
How To Use Default In A Sentence

  • Most systems default to booting from either the floppy disk drive or the hard drive.
  • The default position is that UK employment rights remain unchanged. Times, Sunday Times
  • One way is to make it easier for a user to default to your engine - by embedding a toolbar on his desktop, say, or putting a search box into his browser window.
  • In other matches University made it two wins in a row with a 4-2 win over Whippersnappers, although University slipped back to their bad habits and defaulted the bottom two boards.
  • The first is that white defaults should percentagewise exceed black defaults on loans at that institution, because the black borrowers have been held to irrationally high standards by their racist lenders. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Further Left You Are the Less You Know About Economics:
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  • We are confident that their reputation and persuasive skills will come in handy for the municipal authorities to collect taxes from defaulters, " said Bharat Sharma, a revenue officer.
  • Argentina is two weeks from defaulting on its sovereign debt. Times, Sunday Times
  • People who default on their mortgage repayments may have their home repossessed.
  • Greece's rating was downgraded to junk status last year owing to the risk of default. Times, Sunday Times
  • For years it was their default position. Times, Sunday Times
  • Self-regulation can work if there is both a default rule urging for its fine tuning (via contract), and a common sharing of values upon which to build the needed exceptions and safe harbours.
  • Consider the code above and realize that any enumerated value not specifically processed by a case statement is instead processed by the default statement.
  • In 2010 it will have to replace some $65 billion in public debt, and fear of default has driven up the interest rate on new Greek government debt to 6 percent.
  • It is important to note that the default risk of swaps is not the same as the default risk on the full amount of the notional principal. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • He brings word from Venice that Antonio has defaulted on his loan to Shylock, and needs Bassanio's help.
  • The command is simply "conky", because I use the default location for the configuration file (/etc/conky/conky. conf), which I ocassionally modify. PCLinuxOS-Forums
  • It was once Britain's default shopping destination for expectant mums and doting grandparents. Times, Sunday Times
  • Same as the World Bank, International Financial Corporation is reluctant to admit lending default or investment failure.
  • So I call a meeting and announce a new policy on defaulted contracts, and I get these knowing looks.
  • Branches of the banks are told to get defaulting farmers to use the wavier to repay the loan. Leading bank stops Issuing loans for Farm equipments
  • AFAIK, that is true for Minti and Ubuntu main distributions, but for Ubuntu there is a variant available called Kubuntu where KDE is the default, and also there is soon to be a variant (it is in beta now) of Mint where KDE is the default. OSNews
  • It creates two symbolic links at /dev/cdrom and /dev/cdrom0, both of which point at /dev/hdc. Again, no NAME assignment was specified, so the default kernel name (hdc) is used.
  • The Indenture does not provide for any other rights on the occurrence of such an event of default.
  • France, which prides itself on being a meritocracy, has slowly ossified into its default mode of hierarchy.
  • By default, CCNet will tolerate 5 consecutive errors but will stop the project on a 6th error.
  • You can edit each type of resource by using a default editor associated with its file name extension.
  • Normalcy, in this version, was conceived as full integration - without any of the surreptitious derogations and defaults of the past - into a liberalised European economy.
  • These codes are built into the system and control default fonts, typefaces, sizes and column measures.
  • They suggest that their evidence based refutations of erroneous beliefs commonly expressed by immunisation defaulters are useful in dispelling their concerns.
  • To be safe, though, trading and investment houses have built up their cash holdings and reduced their exposure to stocks and risky assets in case the U.S. does default.
  • I think that there's room for debate about what is or isn't appropriate for public calling-out, but I think that the word *debate* there is key - not just running with a default assumption of anything possibly hurtful = bad = verboten. Community Is Hard. Deal With It.
  • There are no options under a payment bond except to pay on default by the principal.
  • After the Asian financial crisis of 1997 and 1998, the IMF proposed an institutionalized default program, which it called the sovereign debt restructuring mechanism. Amid Irish Aid, a New Option
  • For example, employers can dramatically increase the fraction of employees saving for retirement simply by making 401(k) participation the default, rather than nonparticipation .
  • In Greece there is two options, pain or default, or what I call a slight combination of the two, pain and restructuring with external support from your European partners and your friends in Washington," Buiter said. George Papandreou, Greece Prime Minister, To Outline Needed Budget Cuts
  • Because of the lack of liquidity and higher default risk, the bank earns its highest return on loans. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • Unless it makes interest payments to so-called vulture funds holding its bonds by tomorrow, the country will be officially declared in default. Times, Sunday Times
  • The risk of the borrower defaulting is partly avoided through sale and repurchase agreements. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many lenders are heavy users of the courts in chasing customers who have defaulted on mortgage repayments.
  • By default files are autosaved to the backup directory.
  • He lost the tennis match by default.
  • Living out of a suitcase is her default setting.
  • When the rate changes or the principle changes or the homeowner defaults, the tranche is removed from the bond, thus lowering it’s value. Matthew Yglesias » Maybe Geithner Knows What He’s Doing
  • As a rule of thumb, most birds are statant close by default; see specific entries for exceptions to this.
  • Booting up from a powerless state, also called a cold boot, will restore the printer's default settings and you may be able to carry on.
  • DEBT DEFAULT TIP: Misdirection is a great way to cut the breadline. HUFFPOST HILL - That Crashing Sound You Hear Is Your Portfolio
  • However, when Twitter geolocation is launched, the feature will be disabled by default.
  • I think that 10 years from now, serving yourself will be the default, versus now, where it's the exception.
  • Cisco Router and Security Device Manager (SDM) is installed on this device and it provides the default username "cisco" for one-time use. DSLreports - front page
  • In my experience, all women with hyphenated names are cows by default, but Emma-Kate was just terrible.
  • When you obtain this handle[sentence dictionary], Windows fills the internal device context structure with default attribute values.
  • GuiClose:; the placement of this label chooses the default behavior AutoHotkey Community
  • The nightmare shutdown scenario, still a few weeks away, would involve Congress failing to raise the national debt ceiling and possibly an unprecedented government debt default.
  • By default, both vi and Vim won't match anywhere in the text where the capitalization isn't exactly the same as the search pattern you entered; however, we can change this default behavior.
  • Picking up a book was my default setting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The penalty is an annual percentage rate of 26.8 per cent, from the month of the default.
  • Defaults are always painful, for debtors and creditors alike. And so they should be.
  • The property's future ownership has been in limbo since January, when the current owners, a group led by Tishman Speyer, defaulted on debt used in a $5.4 billion purchase of the complex. Stuyvesant Deal Is Set
  • I think I hear a weedwhacker called CRE implosion, ARM resets, Credit Card defaults and Rising Unemployment spooling up. CARPE DIEM
  • It will accept borrowers who have two missed mortgage payments and up to three county court judgments or defaults in the past three years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Make the title bold and in some color other than the default black. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In all libels for divorce where the cause alleged is adultery, and where the adverse party does not appear, or is defaulted, the person alleged to be particeps criminis with the libellee may, in the discretion of the court, be allowed to appear and contest the libel. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • This fall, many on Madison Avenue are feeling sanguine about the prospects for TV advertising, the default choice of big marketers.
  • Farmers accounted for more than a quarter of the 1,231 tax defaulters, who made settlement but company directors paid the highest average sum, which amounts to €200,000 each.
  • The code is handily printed on a label underneath too, along with the default web admin username and password, plus instructions on how to use the WPS button, and how to reset and restore the router to factory defaults. PC PRO - Today
  • The mortgage company made loans based on the inflated incomes and many of the taxpayers defaulted on the loans.
  • Remote door locks should be configured so that the horn is off by default.
  • Consequently, the black mother, normally a domestic or nursemaid , was the family provider by default.
  • With collapsing technology shares and disintegrating manufacturing profits in an environment of general corporate over borrowing, there is now the clear specter of large-scale debt defaults.
  • As at the date of their failure to nominate loading places and silos, Sellers were in default of fulfilment of the contract and it was at that date that they failed to carry out the contract.
  • That could lead to more mortgage delinquencies or defaults.
  • This means that default on all these loans would place the banks in technical insolvency. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • Accept the default for the statement type (SELECT) and elect to use the SQL builder.
  • The default stub calls unpack (), you see, and PHP 6 needs to be told that the second argument to unpack () is a binary string and not a Unicode string. AvaxHome RSS:
  • Some other defaulters were dealt with before the Mac-Nicolls, a few throughither women and lads from the back-lanes of the burghs, on the old tale, a shoreside man for houghing a quey, and a girl Mac Vicar, who had been for a season on a visit to some Catholic relatives in the John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • And also some persons, peradventure, that have read this book in French would have arette a great default in me that Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations
  • How to fix "Doesn't have a default value narqelion has just pointed out to me that this is not in fact a" hotlinking "issue.
  • The Viking helms and the chapel-de-fer are affronty by default; all other helms face dexter by default.
  • For example, all but about $3 million of the $12 million in proceeds from the sale of the Stanford building in Houston will go to pay off the mortgage, as well as default interest on it, according to Kevin Sadler, an attorney for the receiver. Selling a 'Fraud' Portfolio
  • The concerns often focus around debts that have not been defined by Funding Circle as having defaulted but where payment is long overdue. Times, Sunday Times
  • These vowels have little if any constriction in the vocal tract and so the lateral before these vowels takes on the ‘default’ alveolar articulation.
  • Now that looks much better than the default uninstaller program!
  • And while Puget's online configurator lets you change most components, it defaults to selections tested for quiet operation. Boing Boing
  • The only closed economy is the world economy, and if a U.S. default drives a rethink of all investment in government debt around the world, the “closed economy” will thrive as limited capital flows to the enterprising instead of the profligate. Learn To Love A U.S. Default
  • The game should be decided by either good batting or good bowling… rather than being won by default.
  • To restore your original home page, click Use Default.
  • Other than that, it seems to work fine, and gives you a pretty data tip that looks just like the default ones, but uses the label functions from your axes (if present). full roast blend
  • The cost to Greece of default is relatively trivial compared to the cost to its creditors, mostly European banks uneager to take large write-downs. Everything's Fine With Greece, Just Ignore Some Facts
  • Market rates were moving higher, stocks were in retreat and then near-debacle struck in auto credit default swaps.
  • The credit card business is down(sentence dictionary), and more borrowers are defaulting on loans.
  • Because section 106, on a first reading, suggests to me that a mortgagor not in default is entitled simply to lease land and that the mortgagee cannot prevent…
  • And while the MagicMouse can be picked up and grokked nearly instantaneously (though it sucks that right-click is disabled by default), the OpenOfficeMouse requires about two days of acclimation according to the FAQ. Open source design and the OpenOfficeMouse | FactoryCity
  • The default LXDM theme, ported from the 'Industrial' GTK theme Archive 2010-01-01
  • But if the strategic default or deviation from absolute priority rule is allowed, the decision that maximizes value of equity will be consistent with one that maximizes corporate value.
  • Picking up a book was my default setting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Above the keyboard are four shortcut buttons that can be programmed to the applications of your choice but default to email and your web browser.
  • Optionally, the default attribute or related attributes of Li may be added to the query to provide other details and information that may be useful to the user.
  • In December, the Fitch Ratings service, which monitors the health of media companies, predicted a widespread newspaper die-off: “Fitch believes more newspapers and news­paper groups will default, be shut down and be liquidated in 2009 and several cities could go without a daily print newspaper by 2010.” End Times
  • Right now subprime defaults are at 20 %.
  • Self-regulation can work if there is both a default rule urging for its fine tuning (via contract), and a common sharing of values upon which to build the needed exceptions and safe harbours.
  • Your default setting should be passive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Infinite interconnection is an idea both beguiling and intuitively true, but long displaced by a default fragmentation. June « 2009 « Sentence first
  • By default, Giacometti's figures are read, even today, as symbols of the existential condition of humanity, a last-ditch stand before the void.
  • Testaments were vitiated in several ways: nullum, void from the beginning, where there was a defect in the institution of the heir or incapacity in the testator; injustum, not legally executed and hence void; ruptum, by revocation or by the agnation of a posthumous child, either natural or civil; irruptum, where the testator had lost the civil status necessary for testation; destitutum, where the heir defaulted because dead or unwilling, or upon failure of the condition; recissum, as the consequence of a legal attack upon an undutiful will. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Highlight the desired file using the arrow keys, then press Return to select 6, the default Look option.
  • A seller of protection on the MCDX index would pay out on a pro-rata basis when a default occurs, in line with the weighing that the defaulting issuer had in the index. Citi Prepares Tranche Market For Muni-Bond Derivatives
  • The default option is that we pull out altogether. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was probably just a default failover message that automatically responds when the main service is unavailable.
  • As Professor Edmundson further points out, even though a default judgment would not "vindicate" Ms. Jones, if accompanied by a statement that the President chose not to demean his office by defending such a civil suit, there would be a question of public reaction. Clinton & the Jones Case
  • You apply for a financial service, believe you have a good credit history and are told you have been declined because you have defaulted on a loan you know nothing about
  • Important recent research by Marcus Raichle and his collaborators indicates a default, monitoring mode of brain activity, plausibly interpreted as including representations of one's current hedonic state, in the ventromedial prefrontal and posterior cingulate cortices, that is turned down by attention-demanding tasks, even by ones involving introspection into one's current affective state (Gusnard et al. 2001, Gusnard and Raichle 2004, Pleasure
  • He became world champion in 1990 by default.
  • But, I thought you couldn’t call it ‘receivership’ either, because those all trillions and trillions of imaginary dollars in notional value Credit Default Swaps have to pay out for banks that go into ‘recievership’ and to have those unexploded CDS liabilities go from imaginary to real would be the world financial system equivalent of Global Thermonuclear War. Matthew Yglesias » Eisinger and Salmon on Bank Nationalization
  • Initially, he'd assumed that geeks and nerds were by default withdrawn, shy, mostly losers.
  • The firm has defaulted on a debt.
  • She can't blame us if we default, when the heavies are twisting the thumbscrews. SOMEBODY
  • As the economy has improved and defaults have slowed, many decided they didn't need as much in reserve as they did in 2003, and presto, their earnings per share would rise a few cents.
  • I worked out that at default, its set dead smack bang in the middle.
  • People who default on their mortgage repayments may have their home repossessed.
  • Perhaps then you will need to validate parameter values, or assign defaults to missing parameters.
  • The city is not liable for payment on the bonds even if the borrower defaults, Gittings said.
  • The notional $1.14 quadrillion (as reported by the Bank for International Settlements, which is in Switzerland) only becomes real (and frightfully dangerous) if either counterparty to a derivative goes bankrupt and if the defaulter is a major institution. Dinocrat
  • Failure to comply with the terms of a Default Notice will normally result in the default being disclosed to credit reference agencies.
  • As a typical species of generalized conversational implicature, scalar implicature falls well into the realm of Default Logic susceptible to systematic formalization.
  • The real principle at work is that hiragana is the default, while katakana is marked.
  • A default judgment would in no way "vindicate" Jones if the President's stated reason for refusing further to defend the suit was the (by now all-too-obvious) fact that defending would demean his office and unduly distract him from doing the people's work. Clinton & the Jones Case
  • The charges meant he spiralled into debt after defaulting on credit cards. The Sun
  • Defaults on loan repayments have reached 52 000 a month.
  • If you told her that her entire family had been bludgeoned to death by a psychopath, she would smile. A smile is her default facial expression.
  • In a way that formalizes the increasingly active loan transactions on the interbank market, China's National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors published rules about loan transfer on Saturday on its website, with details including the standard procedure of loan transaction, after-sales loan management and the way to handle loan defaults. China Launches Secondary Loan Market
  • That was a bit of intelligence we ferreted out, not by their confessions or concessions, but by simple default: late in the afternoon we saw them naked on the beach, at least bold if not bronzed. Mexico's endless Pacific beach: sun, surf, sand, seafood and solitude
  • But or he came so far forward, Arnold bishop of Liege had been with the king and had greatly entreated for the duke of Juliers, that the king should not be miscontent with him, though he were father to the duke of Gueldres; for he excused him of the defiance that his son had made, affirming how it was not by his knowledge nor consent, wherefore, he said, it were pity that the father should bear the default of the son. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • If these features are available, they should be easily configurable via a simple electronic control panel on vehicle dashboards, and the defaults should favor quiet and discretion.
  • A similar chilly pragmatism is at work in those homeowners now using the courts to remain in a house they defaulted on months or years ago. House Afire
  • Matthew Cradock [first Governor of the Company] comes in, having had time to interplead, etc., and on his default judgment was given, that he should be convicted of the usurpation charged in the information, and that the said liberties, privileges and franchises should be taken and seized into the King's hands; the said Matthew not to intermeddle with and be excluded the use thereof, and the said Matthew to be taken to answer to the King for the said usurpation. The Loyalists of America and Their Times, Vol. 1 of 2. From 1620-1816
  • The excuse we have been given is that most fine defaulters have no fixed abode, keep moving addresses, and cannot be found.
  • The roads minister rebuffed calls from cycle safety campaigners yesterday to lower the default city speed limit from 30mph to 20mph. Times, Sunday Times
  • He lost the tennis match by default.
  • The memory subsystems of the tested mainboards were at their defaults.
  • He told the Committee that the e-mails had defaulted to his jokes folder automatically because they had been sent to him by friends and he had been too busy to open or delete them.
  • To install DB2 in the default directory (/opt is default directory), you need either a private or remote system WPAR.
  • Bored and ambivalent is still the default setting for hipsters.
  • The Revenue Commissioners latest crackdown on tax defaulters yielded over 100m in unpaid tax, interest and penalties in the first three months of the year.
  • Like you, Leigh, I find that by principle I default to PlayStation, but I also feel as though PlayStation is willing to take more chances to bring something new to the people. E3 2009, Day 1: Microsoft, Microsoft, Microsoft
  • The problem was that no one really needed Internet Printing services enabled by default.
  • PKG_SOURCE: = bridge-utils-$ (PKG_VERSION). tar.gz PKG_SOURCE_URL: = @SF / bridge PKG_MD5SUM: = 9b7dc52656f5cbec846a7ba3299f73bd PKG_CAT: = zcat include $ (INCLUDE_DIR) / package. mk define Package / bridge SECTION: = base CATEGORY: = Network DEFAULT: = y TITLE: = Ethernet bridging configuration utility DESCRIPTION: = Ethernet bridging configuration utility\\\ OpenWrt : News
  • A widespread bankruptcy, default, and repudiation of bonds would necessarily ensue.
  • The default mouse/keyboard combination works extremely well but there's also support for gamepads and joysticks including those with force feedback.
  • Their first concern will be to minimize their risk against loan default by requiring collateral or restrictive covenants.
  • Earlier this year, First National's ownership, a New York group known as FN Building that had defaulted on a roughly $27 million mortgage, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Downtown Detroit Dream
  • The normal default setting for the eye is distance vision but the lens can be 'squeezed' by its controlling muscle (ciliary muscle). This enables greater magnification of the image for close tasks.
  • Once you've arrived at a figure, you can try to work out a deal with the defaulting party before the property is repossessed.
  • Although an agreement in principle exists, market observers still fear that it won't be enough to prevent bondholders from having new terms foisted on them in the form of a restructuring or default. Euro Drops Below $1.44
  • Others may ignore their accounts and settle for the default investment option, which will likely be conservative with a low investment return.
  • Stuttering and Your Child: Help for Parents www. aspx? tabid = 492 Where to Get More Information About Stuttering
  • Unfortunately, there is no EBCDIC encoder by default, so we'll convert the value to a UTF-16LE byte array (which just adds in a "0" byte for the second byte of each character).
  • But if the strategic default or deviation from absolute priority rule is allowed, the decision that maximizes value of equity will be consistent with one that maximizes corporate value.
  • Non-design folk have grown accustomed to the default 12’ text of word processing; typewriting as opposed to typesetting.
  • It also is visible within any folder that lacks a default index html document.
  • Once you create the worker thread, you can queue work in a fashion similar to how work is queued with the default worker thread.
  • The delisted company has defaulted on its pricey bonds and filed for protection under Chapter 11, becoming one of the largest high-tech bankruptcies ever.
  • Any sanction to bar the defaulting party from adducing the relevant evidence may not help the innocent party, as he may be deprived of the benefit of documents damaging to the defaulting party's case.
  • Because you need to provide a user name and password to deploy resources to the application server, use the default user name, system, and password, manager.
  • No big deal? well ... thing is if the subtitle module is ticked I get an extremely annoying "doop" noise every two seconds. (the noise you get on XP if a program fails to open) so i think subtitles should be not be ticked as default. AfterDawn: Software updates
  • Leaving software on the default installation settings is akin to buying a safe and not changing the combination on the lock from the factory settings.
  • Which default when as some endeuoured to salue and recure, they patched vp the holes with peces and rags of other languages, borrowing here of the french, there of the Italian, euery where of the Latine, not weighing how il those tongues accorde with themselues, but much worse with ours: So now they have made our English tongue, a gallimaufray or hodgepodge of al other speches. Shepheardes Calendar
  • The user can specify an issue number or use the default which is the latest version.
  • It said an additional 22% of current nondelinquent loans would default after this year. Chevron, Abbott Take Their Share in $10 Billion Day
  • Solution: Securitize the inevitable reinflation of this important market, and sell derivative financial products based on these securities to pension programs backed by taxpayer guarantees and of course also securitize any hedge against default and swap those hedges off-book with other institutions.marcQuote The Volokh Conspiracy » Condo Prices down 40% Year Over Year in Miami
  • For instance, the default risk on a loan to the United Kingdom government is practically nil.
  • The default is usually the setting that most users would probably choose.
  • There were various aliases against my name, but no defaults. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are one or two ways of fine tuning the format, but the big issue is that defaults need to be avoided.
  • Another provision relating to 'wilful default' or 'negligence' on a supplier's part is also being incorp-orated. - Top HomePage-TopStories News Headlines
  • Our crezy economy: people get foreclosed and move into rental housing, and meanwhile they properties they vacate remain vacant and lead to neighborhood blight and depressed property values for their neighbors, who are therefore encouraged to default as well because they have negative equity. Matthew Yglesias » By Request: The Foreclosure People
  • Effectively, their Lordships' decision enables banks to charge compound interest even at the penalty rate chargeable upon the customer's default.
  • He paid tribute to employees from various organisations who have been reporting cases of default to the Authority and other malpractices by their employers.
  • For example, don't say "The term 'defaulter' shall mean …" Rather say, "The term 'defaulter' means … Yemen RSS News Feed - Yemen Times
  • The cross-questioning ranged from his birth, family background, education, hobbies, language proficiency to, most disgracefully, whether he had defaulted on a mission assigned by his superiors.
  • 'But listen, if it's on default - it probably won't deviate from its course once it's set. DALE BROWN'S DREAMLAND (5) STRIKE ZONE
  • Article 14 also contains provisions as to what should happen if the transferor defaults in executing a transfer of his shares.
  • What Matt hasn’t pondered is that Zimbabwe got there not via default, but by relentlessly engaging in quantitative easing until only their own govt would by their own debt – thus creating hyper-inflation. Matthew Yglesias » US vs Zimbabwe
  • In this case, your $server parameter should reflect the name of the server and the name of the instance, if it is not the default instance. Simple Talk rss feed
  • As a result, open-source publications have become by default the conveyor to the public of information and analysis on what is really happening in the world.
  • In such cases the sheriff might be ordered to seize the chattels of defaulting regarders.
  • People are first going to try to defer payments, but then they will default and be forced to abandon their homes and head somewhere cheaper. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sen. Patrick Leahy said the decision constituted a 'default of U.S. leadership' and charged that it appeared to be based on a review that 'can only be described as cursory and half-hearted'. Global Issues News Headlines
  • Sometimes the party in default makes an offer to put things right, e.g. the seller offers to buy back defective goods.
  • The attribute weight and weighted support of default regular are defined by using the conditional entropy and a mining algorithm of default regulars are given for inconsistent database.
  • So far as we could gather, the Net service is enabled by default and has to be switched off in BIOS setup.
  • For its practical value it depends upon this," replied Dupin; and the Prefect and his cohort fall so frequently, first, by default of this identification, and, secondly, by ill-admeasurement, or rather through non-admeasurement, of the intellect with which they are engaged. The Purloined Letter
  • All defaulters have been warned by the City Council that if they do not pay their charges by November 17 when a sticker system is introduced, their refuse will not be collected.
  • This would entail currency devaluation, debt default, a banking crash and rampant inflation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fish are in general naiant by default; the exception are the crustaceans, which are tergaint by default.
  • He defaulted on his payments for support of the child.
  • It is an exercise in futility to imagine that once water pipes of defaulters are physically removed, the company would contain any illegal connections on their water system.
  • The alias default refers to the first sound device and is used in all of the examples in this article.
  • If this field is left blank, the selection will default to Latest.
  • For reasons which they could not comprehend, and in pursuance of a decision by default, on which they were never consulted, they found themselves made strangers in their own country. Could Someone Please Explain This To Me ?
  • If by any chance, either of each party fails to complete this agreement, then the defaulting party is bound to pay ABC Properties Company one month rental fee as a service fee.

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