
How To Use Defat In A Sentence

  • There was indeed a ship headed in the direction of Dolphin which was still on her southeasterly tack while Indefatigable was now headed northwest.
  • Larsen: If you're ADD and you still have a kind of indefatigable creative drive ... Printing: Interview with Stephen Larsen, author, THE FUNDAMENTALIST MIND
  • Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.
  • The enemy ships made a clumsy tack northerly, not expecting to see Indefatigable in their path.
  • The umbilicus was relocated, defatted and sutured with 4-0 PDS sutures at the 2, 4, 8 and 10 o'clock positions to create an innie.
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  • He is undoubtedly a ** sonorous dactylist'* — and to him I add Mr. Jenner, Proctor of the Commons, and Commissary of St. PauVs, who is a gentleman of indefatigable politeness in opening the Archives of a The Rolliad, in Two Parts: Probationary Odes for the Laureatship; and Political Eclogues and ...
  • Promiscuously and indefatigable to pursue all sorts of pleasures I own to be brutish, and to avoid all with a suitable aversion equally blockish, let the mind then freely enjoy such pleasures as are agreeable to its nature and temper. Essays and Miscellanies
  • To do that, while simultaneously demanding a right to remain anonymous, defats the purpose of a “petition.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Federal Judge Temporarily Restrains Release of Names of Anti-Domestic-Partnership Petition Signers in Washington States:
  • she watched the show indefatigably
  • Through his mother's contacts, he acted as if he were born to greatness, whereas in truth he had to achieve it by his own indefatigable efforts.
  • A sleek master of gyrating, torpedoing, somersaulting "aquabatics," Mijbal becomes an indefatigable symbol of everything that is playful and self-delighting in the universe. Dispatches From the Natural World
  •    A few survivors, precariously perched on sill-less windows, survey their double bind looking for perspective and vanishing points, a place to tip themselves over the edge in hopes defatigable winging. Kamikaze Birdsongs
  • The rain came down; there seemed to be only performers, booth owners, security officers and some indefatigable limers left.
  • But he was just indefatigable when it came to his relationships with women.
  • Whatever else you made of him, when it came to delivering sustained barrages of political invective, you had to salute his indefatigability.
  • What the band lacks in originality (not to mention coherence and subtlety), it more than makes up for with committed chops and indefatigable energy.
  • Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.
  • an indefatigable advocate of equal rights
  • Brilliant as he was indefatigable, he recreated the Zuni past from their syllables and potsherds.
  • It is relevant that Bishop was an indefatigable keeper of notebooks, a fact that implies approval of diaristic discourse.
  • Himself an indefatigable collector of books, the possessor of a library as valuable as it was interesting, a library containing volumes obtained only at the cost of great personal sacrifice, he was in the most active sympathy with the disease called bibliomania, and knew, as few comparatively poor men have known, the half-pathetic, half-humorous side of that incurable mental infirmity. The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac
  • And in low-fat ice cream, a low-fat or defatted cocoa powder may be chosen.
  • But, even then, in that moment of seeming frustration, Durkin's subterranean yet terrible pertinaciousness, his unparaded bull-dog indefatigability, glowed and burned at its brightest. Phantom Wires A Novel
  • In the end, the natural-history collection earned the approval of some of America’s top scientists, including Silliman, who praised Wood’s thoroughness: “Mr. Wood was indefatigable for many months in completing the herpetology of China; the conchology is fully represented,” and there are “some remarkably fine carbonates of copper, both nodular and radiated.” The Romance of China: Excursions to China in U.S. Culture: 1776-1876
  • And truely this rage of loue was the only meane to dulcorate and make swete the bitter gal of griefe whiche those twoo louers felte, defatigated almoste with tedious trauaile, iudging their wearinesse a pastime and pleasure, being guided by that vnconstante captaine, whiche maketh dolts and fooles wyse men, emboldeneth the weake hearted and cowardes, fortifieth the feeble, and to be shorte, vntieth the pursses and bagges of couetous Carles and miserable Misers. The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • For a couple of hours there is hectic activity and on every side there are vigorous walkers and indefatigable joggers getting their morning exercise.
  • In his first words to the press on Tuesday from the Florencia airport in Colombia, Moncayo thanked the "indefatigable" Senator Cordoba, Colombians for Peace, the Catholic Church, and the International Red Cross. New on
  • Polio may have deprived Kannan of his legs, but it has not deterred his indefatigable spirit and desire to achieve and inspire others as well.
  • But the indefatigable Swans, yellow labels flapping from their shoulder bags, would never dream of sitting anything out.
  • Fenugreek has also been used to treated hyperlipidemia, both as seed powder in capsule form (2.5 g twice daily for three months) and as defatted powdered seeds (100 g divided in two equal doses).
  • I thought that, according to George Galloway, only certain Middle Eastern dictators could be termed indefatigable? Atlantic Review
  • But Chou Enlai was much more than a brilliant, almost indefatigable ( tireless ), administrator.
  • Officers generally understand by the words "indefatigable," and The Authoritative Life of General William Booth
  • Use a defatting cup to keep broths and sauces trim.
  • But a defat in a referendum woould instantly remove all this prressure for 10 years going on 25. Will the SNP push too hard?
  • They are both small, tidy birds and indefatigable divers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reagan allowed chemical and biological weapons to be sold to Iraq so they could defat iran. Think Progress » To Justify War, Administration Pushed Claims By Known “Fabricator”
  • More useful were sessions with Madame Mansouri, a physiotherapist, who was indefatigable in her attempts to get Kit to sit up unaided, to roll over and to crawl.
  • The originality, the indefatigability, the uncanny sense of self-promotion, the converting of art into sensibility, put him, it seems to me, into the most rarefied circle.
  • Strong, proud and human – no flipper for her, though her feet are draped with seaweed – this mermaid's jaw suggests the same patient indefatigability as that of the town she symbolises. Folkestone Triennial – review
  • Dr. Gregory says, "As an administrator, he was unapproached in sagacity, aptitude, personal influence, and indefatigability ... his character was spotless. Great Britain and Her Queen
  • He was an exquisitely talented painter and sculptor who worked for popes and kings, a contemporary and acquaintance of Michaelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci; an incorrigibly opinionated boaster, duelist and brawler, an occasional jailbreaker (for that fast mouth of his got him in trouble more than once), and an indefatigable self-promoter and traveling PR show, with an ego the size of the planet. OMG, how did I miss this?! | Diane Duane's weblog: "Out of Ambit"
  • For a couple of hours there is hectic activity and on every side there are vigorous walkers and indefatigable joggers getting their morning exercise.
  • The unparalleled rapidity with which he rode from Cape Town to Grahamstown, a distance of 600 miles, accomplishing it in less than six days; his indefatigable and most able exertion from the moment of his arrival to expel the savage enemy from the ground their unexpected and treacherous invasion had gained – to afford protection and support to the inhabitants; to restore confidence and to organize the armed population, and combine the resources of the country – have been beyond all praise, and justly entitle him to the grateful acknowledgments of the Colony and of the Commander-in-Chief. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • Could he ever overshadow the 'indefatigable' moment with Saddam Hussein? Keep On Rockin' In The Trots World
  • They are indefatigable birds at this time of the year, singing by night as well as by day. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was still one battleship in service, the Vanguard, a turreted shape I can just remember seeing through a North Sea mist, but the biggest surprise was the number of aircraft carriers: Ark Royal, Eagle, Indomitable, Illustrious, Implacable, Indefatigable, Formidable … their bulldog names went on over two pages. A British fleet with no aircraft carrier. Unthinkable!
  • Their indefatigable references to women and eroticism, couched in vigorous and seductive language, speak to an awareness that references to women and sexuality enable homosocial bonds between male writers and readers.
  • The process of making soy-protein isolate begins with defatted soybean meal, which is mixed with a caustic alkaline solution to remove the fiber, then washed in an acid solution to precipitate out the protein.
  • They are both small, tidy birds and indefatigable divers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jim was an indefatigable gatherer of vegetable products, and one thing which attracted him immensely was the branch of a tree which bore a number of star-leaved clusters, each leaf being feather-veined, and the stems carried numerous yellowish purple-spotted flowers, and also nuts about the size of pigeon eggs. The Wonder Island Boys: Conquest of the Savages
  • No amount of American military help could defat the Vietnamese insurgency. Think Progress » ThinkFast: November 15, 2006
  • Despite their indefatigability in itemizing the rhetorical moves, the ancients stopped short of so antihumanist a line. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • However, Titik, 34, is now enjoying the fruits of her persistence and indefatigable spirit.
  • That kind of instinctive, indefatigable willingness to engage is a gift, Mr Caen, as unteachable as it is unbuyable.
  • But his strengths were indefatigable curiosity and imaginative sympathy with the natural world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes the moniker "entrepreneur" connotes innovation and indefatigability. Wake-Up Call For Newly Hatched Entrepreneurs
  • It is produced using defatted soy flakes followed by a water or alcohol extraction process that removes soluble carbohydrates.
  • He doesn't get tired of telling the truth – which explains his in-defatigable nature. Paul No. 1 on
  • His indefatigable spirit helped him to cope with his illness.
  • But a young man should be ambitious to shine, and excel; alert, active, and indefatigable in the means of doing it; and, like Caesar, Nil actum reputans, si quid superesset agendum. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • Meanwhile, the body is fluid, strong and apparently indefatigable.
  • Like a restive monkey, it dangles from each vine of contemplation for hardly a millisecond and moves ahead with indefatigable enthusiasm.
  • In fact, defatted Soy flour is of great importance in diabetic diets because its starchy contents and saccharides are low and therefore well suited to diabetic patients.
  • They are indefatigable birds at this time of the year, singing by night as well as by day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Armstrong had long been known as an indefatigable spear-carrier for Harry Chandler, but at this moment he seemed unaware that the wind had shifted at Times headquarters. Colossus
  • I did honor to my corps (at least) by keeping an open table during the Rebellion, when provisions were so excessive scarce, an my house during it, the hospital for wounded officers, and my wife the matron from her in, defatigable attention. Charlotte Temple, a tale of truth; reprinted from the rare first American edition (1794), over twelve hundred errors in later editions being corected, and the preface restored; with an historical and biographical introduction, bibliography, etc., by Franc
  • Encouraged by this discovery, Edmond determined to assist the indefatigable laborer.
  • The culprit is Burson-Marsteller chief executive and oft-mocked Clintonista Mark Penn, who today writes that "Cleggmania" will soon be coming to these shores, with the same indefatigable certainty as other U.K. exports, like "Torchwood" and "knifecrime. UK Elections Inspire Witless Microtrends From Mark Penn
  • She was tacking to come around on Indefatigable's starboard side.
  • For hours he played on indefatigably, repeating his whole repertory of Frankish discords at least a score of times, and telling all who asked that he had acquired his skill in foreign music by instruction from the greatest living master of the art -- a certain English mariner named William. The Valley of the Kings
  • Dr Cervera, a well-known anthropologist, was in her eighty-first year, still indefatigably travelling. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Neither is it in God’s esteem the diminution of his glory, when honorable things are spoken of good men and worthy magistrates; which if I now first should begin to do, after so fair a progress of your laudable deeds, and such a long obligement upon the whole realm to your indefatigable virtues, I might be justly reckoned among the tardiest, and the unwillingest of them that praise ye. Areopagitica: A Speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing: Paras 1-19
  • It was a time when his intellect, his indefatigable energy and courage were deployed to the full. Times, Sunday Times
  • He used to spend whole days in his billiard room, where he played pyramids indefatigably till his arms and legs ached.
  • Later that evening, the indefatigable management team inducts the 200 new staff at the Teviot bar in preparation for this year's festival.
  • It's a task that's knocked out some of the best, yet in the midst of all this journalistic Sturm und Drang, The Ferndale Enterprise has endured, publishing a hard copy edition every Thursday for the last 133 years and still going strong from its tiny wood-shingled office on Main Street in Ferndale, CA., courtesy most recently of the indefatigable Ms. Titus. Lorraine Devon Wilke: Women Of the News: Ferndale's Enterprising Editor, Caroline Titus
  • What an indefatigable traveller after mythic Sangraal! Macaria; or, Altars of Sacrifice
  • If Jean-Marc's sleeptalking continues, with his indefatigable "Chérie, tu ronfles -- Darling, you are snoring," we may have resort to what the Mise en bouteille / wine bottling
  • Miss Susan B. Anthony, a well-known, indefatigable, and lifelong advocate of temperance, anti-slavery, and woman's rights, has been, since 1851, Mrs. Stanton's intimate associate in reformatory labors. Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences 1815-1897
  • That evening, we ate and relaxed around the fire - free of the indefatigable bugs and oppressive heat of the night before.
  • He has been an indefatigable defender of Epsom General Hospital.
  • He was a man of charm with an indefatigable determination and dedication to neurology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.
  • Neither is it in God’s esteem the diminution of His glory, when honorable things are spoken of good men and worthy magistrates; which if I now first should begin to do, after so fair a progress of your laudable deeds, and such a long obligement upon the whole realm to your indefatigable virtues, I might be justly reckoned among the tardiest, and the unwillingest of them that praise ye. Plea for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing
  • In a typical preparation, 250 g of soybean seeds were homogenized and defatted.
  • 2007 - Canada defats USA in semifinals of world juniors, with Jonathan Toews scoring three shootout goals Toronto Sun
  • He is known as a daring innovator in science, as an indefatigable researcher and as a great transformer of nature.
  • Then you let it rest, covered, for 15 to 20 minutes, drain and defat the juices, and serve them with the chicken. Toast:
  • A humid oven initially helps to defat, but later inhibits crisping. You gonna eat that? Random musings on food and life in Orange County, California » 2005 » February
  • NEW boys AFC DREGHORN and WOODWYND WOLVES suffered their first defats of the season as they were knocked out of the Ayrshire Cup by teams from higher divisions, but DIRRANS ATHLETIC continue to fly the flag with an excellent win over high-flying ONTHANK. IcAyrshire
  • Intelligent, courageous, dynamic, indefatigable and compassionate are the words that best describe young Tom.
  • He hisses at him for being a "banker" (sounds like wanker, get it?) and pulls him up for using the term interlocutor twice (this from the man who brought you indefatigability). Archive 2009-01-01
  • Soy meal is used for animal feed; about 90 percent of the 2 billion bushels of soybeans grown each year in this country are defatted and turned into feed.
  • It was a time when his intellect, his indefatigable energy and courage were deployed to the full. Times, Sunday Times
  • The meat had been deboned, defatted, and served in a pool of black-truffle sauce.
  • Tamari is a soy sauce made without any wheat, from whole or defatted soya beans only, and is darker in colour than the standard kind.
  • But it is questionable if many people know very much about him after all, or if the Fielding of legend -- the potwalloper of genius at whom we have smiled so often -- has many things in common with the Fielding of fact, the indefatigable student, the vigorous magistrate, the great and serious artist. Views and Reviews Essays in appreciation
  • Dr Cervera, a well-known anthropologist, was in her eighty-first year, still indefatigably travelling. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • In fact, defatted soy flour is of great importance in the diabetic diet because its starchy contents and saccharides are low and therefore well suited to diabetic patients.
  • Meanwhile, defat the pan juices, pour the broth into the roasting pan, and scrape with a wooden spoon to loosen and dissolve any fond. Top Stories
  • All it took was finding the right ratio of defatted soy flour to whole- and white-wheat flour.
  • For Montenegro–England on Sky, the indefatigable Shreeves was cast as sage nodder, and while Glenn Hoddle and Jamie Redknapp eschewed the chance to sit cross-legged on the studio floor – an idea for future Sky football shows, you can have that one on me – they were charged with making sense of a typically dysfunctional post-match conversation. Fabio Capello reveals his debt to Theatre of the Absurd | Martin Kelner
  • The meat had been deboned, defatted, and served in a pool of black-truffle sauce.
  • She worked indefatigably and enthusiastically to interest the young in music.
  • Their courage, strength and indefatigability.
  • There was less to fear from the “indefatigable,” a young man just come out or an old beau who danced indiscriminately with any and all women, and the “indispensable,” the anxious fetcher and carrier of wraps, gloves, lemonade, fans and ices, but a young lady was introduced to as many approved and eligible men as quickly as possible. La Jeune fille à marier | Edwardian Promenade
  • The numinous is a reliably elusive theme for a writer, and Burnside hunts it down like an indefatigable lepidopterist. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • In the first study, subjects ate meals with or without 100 g of defatted fenugreek seed powder, divided into two equal doses, for 10 days.
  • She has been indefatigable in helping us to counter a threat, which may have repercussions over a far wider area, than that occupied by this charming little cottage.
  • Grand Turk, the square-rigged fighting frigate best known as HMS Indefatigable in the TV series Hornblower, returns to Whitby this month before being featured in a film on the life of Napoleon.
  • If it is indefatigability you are after, try Sky's Super League, where commentators Eddie and Stevo never tire of extending metaphors beyond breaking point. Women's sporting emancipation could use a famous hot dog or two
  • A whistle-stop tour of the home of Renaissance painting, by gondola, vaporetto and on foot, with Sir Tim as our indefatigable guide.
  • An indefatigable advocate of equal rights; a tireless worker; unflagging pursuit of excellence.
  • It was a lesson he preached indefatigably, and with unshakeable self-confidence, to newspapers, Cabinet ministers, fellow anthropologists, and community groups.
  • It was grumbled out in short spasmodic sentences between the slow whiffs of his pipe, as he sat by the fire in a little parlour off the hall, with his indefatigable daughter at work at a table near him. Fenton's Quest
  • To write well about history you do not need a Ph.D., just a few rare but accessible qualities: insatiable curiosity, critical intellect, disciplined imagination, indefatigability in the pursuit of truth and a slightly weird vocation for trying to get to know dead people by studying the sources they have left us. Faulty Navigators
  • The spirit of industrialism, which is indefatigably active in the development of trade relations, undermines the warlike spirit.
  • The defatted wheat germ protein ( DWGP ) was prepared by alkaline extraction and subsequent isoelectric precipitation.
  • It is withal an in defatigable teller and hearer of base stories. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • The soap has a defatting effect.
  • In "Blink of an Eye," Mr. Cohen spins a fantastical tale of a nuclear device that devastates Savannah, Ga., forcing a too-good-for-Washington president and his indefatigable aide to fight the forces of reaction—those knuckle-dragging American religious fanatics desperate to pin the attack on Iranian religious fanatics. The Tedium Is the Message
  • More than a few antiques dealers start out as indefatigable collectors who make the decision to turn their avocation into a vocation.
  • And it was a shining example of how history is really forged, not recorded, baptized in the indefatigable whirl of media spin.
  • Eh, this wide near marvelously wound into this execrable real. near real seachange australia Lifestyle House Beach storey estate new aldinga two estate real south Beach House near beach aldinga beach south australia new two storey Lifestyle seachange real estate Hmm, a Lifestyle is far less indefatigably than one infuriating Lifestyle. » Beach House near beach real seachange australia Lifestyle House Beach
  • This tasted a bit more meaty than the plain stock, but again what I most noticed was the mouthfeel: rich and smooth on the tongue, almost as if it wasn't defatted (but in a good way).
  • One can only salute such indefatigable souls, and wish them success in their efforts.
  • However, the referee was unsighted and disallowed the score but the indefatigable Ainslie peeled off a maul two minutes later to touch down next to the posts for Mitchell to convert.
  • She was indefatigable in her search for the truth.
  • Irving and Ethel were two of a kind, indefatigable troupers who simply never wanted to get off stage.
  • Yet somehow by the end, there's room for forgiveness and hope and and endorsement of the indefatigability of the human spirit.
  • Annie was an indefatigable campaigner for better community services.
  • But his strengths were indefatigable curiosity and imaginative sympathy with the natural world. Times, Sunday Times
  • At midnight, under the light of a bright half-moon, Indefatigable was sailing smoothly into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of France, on her way to Gibraltar.
  • Major general Steuben, having under him the in - defatigable patriot and soldier general Nelson, had by this time drawn together a considerable body of militia, inconsequence of the exertion of the governor. Memoirs of the war in the Southern department of the United States
  • They are both small, tidy birds and indefatigable divers. Times, Sunday Times
  • But you get the feeling that the wizardly manchild is indefatigable.
  • Mr. Hornblower, you are to gather your dunnage and return to Indefatigable.
  • WASHINGTON, Aug 26 (OneWorld. net) - Eighty-nine years after U.S. women finally won the right to vote, advocacy groups are pressing the Obama administration to promote women's equality worldwide and paying tribute to an "indefatigable" champion of women's rights, Senator Edward M. Kennedy. (U.S.) - beyond your own borders
  • They are both small, tidy birds and indefatigable divers. Times, Sunday Times
  • It harboured, among others, a _douchoboretz_; a "god" of the Sava persuasion, with his wife, representing the "Holy Ghost"; a _chlyst_, who rotated indefatigably round a tub of water; a captain who claimed the honour of brotherhood with Jesus Christ; a man named Pouchkin, who supposed himself to be the Saviour reincarnated; a _skopetz_ who had brought a number of people from Moscow to be initiated into the sect of the Russian eunuchs; and the _staretz_ Israïl, a famous seer, who desired to found a "Church Triumphant" among the inhabitants of the prison. Modern Saints and Seers
  • At 73 June sings those lyrics with the same determined pluck as she did at 9, revealing an artist whose hopefulness proved as solid and indefatigable as her voice.
  • While the turkey was resting and I was busy trying to drain, defat, reduce and season the gravy I didn't have to worry about fresh-cooking a veggie and trying to get it on the table while still green and crisp. Recipe: Oven-Roasted Vegetables (Λαχανικά στο Φούρνο)
  • If you use defatted stock, skim milk and fat-free sour cream or yogurt, you've got a low-to-no-fat meal that's as satisfying as it is good for you.
  • Brilliant as he was indefatigable, he recreated the Zuni past from their syllables and potsherds.
  • Defat the sauce, then spoon it over the lamb.
  • His indefatigable spirit helped him to cope with his illness.
  • And it was a shining example of how history is really forged, not recorded, baptized in the indefatigable whirl of media spin.
  • The active principle is in the defatted portion of the seed, which contains the alkaloid trigonelline, nicotinic acid, and coumarin.
  • Walking to larboard, he tipped the bucket over watching the crab sail down the side of Indefatigable, back from whence it came.
  • King's indefatigable efforts in the pursuit of a better world for future generations are to be applauded.
  • She has been indefatigable in helping us to counter a threat, which may have repercussions over a far wider area, than that occupied by this charming little cottage.
  • Pacherenc du Vic-Bilh instead defats the mouth, preparing it for the next foray. Grapes of Gascony
  • He was a man of charm with an indefatigable determination and dedication to neurology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shred the pork and defat the liquid with a spoon or gravy separator.
  • He was indefatigable in his industry and sense of curiosity.
  • It was a lesson he preached indefatigably, and with unshakeable self-confidence, to newspapers, Cabinet ministers, fellow anthropologists, and community groups.
  • NCR's indefatigable Rome correspondent, in that same Times story, agrees that the pope is responding to curial officials who sought to deflect attention away from the true nature of the crisis. Rev. James Martin, S.J.: Sin Inside the Church
  • He cultivated the mathematical sciences with indefatigable diligence, discovered many useful theorems, discussed with great accuracy the resistance of fluids, and, though his priority was not generally acknowledged, was the first who fully explained all the properties of the catenarian curve. The Rambler, sections 171-208 (1751-1752); The Adventurer, sections 34-108 (1753); from The Works of Samuel Johnson, in Sixteen Volumes, Volume IV
  • Later, when the East End came under bombardment during the blitz, the courage of its people came to symbolise British indefatigability. How power, money and art are shifting to the East End
  • However, I remain an undimmed admirer of the indefatigability of both noble Lords, even though I disagree with them more often than I agree.
  • Louis XI—that in defatigable workman, who commenced on so large a scale the demolition of the feudal edifice, continued by Richelieu and Louis XIV to the advantage of royalty, and completed by Mirabeau to the advantage of the people—Louis XI had done his utmost to break up this network of seigneuries which covered Paris, by casting violently athwart it two or three ordinances of general police. IV. An Awkward Friend. Book X
  • In estimating the energy of a social force, such as ecclesiasticism, the indirect are often more striking than the direct manifestations of power, and this is eminently true of Massachusetts; for, notwithstanding her ministers had always been astute and indefatigable politicians, their greatest triumphs were invariably won by some layman whose mind they had moulded and whom they put forward as their champion. The Emancipation of Massachusetts
  • His indefatigable spirit helped him to cope with his illness.
  • French President Nicolas Sarkozy, in a letter to his Czech counterpart, called Havel "a man of culture and writer of great talent" who "incarnated an indefatigable commitment to democracy and freedom. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • * Seeing as this had to be conveyed to Saddam via a translator, using the word indefatigability was a bit dangerous, wasnt it? What's Going On
  • The place was steeped in councilors, past and present, from the indefatigable bike fanatic Gordon Price to the bike-commuting Peter Ladner.
  • He's indefatigable, like the sides he puts on the park.

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