[ UK /dˈɛfɹənt/ ]
  1. showing deference

How To Use deferent In A Sentence

  • Instead, he underplays and it's a joy to watch him assume just the right mask of deferential blandness to manage his Colonel.
  • Shizuko is a famous tango dancer and deferential wife, who is kidnapped by yakuza as payment for her businessman husband's debts.
  • For instance, the Earth is not exactly at the centre of the deferent, but is a little off-centre.
  • The child grows up with intimate forms of speech, but requires the deferential forms in later contact with the world.
  • I asked, my tone polite and deferential - the latter being something which did not come naturally to me.
  • By contrast, those in favour of reform were accorded a respect that bordered on the deferential.
  • She is combative, not deferential, but not as effective as I'd like to see.
  • The naval gun equilibrator is of new type, which is deferent from the others. The equilibrator has many functions so that a new way is seeked to improve gun's overall performances.
  • He thoroughly deserved his long obituary, the tone of which is almost adulatory in parts, even allowing for the deferential standards of the time.
  • His model was the epicycle-deferent model where the motion of the heavenly bodies was circular, but based on a number of circles whose centres travelled around circles.
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