

  1. having a sunken area
    hunger gave their faces a sunken look

How To Use deep-set In A Sentence

  • Behind dark lenses her eyes were deep-set, large, round, and they looked at Bob much too hard as she talked into his ear in short bursts: not in whispers but out loud, creating a disturbance.
  • The eyes beneath the animated brows were deep-set, a changeable hazel not unlike her own. THE LAST PLACE
  • With her dark, deep-set eyes and initially rigid posture, she suggests a woman haunted by memory.
  • Milchester Abbey is a gray, quadrangular pile, deep-set in rich woody country, and twinkling with triple rows of quaint windows, every one of which seemed alight as we drove up just in time to dress for dinner.
  • Matthew Darryl, dark, with deep-set eyes, was a smooth-shaven, pleasant-faced young man. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • Like other films from the region, it carries deep-set symbolism and unspoken ideas.
  • Her oval face, taller than broad, with deep-set eyes, had a grace contrasting with her bright easy temperament. Excerpt: In Other Rooms, Other Wonders by Daniyal Mueenuddin
  • His face was gaunt, eyes deep-set, the Adam's apple prominent. CORMORANT
  • The man stared at James with deep-set, piggish eyes but James continued to walk towards him, unperturbed.
  • A young, tautly handsome, clean-shaven face dominated by deep-set clear blue eyes in which the pupils were strangely large, fierce. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
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