How To Use Defense lawyer In A Sentence

  • Fujisaki will probably rule next week on whether defense lawyers can draw a more sinister inference from the delay during closing arguments.
  • Prosecutors are either too timid or outgunned by the platoons of pricey defense lawyers.
  • Mark Fuhrman, who was subsequently criticized for racial bias by both defense lawyers and prosecutors.
  • Defense lawyers are arguing that the police botched the investigation.
  • Mark Fuhrman, who was subsequently criticized for racial bias by both defense lawyers and prosecutors.
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  • Prosecution and defense lawyers are expected to deliver closing arguments next week.
  • The accused man sat in the dock with his back to us, while his defense lawyer complained about what he called prejudicial behavior by the prosecution. DELIVER US FROM EVIL
  • I resent that as a defense lawyer; my clients resent it.
  • Defense lawyers previously suggested the pop star might have self-administered an overdose of the anesthetic propofol while Murray was away from his side.
  • The hearing also revealed that defense lawyers intend to raise racial issues at the trial.
  • The student is the speeder's mathematically inclined defense lawyer.
  • Superior Court Judge Mary Lou Rup on Wednesday took under advisement a move by Bennett's office to "quash" the subpoena of Bennett by defense lawyer Greg T. Schubert. Reader -
  • Seattle Post-Intelligencer article reported that, due to the "miserliness" of Clark County, defense lawyers handling three out of five of Clark County's death-penalty cases had been either disbarred or arrested. Washblog - Front Page
  • He is the president-elect of the New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.
  • Lawrence Lustberg, a New Jersey criminal defense lawyer who has known Alito since 1981 and tried cases before him on the Third Circuit, describes him as "an activist conservatist judge" who is tough on crime and narrowly construes prisoners 'and criminals' rights. 10/31/2005
  • That is a sentiment echoed by criminal defense lawyer William Habern of Riverside, who specializes in state and federal parole cases.
  • Instead of freely submitting to police interviews, they hired a pair of Denver defense lawyers, one for each of them.
  • The defense lawyers will ask the Ohio Supreme Court to review the case.
  • Mark Fuhrman, who was subsequently criticized for racial bias by both defense lawyers and prosecutors.
  • Defense lawyers and France's National Bar Council had waged a long campaign to end what they called a chink in the armor of French human rights protections. French court: Terror suspects must have lawyers during questioning
  • The prosecutors and defense lawyers regarded Kovitsky as a holy terror.
  • The sentencing of the two men, who were acquitted in May of the sexual assault charges and found guilty of official misconduct, has been delayed so defense lawyers can review the raw footage from the documentary, which included unaired outtakes of investigators discussing the case. Sex-Crimes Unit's Lapses Trip Up Cases
  • Jon Jackson, Khadr's lead defense lawyer, argued that Khadr's mistreatment in prison is relevant to the sentence he should serve, even if it didn't invalidate Khadr's confessions. Daphne Eviatar: Judge Hides Evidence of Torture from Gitmo Jury
  • Look in the upper right-hand corner of the prints, he told the defense lawyers. FINGERPRINTS: Murder and the Race to Uncover the Science of Identity
  • Prosecutors are either too timid or outgunned by the platoons of pricey defense lawyers.
  • The involvement of a paid government informant is the only reason four Newburgh, N.Y., men are facing charges they engaged in a plot to blow up a Bronx synagogue and to shoot down military planes last year, defense lawyers said Tuesday. Informant Draws Fire
  • It was like a prosecutor and a defense lawyer, and it was kind of this adversarial process.
  • Prosecutors are either too timid or outgunned by the platoons of pricey defense lawyers.
  • However the state has opposed the defense lawyers 'request, saying giving out details of any work done on the government's behalf will "neutralise" its effect. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In two of the cases, Justice Stevens lashed out at the court's failure to condemn what he called shoddy work by defense lawyers in death penalty cases. NYT > Home Page
  • At a press conference last week, a group of defense lawyers who practice in Madison County, Illinois, reportedly "bristled" at the description of Madison County as a "judicial hellhole. Tort "Reform" 2
  • The defense lawyer said he would prepare counterstatements against the charges and ask the court to present Tommy to testify at the next session.
  • In the past, defense lawyers have used what is some call graymail to demand all sorts of sensitive information that the government doesn't want to make it public, then they simply have to walk away from the case. CNN Transcript Mar 10, 2006
  • The Martha Stewart trial hit a snag when defense lawyers and prosecutors withheld a key document from them.
  • Sida Liu and Terence Halliday, who study the Chinese legal system, estimate hundreds of defense lawyers have been prosecuted under "Big Stick 306.
  • Prosecution and defense lawyers are expected to deliver closing arguments next week.
  • The defense lawyers can't possibly have marshaled all of the mitigating factors in order to make a presentation already.
  • They say Anderson also didn't tell Morton's defense lawyers that Christine Morton's credit card was used in San Antonio two days after her death and that a forged check in her name was cashed several days later. Front Page
  • The judge was in the defense lawyer's pocket.
  • In March, Mayor Bloomberg issued an executive order that would require defense lawyers for so-called indigent defendants to be selected by a competitive bidding process. Regional Watch
  • Seven CHP deputies, including deputy from Manisa Şahin Mengü, took seats next to defense lawyers, although there were many empty chairs in the gallery. TODAY'S ZAMAN :: News
  • One question defense lawyers could raise: Can the miles be transferred without the consent of the owner?
  • One question defense lawyers could raise: Can the miles be transferred without the consent of the owner?
  • The judge was in the defense lawyer's pocket.
  • Scheller also complained in court filings about defense lawyers' "aggressive" tactics, including a 7 1/2-hour deposition of Keith in which she was given few breaks, and subsequent e-mails to her "alluding to possible retaliation ... for what they characterized as inflammatory and/or slanderous statements.
  • We heard the defense lawyers in this particular case make a case for the state here having what they call a subtle case here. CNN Transcript May 9, 2002
  • Prosecution and defense lawyers are expected to deliver closing arguments next week.
  • This sometime sleuth and sometime criminal defense lawyer likes to take a police offense report and dissect it to find more about everything such as puttied-over gunshot holes, alternative ways the drugs might have gotten in the car, why witnesses might lie, Facebook photos that tell a different story and on and on. Chronicle
  • If he wasn't tupping teenagers, lying his butt off, and buying off reporters with city jobs, he wouldn't need a high-priced criminal defense lawyer. Big buzz (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • William Sampson, their radical Irish defense lawyer, invited master cordwainer plaintiffs to imagine themselves in the shoes of a typical journeyman. Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • Meanwhile, his defense lawyers chipped away at the prosecution's arguments.
  • There is no downside unless a criminal defense lawyer is saying to him, you may be entrapped in answering a question innocently that may be viewed as not truthful, and you might be indicted.
  • When the vehicle came to a stop at the first guard post, Kimberley Motley, an American defense lawyer who represents foreigners ensnarled in Afghanistan's legal system, lowered her window and flashed a smile. American former beauty queen defending foreigners stuck in Afghan legal system

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