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  1. throw through or out of the window
    The rebels stormed the palace and defenestrated the President

How To Use defenestrate In A Sentence

  • But I should think that CNN, MSNBC and ... well, just CNN and MSNBC, really ... would actually like to have the comfort of knowing that their on-air spouters and sermonizers weren't total hypocrites, and would defenestrate hosts who violate basic standards. Lou Dobbs, evil idiot
  • I am hoping for a hung parliament so the Tories can defenestrate him. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Word leaked that in his absence, Murphy would use her power as acting governor to do some deeper budget-cutting - and perhaps even to defenestrate a gubernatorial aide or two.
  • Playing the whole album might cause a hungover person to defenestrate themselves.
  • Those captured are killed by a variety of means: some are hanged, some are decapitated, some are drawn and quartered, some are defenestrated (thrown from upper floor windows), some are put into sacks and thrown into the Loire to drown.
  • Later in the film, Richard, a gaunt, haggard, disease-ravaged poet defenestrates himself before the eyes of his best friend and former lover, the achingly frustrated Clarissa Vaughan.
  • Nevertheless, whether it likes it or not, the University of Glasgow is still my alma mater and, truant and impostor though I may have been, I am saddened at its proposals to defenestrate its excellent modern languages department. Who will awaken the talents of our poorest kids? | Kevin McKenna
  • Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair, seen as modernising go-getters in their early years in office, had eventually to be defenestrated by their own colleagues to save their party's reputation.
  • Let the fear flow, and the public know, that you will not be afraid to defend yourself and your authority -- or to defenestrate those who violate the public trust. Obama's MacArthur Moment
  • Malema was defenestrated, but Vavi is still a loud voice within the alliance.
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