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How To Use Defense department In A Sentence

  • Perry, a successful businessman, brought a brisk and decisive managerial style to the Defense Department.
  • The result is usually a plan focused at the tactical level driven by the Defense Department toward an exit strategy.
  • The Defense Department therefore is paying only a small fraction of the benefits until it gets more money from Congress.
  • A Defense Department spokesman briefed reporters.
  • It would expand a current act for Defense Department contractors outside the United States.
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  • That report has been held up as the Defense Department declassifies sensitive evidence the committee reviewed in reaching its unanimous findings. Think Progress » DOJ official reportedly clears torture architects John Yoo and Jay Bybee.
  • The Defense Department has officially changed its random urinalysis tests to include spice on its list of drugs to screen for.
  • Defense Department schools offer valuable lessons, particularly in educating low-income, minority students.
  • Deciding who should execute what role in defending the nation against cyberattack is a thorny issue, complicated by the fact that the agency tasked with assisting the private sector - the Department of Homeland Security - lags the Defense Department in personnel, resources and capabilities. White House reviews nation's cybersecurity
  • AFRICOM, one of six Defense Department regional military headquarters, became operational October 1, 2008.
  • It is possible that the total Defense Department request, known as the "topline" number, may be released earlier than April, but that must wait on the more detailed submission, officials said. Aero-News Network
  • Despite the legal prohibition, Army plans already have included such collocation of women-men units in blueprints for a lighter force of 10 active divisions, according to Defense Department sources.
  • It found the Defense Department lacks a coordinated approach to ensuring that its systems are patched against the latest software vulnerabilities, and to conducting security assessments.
  • But Brian Whitman, the Pentagon spokesman, says the Defense Department did not release the photos officially.
  • We worked with the Defense Department to build more facilities to ease the overcrowding there.
  • An academic, hired by the Defense Department to "conceptualize" the War. - Articles related to Cast member of movie "Confucius" visit Taipei
  • The Defense Department has been pressing private contractors for options to speed up deployment of missile defenses.
  • There is, I think, a dangerous consolidation of power moving toward the Defense Department.
  • Terror experts from the State Department and Defense Department quickly began analyzing the situation.
  • Given the tensions over Mr. Khadr's case, White House and Jus tice Department officials earlier this year urged the Defense Department not to make his the first trial under what the administration describes as a much-improved military-tribunal system, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter. Guantanamo Trial Set to Go Ahead
  • ValuJet approached the Pentagon in August 1995 to be included among the airlines certified to carry Defense Department personnel for official travel.
  • DARPA officials plan to use the cyber range to test technology for the Global Information Grid, the Defense Department's network for warfighters and other personnel.
  • At the Pentagon, spokesman Bryan Whitman says Defense Department inquiries offer a different conclusion.
  • Rep. Joe Heck R., Nev., chief of a House Armed Services subpanel, wants the Defense Department to determine how many military homeowners are being thrust into financial jeopardy because of orders to relocate. Housing Help for Military in Jeopardy
  • The Defense Department has given its blessing to the scheme.
  • Start with the amazed discovery of the White House, the Defense Department and the permanently embedded US press corps that nations don't care to be invaded, even if they have been misgoverned by a tyrant for decades.
  • It was a military program developed under the cognizance of the Defense Department.
  • The Civil Defense department of Alagoas state received reports from local officials of 600 people missing in the chaos, but suggested most were not in danger. Brazilian Floods Kill Dozens, Food And Aid Rushed To Affected Areas
  • As noted many times in the past, the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries of all types particularly, back injuries and the detection, characterization and management of mental disorders including substance disorder and deployment stress-related disorders, e.g., PTSD should have the highest priorities for military medical research, public health and force health protection programs, states the Defense Department's newly released Medical Surveillance Monthly Report. Military: Troop ailments, from backs to breathing, swell
  • The Pentagon Papers was the name popularly attached to a lengthy classified history of the conflict in Vietnam assembled by a team of high-level researchers working at the Defense Department. As in Nixon's Time, Revelations Feed War Doubts
  • The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the Defense Department.
  • Our legislation encourages more young Americans to serve in the military by allowing the Defense Department to create a new, shorter-term enlistment option. Criticize This article” A New Start for National Service”? « Literacy Activities « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • According to official Defense Department documents, Gen. Pendleton's decorations included four awards of the Silver Star, three awards of the Legion of Merit, three awards of the Distinguished Flying Cross, nine awards of the Bronze Star Medal, the Purple Heart and 44 awards of the Air Medal. Elmer D. Pendleton Jr., Army major general
  • The Defense Department made greatest use of the technique, with 47 data mining projects to track everything from the academic performance of Navy midshipmen to the whereabouts of ship parts and suspected terrorists.
  • The rest of us form our opinions from the New York Times or hearing from some college friends who's pals w/someone at the Defense Department, and right away that adulterates the conclusions by inserting gossip and hearsay. Freakophilosophy
  • Have they already forgotten that the Clinton administration didn't kill Osama when they had a chance AND that they 'reorganized' communication between the departments in the defense department. The return of terror politics
  • The Defense Department announced on Friday that the President has formally nominated three colonels for promotion to Brigadier General.
  • Eisenhower had his greatest difficulties with the Army, for it suffered most from his refusal to increase the Defense Department budget.
  • The Defense Department has hired more than 50 freelance writers for the sites.
  • HUD cannot (or will not) tell you, and indeed, it cannot tell its GAO auditors either, which is why it did not and does not pass audits, in much the same style of Bill Cohen's and Donald Rumsfeld's Defense Department, which amassed over $2.5 trillion in "undocumentable transactions" before they stopped telling people what the amount is. - Financial News
  • A Defense Department spokesman briefed reporters.
  • Perry, a successful businessman, brought a brisk and decisive managerial style to the Defense Department.
  • I say enough is enough, which is why I introduced and won an amendment to the Department of Defense Authorization bill which would require that the Secretary of Defense consider debarring BP from Defense Department contracts if he finds that BP is not a "responsible source. Rep. Luis Gutierrez: BP: Busy Promoting a Culture of Recklessness
  • They recommend the use of social media internally to break down communication barriers within the department - which they call inbound sharing - which would also include information and tips coming in from the public to the Defense Department. WFED / /
  • Headlines are filled with companies accused of using shoddy practices for personal gain, so PlayMakers Repertory Company's production of Arthur Miller's "All My ... games is on the roster for the San Francisco Symphony's Summer & the Symphony series, which runs from June 1 to An academic, hired by the Defense Department to" conceptualize "the War. - Articles related to Annette Bening likes getting theatrical
  • Critics accused him of not wanting to rebuff the Defense Department during an election campaign.
  • In conjunction with Lockheed Martin, Lakota and other participating small businesses are working on Defense Department-funded programs under the Small Business Innovation Research program.
  • The Defense Department says Spc. Jacob Dohrenwend of Milford died in Balad in central Iraq on Monday of injuries suffered in what the military describes as a noncombat incident. Army Times - News
  • The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the Defense Department.
  • The Defense Department has been pressing private contractors for options to speed up deployment of missile defenses.
  • He closes with a scathing remark about the number of pen-pushers at the defense department.
  • When the Defense Department unveils its proposed 2012 budget next week, expected to total about $553 billion, some major rocket and satellite programs will be among the biggest winners, according to government and industry officials. Space Projects of Pentagon to Get Boost
  • The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the Defense Department.
  • I don't recall the Defense Department ever estimating casualties prior to the war, and there are obvious reasons why that may be inadvisable.
  • Of course, as Stephen Hayes has repeatedly pointed out, he can't even get the Defense Department to turn over unclassified documents that have been translated.
  • The review has sent rumors swirling through the Defense Department of proposals to eliminate various combat elements.
  • The U.S. Defense Department said the two carriers include the USS George Washington, located at its base in Yokosuka, near Tokyo, and the USS Ronald Reagan, which had been en route to South Korea. UN: Japan Requests Disaster Help From Four Foreign Teams
  • Defense Department, now features a circular red, white and blue logo on its Web site that has been characterized in some reports as "scarily" similar to President Obama's former campaign symbol. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The sort of spy-in-the-sky images previously available only to intelligence agencies and defense departments, now within reach of almost all the rest of us. CNN Transcript Jan 3, 2000
  • A recent Defense Department directive elevates "IW" (irregular warfare) to a level "as strategically important as traditional warfare," arguing that for the "foreseeable future, winning the Long War against violent extremists will the central objective of U.S. policy. Conn Hallinan: Guns, Butter, and Obama
  • On Monday, the Defense Department’s website listed a total of 47,657 “nonmortal casualties” in Iraq. Think Progress » Pentagon tinkers with U.S. troop casualty count.
  • The Defense Department has given its blessing to the scheme.
  • Reading from a declassified portion of a report by the National Ground Intelligence Center, a Defense Department intelligence unit, Santorum said: Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. June 2006
  • Defense Department officials said the Quantico brig was designed for short pre-trial stays. Pentagon to Transfer WikiLeaks Suspect to New Prison
  • The Defense Department wanted a network that could withstand a nuclear attack on the U.S.
  • McDonnell complained that the Defense Department did not use its own quadriennial review or the well-established Base Realignment and Closure process in making recommendations for defense cuts. McDonnell reports little progress overturning JFCOM closure
  • The towers and unmanned blimps, called aerostats, worked so well at detecting and identifying enemy forces and objects that Defense Department officials want to buy more of them.
  • Dr. Regina Dugan, director of the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency, spoke at D9 on her program's ongoing efforts to reach homomorphic encryption and hypersonic speed, and opened a window into the techiest part of the U.S. Defense Department. Defense on the Offense
  • The Defense Department has not yet selected all of the future locations for its new constellation of overseas facilities.
  • ValuJet approached the Pentagon in August 1995 to be included among the airlines certified to carry Defense Department personnel for official travel.
  • Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich) forced the Justice Department to release some previously redacted material from the Defense Department, showing that the redactions had hidden FBI criticisms of the interrogation methods.

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