
How To Use Defiantly In A Sentence

  • As he rode along the lanes, his nostrils filled with the heady scent of elderflowers, and the air was alive with stag beetles whose chunky black bodies whirred defiantly through the dusk.
  • The man was never as much of a sucker for a hook as Elton John was, but throughout 'The Soul Cages', Sting defiantly resists hummability as if a mere catchy pop chorus were too frivolous for such weighty content. The Soul Cages
  • Its images tumble, proliferate and cross-hatch; they are extravagant and loopy and defiantly enormous in their ambition, making everything else look petty and piddling.
  • Falling to the ground in a graceful crouch was a slender figure, defiantly feminine.
  • He defiantly skirted the Italian coastline aboard his luxury yacht, taunting the authorities who had steadfastly refused to allow him to set foot in his native country for more than half a century.
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  • Its gun-ports were visible even at this distance, and a flag, unidentifiable, waved defiantly atop the mainmast.
  • Such defiantly provocative work, and the uproarious punk music which accompanied it, won him cult status.
  • ‘What a very boring man, obsessed with the first world war,’ he says, all self-mockery, behind his cluttered desk in Private Eye's defiantly unmodernised Soho townhouse.
  • She defiantly speared the last sausage on her plate and began to cut it up when a black, hairy nose appeared in her lap from under the tablecloth.
  • Awash with glittering gold, adorned in yellowy brilliance, the jewellery designers cut a new path, defiantly and creatively.
  • She had tried to sleep, but every time she closed her eyes she saw Sir Gareth, standing defiantly before the bridge, his broken sword ablaze with sunlight. Chosen Of The Gods
  • Last and his millions of fans existed defiantly in a kitsch parallel pop universe, but the bandleader did score a few notable hits with his own compositions. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the shops fast asleep, with their eyelids closed, that is, their shutters up, all except one establishment, garishly lighted and of defiantly rakish, appearance, with the words Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, September 5, 1891
  • Trees on the opposite bank were bursting into leaf, although the sun was defiantly not shining.
  • When meeting a scientist who also believes in divinity, the defiantly atheist New York Times science writer Natalie Angier starts popping mental veins.
  • The ambulanceman had been on duty when he strode defiantly into the Tesco store wearing just the underwear and a pair of socks after staff refused to serve him while he was wearing his ambulance uniform. Nothing To Do With Arbroath
  • Robyn put the bottle to her lips again - defiantly, desperately.
  • In recent years the defiantly right-on stance of the comedy circuit had been booted out by a brand of no-holds barred humour.
  • Plus, their lifestyle decisions are defiantly made under the army surplus banner we cleverly call Crusty.
  • Plus, their lifestyle decisions are defiantly made under the army surplus banner we cleverly call Crusty.
  • This attitude is defiantly hip and belligerently contemporary.
  • A jagged scar blazes defiantly on his forehead, a scar like a lightning bolt.
  • They defiantly rejected any talk of a compromise.
  • stood defiantly with unbowed back
  • Defiantly magical During the flash, she also saw something that terrified her and chilled her to the bone.
  • The eggs are firm, and cooked to perfection, the strudel crisp and the tattie scone defiantly light.
  • In 1951, in response to the burgeoning civil rights movement, Caddo Parish, Louisiana, defiantly raised a Confederate flag outside the entrance to its courthouse. Anna Arceneaux: Louisiana Supreme Court Sees Problems With the Confederate Flag, but Allows It to Wave for Now
  • Now they defiantly had a bigger advantage, and a better chance of winning.
  • On the town gate in the tapestry, a man stands defiantly staring after the cart.
  • The same temper that glared from the face of the man, sitting erect in his saddle, seemed to be burning in the eyes of the child who stood so defiantly before him. The Little Colonel
  • A group of prisoners stood on the roof, defiantly waving banners and throwing stones.
  • Instead of disappearing into the caricature of shadows of what they are supposed to be, by tagging, graffiti artists are defiantly re-naming themselves.
  • There was a certain insolent quality in her beauty, as if it flaunted itself somewhat too defiantly in the beholder's eye. Further Chronicles of Avonlea
  • The archetypal gay wedding portrait -- a pair of middle-aged women or paunchy men looking uncomfortable in rented outfits worn at the wrong time of day -- is destined to be hung in the same gallery of dated images of social progress alongside snapshots of flappers defiantly puffing cigarettes and Kodachromes of African Americans wearing dashikis. When You're Desperate
  • In these places are jagged cliffs falling almost vertical to the tide line, sea-scarred headlands defiantly forcing their way westwards, and fallen scree a remnant of aeons of erosion.
  • The dress had an embroidered bodice that was light purple with white embroidered butterflies that were defiantly doing something eldritch.
  • You've no call to be flingin 'names about," he added, defiantly, wringing out his shirt-sleeve, wet from rescue of the oar. CHAPTER I
  • Dreamworks' hands-off approach is evident in the finished film, which is defiantly British in its quirky choice of subject matter and love of absurd punning.
  • If Rose hadn't been lying down on the floor, she most defiantly would have fallen on the ground a few feet away.
  • He took a swallow of whiskey and met the ensign's eyes defiantly, almost daring him to say another word.
  • He jutted his chin/jaw defiantly.
  • There are the flags fluttering defiantly from cars. Times, Sunday Times
  • Contrary to hysterical rebuttals by the likes of Inayat Bunglawala and his cabal of supporters within Labour she speaks with one defiantly single and definitely unsplit tongue. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • But now the club is defiantly back on its own two feet and is standing four-square to enter a new headquarters, which is hoped will signal a new era of success.
  • If there was only one thing that being friends with Leif taught me, then it would defiantly be that a schooled expression is the best expression.
  • In recent years the defiantly right-on stance of the comedy circuit had been booted out by a brand of no-holds barred humour.
  • She added: 'His defiantly raised chin was geared towards making his position unassailable. The Sun
  • The ship arrived brandishing his archiepiscopal cross defiantly at the prow.
  • These guys have been defiantly old school for a while now, but in the face of scary current events, there is an undeniably dated feel to these simplistic samples and breakbeats.
  • I asked defiantly, trying to get rid of the crack in my voice.
  • It's a defiantly anti-commercial album; one built more for cathartic expression than fretting over the amount of units sold.
  • On the other hand, religious conservative monogenists such as de Salle could be more defiantly anti-colonialist.
  • Ed Balls, his Treasury spokesman and a defiantly unapologetic veteran of the previous government, might not like all that.
  • No one can advise you when to throw your "hat in the ring" and say defiantly at the outstart, "Gentlemen, I am here to fight! The Art of Public Speaking
  • Michael, aware of the excitement overside but unable to see because of the rail, leaped on top of the cabin and at sight of the monster barked defiantly. CHAPTER XV
  • Instead it is short and succinct and defiantly lays the blame squarely on everyone else.
  • He jutted his chin/jaw defiantly.
  • Twenty-two years later, as Duchess of Lauderdale and already somewhat florid, but with a defiantly low corsage, she sat again for Lely with the Duke her husband.
  • In mucky work boots and jeans he marched across the carpet of York model agency, sat down in front of the stunning blonde who ran the show and said defiantly: ‘I want you to turn me into a male model.’
  • If I am spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on a guided trip to another part of the country (or Canada or Mexico), or trying to get my first pintail or black duck, I would defiantly spend the extra money to get premium shot. There are a lot of non-toxic alternatives to steel shot out there. You all know what they are.
  • In her close-clinging habit, with her black braids securely pinned, a handful of lilies drooping at her waist, and the whole of her fair young figure invested with a sort of stately maidenliness, she formed a sufficient contrast to Rose, who, perched defiantly upon her wicked little steed, looked every inch a rogue. An Algonquin Maiden A Romance of the Early Days of Upper Canada
  • But, in the meantime, he was dragging Greenock up from a slough of despondency and defiantly offering no apologies for snapping up the best available talent.
  • There are the flags fluttering defiantly from cars. Times, Sunday Times
  • Others ‘defiantly’ wear their indifference to social life as a badge of honor.
  • That's prim as in a sea of peely-wally, defiantly untoned flesh.
  • Standing defiantly like a mini-acropolis, its silhouette still evokes a sense of place as important to Glasgow as Ledoux's great neo-classical toll houses are to Paris.
  • The player said defiantly: 'It was hilarious. The Sun
  • At this point I thump my fist down onto my desk and toss my hair defiantly.
  • But now this cosmopolitanism is something to celebrate, defiantly, and the people behind the Anti-Nazi League (beneath whose banners I was proud to march in the late 1970s) would be pleased to note the way that ordinary Londoners rallied around the very mixed racial bag of the victims of the 7/7 bombings, a point Bloom makes well. Violent London: 2,000 Years of Riots, Rebels and Revolts by Clive Bloom – review
  • Demonstrators defiantly held up signs that read, "Ben Ali, degage! Judie Fein: Why You Should Travel to Tunisia
  • They say there is a right way and a wrong way of doing things .... this was defiantly the wrong way and approach to removing the demister pad. - Business News
  • UMM EL-FAHM, Israel — Dozens of Jewish extremists hoisting Israeli flags defiantly marched through this Arab-Israeli town Wednesday, chanting "death to terrorists" and touching off clashes between rock-hurling residents and police who quelled them with tear gas. Umm El-Fahm, Arab Israeli Town, Hit By Violent Clashes
  • The letter further reads that with the extension of Forest Rights Act to Jammu and Kashmir state it will have a multiple, forereaching and positive impact on states economy and will defiantly redress the "historical injustice" committed against Gujjars- the major dwellers and conservators of forests. J&K Gujjars demanded Forest Rights Act in state
  • I also "complimented" Cheney for (according to Bob Woodward's book) defiantly not bowing his head in the Oval Office when our intellectually challenged Commander-in-Chief asked him and the other advisors to pray with him for God's help in slaughtering Middle Easterners. CounterPunch
  • The guards got into position behind each pillar that stood defiantly around the room.
  • The sound of automatic weapons being fired defiantly into the air echoed through the square for hours as carloads of pro-Gadhafi supporters — many with children in tow — crammed the streets leading to the plaza. Libyan leader Gadhafi says NATO will not win
  • The next cut shows us Susan, in prison for attempting to skip her cab fare, taking a light from the prison matron and blowing the smoke defiantly straight back into her face.
  • They stare back defiantly at the crowds, menacingly baring their teeth, and grabbing candy trays with nimble speed.
  • In recent years the defiantly right-on stance of the comedy circuit had been booted out by a brand of no-holds barred humour.
  • The cat had overexerted himself chasing it, and had gone down defiantly with his prey in his paws.
  • The dessert has, defiantly, a custard sauce. Times, Sunday Times
  • Set defiantly in the center of the jacquard tablecloth was a heavy, flamboyantly molded silver epergne, its stand supported by two Rubens-like female figures. Soul
  • The strongest and most athletic players were dominant and skill and subtlety remained defiantly absent. Times, Sunday Times
  • One resident who lives two doors away defiantly said he would oppose any plans to redevelop the area.
  • She clenched her jaw, fisted her hands, and walked confidently, almost defiantly, to the bottom step.
  • The archetypal gay wedding portrait -- a pair of middle-aged women or paunchy men looking uncomfortable in rented outfits worn at the wrong time of day -- is destined to be hung in the same gallery of dated images of social progress alongside snapshots of flappers defiantly puffing cigarettes and Kodachromes of African Americans wearing dashikis. When You're Desperate
  • A friend of mine once announced defiantly that she actually doesn't like theatre because to her it's just low-rent cinema.
  • In this case, it's a defiantly spare, beautifully quiet show of 19 of the approximately 30 wood sculptures that the American abstractionist Ellsworth Kelly b. 1923—better known for his bright color-panel paintings—has made over the past half-century. Beautiful, Quiet and Spare
  • The player said defiantly: 'It was hilarious. The Sun
  • Rep. Charles Rangel defiantly defended having four rent-stabilized apartments Friday as Republicans, critics and constituents railed against what they called a sweetheart deal. Lincoln vs Cadillac
  • In recent years the defiantly right-on stance of the comedy circuit had been booted out by a brand of no-holds barred humour.
  • The lines between majoritarianism, nationalism, and fascism have been defiantly blurred, and quite logically.
  • Bradfield colored up to the roots of his hair as he said, smiling defiantly: "Them wasn't stingin'-bees around that simlin flower, Elder. In Simpkinsville : character tales,
  • A jagged scar blazes defiantly on his forehead, a scar like a lightning bolt.
  • Last and his millions of fans existed defiantly in a kitsch parallel pop universe, but the bandleader did score a few notable hits with his own compositions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The art sinus allergy medicine and parsnip for it has corporal, but that lubricant has defiantly sarcostyle to lech a rung in bad art. Rational Review
  • People from Guadeloupe, as well as Martinique and French Guyana, defiantly feel that they are second-class citizens, living in a colony rather than an "arrondissement" of Paris. Caribbean Net News Daily Headlines
  • Rupert Murdoch defiantly insisted on Tuesday he was not responsible for what he called "sickening and horrible invasions" of privacy committed by his company, claiming he had been betrayed by disgraceful unidentified colleagues and had known nothing of the cover-up of phone hacking. Rupert Murdoch's phone-hacking humble pie
  • It is defiantly old-fashioned and therein lie its strengths and its limitations.
  • My final choice is one of those defiantly uncategorisable books. Times, Sunday Times
  • This week hundreds of diners opened an unlikely chapter in the annals of civic rebellion, feasting defiantly on foie gras. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last time he was Lord Mayor, Allan Watson was defiantly piped out of Melbourne Town Hall by a clansman in a kilt.
  • Dau was one of only a handful who defiantly, once a month, visited the disgraced scientist.
  • There are the flags fluttering defiantly from cars. Times, Sunday Times
  • I started finding whitish yellowy gooey substances in my pants about a year ago, and about a month ago I found a kind of browny substance (defiantly not skidmarks) in my pants, and its coming from my vagina. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • There's the big Dome standing forlorn and empty, its twelve yellow spikes thrusting defiantly into the sky.
  • She tilted her chin at him defiantly.
  • Half-kneeling, she pressed her fist into the ground, then defiantly upraised it.
  • One resident who lives two doors away defiantly said he would oppose any plans to redevelop the area.
  • He does not defiantly explode, he chokes, takes a last glorious breath for his mighty yawp and fumbles the exhale.
  • Along the way, however, the reader gets a crash course in early comic strips, and it is within the literary tradition of this bastard medium that he defiantly sets his work.
  • They stare back defiantly at the crowds, menacingly baring their teeth, and grabbing candy trays with nimble speed.
  • Last time he was Lord Mayor, Allan Watson was defiantly piped out of Melbourne Town Hall by a clansman in a kilt.
  • However, this compilation proves they were matchlessly, defiantly odd.
  • I sat back down defiantly, picked up my blue pencil, and circled the word tramway. Goodnight Nobody
  • In the Polonaise, Gourari raps out the opening chords defiantly, and the main melody is shaped with both arrogance and tenderness.
  • A 9th grade student when compared unfavourably to his sibling said to his father defiantly, "You are a VP in an IT company, you haven't accomplished much, just look at Bill Gates". Six Lessons For Parents
  • In this respect he is defiantly unevolved. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was the one still clinging, stubbornly and defiantly, to an expectation of miracles.
  • Viewed in the context of late-19th-century conventions, many of these works convey an almost frathouse bawdiness, as the artists defiantly strip and dare their public not to look away. Modernism's Austrian Rebels
  • The driver ignores the police command and, like his cohorts, walks defiantly up the berm, disappearing from view.
  • Defiantly, one by one, she set them before Arien Edgewater. The Night Of the Solstice
  • In the midst of mass destruction, death and ruin, Lamb is quick to point out the bird singing, the lone flower pushing defiantly through the dirt, the smell of a pine tree.
  • Defiantly sitting atop a barrel, the woman shouting, he isn't here; I don't hide him.
  • He posed for the photographers, grasped a shovel: and then the Rocket was away, tooting defiantly on its whistle as it headed into the cavernous hangar of the Great Hall.
  • He always wore his defiantly untrendy glasses, and those heavy-weight specs - with lenses like front-room windows - became as much a hallmark of his premiership as his alleged habit of tucking his shirt into his underpants.
  • Zorzi, called the Ballarin, although he has removed from the furnace of the said Angelo the glass which was to be kept hot, does insolently and defiantly refuse to put out the fire in the said furnace, and forces the boys to make the fire all night, to the great injury of their health, because the canicular days are approaching. Marietta A Maid of Venice
  • The best one, though, is defiantly unmodernised. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everything is stunning, especially the outfits worn by mannequins that languish on benches or lean aloofly against railings or stand defiantly on risers. David Finkle: Saturday Shoppers View Ralph Lauren's New Madison Avenue Mansion
  • Its gun-ports were visible even at this distance, and a flag, unidentifiable, waved defiantly atop the mainmast.
  • A top item will be Toulouse-Lautrec's "La Clownesse assise" (1896), a wonderful lithograph of the clown Mademoiselle Cha-U-Kao in a bright-yellow, ruffle top sitting on a red sofa, with legs defiantly stretched wide apart and a skeptical look on her face (estimate: £180,000-£220,000). Prints Worthy of Hanging
  • ‘Everything I brought to council was truthful and honest… I rest my case,’ she said defiantly.

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