming as they are looking for the will that the flash sidewards was taking place shortly after the plane had landed, at which point Kate is on the run from the police and definitely not bringing up a child.
LOSTCasts 82: The Lighthouse
'Was it what you expected?' 'Yes, definitely.'
Thus in the case of any electrified body, acting on an unelectrified body at a distance, it has to be definitely understood that _the action at a distance_ is alone communicated and propagated by the dielectric or medium which exists between the two bodies.
Aether and Gravitation
This definitely could make the difference between people getting pregnant or not.
Times, Sunday Times
In order to retain flexibility the Directors propose that the 5% in five year limit should be continued indefinitely.
Survey, those of the Pallaballa range as mica schist and quartz; those of the Sierra del Cristal as “probably schistose grit, but not definitely determinable by inspection,” and
Travels in West Africa
And it will definitely help with that upper torso.
Times, Sunday Times
While the Magnum definitely brought the real deal in terms of power and increased utility over a traditional sedan, some were not sold on the style of the vehicle which adopted Dodge's characteristic "crosshair" inspired front grille that permeates the entire lineup.
Ride Lust - Motion + Mobility
Don't you agree that Malcolm X definitely has a place in the pantheon of black civil rights heroes?
From the moment I saw his girlfriend, I thought: I definitely want to be friends with that guy.
I don't think the textures jive perfectly but the chile relleno taco is definitely something I haven't seen many other places.
This can cause the players' strategies to oscillate back and forth indefinitely.
Hormone replacement therapy, also known as postmenopausal hormone therapy (PHT), definitely increases your [breast cancer] risk," says Julie R. Gralow, MD, the director of breast medical oncology at the University of Washington and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. News
Although, the suburbs and exurbs are definitely where the population growth and hence the representation in government are happening.
We're definitely moving in a positive direction, but each time we make a leap to a new level of functionality, things get more complicated and fractured and difficult for a while.
Recently, while vacationing on Harbour Island in the Bahamas, I visited my friend "chic Al," who was very definitely and very successfully working her pareo.
Covering a Multitude of Beach Sins
The current swine influenza A, called H1N1, is a triple hybrid avian/pig/human virus, “definitely” of swine origin.
Wonk Room » Flu Farms: Decreasing Factory Farming Could Help Avert the Next Swine Flu Epidemic
What if the project continues indefinitely?
Principles of Corporate Finance
My body definitely wouldn't handle 7.5 Gs if I didn't adjust my gross weight before takeoff.
This video didn't really teach me how "inducement and entrainment" power the bladeless Air Multiplier fans, but I learned that these things can definitely induce a balloon to be awesome.
Daily Dispatch: Digital revolution causing car culture decline; Criminals rent botnets at bargain rates
This mightn't seem that strange, but I'm definitely losing it a little.
So I've decided that if I ever go to jail, I am definitely busting out!
(_ritenuto_ and _ritenente_) to indicate a definitely slower rate.
Music Notation and Terminology
In time the marginal benefits definitely outweighed the marginal costs.
Times, Sunday Times
The urban project site, amid low-rise storefronts and mid-rise medical buildings, was definitely not a garden spot.
They are rather fanatical about lengthening their own lives and fending off death indefinitely.
You want serious caramelization -- not dark mahogany, as in for Indian food, but definitely brown.
Caribbean Black Bean Soup with Roasted Garlic
This definitely is a bane as complaints of constipation, acidity, obesity, indigestion, etc., are rampant among the youth.
He seems relaxed and happy for the first time in years, hasn't touched a drop of booze since his time in The Priory more than two years ago, and his life is definitely back on track.
With a few [extremely non-generic] exceptions, namely the ones with maximal isometry groups, one can say definitely whether they are expanding or not.
Does Space Expand?
If walking is one of your priorities when choosing a holiday, then this area definitely merits consideration.
The buildings themselves are definitely going up.
Times, Sunday Times
They definitely don't brew as quick and feels less in them?
Times, Sunday Times
I definitely wake up with fewer creases on my face now.
Times, Sunday Times
Fully plump, after indulging in a complete Jamaican breakfast on the plane: ackee, saltfish, coco-bread and plantain chips something I would definitely not recommend before doing on-camera work at a lingerie show, I landed in Kingston ready to "dutty wiiine" it up--or at least relax and make a quick stop at the delectable Manley Airport veggie juice bar for a healthy detox.
Chie Davis: Kingston Lingerie and Swimwear Fashion Show
It is definitely rather nice.
Times, Sunday Times
I definitely wake up with fewer creases on my face now.
Times, Sunday Times
He still wishes to pursue a medical career, and has been told that he will almost definitely get into medical school.
That weekend in Venice was definitely the highlight of our trip.
The couch was dark green suede and definitely cozier than the plaid throw covering the couch that would be acting as a bed in his new place.
I definitely wake up with fewer creases on my face now.
Times, Sunday Times
The vocal tone of the group was lovely but there was no oomph, no snap, no crackle and definitely no pop.
Early spring colour My favourites have definitely got to be those which flower early in January and February.
Britain cannot continue indefinitely to spend more than she is earning without higher taxes or higher interest rates - either of which will harm our economic prospects.
His slight emphasis on the word "Lady" was definitely mocking.
An annuity in perpetuity does not have a fixed time span but continues indefinitely and receipts can therefore only come from interest earned.
Collins Dictionary of Economics
Sense of humour is definitely what we need in this particular subject matter, and especially looking at that text.
The young tennis player definitely had the edge on his older opponent.
While the writers in my fandom are definitely interested in craft matters, almost all of them are much more picky about the feedback I give them than my mentees are.
Each region of the world will set its own warranty policies, but the three-year warranty will definitely be available in the United States, he said.
I was naïve, that was for sure, young, yup, and lazy, most definitely.
The London Hungarian Committee in 1849 quoted Article X, by Leopold II, of the House of Hapsburg, in 1790, which definitely stated that "Hungary with her appanages is a free kingdom, and in regard to her whole legal form of government (including all the tribunals) independent; that is, entangled with no other kingdom or people, but having her own peculiar consistence and constitution; accordingly to be governed by her legitimately crowned king after her peculiar laws and customs.
Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman
I definitely think stubble is the way to go for him.
Twilight Lexicon » Evening News
There is definitely a more palpable feeling of modernity.
Times, Sunday Times
If yes, definitely give it a try, but don't think only in terms of accomplishing anything.
These pitches are definitely not a pretty sight, and they most certainly are not tended with loving care.
He is cute, but that coif is definitely not working.
So habituated has one become to feeling cooler in a draught that the absence of chill lends the night an unaccustomedness, the more weird in that it is unanalyzed, so that one feels definitely that one is in a strange, far country.
African Camp Fires
Note on the above: The dorado is most definitely not a salmonid.
Stories from the Sea: More Classic Photos from the F&S Archives
They're definitely millies so try to make sure we don't get seats anywhere near them or it'll be a long flight
Here in Estonia, “pirukad” would definitely be doughier and baked.
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She definitely had an ulterior motive in offering to help.
A great new record and some storming recent shows demonstrate that the band are definitely back on top.
• Definitely more fun at the super, soaraway Sun, even for those who are leaving.
Hugh Muir's diary
There are the people who speak after they think and the people who think while they're speaking. Mike definitely belongs in the latter category.
I hate that job, and luckily the manager doesn't know how I disillusion customers so much, otherwise he'd definitely fire me.
Plato is definitely easier to understand than Aristotle – at least the one work by Aristotle that I read.
Archive 2009-05-01
The first samizdat were typed carbons, definitely not books, just as the Samizdat you are holding now is definitely not the usual literary journal.
Is this dish definitely ovenproof?
They proved that to have a good sense of humour is definitely a recipe for success, especially with the younger crowd.
Vegas has been a touchstone for a while of squalid stupid behavior, and the “what happens in Vegas” catch-phrase/marketing gimmick is definitely one of those things that has national saturation.
THE HANGOVER Unrated Blu-ray Review –
He done it in Italy with Udinese and Parma, and topped the scorers charts so there is definitely a talented marksman within him.
Moreover, if he concentrated on his breathing, and the parole board soon ruled in his favor, he might go on witnessing sunrises indefinitely, despite the aging that worked in him now like naphthous bees in a leathery hive.
La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
It is most definitely a thriller, but with strong romantic undertones.
One of the spices is definitely Hungarian paprika, which is one of the main products made by Pride of Szeged.
Archive 2007-08-01
I think they definitely loved the beauty and the glamour and the clothes and the sets.
With a tie in the Senate, filibusters can go on indefinitely, and the vice president will become the swing vote on key bills.
The site was one of many sites launched by ALP pollies throughout the year, but this one was most definitely ahead of the rest of the pack.
The rainy weather definitely seems to have moved on as it is sunny this morning.
The man in the shop was adamant. "Definitely not," he said.
The colour of the item most definitely leaned towards the male end of the baby clothing market, not the kind of babygro you would expect a girl to wear.
Home | Mail Online
This book will definitely appeal to teenagers and young adults.
Yeah, that's definitely their off-site storage," John said.
The hardest part is definitely being in a minority opinion, then having to work on overdrive trying to persuade others to your way of thinking.
Times, Sunday Times
We definitely felt we needed to freshen things up for this game.
The Sun
Basically, this so-called quranic prohibition is a little more complex than it seems, in that the Quran does definitely prohibit riba, which is usury.
Reason Magazine
This is about as close to an aeronautic, glass-cockpit design as has appeared in the mass market, and it will definitely sell some cars.
Detroit Show's Soundtrack: America the Beautiful
Once there, they could pick up a "catalogue" of new products presented in paper doll fashion, definitely one of the most original presentations this week.
Being body-conscious and eating clean can definitely test your willpower, especially at this time of the year.
Yes, definitely, we started the game with a good tempo and created a number of chances.
Danny's definitely the brains of the project.
Then he opened a movie house and said he was definitely done with pro basketball.
I agree with your points absolutely – my biggest turnoff is definitely streaming video and audio, and I never read black blogs.
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » 5 Things That Make Me Stop Reading Websites & Blogs
I definitely plan to enter more often. lyb - butternut squash and thyme - a great new combination to try! thanks for tagging me! resa - Thanks sist!
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“Bonnie is definitely going to be faced with some challenges that she was not expecting,” Katerina Graham, who plays Bonnie on the show, told MTV News recently.
VAMPIRE DIARIES NEWS FOR FEBRUARY 21: CHARACTERS & CHALLENGES | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
DW: Well, there's definitely one in Taos that we've been hearing about for quite a long time, but I just feel like this is going to take off.
Mike Ragogna: A Tiger Suit, Junip & Great Companions: Conversations with KT Tunstall, Dar Williams, and José González, plus a KT Video Exclusive
MH: Yeah, I definitely knew it would hurt, and I kind of worried that I might not have enough at the end, if I did fall back to the group, to outkick everyone.
Runner\'s World Racing News
Yes, it was definitely darker - the sun still shone, but its warmth had gone.
‘Any extension should also have a finite timeframe so that such extensions cannot be exploited indefinitely,’ he cautioned.
If you have not heard any of their music, then your honour is definitely blessed.
The Sun
I go to the counter and give the cheque to a guy who definitely did not have enough sleep last night and was in a mood for nasty snide remarks and evil glares.
One thing for certain: this unexpected financial windfall will most definitely not be a handicap to the club.
Real hair wigs are definitely the better option for people who need a wig because of hair loss.
If the hordes of hungry locals queuing down the street are anything to go by, it's definitely worth a visit.
Times, Sunday Times
The description of one of the lads is definitely familiar. It rings a bell.
I'll stick my neck out and say that Bill is definitely the best candidate for the job.
I decamped and went for a coffee with David, who didn’t make things easier by pointing out that the riad was a significant piece of architecture and definitely worth saving.
A House in Fez
That weekend in Venice was definitely the highlight of our trip.
China has delayed indefinitely its national ‘action plan’ on climate change, which was due to be released on Monday after exhaustive consultations among ministries in Beijing and provincial and local governments.
Action does not guarantee success, but you will definitely lose the chance to be successful if you do not act. Dr T.P.Chia
They are paying a price for this that could have been postponed indefinitely only by losing indefinitely.
Times, Sunday Times
I can definitely go incognito.
Times, Sunday Times
Definitely E.T. - giant tubes, Feds in hazmat suits.
Weird Event #3,947
It was definitely difficult to sustain relationships.
Times, Sunday Times
Your link is definitely written in Udmurt, although I have no idea what it says. MITHRIDATES.
I felt somewhat outside of things - it definitely felt like there was a lot of coupling or pairing of conversations going on, and I felt like I wasn't really welcome in many of them.
Okay, maybe they should be called ladybug eyes, but they are definitely huge and heart-melting.
Epinions Recent Content for Home
And, although the Artstore is giving me a good price on mounting boards, I can't go on spoiling good card indefinitely.
I was trying to distract people from the craziness in which we live; and definitely not point the finger at it.
She readily conceded that pasta is difficult to keep hot (it did say warm on the menu) but the chick peas were definitely undercooked.
And if the film were a haircut, it'd definitely need a hat.
She added that an increased police presence had definitely deterred gangs of youths.
Brighton is definitely a happening place.
While this may seem like a harsh conclusion or a ludicrous one at that, it most definitely is not.
But its sound is definitely "tidier" and a bit less lush and three-dimensional than the sound of the two analog tuners, the Marantz especially.
Epinions Recent Content for Home
And definitely dressed for the occasion were mother and daughter Pamela and Penelope Gahan.
He looked definitely iffy to me, but not the sort of bad lad who carries out hits.
The process we go through is to start demoing songs in our rehearsal space, and then kind of cut them down - we look back and realize which parts definitely don't make the cut.
They definitely are a bunch of pinkos on these sorts of issues.
Mitch, and possibly Harley, would be immediately suspended indefinitely.
Under cross-examination from Botha's advocate Lappe Laubscher, Van Zyl said while Tutu initially attempted to accommodate Botha by allowing him to respond to questions in writing, he had never undertaken to indefinitely "immunise" him from testifying.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Today was definitely not a day to stick your tongue onto a metal pole.
Also consider that individuals who have NO fat tissue (e.g. lipodystrophy) have extremely elevated metabolic risk factors, meanwhile others who can apparently indefinitely grow more fat mass (multiple symmetric lipomatosis - think
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
I'm a manufacturer, and I ship electronic goods across the Mexican border, so the new levies will definitely affect my business.
However, it definitely does not support the hypothesis of decreasing barriers to inter-class heterogamy over time.
And definitely never drink and dial…..never a good idea….
Think Progress » Burns next target in Abramoff probe?
In fact, I just went and bought the “Surrealistic Pillow” track (via iTunes) to double-check — yep, that final line is definitely “Feed your head”.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Sunday Song Lyric
Franco does not disappoint; he looks like the major star he's fast becoming, even dishier in person than on screen and also thinner (minimal flesh was definitely the theme of the room.)
They rap along to the latest hip-hop hits, memorizing every lyric, so the music can definitely help them gain caloric literacy.
Harlem Takes on Obesity With NYS First Lady Michele Patterson «
As Adam opened his mouth to place a piece of meat in it, a long, loud belch escaped, seeming to reverberate indefinitely in the open dining room.
In 1979 each voter only definitely threw the candidate's ticket.
Dwarf should definitely go in the category of final-f words with variable plurals.
They are definitely not the curers of the disease.
Neither of us won the fight, as it was parted before the final blow was struck, but I definitely was having the upper hand.
You can definitely swim when you're menstruating, as long as you're wearing a tampon.
It is therefore definitely proved that bacteriolysis by the immuno-serum derives from the cooperation of
Physiology or Medicine 1919 - Presentation Speech
If you wait until you're totally ‘ready’ for marriage… well, I mean, lots of us are definitely unready for marriage, but is anybody totally ready?
The gun dogs definitely appealed to me more and fitted in well with our lifestyle of eventing and tetrathlons with the horses.
It has definitely helped me to be a better individual, I have developed the strange innocence and carefreeness of a child.
I gotta tell you, my stamina is definitely an issue," says the 50-year-old Grey.
Backstage at Dancing With the Stars: Is Jennifer Grey in Trouble?
He was the type to believe in ghouls and monsters, and sneezing bushes were definitely not something he encountered often.
He said the move would definitely stem the haemorrhage of talent and enterprise from the colony.
His face was round, not fat, but definitely not underfed.
On the controversial question of the Big Day we both knew exactly what we did not want: no chintzy hotel reception, no long wedding lists or preparations, no drama, and definitely no wedding cake.
I'm a manufacturer, and I ship electronic goods across the Mexican border, so the new levies will definitely affect my business.
Otherwise I will definitely be going to see the penguin parade at Edinburgh zoo - that's always a must-see.
The rear seats, though, are definitely lacking in legroom and are only really suitable for children or vertically challenged adults.
The town's most eligible young widow - well, older than he is by about ten years, but still, far from being the battleaxe he'd imagined her to be - is definitely coming on to him.
'' He lived with a silverback gorilla before he came here which means that he has remained a blackback gorilla - but that's definitely going to change now he's dating three girls at once. '' news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
The path descended, but the light was definitely growing brighter.
Singing and dancing may bring pleasure to the public, charity concerts may salve guilty consciences and the world is definitely in need of some cheering up.
I don't know what it was that did the trick, but I am definitely feeling much better.
Pushed to describe what general movement he witnesses among Millennial drinkers, Jacobus says, "The current generation are definitely drinking differently."
The kid who knew and used the latest slang word was definitely a higher grade than the kid who hadn't used it.
Definitely one for the carriage trade.
Times, Sunday Times
And definitely never drink and dial…..never a good idea….
Think Progress » Burns next target in Abramoff probe?
If none of these conditions exist, food or chemical allergy should definitely be suspected.
An Alternative Approach to Allergies
We definitely need better flu vax especially for older patients.
Recently, the president did not pardon him but granted him with a commutation, which is definitely to his advantage.
CNN Transcript Jul 5, 2007
They are paying a price for this that could have been postponed indefinitely only by losing indefinitely.
Times, Sunday Times
Perhaps eyes painted without black pupils seem ghostly but the painterly dabs of umber tones definitely bring this woman back to earth.
The flow of the stream is not sufficiently strong to wear out a channel having definitely well-marked sides.
It was definitely one to remember.
Times, Sunday Times
Rather than roll out a service that couldn't cope with demand, they subsequently decided to suspend it indefinitely.
Inside the ball was something, something blobby, something with legs, something possibly (but not definitely) dead.
But I definitely remember our two cars parked on the driveway, a chocolate brown Oldsmobile 2-door sedan and the "woodie," because the garage was full of all that stuff that is always in the garage.
Archive 2005-11-01
They have divergent political views, from each other, from their unions, and definitely from the Labour Party.
The young tennis player definitely had the edge on his older opponent.
Many of the prisoners in America's supermaxes also can be held indefinitely as the Iraqi prisoners were.
After so many scenes of hearing actors sing their non-rhyming, no rhythm, slow-moving musical dialogue, he's definitely a sound for sore ears.
Sharing her first person hooping experience at SouthernLiving. com, Erin told readers, I visited Sunny Becks at her studio Hooprama, where I learned that yes, hooping is most definitely a workout. | Blog | Erin Shaw Street: My First Person Hooping Experience
She definitely deserves to find some romance.
The Sun
Primate biologist Dr David Chivers of the University of Cambridge compared the cast with those from other known primates and local animals and concluded that it was definitely an ape with a unique blend of features from gibbon, orang-utan, chimpanzee and human.
On the trail of the orang pendek, Sumatra's mystery ape | Richard Freeman
You definitely need some athleisure that is super-duper rather than sofa.
Times, Sunday Times
If you enjoyed the off-beat and absurdest humor of Return of the Living Dead along with a good heaping dose of gore, definitely check out Die and Let Live!
Die and Let Live (2006)
This is something that I definitely want to check out! knurled grab bars May 20
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