How To Use Defective In A Sentence
Often they were offloading defective goods they could not sell at a shop.
Barot A, Kleckner N (2008) Yeast Pch2 promotes domainal axis organization, timely recombination progression, and arrest of defective recombinosomes during meiosis.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
He guessed that the original cutting stylus was defective and so he tried a custom-made reproducing stylus, instead of the usual conical or elliptical styli.
Apple packing houses currently rely on digital camera imagery to sort apples by surface appearance only, flagging those that are visibly defective or the wrong size or color.
We mutagenized a wild-type strain and sought animals that were defective in cultivation-temperature avoidance.

It is caused by a defective gene that is carried by one in 25 people.
The Sun
It turns out that they were moral defectives, willing to bear false witness to a world audience, and it looks like Francisco is yet another ID advocate with a degaussed moral compass. zcowboy
The New Antievolution Strategy: Just Make Bizarre Stuff Up - The Panda's Thumb
If the goods prove defective, the customer has the right to compensation.
The fertilised embryos are then tested for the defective gene in a lab and those that are not affected are implanted in the womb.
The Sun
Some people think they can use drugs to fix these genetic defectives, but that's obviously an exercise in futility – you can't overcome something that's embedded in every cell in your body.
Child Abuse Alert
If the libellee does not appear and the court considers the notice defective or insufficient, it may order further notice.
Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
The truth is, we're just beginning the real descent into Lawsuit Hell - a place where average citizens injured by delinquent doctors or defective products are denied any recourse.
The remaining third of cases are linked to lifestyle choices or defective inherited genes, the study concludes.
Times, Sunday Times
The spelling of our language in respect to the pronunciation is also wonderfully defective, though perhaps less so than that of the French; as the words slaughter and laughter are pronounced totally different, though spelt alike.
Note XV
The source of the dampness penetration can be - and must be - eradicated and quite clearly this will require simply replacing the defective rainwater downpipes.
This defective recovery of DNA replication suggests an inability to coordinate lesion bypass or to initiate new replicons.
Driver adds that this technology may be useful in modeling polygenic diseases, those that involve multiple defective genes.
The Scientist
Her hearing was found to be slightly defective.
For a long time we wanted to believe that here we were dealing with abnormal monsters, psychopaths, or mentally defective, even psychotic individuals.
How can the story of a mentally defective kleptomaniac, a bookish nympho, a crippled FBI agent and a suicidal millionaire's son add up to anything but trouble?
Some buses examined by inspectors in the last year have been found to have defective steering, faulty brakes or even bald tyres.
These usually indicate the presence of steel tie-rods used to hold a defective structure together.
Gaertner and other writers have spoken of this defective condition as contabescence. [
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
On Friday, a Miami-Dade circuit court judge unsealed a 2007 confidential settlement agreement where KPT agreed to pay Banner $557,000 to replace defective drywall with the condition that Banner "not make statements regarding any perceived or actual smell or health risks relating to Knauf Tianjin plasterboard," to any firm, person, or news media outlet.
Documents Shift Attention to Manufacturer in Drywall Case
Our next goal is to find out through linkage analysis whether or not the aberrant phenotype is caused by a mutated sex-linked or autosomal gene and, if autosomal, on which autosome the defective gene is located.
OpenWetWare - Recent changes [en]
This is a rare familial disorder in which conjugated bilirubin levels are increased due to defective excretion of bilirubin in the bile.
Indeed the wide diffusion of letters in the States, that favourite theme for boasting and bragging over the unenlightened and analphabetic Old World, has tended only to exaggerate the defective and disagreeable side of a national character lacking geniality and bristling with prickly individuality.
Arabian nights. English
Scientists in Yorkshire have discovered a defective gene which they believe is a major cause of tunnel vision.
Her vision is seriously defective.
In Being and Time Heidegger says that being along is a deficient or defective mode of being.
Relaxation is one of the treatments for defective vision.
This could involve the expression in a yeast mutant, which is defective for an analogous transport system.
In short, the vertebrate eye is a masterpiece not of design, but of jury-rigged compensations for a fundamentally defective architecture.
Of course, it may be easier to tell that the good or building is of a lesser quality if its defectiveness becomes manifest but this does not change the nature of the complaint.
The limit load of a defective cylinder is a very important input in a structural integrity assessment of a pressure vessel or pipe using R6 type procedure.
The works will include breaking out areas of defective concrete and replacing with concrete repair mortar and sacrificial anodes, which will help to prolong the life of the embedded steel reinforcement.
He didn't smoke, and he jogged and worked out and ate right, but he had a defective heart - the wrong number of valves or something.
Most complaints were about defective goods, as well as substandard service and bad selling practices.
Times, Sunday Times
The defective gene has not yet been identified by doctors and has no name.
The Sun
Wicked people and criminals are victims of their negative beliefs, bad values and habits, and defective characters. Dr T.P.Chia
Black and white do not exist, they creep into the story due to the unpredictable magic of film processing or defective film stock.
The court in this case addressed the question of how to value the loss to church property caused by a defective product.
Christianity Today
In the case of antibiotic resistance where bacteria survive because they have defective pumps, is that really a notion of "more fit"?
The Weasel Thread
Sometimes the party in default makes an offer to put things right, e.g. the seller offers to buy back defective goods.
Besides, the cone was probably not exposed to pollen of other lacebarks and the seeds were probably empty or defective, as pines don't do self-pollination well.
Force consequently requires solicitation from without: it works blindly: and on account of this defectiveness of form, the content is also limited and accidental.
Simultaneously, some studies indicate that the priority of developing phonemic awareness instruction before formal reading instruction would benefit for children with reading defectiveness.
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Suits by consumers alleged that the product is defective and fraudulently marketed.
WHILE we were constantly delighting ourselves with the reading of books, which it was our custom to read or have read to us every day, we noticed plainly how much the defective knowledge even of a single word hinders the understanding, as the meaning of no sentence can be apprehended, if any part of it be not understood.
The Love of Books: the Philobiblon of Richard de Bury
This resulted in the passing of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 which introduces a strict liability regime for defective products.
Like the readings which are defective in all examined copies but were apparently correct at one time, some of these variants may be attributed to type batter.
Vehicles with worn or defective shock absorbers are less stable and more liable to go out of control.
Thirdly, although aneroid sphygmomanometers are more popular than mercury instruments, they require regular calibration and checks for common defects such as non-zeroed gauges, cracked face plates, or defective rubber tubing.
The seed was defective and the resulting crop was little better than useless.
Finally, all the Ames test strains have defective polysaccharide outer coats, to make them more permeable to the test chemicals.
Her hearing was found to be slightly defective.
This is caused by a lack of insulin, defective insulin or a lack of glucose tolerance factor.
The Family Nutrition Workbook
Each of us is an individual, each carrying some genes that are defective.
Times, Sunday Times
The defective gene is a version of the tumour-suppressor p53 gene.
When stimulated with progesterone or A23187 (a calcium ionophore), sperm from these animals had a defective acrosome reaction.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Through autophagy, parts of the cell that have become defective or damaged are broken down and destroyed.
Times, Sunday Times
The ultimate aim must be to help pupils with defective vision to use as much standard material as possible in common with their classmates.
MiLAN, at its option, will repair or replace any defective product within its warranty or extended warranty period.
But inherent in the diagnostic procedure is a presumption that defective embryos will be discarded.
Regardless of these problems, viral vectors which are replicative defective like El, E3-deleted, replication-deficient recombinant adenoviruses, have been used extensively in immunotherapy.
Defective mitochondria can slow down or prevent the growth of a fertilised egg, preventing conception.
a defective appliance
Light microscopy of stained mitochondria from the mutant cells treated with nigericin revealed that the ionophore was able to restore their defective morphology to an almost normal appearance.
This means that, as in Latin, the distribution of primary /f/ was defective in Etruscan. see linkFirst, Dosuna observes the same p-lenition as I've mentioned many timed before on Paleoglot, minus the conditioning by u.
Archive 2009-12-01
A case study of cause-and-effect, it's also a yarn of dangerously defective brotherly love.
The new developments include very early sampling of foetal tissue to detect defective genes.
Relaxation is one of the treatments for defective vision.
The study, which involved 158 mothers carrying babies with spina bifida, found that sealing up the defective spinal cords before they were born also significantly reduced the chances they would need a tube known as a shunt surgically implanted to drain fluid from their brains.
Study: Surgery in womb helps babies with spina bifida
As operating outside of these limits, i.e. the CPU getting too hot, will quickly cause the system to display erratic behavior such as lockups, freezes, random reboots but can also cause the CPU to become defective.
Through these means they sought to identify groups they classified as ‘mental defectives’ or the feeble-minded, idiots, and imbeciles.
Careless driving includes using a mobile phone while driving, driving without care or attention or with broken or defective lights.
Since then prison officials have admitted that their defective alarm system went off so often that it was routinely ignored.
Times, Sunday Times
The team can fit grab-rails on staircases and in doorways, fix defective carpets or floor coverings, remove trailing wires and generally reduce trip hazards.
Correct defective components that could hinder proper headlamp alignment.
For the reasons given in respect of item 16 I am not satisfied that the failure to avoid ponding amounted to defective work.
The defendants resold part of one shipment of lumber and later complained that the lumber was defective and refused to pay for it.
Please provide us with a final account for work done adjusted to take account of defective and incomplete work.
The firm had received bad publicity over a defective product.
As a young man, he advocated sterilization for "mental defectives."
As a sign of his good faith, the company has agreed to replace the defective parts for free.
Its purpose is to introduce a strict liability regime on producers of defective products.
They pushed for state laws on compulsory sterilization of criminals and the physically defective, with some success.
Men are the slaves of their characters, and they are often victimized by their negative or defective characters, mental irrationality or emotional impulsivity. Dr T.P.Chia
A manufacturer negligently made and marketed a car with defective brakes.
A defective oil - pressure indicator may be recording low.
But the sub-text in all affirmative action debates is the fallacious belief that blacks selected to benefit from it are hopelessly and helplessly genetically inferior -- that their DNA is chromosomally deficient, if not defective.
Irene Monroe: Theory of Blacks' Intellectual Inferiority Rears Ugly Head at Harvard
The officials were instructed to itemize the number of signatures from each county that are deemed defective for any of 10 reasons.
The corresponding temperature-sensitive mutant exhibits defective hyphal growth polarity at the restrictive temperature, leading to cell lysis and the inability to form a colony.
A suit of this kind, considered a case of ‘wrongful birth,’ assumes that the obstetrician's negligence denied the parents the option of aborting a defective fetus.
Once the grafts had matured they were used to reconstruct defective windpipes in seven foetal lambs.
The child's own pulmonary valve and base of the pulmonary artery (autograft) replace the defective aorta, while a homograft (blood vessel from a tissue donor) replaces the pulmonary valve and base of the pulmonary artery.
Cardiac terms and definitions
It was the high-flying brent who, knowing how the sensitive girl, made keenly conscious at every turn of her defective training and ingenuous ignorance, had often watched their evening flight with longing gaze, now "honked" dismally at the recollection.
The Heritage of Dedlow Marsh and Other Tales
She encounters many especially distressing illustrations of the effects of "pauperization," connecting the decline in California's system of public education and the rise in the California prison system to the bleak ignorance and moral defectiveness exemplified by a tawdry but emblematic incident in Lakewood, California, former site of defense-industry prosperity, and more recently of the "Spur Posse.
False Promises
The disease is caused by a defective gene.
Since then prison officials have admitted that their defective alarm system went off so often that it was routinely ignored.
Times, Sunday Times
Unfortunately, the term voter fraud is again being conflated with the larger and real problem of election fraud which includes voter intimidation, misinformation, defective software, and provisional and absentee ballots improperly discarded.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: "Voter fraud": Watching our language, again, still
There were other imperfections of vision, however, for which I felt responsible and ashamed; and with Dacres, though the situation, Heaven knows, was none of my seeking, I had a little the feeling of a dealer who offers a defective bibelot to a connoisseur.
The Pool in the Desert
Because these mice have one defective copy of the NF1 gene, similar to children with neurofibromatosis 1, the cells make fewer copies of the gene's protein, neurofibromin.
WUSTL Record: University News
Judge Pyncheon's death, the coruscating play of his intellect is almost precisely that brilliant but defective kind of ratiocination which Poe so delights to display.
A Study of Hawthorne
This finding implied that the mutants are defective in heme-oxygenase, an enzyme that converts heme into biliverdin.
Poor digestion can be caused by defective mastication of the food in the mouth.
While we were constantly delighting ourselves with the reading of books, which it was our custom to read or have read to us every day, we noticed plainly how much the defective knowledge even of a single word hinders the understanding, as the meaning of no sentence can be apprehended, if any part of it be not understood.
The Love of Books : The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury
On the interior of the church, all areas of defective plasterwork and cement based plaster have been hacked off.
Use of defective tack is not a risk of horseback riding that an equine provider is unable to eliminate.
They found a way of targeting the defective genes causing the problem in tests on mice.
The Sun
Hence the stomach continues torpid in respect to its motions, but accumulates its power of association; which is not excited into action by the defective motions of the spleen; this accumulation of the sensorial power of association now by its superabundance actuates the next link of associate motions, which consists of the heart and arteries, into greater energy of action than natural, and thus causes fever with strong pulse; which, as it was supposed to be most frequently excited by increase of irritation, is called irritative fever or synocha.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
If the goods prove defective, the customer has the right to compensation.
This could be due to a defective damp-proof course or condensation.
Times, Sunday Times
Apart from demanding a time limit for the rebuilding of a new kitchen, the disgruntled cooks sought the removal of a defective broiler and burnt stove, leaking gas lines, and for scheduled cleaning and maintenance.
It is also thought by some authorities that bottle-fed babies are more likely to develop defective appestats than those that are breast-fed.
In fact several recent studies have shown that up to 15% of defective items have passed unnoticed in a 100% inspection.
The memory-diagnostic unit causes the second processor to execute a memory-diagnostic program to diagnose the main memory, and identifies a defective area in the main memory.
The limit load of a defective cylinder is a very important input in a structural integrity assessment of a pressure vessel or pipe using R6 type procedure.
That makes the cases of defective pedals 'very rare'.
Times, Sunday Times
Since then prison officials have admitted that their defective alarm system went off so often that it was routinely ignored.
Times, Sunday Times
The worker depresses a pedal to start a machine that moves fabric over an inspection board, and scans and feels fabric for defects, such as burls, slubs, loose threads, mispicks, defective pile or soils.
This relieves the employee of the need to identify and sue the manufacturer of the defective equipment.
Under the new system, defective trains would be more easily removed from the line, resulting in less disruption as well as a more frequent service.
Times, Sunday Times
He was also able to speak to the anaesthetist as he had a defective heart valve replaced.
The Sun
Chinamen (cited by Mr Candidate Mulligan) in consequence of defective reunion of the maxillary knobs along the medial line so that (as he said) one ear could hear what the other spoke, the benefits of anesthesia or twilight sleep, the prolongation of labour pains in advanced gravidancy by reason of pressure on the vein, the premature relentment of the amniotic fluid (as exemplified in the actual case) with consequent peril of sepsis to the matrix, artificial insemination by means of syringes, involution of the womb consequent upon the menopause, the problem of the perpetration of the species in the case of females impregnated by delinquent rape, that distressing manner of delivery called by the Brandenburghers STURZGEBURT, the recorded instances of multiseminal, twikindled and monstrous births conceived during the catamenic period or of consanguineous parents — in a word all the cases of human nativity which Aristotle has classified in his masterpiece with chromolithographic illustrations.
Now, the term eczema usually refers to atopic eczema, or atopic dermatitis (atopic means “allergic”), which is a complex genetic disorder that results in defective skin barriers, reduced innate skin immune responses, and exaggerated immune (T cell) responses to environmental allergens that lead to chronic skin inflammation.
You Raising Your Child
He was also able to speak to the anaesthetist as he had a defective heart valve replaced.
The Sun
The legislation, according to its critics, would have provided legal loopholes for those responsible for defective products, faulty construction and even criminal acts.
The defective drywall, also known as gypsum board, was imported from China from about 2004 until 2007 to fill a shortage during the housing boom.
Chinese Drywall Maker Says It Is in Talks With Builders
This meant that a milkman who was injured by a defective manhole cover could not sue the owner of the land over which the right of way passed.
Many modern editions, including the Oxford, take the view that the novel in part derives from the play, and use it to emend the defective quarto text.
We insist that you should send perfect goods to replace the defective goods.
Abnormal vaginal microbiota could even be secondary to defective protection of the mucosal immune system.
Any vehicle, trailer or caravan with defective tyres is a potential death trap and we are determined to do all we can to remove them from the roads.
The rough bare boards of the walls, naked but for one old picture of a horse cut from a magazine, carefully pasted upside down, and probably designed chiefly to cover some defective spot that was admitting too much coldness; the crazy table shaking with every gust and causing a tiny kerosene lamp to flare up and menace the dim religious darkness by depositing even more lamp-black than was its wont on its already negrine globe; the meagre board of dark bread, "oleo," and molasses; the weird minstrelsy of the hurricane -- the whole a harmony of poverty and war.
Labrador Days Tales of the Sea Toilers
In town a defective sparkplug brings the close attention of a crowd which exchanges opinions as to whether the lady in the tonneau is your wife.
The Patient Observer And His Friends
Our service and post-sales support is designed to replace faulty or defective products, and to provide training for the proper operation and configuration of network hardware.
The evidence at trial did not indicate to me that defective or substandard materials were used in the construction of this house.
recall the defective auto tires
Unabashed in its assertion of heart amidst perpetually complex and highly-integrated displays of structured defectiveness that are ingeniously and rhythmically played out through relatable everyday situations, this multi-dimensional testament to the complexity, ridiculousness and awkward clumsiness of multi-tiered family relations strikes a sentimental chord on just the right frequency. The Top 10 TV Comedies of 2011
The fact that it doesn't even show up in the device manager makes me think it might be damaged or defective.
Defective anion transport activity of the abnormal band 3 in hereditary ovalocytic red blood cells.
Parasite Rex
Owners frequently ask whether their boat warranty entitles them to a complete replacement or refund of the purchase price if the vessel proves defective.
Research on the family has enabled scientists to identify a defective gene responsible for causing the disease.
What they call the allotment of Providence is, often enough, the allotment of their own laziness or defective energy.
The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 2
What is that defective being, with calfless legs and stooping shoulders, weak in body and mind, inert, pusillanimous and stupid, whose premature wrinkles and furtive glance, tell of misery and degradation?
Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
Responses to GIP have been shown to be defective in type 2 diabetic patients.
Under the new system, defective trains would be more easily removed from the line, resulting in less disruption as well as a more frequent service.
Times, Sunday Times
About 10 per cent of the population carry a single defective copy, and have dry and flaky skin.
Times, Sunday Times
That makes the cases of defective pedals 'very rare'.
Times, Sunday Times
Jerome Deener, managing partner at Deener, Hirsch & Shramenko PC in Hackensack, N.J. Ms. Karmazin had sold the assets, at a 40\% discount, to a defective grantor trust in 1999 to benefit her two children. What's News US
Devalues the Products according to defectiveness degree , damage degree and the loss amount incurred to Buyer.
All that any one is entitled to assert is that, if there be a fundamental tendency, it must be less strongly developed than that which manifests itself in the case of the sex of deities; or else, that history and tradition are so defective in this respect that the tendency is irrecognisable.
The Dominant Sex: A Study in the Sociology of Sex Differentiation, by Mathilde and Mathias Vaerting; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul
If a splice is found defective, resplice the wires.
Army Field Manual: Explosives and Demolutions Extract by the Death Jester
Weak or defective spaces in the organs or tissues are where a pathological condition is likely to begin.
Howe wrote a news article about a man who spent his savings on a house trailer that turned out to be defective.
Nature Medicine, the researchers report that defective signaling for a protein called the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ) accounts for a portion of disease symptoms in cystic fibrosis, and that correction of the defective pathway reduces symptoms of the disease in mice.
If the goods prove defective, the customer has the right to compensation.
Parents of children with Canavan's disease sued the University of Miami when they discovered that it had also covertly patented the defective ASPA gene isolated from the donated tissues of their doomed children.
Harriet A. Washington: Gene Patenting Produces Profits, Not Cures
Some 24 vehicles were found to have bald tyres while 12 had defective lights.
About 10 per cent of the population carry a single defective copy, and have dry and flaky skin.
Times, Sunday Times
Will this bizarre heist sizzle like a bottle rocket or fizzle like a defective firecracker?
Small print, dense layout, footnotes and detailed diagrams can be very demanding for some pupils with defective vision.
To benefit from the technique, families must first know that they have a defective gene, usually discovered through a recurring family history of illness.
Times, Sunday Times
And it is worth attention that when Clifford is aroused to sudden action by Judge Pyncheon's death, the coruscating play of his intellect is almost precisely that brilliant but defective kind of ratiocination which Poe so delights to display.
A Study Of Hawthorne
VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = '"Voter fraud": Watching our language, again, still'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Unfortunately, the term voter fraud is again being conflated with the larger and real problem of election fraud which includes voter intimidation, misinformation, defective software, and provisional and absentee ballots improperly discarded.'
OpEdNews - Quicklink: "Voter fraud": Watching our language, again, still
Besides consanguineous marriages, there are other reasons for a baby to be born with a defective heart.
This is running off the parapet above and is caused from defective rainwater disposal at second storey level to the external balcony.
The fact that there are 12,000,000 defectives in the US should arouse our best endeavors to push this procedure to the maximum.
A Renegade History of the United States
She decided to carry the child to term, even though the foetus was shown to be defective
defective speech
Girls in an affected family can also be tested to see if they carry the defective gene.
This type of HI is caused by a defective SUR1 or KIR6. 2 gene in focal cells of the pancreas only.
What is HI?
The chief executive will have an operation on genetically defective valves, a problem that he has been managing for some time.
Times, Sunday Times
It is caused by a defective gene that is carried by one in 25 people.
The Sun
The County Council on the other hand contended that the offences were continuing offences, continuing so long as the defective reinstatement remained unrectified.
In the study, published in the journal Nature Medicine, the researchers report that defective signaling for a protein called the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ) accounts for a portion of disease symptoms in cystic fibrosis, and that correction of the defective pathway reduces symptoms of the disease in mice. - latest science and technology news stories
That part which deals with the social treatment of the criminal class is generally called penology, while the subdivision which treats of dependents and defectives is generally known as "charities" or "charitology.
Sociology and Modern Social Problems
The action State Farm is considering is known as a subrogation action, and is an option for an insurer if it can show that a defective product was in part or fully to blame for a given auto claim.
A seller will prefer that the buyer's only remedy in respect of defective goods should be the express one granted under the contract.
By an appalling stroke of misfortune, all three received the defective gene from both parents.
Times, Sunday Times
When we finally reach Ariel's cabin, the counselors are cheery and welcoming, but her bunkmates are sitting on their beds like astronauts about to be launched on a rocket they know is defective.
Some were defective when they arrived in the theater and lacked enough spare parts to effect repairs.
I examined the 18,565 defectives by retinoscopy, and found that
The Children: Some Educational Problems
On the other hand, negative eugenics, which came to dominate the politics and policy of the movement in the early 20th Century, focused on controlling or eliminating the polluted "germ plasm" from the population by "scientific" social sorting via primitive IQ tests, by the passage of mandatory sterilization laws, and by segregating "defective" populations.
Archive 2009-02-01
Admittedly a number of factors will contribute to the moral defectiveness and the aesthetic defectiveness of the work in question.
Since we find ourselves so, defective in glorifying
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
Slide 25: DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 28, NUMBER 9, SEPTEMBER 2005 2305 In diabetics -- Hypoglycemia Glucagon secretion failure in response to hypoglycemia Defective epinephrine secretion type 1 diabetes due to autonomic neuropathy leading to Hypoglysemia Hyperglycemia Severe insulin deficiency, can lead to excessive glycogenolysis & increased gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis, leading to hyperglycemia and Trends in blood glucose ketoacidosis during fasting
Recently Uploaded Slideshows
Builders have been hit by a rash of lawsuits from homeowners, who complain that defective drywall, also known as gypsum board, imported from China during the housing boom is generating sulfurous odors, corrodes metal and, in some case, causes health problems.
Wallboard Exporter in Settlement With Beazer Over Costly Repairs
I returned the appliance because it was defective
However, at later stages, the specification of the prosencephalon and the mesencephalon remains defective.
And developments which did not contribute to, nor necessarily seek that objective were for that reason defective.
The study also discusses the feasibility and necessity of slight defective evidence from the perspective of value, institution, reality and nomology.
On Tuesday, the traffic police and the Transport Department plan to conduct joint inspection of vehicles that emit excess smoke, produce more noise and have defective silencers, headlamps and tail lamps.
As if Formosan termites weren't bad enough (they devour everything, not just wood), now New Orleans, and Florida, are coming to grips with their latest visitor from Over There: defective drywall.
Harry Shearer: Chinese Drywall and the Cost of Truth-Telling
During a three-hour check of 59 Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles they found eight had defective tyres, while one had a faulty exhaust.
Trading standards officers should inform counterparts in other areas of defective products.
Times, Sunday Times
Mutants that grew on these plates were judged to be defective in glucose metabolism and were not studied further.
In the study, published in the journal Nature Medicine, the researchers report that defective signaling for a protein called the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-ã (PPAR-ã) accounts for a portion of disease symptoms in cystic fibrosis, and that correction of the defective pathway reduces symptoms of the disease in mice.
Six drivers were prevented from travelling any further after their vehicles were found to have loose axle bolts, defective tyres and broken springs.