How To Use Deep freeze In A Sentence
The new year saw the first signs of a thaw in that deep freeze.
Odd skimmer and some roach fron Warrington water to ice breakers before the deep freeze.
You will be questioned as to how often you invite guests for meals and whether you have a microwave oven, a refrigerator and a deep freezer.
It was a period where the AACC stopped teaching their basic cooks how to kill and pluck a chickens and gone were the days of shelling wheat bags of fresh peas, deep freezers were issued and so were frozen chickens and quick-frozen peas.
The deep freeze caught those that distribute gas to homes and offices by surprise.
Put the ice cream in the deep freeze.
The tech-services industry has been whipsawed as the red-hot demand of the late 1990s turned into the deep freeze of the past few years.
The shops buy the bait early in the year outside the season for a cheaper price and then leave it for months in deep freezes to defrost it later on and re-pack it in smaller quantities.
I've been a life insurance salesman and I was in the deep freeze business for ages.
Please put these tomatoes into the deep freeze!
Alongside the paws of at least four bears was the skull of a rare Vietnamese saola deer and from the deep freeze they recovered the body of a baby orangutan smuggled from Indonesia.
The deep freeze caught those that distribute gas to homes and offices by surprise.
And US retail major WalMart has ruled that from 2008, all its deep freezers in the US and worldwide will be lit up with LEDs.
Most frozen produce hits the deep freeze within hours of harvest.
the legislation has now been revived after ten years in the deep freeze
Many were tested on the huge bank of prepared specimen slides Joyce had assembled in the deep freezes in Newcastle.
Umm… hello, the world just ended, everyone seems bizarrely unaffected, like the predicted deep freeze has already reached their brains.
Arctic Reach now also affects Deep Freeze.
So far, winter has kept most parts of the country in the deep freeze.
Storage facilities like fridges and deep freezers are examined to ensure they comply with health regulations.
Opening the deep freeze is like standing on stage at the Palladium: there are that many eyes staring out at you.
Those who own dishwashers, deep freezers, clothes dryers and microwaves can even sometimes take longer to do their chores than those who do not.
Today virtually every household has a deep freeze where packets of sandeel, mackerel strip, crab and razorfish can be kept from the end of one season till the beginning of the next.
Today she is sitting in a deep freeze waiting to be mounted, and the angling world is in mourning.
Times, Sunday Times
Road bosses are aiming to prevent a repeat of last winter's chaos when the region is plunged into deep freeze next week.
This is not the time to make a big to-do about our report for a few weeks, and then put it into the deep freeze.
Mr Johnnie Walker, on the other hand, is a villainous incorporation of bloodthirsty evil as he murders cats, devours their hearts live and deep freezes their heads.