How To Use Defenseless In A Sentence
And the fact is that women just dig men who see clips of defenseless mother pigs stuffed in crates so small that they can't turn around, and then blurt out, "But, I love me some bacon!
Josh Tetrick: Five Reasons Why Man = Meat
Her weak façade of control did not hide her utter defenselessness and need to be wanted.
Too Old for Their Age
“Part of an adult faith, for example, is a commitment to the inviolability of human life from its first moment, radically opposing the principle of violence, precisely in the defense of the most defenseless of human creatures,” the pope said.
Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
He played right into my vulnerable defenseless beginner trap.
The really are the sweetest birds in existence - flightless, defenseless, harmless, big, green budgies.

Look at you biting your knuckle orgiastically while your leather minion whips a defenseless Isabelle De Funès.
Happy Birthday, Carroll Baker
In the face of such an onslaught, the Germans, military as well as civilians, were, by and large, defenceless.
I will never reject, from any consideration personal to myself, the cause of the defenseless or oppressed, or delay any person's cause for lucre or malice.
The issue is one of innocence and defenselessness on the one hand, and a decision by one who truly does have a choice on the other.
Requiring viewing of pre-abortion ultrasounds: I’m with Crist on this one
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff lamented the deaths of what she called "defenseless children" and asked for a minute of silence to honor the youngsters.
11 Children Killed in Brazil School Shooting
The city lay defenceless before the most powerful fighting force on the continent.
She's about as defenceless as a mamba, thought Alma, and yet she couldn't break the spell.
Aware of his defenceless condition in the bright daylight, when his purblindness would prevent him from evading the attacks of his enemies, he seeks some obscure retreat where he may pass the day without exposing himself to observation.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 22, August, 1859
She held an athame in her hand, which was what she used to kill the defenseless animal.
Often bitten as they sleep, the uncovered youngsters are defenceless against the mosquitoes that carry it.
The Sun
In the face of such an onslaught, the Germans, military as well as civilians, were, by and large, defenceless.
He has outwitted the political Opposition, scorned the result of an election and killed his defenceless compatriots.
Times, Sunday Times
As he stood there defenseless, the sailor was about to plunge his cutlass into him for the last time.
We do not read in history of any act of cruelty practiced towards a male bewitcher; though we have authentic records to prove, that many a weak and defenceless woman has been tortured, and even murdered by a people professing Christianity, merely because a pampered priest, or a superstitious idiot, sanctioned such oppression.
Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination
Defenseless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification.
Politics and the English Language
Of course, others thought that you had shot four defenseless guys that were just panhandling.
She sounds charming, if a little defenceless now her husband isn't there to protect her.
But when they are in our custody, when they are defenseless, it is a mark of Western civilization that we treat them humanely.
Given the relentless nature of the systemic torment and slaughter of millions of other sentient beings that take place day after day, violent responses from nonhuman animal lovers are inevitable and are a morally acceptable means of extensional self-defense on behalf of the voiceless, defenseless victims.
He no longer heard the cries of the animals or saw the flowing blood....
Were there any truth in the tale as regards the mongoos, it would be difficult to understand, why other creatures, such as the secretary bird and the falcon, which equally destroy serpents, should be left defenceless, and the ichneumon alone provided with a prophylactic.
Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
You don’t really understand what the word defenseless means till you see that.
Living Justice
The KMT legislature blocked Taiwan's military procurements during the Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) years, and thus ensured Taiwan's long-term defenselessness against China.
Taipei Times
That should have made him afraid of them, because it left him defenseless.
Two decades ago, of course, the term "defenseless receiver" hadn't been invented.
Slate Magazine
He played right into my vulnerable defenseless beginner trap.
Psychologically, why do bullies always beat up on the defenceless?
The village is defenceless against attack.
Defenseless, management and palsy crotalidae from new persuader, new retarded and thracian were ortygan and hydrarthrosis waterdog, the new horde committeewoman graphical.
Rational Review
So, where is the Vatican's outrage at the worldwide epidemic of sexual abuse of children perpetrated by its own clergy --- a sin of the very first order, given the defenselessness of the victims and the power and trust invested in the molesting men of God?
Carla Seaquist: Where is the Vatican's Outrage about Child Molestation?
And what of the asphalt toreadors who use their own defenselessness as a kind of weapon?
Pedestrian Detection
Studies have shown that people who commit such cowardly sickening acts against innocent defenceless animals move on to attack bigger things, such as people.
The Sun
Since a lack of pigment leaves albinos defenseless against both ultraviolet rays and light; [,] they are subject to severe photophobia and heliophobia (fear of light and the sun) from birth on.
He was knocked to the floor by a cold and callous killer, which left him totally defenceless on the floor.
In others, the need to dominate sexually may result in attraction towards the defenceless.
It could leave millions defenceless against common illnesses such as food poisoning.
The Sun
In his homily, he took up the words of Pope Benedict's homily at Solemn Vespers on the occasion of the conclusion of the Pauline Year highlighted on the NLM, and exhorted the new priests to be committed to the inviolability of human life from its first instant, thereby radically opposing the principle of violence also precisely in the defence of the most defenceless human creatures is part of an adult faith.
Ordinations in Toledo
The military reverberations of the word "vulnerable"-unguarded, unfortified, defenseless-as well as its more visceral associations-exposed, naked-I felt intensely as I thought about the hard attitude rampant today that everyone is on his or her own, not only poor families struggling to survive (cuts to welfare), but also children (cuts to education) and the elderly (cuts to Medicare and Social Security); and the ruthless attitude equally rampant today that no one owes anybody anything, that any "sacrifice" in the name of the public good, of the world we share together, our commonwealth, is too much to ask of anyone.
NPR Topics: News
The transport crews had a tendency to surrender before they were rendered totally defenseless.
We see it very, very often, and juries very often feel the same way when you have a defenseless child.
Even when she talks Touko out of her Drama Club doramaz, it's her 'defenceless' look that gets out her kouhai's dere-dere.
Anime Nano!
Defenceless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification.
Barry Eisler: The Definition of Insanity
He has outwitted the political Opposition, scorned the result of an election and killed his defenceless compatriots.
Times, Sunday Times
The elderly and vulnerable can feel defenceless, which prevents people from living their lives to the full.
But when they are in our custody, when they are defenseless, it is a mark of Western civilization that we treat them humanely.
The boss has a nasty habit of baiting defenceless subordinates.
The transport crews had a tendency to surrender before they were rendered totally defenseless.
If I never touched the defenseless, then I would touch nothing," Steep said.
They surrounded the defenseless woman, shouting at her, gesticulating violently.
Severin charged, swiping the dagger in a wide arc that left him wide open and defenseless.
They are completely defenseless and completely dependent, the easiest of targets.
The boss has a nasty habit of baiting defenceless subordinates.
On one hand, he invites us to laugh at a group of hopeless stumblebums tyrannised by their supposedly defenceless victim.
If they were boys that had conducted this brutal assault, beat the smithereen out of a defenseless student, an honor student like this girl, I don ` t think we would be treating them so kindly, Eben Brown.
CNN Transcript Apr 8, 2008
This was a savage attack on a defenceless young girl.
There cannot be any justification for people who raise their hand against what is most sacred to us - the life of defenseless children!
We see it very, very often, and juries very often feel the same way when you have a defenseless child.
Stepmum Tara Jefferson jailed for whipping girl with dog lead A STEPMOTHER who "deliberately and systematically" whipped a young "defenceless" girl with a dog lead because she was angry with her then partner has been jailed. | Top Stories
It really is remarkable that so many people have been so cavalier in considering our responsibility for the mass death of completely innocent and completely defenceless civilians.
He was explaining how India's kala azar epidemic could explode as HIV moved into Bihar, leaving infected people defenseless against the leishmania parasite.
A public inquiry would tell the world all our intelligence secrets and leave us defenceless.
Times, Sunday Times
Defenseless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification . »2004» Maj
The city lay defenceless before the most powerful fighting force on the continent.
When that happens, the usurper proceeds systematically to execute the now defenseless larvae before it deposits its own eggs in the gall.
While America is being purposely distracted by Bush's puny, paltry and poor-spirited "War on Terror" and Noah is out shopping for Gucci knock-offs at Target instead of keeping an eye on the ark, our country is being left defenseless, unprotected and without lifeboats while the biggest Flood ever is rapidly heading our way.
Thomas Friedman's "Hot, Flat & Crowded": Replacing the "War on Terror" with a "War on Global Warming"?
Carnatic, which is at present absolutely defenceless.
The Tiger of Mysore A Story of the War with Tippoo Saib
You remember that disarming also means to render defenceless.
Times, Sunday Times
He said: ‘This was a random and motiveless attack on a defenceless man.’
It is a sad sad day when our only saviour against the primitive apish hordes leaves us defenceless.
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Chuck Heston is out. Dead at age 84.
Manton knew well, when he made this allusion to mischief formerly done to the crew of the Foam, that he touched a rankling sore in the breast of Scraggs, who in a skirmish with the natives some time before had lost an eye; and the idea of revenging himself on the defenseless women and children of his enemies was so congenial to the mind of the second mate, that his objections to act willingly under Manton's orders were at once removed.
Gascoyne, The Sandal-Wood Trader A Tale of the Pacific
This position of defenselessness is a position which no free people should ever occupy.
Sir Norman Angell - Nobel Lecture
Severin charged, swiping the dagger in a wide arc that left him wide open and defenseless.
.... and all I can remember while shovelling through this piece of Phillips 'over-articulate confection is the similarity to US and Israeli denial and disinformation surrounding the murderous attack on the defenseless USS Liberty.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Then defenceless, all we could do was fight the panic and slowly slip away.
There are conflicts where one side is a fully armed and violent oppressor while the other side is defenseless and oppressed.
It matters not that the average rape victim is either a child, a defenseless old lady or some victim unfortunate enough to have crossed paths with a sicko on a dark road.
Now thousands of them were left completely defenseless in this horrific tragedy.
Investigations like this and others prove the death penalty is this country's ultimate punitive measure used almost exclusively against "unworthy, unpeople victims" to eliminate the unwanted, and those targeted are largely defenseless against it.
"Worthy and Unworthy Victims"
As will have been seen from the above, the Crown's case was that here there was the deliberate stabbing of an unarmed and defenceless woman.
Despite his protestations of innocence, many in jail believed he was the ruthless killer of a defenceless teenager.
No. Although the law makes her helpless in my hands, to me her defenselessness is her best defense.
Iola Leroy, Or Shadows Uplifted.
Moving away from me down the long market aisle, Robert looked just as Bobby might have as a boy, except that there was something defenseless in the way he held himself, a kind of roundness to back and shoulder.
Black and Blue
States which are defenseless can be attacked at will, with the most flimsy pretexts and virtually no international support.
They are completely defenseless and completely dependent, the easiest of targets.
Seal products brutalize defenseless seal pups, sabotage China's modernization (in moral development), poison and harm Chinese consumers, and tarnish Canadian international image.
With his crew of cut-throats, Sinbad attacked defenceless merchant ships and did what pirates do, thankfully omitted here because this is a U-certificate cartoon from DreamWorks.
The city lay defenceless before the most powerful fighting force on the continent.
Waiving humanity, national honor, the claims of gratitude, the precious satisfaction arising from deeds of charity and justice to the weak and defenceless, -- the appeal for impartial suffrage addresses itself with great pertinency to the darkest, coldest, and flintiest side of the human heart, and would wring righteousness from the unfeeling calculations of human selfishness.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995, Memorial Issue
Wireless technology is opening a potentially vast number of defenceless networks
Remain defenseless and at the mercy of the criminals, hoping the Police can get there in time if things really go South.
April 03, 2005
Then defenceless, all we could do was fight the panic and slowly slip away.
Experts said they pose a global threat which could leave millions defenceless against common illnesses such as food poisoning and pneumonia.
The Sun
Lehtonen said he was defenseless when Semin ditched his forehand on the fly. - Hockey - Atlanta vs. Washington
You remember that disarming also means to render defenceless.
Times, Sunday Times
As the ship tore through the defenseless nurseries, its propellers caught the fishery ropes and dragged the nurseries in its wake.
They surrounded the defenseless woman, shouting at her, gesticulating violently.
We naked apes, in the millennia since consciousness evolved into thought, have forged in our fear and defenselessness great clumsy creatures called nations, which have a momentum seemingly beyond human ability to control, and which are both modeled after and behave like the predators who terrorized us for most of our time here on this planet, according to Ehrenreich.
Robert Koehler: The Heart of the Future
As will have been seen from the above, the Crown's case was that here there was the deliberate stabbing of an unarmed and defenceless woman.
He said facial injuries appeared to have been inflicted when the detainees were being held down or were "defenceless".
Politics news, UK and world political comment and analysis |
I can't understand the mentality of people who hurt defenceless animals.
Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a dream snatcher. He's an industrial spy, who steals secrets when his victims are at their most defenceless: when they are asleep, and dreaming.
All sang the song of war, and burning with impatience to imbrue their hands in the blood of their enemies, rushed down among innocent and defenceless families on the frontiers of Carolina, where men, women and children, without distinction, fell a sacrifice to their merciless fury.
An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia, Volume 2
‘I'd leave your head in a bee's nest with my blows,’ Sharpe says, demonstrating with quick jabs into the defenseless air.
Have a heart and spare a thought for the defenceless, helpless victims and their families.
The village is defenceless against attack.
I understand why Nancy would say that this is just an attack on this poor, defenseless woman.
The city lay defenceless before the most powerful fighting force on the continent.
With a powerful left hook he knocked his challenger defenseless.
For years governments have let scientists pursue the defenceless boson at public expense.
Scenting blood, he snorts like a bull that has his former baiter defenceless on the deck.
There cannot be any justification for people who raise their hand against what is most sacred to us - the life of defenseless children!
Nietzsche illustrates the dynamics of the strong valuation with an infamous image of birds of prey devouring defenseless lambs.
We stay up all night, giddy and giggly, and talk and plot until our mouths are dry deserts, drier than the fenceless and defenseless north of Kuwait.
Excerpt: A Map of Home by Randa Jarrar
The elderly and vulnerable can feel defenceless, which prevents people from living their lives to the full.
Unfortunately, the cherry cat moved with its owners and left the poor tree defenseless...some were lost to squirrels, others were lost to a thing that slept in the front garden, but most were lost because they were allowed to overripen and burst...
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If I never touched the defenseless, then I would touch nothing," Steep said.
Defenceless against their masters, they struggled with overwork and its usual complement - underfeeding.
You remember that disarming also means to render defenceless.
Times, Sunday Times
I understand why Nancy would say that this is just an attack on this poor, defenseless woman.
a defenseless child
With his crew of cut-throats, Sinbad attacked defenceless merchant ships and did what pirates do, thankfully omitted here because this is a U-certificate cartoon from DreamWorks.
They surrounded the defenseless woman, shouting at her, gesticulating violently.
Guernica is etched in my consciousness as the image of defencelessness, trampled innocence, Franco's savagery.
This was a savage attack on a defenceless young girl.
That would have been the best way to finally hold Israel accountable for its grave breaches of international humanitarian law, its war crimes, and its crimes against humanity (not least the sealing off an entire civilian population from the outside world, denying it the ability to flee to safety, and then subjecting that same, defenseless, shelterless population -- most of it composed of children -- to an indiscriminate round-the-clock bombardment).
Saree Makdisi: Last Straw for the Palestinian "Authority"?
The city lay defenceless before the most powerful fighting force on the continent.
While the messiah is taking this country into a defenseless rat hole .... all you can do is bash Bush and Cheney.
McCain: CIA secrecy story just beginning
In a lawless and consequently weak state, man is defenceless and unfree.
Sensor probes detected activity on the Utopian space station and the domed settlement on the moon, all left defenseless as the last of the armed ships attempted to escape.
Were there any truth in the tale as regards the mongoos, it would be difficult to understand why creatures, such as the secretary bird and the falcon, and others, which equally destroy serpents, should be left defenceless, and the ichneumon alone provided with a prophylactic.
Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon
Unable to move from where she lay, not only because of the infant lying on her breast, but because her body was still torn open from the caesarean section, a defenseless fear and rage swept through her because no one was telling her what was going on.
Who Said It Would Be Easy
Thank your relationship to my sister that I punish you no further, and learn that to use other men's arms to strike the defenceless is a stain upon nobility. '
Stray Pearls
So much for the respect of the young and defenseless in our society!
Their instinct comes direct from God and guides them to help themselves in parturition; the very time when the herdsman is most anxious for his herds. wild goats -- ibex (Ps 104: 18; 1Sa 24: 2). hinds -- fawns; most timid and defenseless animals, yet cared for by God.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
the child was standing in the middle of the crossfire, defenselessly
Many of those collective agreements were not agreements at all: most were forced down the throats of defenceless factory proprietors who had a choice of paying unsustainable rates of pay or shutting down.
The image of him sprawled on the dirt, defenseless, unable to get to help, tore a hole through my chest, leaving me swaying dizzily against the wall.
The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf
The political movements of the working class had disappeared, leaving society atomised, defenceless against and even positively disposed towards state intrusion in private affairs.
This was a sickening attack on a pregnant and defenceless woman.
You can still hear Bryan Adams's "Everything I Do I Do it for You" on mainstream radio, in supermarkets, elevators and other acoustically defenseless enclosures.
What's On Around Europe
On that occasion they did, as the islanders were left defenceless and the Italians marched off their ships almost unopposed.
How could the government especially appear so defenseless against a direct attack?
In my imagination, I see him finding her alone in her corral, circling her, Delia lowering her hornless, defenseless head, and Duke snapping at her nose, drawing blood.
The Dirty Life
Sanco said in a statement that it condemned the use of violence to remove "defenceless" people.
ANC Daily News Briefing
A heroin addict who stabbed a '' defenceless '' student to death during a burglary has been jailed for a minimum of 26 years.
Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news
Often bitten as they sleep, the uncovered youngsters are defenceless against the mosquitoes that carry it.
The Sun
When a mighty predator makes a meal of a slow-witted, defenseless, helpless creature, one can hardly help but cringe.
I refer, of course, not to the evil, perfidious nature of corporate governance because, let's face it, we're all too cowed and defenceless to complain, but to badly dubbed television commercials.
Risk – By placing his hand in the box, he risks losing it, and in the violent universe of Dune, that means defenselessness and likely death.
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Pyrasulfotole is a "bleacher," meaning it shuts down the photosynthetic pathway of weeds, rendering the plant defenseless against sunlight.
High Plains Journal
In fact chivalry has been defined as the interpenetration of Christianity into the practice of arms: the chivalrous knight of the Middle Ages was not only a brave and skilful fighter, ready whenever occasion arose to reveal his prowess on the field of battle, but also he stood for utter chastity, for a high standard of honor, for the protection of the defenseless and the weak, and for mercy and humanity to a vanquished foe.
Chivalry in the British Empire
Of course, others thought that you had shot four defenseless guys that were just panhandling.
She wanted to protest, feeling more defenceless and exposed than ever with her back to any possible threat.
In others, the need to dominate sexually may result in attraction towards the defenceless.
That should have made him afraid of them, because it left him defenseless.
Or would he choose to beggar the kingdom, leaving it weak and defenceless against his forces, just for the entertainment?
Wireless technology is opening a potentially vast number of defenceless networks
Political inventors are to-day largely unconscious of their purpose, and, so, defenceless against the distraction of their routineer enemies.
A Preface to Politics
In Europe and North America, the "us" of the Church urges people to leave behind the selfish and technicist mentality, to advance the common good and to show respect for the persons who are most defenceless, starting with the unborn.
Latest Articles
Manton knew well, when he made this allusion to mischief formerly done to the crew of the _Foam_, that he touched a rankling sore in the breast of Scraggs, who in a skirmish with the natives some time before had lost an eye; and the idea of revenging himself on the defenceless women and children of his enemies was so congenial to the mind of the second mate, that his objections to act willingly under Manton's orders were at once removed.
Gascoyne, the Sandal-Wood Trader
She sounds charming, if a little defenceless now her husband isn't there to protect her.
But though she recognized an egotist in the settee, she felt none of that usual shutting of doors in her mind which meant clearing ship for action; on the contrary her instinct told her that this man was somehow completely pregnable and quite defenseless.
Flappers and Philosophers
A former security adviser to Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams wept as he recalled being warned he and his "defenceless" family could be murdered by IRA assassins.
They were left virtually defenceless against enemy attack.
My follicular kingman homes for sale drowse fractiousness me this scrum to lender inauspiciously his defenseless panicle, his disorganisation to curb, and his steradian for noncausative to mustache.
Rational Review
The city lay defenceless before the most powerful fighting force on the continent.
They, in spite of the most expensive and elaborate defense paraphernalia of the US Government, feel defenseless.
From an ethical standpoint, such acts would be readily justifiable as a form of extensional self-defense on behalf of voiceless, defenseless sentient beings.
To dam the torrential rivers of blood and to silence the cacophony of their agonized cries....
As will have been seen from the above, the Crown's case was that here there was the deliberate stabbing of an unarmed and defenceless woman.
Thus, being committed to the inviolability of human life from its first instant, thereby radically opposing the principle of violence also precisely in the defence of the most defenceless human creatures is part of an adult faith.
Homily of Papal Vespers on 28 June 2009
For example, the porcupine is defenseless except for its quills, the deer vulnerable except for its speed.
Not only were they hungry, but they also felt defenceless against more allied bombing.
Well, why learn on the job in a dangerous sport where the object is to render somebody defenseless.
Loyalists knew they were fighting a dark, largely unheroic war, directed against defenceless civilians.
Jonathan easily dodged out of the way, and then rushed at the now defenseless student.
At times I was weak , defenceless, confused.
For example, the porcupine is defenseless except for its quills, the deer vulnerable except for its speed.
The reason was simple: If you had somebody on the beach, your boat was defenseless.
Whether fearful of their escape, or incensed by some sarcasms which they threw on his tribe, or whether out of mere thirst of blood, this savage, while the other MacGregors were engaged in the pursuit, poniarded his helpless and defenceless prisoners.
Rob Roy
American white people perpetrated upon defenseless Negroes; and it was "Old England" that with bateless breath listened to the plaintive cry of Ida B. Wells, the heroine of her race.
Africa and African Methodism.
Justice Minister Brigitte Mabandla was on Wednesday accused of grossly violating the human rights of 384 "defenceless" prisoners by refusing to consider and process their applications for presidential pardons.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The slim man had seized the whip, and after two more murderous kicks, commenced to thrash the defenceless coachman.
As much as I am appalled at what cats do to defenceless animals, I could never be cruel to them, even when they invade my garden to prey on the birds that drop in for food and water.
It could leave millions defenceless against common illnesses such as food poisoning.
The Sun
As she fell asleep she saw his hand unclench in front of her eyes and lie uncurled, defenceless.
There are conflicts where one side is a fully armed and violent oppressor while the other side is defenseless and oppressed.
It became clear to us that we were witnessing the aftermath of a massacre, the cold-blooded butchery of helpless and defenceless civilians.
You remember that disarming also means to render defenceless.
Times, Sunday Times
And we were quite disturbed at the end of it, when we found that Rosario had actually put a false name on this note that he shoved in the baby ` s diaper and just left him the way that he did in this parking lot, and as you had mentioned, defenseless, to kind of fend for himself.
CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2008
Troops indiscriminately massacred the defenceless population.
Studies have shown that people who commit such cowardly sickening acts against innocent defenceless animals move on to attack bigger things, such as people.
The Sun
Now Glasgow is almost defenceless, save for her little army of machine gunners on the decks.
The officer was an easy target, gasping, white-faced, dripping mucoid liquid, defenceless.
I can't understand the mentality of people who hurt defenceless animals.
So much for the respect of the young and defenseless in our society!
In others, the need to dominate sexually may result in attraction towards the defenceless.
Through these lawsuits, they seek to establish near exclusive permanent control over each and every use of the recordings their members distribute, expanding the power of copyright owners to include things which are not part of the existing body of law, and extracting financial penalties from the largely defenseless individuals accused of disobeying them.
FSF steps into RIAA vs The People war
Thus Fool offenceless shall lie defenceless at thy mercy and, so lying, sleep until joyous day shall banish thy so virginal fears!
The Geste of Duke Jocelyn
As she fell asleep she saw his hand unclench in front of her eyes and lie uncurled, defenceless.
Ottoway man Trevor Bond jailed for cutting dog's throat AN Ottoway man who slit the throat of a "defenceless" dog has been the first to be jailed in South Australia since new animal cruelty legislation was introduced in 2008. | Top Stories
They were both outsiders, social lightning conductors, defenceless from the start.
An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
The man whom you call a blackguard -- I don't know why, for _he_ had not been destroying any defenceless person's property -- had had a scoundrelly trick played him, and I and some other fellows got up a subscription for him, as anyone with a spark of gentlemanly feeling would be inclined to do.
Dr. Jolliffe's Boys
You were simply using me as a defenseless butt on which to take out your frustrations.
The officer was an easy target, gasping, white-faced, dripping mucoid liquid, defenceless.
He voiced his solidarity with the weak and defenceless.
Well, why learn on the job in a dangerous sport where the object is to render somebody defenseless.
Such overuse is allowing common infections to evolve resistance to the drugs, leaving patients increasingly defenceless.
Times, Sunday Times
I'd be lying, semi-conscious in my hospital bed, laid low by my flaky pods, defenceless against her scheming ways.
I didn't leave him defenceless, of course.
Times, Sunday Times
He had let his mother down, had somehow forsaken her, leaving her defenseless in her hour of need.
It could leave millions defenceless against common illnesses such as food poisoning.
The Sun
So, where is the Vatican's outrage at the worldwide epidemic of sexual abuse of children perpetrated by its own clergy -- a sin of the very first order, given the defenselessness of the victims and the power and trust invested in the molesting men of God?
Carla Seaquist: Where Is the Vatican's Outrage About Child Molestation?
GRACE: That mannequin representing 71-year-old Sister Margaret Ann Pahl, a nun, one of the most defenseless and innocent among us, murdered in the sacristy, which is a little room off of the altar.
CNN Transcript Apr 25, 2006
Not only were they hungry, but they also felt defenceless against more allied bombing.
Now thousands of them were left completely defenseless in this horrific tragedy.