How To Use Deficiency In A Sentence

  • Acquired forms of growth hormone deficiency include tumors of the pituitary, hypothalamus and optic nerve.
  • A pale complexion can also signal iron deficiency anaemia. The Sun
  • Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency: a hereditary disease that can cause hepatitis and liver failure. Who needs a liver transplant?
  • Rarely, a person with iron-deficiency anemia may experience pica, a craving to eat nonfood items such as paint chips, chalk, or dirt.
  • - Amino acid deficiency - Amino acids such as phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan provide the basis for the body's production of important neuro-transmitters in the body. Netvouz - new bookmarks
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  • Iron sucrose is a hematinic agent that was recently approved by the FDA for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis who are receiving concomitant erythropoietin therapy.
  • The particular form of idiocy known as cretinism is the result of this deficiency, which produces an arrest of the development of the brain cells. The Pivot of Civilization
  • The inevitable reduction in the amount of time likely to be given to singing challenges the Church to remedy this deficiency.
  • Zenuk C, Healey J, Donnelly J, et al. Thiamine deficiency in congestive heart failure patients receiving long term furosemide therapy. Hyla Cass, M.D.: Is Your Medication Robbing You of Nutrients Part 2: Getting Specific
  • As physical stress increases the body's needs for many vitamins and minerals, intercurrent infections also induce a relative nutrient deficiency, especially in chronic (long-term) grumbling types of infection e.g. acute cystitis, vaginal bacterial imbalance. Miscarriage
  • HAE is a genetic disorder affecting approximately 6,000 to 10,000 Americans and is caused by a deficiency of C1-INH, which is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. Undefined
  • Planting directly into more silicic ash such as rhyolite is however more problematic, due to nutrient issues such as nitrogen and calcium deficiency (Neild and others, 1998). Volcanic Ash—Effects on Agriculture and Mitigation Strategies
  • Once their lack of cities was interpreted as a deficiency; now it is seen as a way of living with the land and sea that was admirable custodianship of the environment.
  • The bill would add five lysosomol storage diseases to the newborn screening panel: Pompe disease or acid maltase deficiency; Krabbe disease or globoid cell leukodystrophy; Gaucher's disease; Niemann-Pick disease; and Fabry disease. Clovis News Journal : News
  • Zinc-responsive dermatosis is an uncommon disease of dogs resulting from either an absolute or relative deficiency in zinc.
  • Thus, lower performance of bilingual children on tests normed on monolinguals could imply a distribution of knowledge across the two languages rather than a general linguistic deficiency.
  • Similarly, persons with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome are susceptible to systemic candidal infection.
  • This deficiency is referred to as an unfunded liability. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • It has been demonstrated that a blood protein deficiency is the cause of this inherited illness. Hives, urticaria, angiodema, allergic reactions
  • That's because people with Pompe disease, also called acid maltase deficiency, don't produce an enzyme that breaks down glycogen, a sugar stored in the body's muscle cells. TimesOnline: Home RSS feed
  • Causes of a high MCV include liver disease, alcohol abuse, hypothyroidism, reticulocytosis, marrow aplasia, vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency, and myelofibrosis. You Staying Young
  • That is to say it did not stem from any inherent infirmity or weakness or deficiency.
  • They did blood tests on him for signs of vitamin deficiency.
  • An important deficiency of the act, however, was its failure to implement a standardised, routine data set for monitoring care plans.
  • Objective : To enhance the awareness of pulmonary complications of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ( AIDS ).
  • = -- Deficiency of the entire corolla occurs in conjunction with similar reductions in other organs, or as an isolated phenomenon in the many apetalous varieties of plants recorded in books. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The same applies to selenium deficiency. Miracle Micronutrients
  • The neurologist thought Tim was suffering from muscular dystrophy, but when a muscle biopsy came back it was clear that Tim had acid maltase deficiency, also known as Pompe disease. - Local News
  • He found a major cause of bronchial asthma and many other chronic diseases to be a deficiency of carbon dioxide in the alveolus of our lungs.
  • This last deficiency the guide is in the habit of supplying -- to such as condescend to accept his assistance -- by fastening a leathern strap round his waist, and giving the end of it into the hand of the traveller. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 61, No. 376, February, 1847
  • To study allograft acellular dermal matrix in cosmetologty repaire of nasolabial groove soft tissue deficiency.
  • Iron deficiency is common on blueberries, rhododendrons, and pin oaks unless the soil is quite acidic.
  • The term "cephalocele" is applied to a protrusion of a portion of the cranial contents through a congenital deficiency in the bones of the skull. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • The nutrient deficiency of Anthurium scherzerianum was studied. The typical symptom of limp and leaves lacking of certain kind of big element were observed and analyzed.
  • People who have a G6PD deficiency have the following symptoms: pale skin fatigued and tired rapid and shallow breathing abnormal/rapid heartbeat enlarged spleen yellowish tint to eyes galactosemia which is found in babies. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Purpura may be secondary to thrombocytopenia, platelet dysfunction, coagulation factor deficiency or vascular defect.
  • A canine Arylsulfatase G (ARSG) mutation leading to a sulfatase deficiency is associated with neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis Innovations-report
  • It was assumed to be a traveler's version of the widespread tropical deficiency disease called kwashiorkor, from a Gold Coast term meaning "displaced child. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XX No 1
  • ` ` Some degree of mental deficiency seems usually to accompany athetosis, even when uncomplicated by any other degenerating neurosis. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Spoon-shaped nails, koilonychia, is a sign of iron deficiency. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carly suffers from an immune system deficiency which killed her 14-month-old brother Greig four days before she was born.
  • (auxotrophic) mutant strains of Neurospora, and to show that each single deficiency produced was associated with the mutation of a single gene11. Edward Tatum - Nobel Lecture
  • Conclusion: Maternal folate deficiency can change the ultrastructure of fetal rat lobus frontalis. It may lead to abnormality of neuronal function and disturb fetal brain development.
  • Within the first year, the fellow will participate in the diagnostic work-up of at least eight new immunodeficiency patients. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Fellowship
  • First, a few basics: the ailment is known as G6PD deficiency (for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) and, according to a 2008 article in The Lancet, it "is the most common human enzyme defect, being present in more than 400 million people worldwide. Randall Amster: The Most Common Disease You've Never Heard Of
  • It would be another quarter of a century before scientists finally identified Carol’s condition she was suffering from phenylketonuria, or PKU, brain degeneration caused by inability in the newborn child to process a chemical called phenyl, a deficiency that can be treated only if detected in its early stages. PEARL BUCK IN CHINA
  • This flag-staff, though "tall as a mast" -- Mr Atherstone does not venture to go on to say with Milton, "hewn on Norwegian hills," or "of some tall ammiral," though the readers 'minds supply the deficiency -- this mast was, we are told, for "_two strong men_ a task;" but it must have been so for twenty. Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
  • The Millennium Development Goals are outlined in eight respects, including eradication of poverty and hunger; universal elementary education; gender equity and women's autonomy; reduction of children's mortality; reduction of women's mortality; and the fight against the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), paludism (malaria) and other diseases. Top Stories - Google News
  • Can you remember where you were when you first heard of acquired immune deficiency syndrome? Times, Sunday Times
  • A deficiency can trigger anaemia - leading to extreme fatigue, anxiety and poor memory. The Sun
  • Better signs of calcium deficiency are muscle twitching and cramps. Times, Sunday Times
  • None of the CF patients' undecalcified biopsy specimens in the present study demonstrated the osteoid parameters (excess osteoid surfaces and thick osteoid seams) characteristic of vitamin D deficiency osteomalacia.
  • The authors explained that it wasn't myasthenia gravis, or Lou Gehrig's disease, or polymyositis (muscle inflammation), and not carnitine deficiency (an amino acid needed for muscle contraction).
  • As a result, animal husbandry is more likely to produce trace element deficiency situations than would be encountered in the wild. Miracle Micronutrients
  • Studies have shown that deficiency in essential vitamins can lead to antisocial behaviour.
  • The 4 tree species in genus Larix introduced into the Loess Hilly Region in northwest China grew normally though the growth rate was small because of water deficiency.
  • However, on introduction of canal supply, cultivators generally assume that problems of deficiency are in the past, and when that proves to be not entirely the case unofficial diversions and tampering with control structures, also headend versus tailend problems, must be anticipated. Chapter 10
  • Manganese deficiency is a common disorder on alkaline soils while its toxicity normally only occurs on strongly acid soils.
  • Chronic fatigue immunodeficiency syndrome (CFIDS), also referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), affects people of all ethnicities and income groups. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • Ultimately, House deduces that the patient has OTD (ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency).
  • Your score will give some idea as to the likelihood of having a deficiency of vitamins or minerals. The Vitality Diet
  • Correction of ADAMTS13 deficiency by in utero gene transfer of lentiviral vector encoding ADAMTS13 genes. Fetal Gene Therapy Publications and Information
  • Overall, around 40 percent of Africa's population suffer from iodine deficiency, which can be corrected by adding a pinch of iodated salt to the diet. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • Also known as koilonychia, spoon nails can be a sign of iron-deficiency anemia. Canadian Online Health News
  • Not perfectly—there are other issues, like Vitamin D deficiency, a maniac cat who jumps on me at 4:00 in the morning, and 6:00 a.m. horn honker outside who in the most loving and nonviolent way needs to be shot—but better. Caffeine, Annotated
  • Compared with patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, HSC transplant recipients generally display a more fulminant onset and course.
  • The dotted lines in Fig. 2 show the deficiency in alimentiveness, executiveness and combativeness. How to Become Rich A Treatise on Phrenology, Choice of Professions and Matrimony
  • They discussed testosterone deficiency and its symptoms and it suddenly clicked. The Sun
  • Chronic blood loss from genitourinary tract cancer, chronic hemoptysis and bleeding disorders may result in iron deficiency but are much less common causes.
  • If the lender forecloses the deed of trust out of court, the lender has chosen one action and may not bring a lawsuit to recover a deficiency, which would be a second action.
  • Besides my amusement in actually relating a current writing to Plato, I think the column astutely voices a deficiency of student engagement in classes.
  • Oral contraceptives often cause deficiency. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • Early on, they had been testing every cat for feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus, then euthanizing any cat with a positive result.
  • It seems that up to 50 percent of schizophrenics have a biochemical quirk called the mauve factor a chemical by-product from oxidation injury to our fats and proteins.57These odd compounds can bind to zinc and vitamin B6, leading to a functional zinc deficiency. The UltraMind Solution
  • Your child's doctor may test for SCID or other types of immune deficiency if your baby exhibits any of these signs within the first year of life.
  • Patients with granulocytopenia (deficiency of white blood cells) are particularly at risk for deep organ candidiasis. Find Me A Cure
  • Magnesium deficiency in the soil may be one reason your tomato leaves yellow between the leaf veins late in the season and fruit production slows down.
  • Enlarged red cells derived from megaloblasts are a consequence of a deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid.
  • Iron deficiency requires a diagnostic workup to determine the underlying cause of the deficiency, medical intervention to correct it, and replacement iron therapy.
  • As the vitamin dosage is increased a point is reached where overt deficiency signs are no longer present although slight symptoms may still occur. The Family Nutrition Workbook
  • Vitamin C deficiency can ultimately lead to scurvy.
  • It has been observed in patients with2,5 and without4,7 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency and is characterized by the presence of Heinz bodies. Phenazopyridine
  • The drug is also approved for use as maintenance therapy for chronic hyperammonemia that results from NAGS deficiency.
  • BIT225 is also in development for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus. Biotron Soars on Results for Hepatitis C Drug
  • Likewise, patients with the more serious types of EB (dystrophic and junctional) have wounds that result from genetic factors, leading to a deficiency in collagen VII and an adhesive protein called laminin-5. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • The drug is also approved for use as maintenance therapy for chronic hyperammonemia that results from NAGS deficiency.
  • Oral supplementation with L-carnitine can correct the deficiency.
  • Magnesium is an essential element in the chlorophyll molecule, and so chlorosis is a common symptom of magnesium deficiency.
  • They discussed testosterone deficiency and its symptoms and it suddenly clicked. The Sun
  • Severe iron deficiency can cause developmental delay and growth retardation.
  • A high value would indicate a larger red blood cells such as in macrocytic anemia of a folacin deficiency or pernicious anemia from a B12 deficiency. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies worldwide, because iron is difficult to get and absorb in the proper amount from the diet alone (Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary).
  • Surely neither need accuse the other of being seriously flawed because of some deficiency that is already in process of correction.
  • This herb should not be used by those with wind cold conditions such as the common cold when there is phlegm nor should it be used when there is Spleen deficiency with diarrhea.
  • Conclusion:The factor of liver-stagnation and spleen-deficiency could enhance the SPF of H22 ascitic tumor cells and promote the proliferation of tumor.
  • Cell adhesion and disease adhesion molecule deficiency A number of rare diseases result from defects in adhesion molecules.
  • Eighty-two haemoglobinuria patients and 524 healthy controls were screened for G6PD deficiency using either the methylene blue reduction test, the G-6-PDH kit or the micro-methaemoglobin reduction test. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Of these, 9 children had overt vitamin A deficiency as evident by the presence of xerophthalmia.
  • Iron deficiency in hemodialysis patients is caused by blood loss during the dialysis procedure, increased erythropoiesis, and insufficient absorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Flaonoids are produced as a defense mechanism that can be triggered by nutrient deficiency.
  • Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and Wilson disease were excluded by determining serum concentrations of alpha-1 antitrypsin and ceruloplasmin, respectively.
  • This deficiency is the single-most important cause of blindness in about half a million children annually.
  • Both vaccines were designed against SHIV, a virus containing components of HIV and the related monkey virus, simian immunodeficiency virus.
  • This is an extremely low level, and it represents only the amount needed to prevent health problems such as scurvy, a vitamin deficiency disease.
  • Peranteau WH, Heaton TE, Gu YC, Volk SW, Bauer TR, Alcorn K, Tuschong LM, Johnson MP, Hickstein DD, Flake AW. Haploidentical in utero hematopoietic cell transplantation improves phenotype and can induce tolerance for postnatal same-donor transplants in the canine leukocyte adhesion deficiency. CHOP stem cells publications
  • Jiuxie deficiency in children's take the cake can play Yiqiyangyin, spleen to stop diarrhea.
  • Many of them realize the deficiency and limitations of science as the only savior of mankind.
  • Thus the successful combating of certain disturbances in the activities of the organs of internal secretion, as also of the deficiency diseases, or avitaminoses, has been a direct result of the increase in our knowledge of the nature of these afflictions. Physiology or Medicine 1945 - Presentation Speech
  • This deficiency proved fatal when the dollar faced a prolonged confidence crisis in the early 1970s.
  • Diagnosing hypothyroidism or mineralocorticoid deficiency as a cause of hyponatremia requires a high index of suspicion, because the clinical signs can be quite subtle.
  • Modern, corporate farming - monocultural rice, or maize grown for export as cattle feed - is a prime cause of the deficiency that leads to blindness.
  • Vitamin deficiency in the diet can cause illness.
  • As these patients are pale and weak, there would seem to be a deficiency of oxygene in their blood, and in consequence a deficiency of phosphoric acid; which is probably produced by oxygene in the act of respiration. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • In order to overcome the deficiency of the tradition power, we designed the"main-subordinate"capacitance charging power system based on IGBT chopper circuit and LC filter circuit.
  • The clinical symptoms of magnesium excess or deficiency can be demonstrated to relate to this dependence.
  • The idea of "avitaminoses" or vitamine deficiency as the cause of a disease of a specific nature was set forth in detail by Funk in his book The Vitamine Manual
  • Red-green deficiency (deuteranopia) is the most frequently diagnosed deficiency.
  • Vitamin B-12 deficiency can also be caused by a tapeworm ingested from contaminated fish, because the tapeworm saps nutrients from your body.
  • Spleen deficiency phlegm - wet storm: heavy limb pain, muscle atrophy or swelling.
  • They are reported to have discovered a possible link between fatty acid deficiency and childhood autism.
  • In order to control frequent deficiency diseases, effects of spraying nutrient elements on Pistacia veraL.
  • It looked more like magnesium deficiency, which is easily dealt with. Times, Sunday Times
  • Folic acid deficiency is a leading cause of spina bifida and other neural tube defects in newborns, and can be prevented by taking folic acid supplementation during pregnancy. Folic Acid Supplementation - Too Much of a Good Thing?
  • One explanation of the apparent high death rate from infant tetanus was that it was mistaken for tetany, which causes convulsions and has been traced to a deficiency of calcium and other vital minerals during pregnancy.
  • Correction of murine ADAMTS13 deficiency by hematopoietic progenitor cell-mediated gene therapy. Fetal Gene Therapy Publications and Information
  • Rarely, human immunodeficiency virus infection and opportunistic infections can mimic MS.
  • Our findings may be most relevant to rural South and, possibly, South East Asia, where prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia and low birth weight are high.
  • So TCM understands myocarditis due to deficiency of vitamin B1 as invasion of beriberi into the heart.
  • Boron deficiency is the most widespread of all the micronutrient deficiencies in many crop regions from tropical to temperate zones.
  • Retention of dampness from spleen deficiency can affect the kidneys by obstructing the movement of fluids.
  • It's a chicken and egg situation. Does the deficiency lead to the eczema or has the eczema led to certain deficiencies?
  • Theirs was the first report showing that a host nutritional deficiency could turn a harmless microbe into a pathogen.
  • Researchers have identified simian immunodeficiency virus in wild apes for the first time.
  • With progressively more disease states manifesting GSH deficiency, repletion is a viable preventive, therapeutic, and anti-aging strategy.
  • Excessive consumption of soft drinks in childhood has been shown to lead to calcium deficiency and more broken bones.
  • The erythrocytes in this volume of blood will soon be destroyed by haemolysis, but this provides about 50 mg of iron to the infant’s reserve and reduces the frequency of iron-deficiency anaemia later in infancy (Michaelsen et al 1995, Pisacane 1996). 5. CARE DURING THE THIRD STAGE OF LABOUR
  • There was a clear deficiency of bast fibre along the length of the mutant stem.
  • Vitamin D deficiency and secondary hyperparathyroidism are common complications in patients with peripheral arterial disease. Potential impacts of direct mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic
  • As a result, kwashiorkor, a disease caused by protein deficiency, is common.
  • The development of CMV CNS disease is associated with risk factors (T-cell depletion, anti-thymocyte globulin, umbilical cord blood transplantation) that cause severe and protracted T-cell immunodeficiency (8 of 11 cases), a history of recurrent CMV viremia treated with multiple courses of preemptive ganciclovir or foscarnet therapy (11 of 11 cases), and ganciclovir-resistant CMV infection (11 of 11 cases). Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Pregnant women often suffer from iron deficiency.
  • AIDS is an acronym for "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome".
  • Sometimes a person is born with an immunodeficiency - these are called primary immunodeficiencies.
  • Folate and vitamin D deficiency may necessitate vitamin supplementations.
  • Occasionally a deficiency in the osseous material of the cranium or an abnormal dilatation of the fontanelles gives rise to a hernia of the meninges, which, if accompanied by cerebrospinal fluid in any quantity, causes a large and peculiarly shaped tumor called meningocele. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Perhaps a deficiency in this chemical marks a person as someone who needs to be careful with booze.
  • Mr Gallagher, who is an experienced road construction supervisor, also highlighted a deficiency in the superelevation of the road (agreed by the council) at the site of the crash scene.
  • Iron deficiency can affect cerebral development, and disturb the metabolism of monoamine oxidase, dopamine and energy, which maybe the physical and chemical basis of intellectual changes.
  • They discussed testosterone deficiency and its symptoms and it suddenly clicked. The Sun
  • By instigating a calcium deficiency inside the cells, the drugs cause muscles lining arterial walls to relax.
  • Iron deficiency can retard mental development and impair physical growth in children and adolescents and often leads to anemia, which is a deficiency of red blood cells.
  • Better signs of calcium deficiency are muscle twitching and cramps. Times, Sunday Times
  • -- Fever may be accompanied by pain especially of the the head and loins; a sense of heaviness or general lassitude; deficiency of either secretion, or of all of them; dryness of skin; thirst; nausia; scanty and high colored urine; delirium; constipation; jactation; &c. An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
  • My attention has also been directed to a deficiency in the above-cited statement which for the sake of clearness described any conceivable separation between the two phases of autoerotism and object love as a temporal separation. Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex
  • That is to say it did not stem from any inherent infirmity or weakness or deficiency.
  • While it has even been observed that the presence of G6PD deficiency could provide "an evolutionary advantage" in malarial endemic environments, it of course remains the case that one must first survive and surmount the ailment itself (and its attendant complications) in order to realize any of its ancillary immunological benefits. Randall Amster: The Most Common Disease You've Never Heard Of
  • Biglieri EG: Prevalence, pathogenesis, and functional significance of aldosterone deficiency in hyperkalemic patients with chronic renal insufficiency. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The most common form of microcytic anemia is iron deficiency caused by reduced dietary intake.
  • Objective: Investigation on HRCT of patient of Fei - Yin deficiency syndrome.
  • Its auxiliary verbs, its pronouns, its articles, its deficiency of declinable participles, and, lastly, its uniformity of position, preclude the exhibition of much enthusiasm in poetry; it possesses fewer capabilities of this nature than the A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Cranial irradiation for tumors of the central nervous system can result in growth hormone deficiency.
  • Persons with comorbid conditions, such as diabetes, immunodeficiency, or impaired circulation, are at increased risk.
  • The major deficiency in the Academy plan is the assumption that science suffers from the end of the Cold War.
  • In addition, people who suffer from aminoaciduria also cannot easily change their lifestyle to rectify their body odor because aminoaciduria results from an enzyme deficiency. Serendip's Exchange -
  • In children, the major causes of anemia are dietary iron deficiency and infection.
  • It boiled down to the deficiency of internal control system.
  • Overuse of antibiotics and sulfa drugs can produce a deficiency and this results in weakness, poor appetite, hair loss, depression, a sore tongue and eczema.
  • And his farming was well done; for though he was, out-and-out, a gentleman-farmer, he knew how to get the full worth in work done for the fourteen shillings a week which he paid to his labourers, — a deficiency in which knowledge is the cause why gentlemen in general find farming so expensive an amusement. The American Senator
  • The existence of vitamin deficiency had been recorded long before vitamins were recognized, and successful treatment had already been introduced.
  • Symptoms of yang deficiency include feeling cold, feeling fatigued and having unformed stools.
  • By the 1970s, researchers discovered that a major cause of childhood blindness in Third World countries was vitamin A deficiency.
  • The internationally accepted term is now the human immunodeficiency virus.
  • A horse suffering from an energy deficiency is lethargic, dull and lifeless and loses condition and weight. Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
  • This deficiency interferes with the normal working of the body's immune system and affects the blood vessels in various parts of the body (where the swellings occur).
  • Vitamin A deficiency in humans, as well as rats, was later shown to produce serious eye damage (xerophthalmia) and it remains a major cause of blindness in the Third World. The Nobel Prize and the Discovery of Vitamins
  • She has a rare genetic disease called C4 Complement Deficiency, that involves the immune system having "inadequate levels of complement proteins," which leaves the body more prone to infections. Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • The waist is the house of the kidneys, deficiency causes soreness and weakness of the lumbar region.
  • It is now 20 years since the immunodeficiency syndrome that came to be known as AIDS was first reported.
  • More information: "A canine Arylsulfatase G (ARSG) mutation leading to a sulfatase deficiency is associated with neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis", Published: Aug. 17, 2010, in - latest science and technology news stories
  • This has now been officially recognised and it is expected that extra student places will be provided to make up the deficiency.
  • Planting directly into more silicic ash such as rhyolite is however more problematic, due to nutrient issues such as nitrogen and calcium deficiency (Neild and others, Volcanic Ash—Effects on Agriculture and Mitigation Strategies
  • Deficiency leads to no specific disease but causes convulsions in infants and skin disorders and peripheral neuritis symptoms in adults. The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
  • In-utero hematopoietic stem cell transplantations are a promising approach for the treatment of selected congenital immunodeficiency disorders (i.e. severe combined immunodeficiencies, chronic granulomatous disease, hyperIgM syndrome and others) and hemoglobinopathies (i.e. sickle cell disease and thalassemia). In Utero Stem Cell Transplantation
  • It's a chicken and egg situation. Does the deficiency lead to the eczema or has the eczema led to certain deficiencies?
  • The causes for chewing wood can be tooth problems and teething, stomach or intestinal parasites or mineral deficiency.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia is the most frequently diagnosed anemia and is associated with an inadequate supply of iron needed for erythropoiesis.
  • Genetic deficiency of androsterone UDP-glucuronosyltransferase activity in Wistar rats is due to the loss of enzyme protein.
  • Congenital extroversion or eventration is the result of some congenital deficiency in the abdominal wall; instances are not uncommon, and some patients live as long as do cases of umbilical hernia proper. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • In men, testosterone deficiency can cause a condition sometimes called andropause, involving fatigue, loss of muscle mass and declines in bone-mineral density, doctors say. Can Saliva Tests Decode Symptoms?
  • Assuming the same thing happens in the gut, then a vitamin deficiency might make the yeast convert to the hyphal form.
  • It's called anencephaly; it may be the result of B-vitamin deficiency. A reincarnation of Vishnu...
  • One of the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency is extreme tiredness.
  • Plants under stress from drought, disease or nutrient deficiency are the most likely to attract insect pests.
  • Lack of minerals can cause deficiency diseases.
  • Jesse was participating in a gene therapy trial for ornithine transcarboxylase deficiency (OTCD). Gene Therapy Novel Therapeutic Branch of Modern Medicine
  • He said one small but must-have feature that is often cited as a deficiency in the iPhone is the lack of "emoji," clip art that can be inserted in sentences to jazz up emails. Apple's Latest iPhone
  • And if it be opposed by deficiency, it will be the same as effeminacy, which is clearly false. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • VIB then went into insolvent liquidation on July 25, 1997 with a substantial deficiency.
  • The need to investigate the colon in outpatients referred with iron deficiency anaemia has not previously been assessed.
  • Mild cobalt deficiency is easily confused with unthriftiness caused by underfeeding, heavy worm burdens or selenium-responsive illthrift.

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