How To Use Defensibility In A Sentence

  • His work with the EMAP focused on program policy formulation, information management issues, and strengthening the scientific-defensibility, reliability and credibility of all EMAP activities and products. Contributor: Sidney Draggan
  • The second is that they care about the moral defensibility of our lives, and practices. Matthew Yglesias » Human Achievement Hour
  • Secondly, the argument about the indefensibility of the 1967 borders completely ignores the conventional military and nuclear superiority of Israel. The 1967 Border Issue Is Nothing New
  • The continued refusal of Congress to routinely make available much of the work of the Congressional Research Service, a $100 million-a-year arm of the Library of Congress, is approaching the regions of indefensibility.
  • DE KLERK: The aspect of the moral indefensibility, the wrongness of it, because it failed to bring justice, was the driving force for me and I think the driving force for the majority of the people in my party. CNN Transcript Nov 23, 2003
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  • Each of those attacks the defensibility of the exercise of the discretion in the circumstances of this case.
  • they built their castles with an eye to their defensibility
  • The question of defensibility is one of the toughest for an entrepreneur to answer. Marty Zwilling: Every Startup Needs a Reality Check Now and Then
  • Legal defensibility of the tests is also an important component.
  • The opening briefs in the case are due next month, and the indefensibility of the program was recently revealed by the government in a sworn deposition.
  • The justness of the cause, the moral bankruptcy of segregation and the indefensibility of the system had a lot more to do with it. The Volokh Conspiracy » Gay Rights Group Planning to Publicly Out Signers of Referendum Petition:
  • To do so, IT must work together with the legal, compliance and risk departments to apply automation, defensibility, efficiencies and a best practices framework around e-discovery. Why Managing E-mail Matters
  • But hopefully it will also allow us to increase our defensibility.
  • A Security Council resolution fixing the 1967 lines as borders would call into question even Israel's legitimacy, dramatically undercutting prospects for security and defensibility. Obama and the Coming Palestinian State
  • I pick all my halfway houses for escape as well as defensibility and I do a lot of work on the properties late at night. Edge
  • The Republicans, in the face of Obama's ascendancy and the indefensibility of their policy decisions in the last eight years, have just pulled a desperation maneuver and hijacked what is perhaps the most important election in America's history by demoting it to an emotional cat-fight between pro-choice and pro-life women, over the one issue where neither side can be reasonable. Cintra Wilson: It's the Freedom, Stupid
  • Still, even if you had been correct on the points you raised, the others are sufficient to point out the indefensibility of Biblical literalism. A pop quiz for Biblical literalists | RELIGION Blog |
  • The critic succeeds in overturning the presumption (and thus in fully ‘bearing’ the burden of proof) if she can show that the presumption's unassailability has served only to mask its indefensibility.
  • This idiot move of Huckabee's -- probably the best he can come up with given the craven indefensibility of his actions in the Dumond case -- simply highlights what his "compassion" caused: the needless brutal murder of one and perhaps two women. Huckabee Mounts Counterattack Against Romney Over Paroled Rapist Story
  • As it was, its thick grey walls and twin turrets gave it a look of defensibility, as though it were here despite the quiescent malice of the forest.
  • On the other hand, these odious principles are already so extensively discussed, and have been so clearly laid down in all their indefensibility, that I may here deal with them briefly. Freie wissenschaft und freie lehr. English
  • After an exchange such as that described above, for example, it is definitely NOT as though my interlocutor will adjust his or her thinking to take into account the indefensibility and incoherence that has been demonstrated about the "God defines the good" position. Traditionalists' Muddled Thinking About God and the Good: A Bit of Philosophy
  • I mean that the ABSOLUTE indefensibility of it might bring her a recklessness and a momentum which might -- ' The Pool in the Desert
  • client complaints create a felt need for the defensibility of individual actions
  • Polygyny in that group may be associated with male territoriality and defensibility of nesting resources.
  • His relationship with Briseis, who resists and then falls in love with him, exposes him to the absurdity and indefensibility of his position, as the glory-seeking pawn of a monstrous expedition.
  • Once the matter is formulated in this way, however, the important question is not so much the defensibility of the modest essentialist position as its significance.
  • These types of contracts provide an acquirer with more confidence in the projected revenues of an acquisition target, as well as confidence in the long term defensibility of the business.
  • The aspect of the moral indefensibility, the wrongness of it, because it failed to bring justice, was the driving force for me and I think the driving force for the majority of the people in my party.

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