How To Use Deduct In A Sentence
In each case the company's contributions are deductible for tax, and income on the investments is free of tax.
Principles of Corporate Finance
No deduction in pay is made for absence due to illness.
Alimony (also called spousal support) is tax deductible to the payor and taxable income to the payee.
How To Make Divorce Less Taxing
It is best to set out all the circumstances that may lead to a deduction from wages and put these in the documentation you provide to employees.
Times, Sunday Times
The donation he made was a deductible on his tax form.

It's a clever business tactic: Not only is the donation tax-deductible, but participating nonprofits bring in their lists, and shoppers are incentivized to buy, knowing the profits go to worthy causes.
Artful Style on the Bowery
Interest on offshore savings is paid gross without income tax being deducted.
Times, Sunday Times
These so-called always deductible expenses usually consist of home mortgage interest and real estate taxes.
But Ornish never mentioned its less pleasant side: the plan shifted costs to patients, spiking deductibles and requiring people to pay 20 percent "coinsurance" when they got sick.
Media Blog on National Review Online
He arrived at the solution by a simple process of deduction.
When you have succeeded in eliminating this medicare waste without reducing benefits and quality of care and the money is "in the bank", then let's see how many new people can have all there medical expenses covered, less individual premiums, deductibles and co-pays if any.
Obama: Health-care reform will not increase deficit
Will the grower lose all expenses and other tax deductions relating to his or her small business or farming enterprise?
If your modified adjusted gross income exceeded the allowable limits, all or some of your contributions could have been non-deductible.
This so-called deductive method of Aristotle assumed as a starting-point some general of principle as a premise or hypothesis and thence proceeded, by logical reasoning, to deduce concrete applications or consequences.
A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
In the absence of clear evidence that a spouse intends to sell or dispose of an asset or will be forced to do so, a court should not grant a deduction for notional sale or disposition costs.
The amounts deducted each year are quite small so it is a nuisance having to keep reclaiming them from Inland Revenue.
Tax and insurance are deducted from your wages.
Both the cash interest and the vouchers are taxable, but all the tax will be deducted from the cash interest paid.
Times, Sunday Times
In ordinary life it is rare indeed for people to form their beliefs by a process of logical deduction from facts ascertained by a rigorous search for all available evidence and a judicious assessment of its probative value.
The mortgage interest deduction promotes home ownership.
Tax is deducted from your salary.
Insurers often stipulate deductible amount, coinsurance clause and limit of liability in their contracts, so as to the directors and officers carry one part of the losses and costs.
During the national election campaign, Mr. Klein boasted he'd open more private clinics and begin a tax deduction based on income to raise more revenue.
Yes, the transcendental deduction is not and cannot be based on direct evidence.
Matthew Yglesias » Kinsley’s Transcendental Deduction of Hyperinflation
Carry out tests or experiments on these deductions in order not to prove them but to refute them.
Your employer will deduct income tax from your salary.
The total deduction over 50 points per 100 meter is graded as B ( unaccepted ).
This was a fine adjustment, for by working hammer-and - tongs through a twelve-hour day, after freight had been deducted from the selling price of the wood in Los Angeles, the wood-chopper received one dollar and sixty cents.
Chapter V
However, the foreign earnings deduction, which is due to expire at the end of this month did not receive a reprieve.
They don't get a deduction because of the wife's high income, so it's called a nondeductible IRA. News
Aristotle construed the deductive stage of scientific inquiry as the interposition of middle terms between the subject and predicate terms of the statement to be proved.
Four years ago the Inland Revenue had a look at this automatic deduction of tax and estimated that over the past few years it had taken £300 million from four million people who should have paid no tax at all.
In special cases, a husband can deduct the travel expenses of his wife who accompanies him on a business trip.
Any sickness or industrial injury benefit paid during such period may be deducted from what the employee is entitled to under this provision.
Deductive legal reasoning is a reasoning method which regards law as major premise, case as minor premise, and deduces conclusion from the major and minor premise.
Since the objective deduction is about the conditions of representations having objects, a better name for it might have been ˜deduction of the object™.
Kant's View of the Mind and Consciousness of Self
From this gross total is deducted the amount they collect in prescription charges.
- Small businesses can normally expense (rather than slowly-deduct, or "depreciate") equipment purchases up to $250,000.
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This is as close to a logical deduction as you get in precedential reasoning,
Moreover, in place of relativistic cosmology's inductive empiricism, Milne opted for a hypothetico-deductive rationalism.
Generally, if your total deductions are greater than the standard, you should itemize your deductions.
Along with the higher prices is the insurers' requirement that corporate buyers retain more risk on their balance sheets, with deductibles in many lines now double what they were in 2000.
Calculate and schedule each tax deduction on the proper form.
Aristotle gave a system of logical deduction which was seen as the ultimate form for reasoning for many centuries.
The structure of scientific explanation: deductive and probabilistic explanation.
Taxpayers claiming the optional deduction will complete a significantly simplified form.
Christianity Today
Curry had observed in his work on combinatory logic in the late 1950's the analogy between implication elimination in natural deduction and functional application.
The interest paid on cash balances within Isas is paid without the deduction of income tax.
Times, Sunday Times
Ms. Van Dusen tried to take the deductions on her 2004 tax return, but the IRS considered them nondeductible personal expenses and "wouldn't budge," said Ms. Van Dusen.
Stray Cat Strut: Woman Beats IRS
Tax is deducted from my income at source.
Can I use my childs off campus apartment and part of her "room and board" forour college deduction?
The Most-Overlooked Tax Deductions
This can be remedied by hybridization, that is, hybridization of modal logics enables the formulation of uniform tableau, Gentzen, and natural deduction systems for wide classes of logics.
Hybrid Logic
From your perspective as a job seeker, many of these benefits will be costs deducted from your gross salary along with a variety of taxes.
Effectively, this would amount to a deduction from the total contribution sought.
Would this be to my benefit and would the tax that has been deducted be rebated?
Accipe, Pompei, deductum carmen ab illo debitor est uitae qui tibi, Sexte, suae. qui seu non prohibes a me tua nomina poni, accedet meritis haec quoque summa tuis; siue trahis uultus, equidem peccasse fatebor, 5 delicti tamen est causa probanda mei. non potuit mea mens quin esset grata teneri; sit precor officio non grauis ira pio.
The Last Poems of Ovid
This overestimation means many taxpayers are able to deduct amounts that are actually private expenses.
This research is closely linked with issues relevant to computer science, having to do with automated deduction, functional programming, and computer-aided verification.
The purchaser will be able to deduct before tax the acquisition cost of trading stock and work in progress.
If, however, from these cases we deduct those suffering with leukocythemia and lardaceous spleen, in which the operation should not be performed, the mortality in the remaining 85 cases is reduced to 33 per cent.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Forbes would keep it pure, getting rid of the home mortgage, medical expense and charitable deductions and everything else.
(For beings possessing the power of understanding but with different forms of intuition, the categories would be schematized differently from ours.) 1.5 The Second Step of the B-Deduction
Kant's Transcendental Arguments
It has dealt with, for example, shop trading hours in Kelly's Case, with the deduction of union dues in Alcan, with union badges in Archer's Case, and so forth.
This should be criminalised or the guilty party should be penalised through the deduction of votes, Sega newspaper reported.
What is her gross income before deductions?
Once all the deductions have been made, the net amount is called your taxable estate.
Under current law, corporations can deduct charitable contributions only up to 10% of taxable income.
Christianity Today
A series of deductions is made from it that tends to turn the surplus into a deficit.
Contributions to the Rotary DAF typically qualify for a U.S. income tax deduction.
Since the tax refund is based on the taxpayer's marginal tax rate, it's prudent in some cases to defer deducting the RRSP contribution.
The company's payments of interest are regarded as a cost and are deducted from taxable income.
Principles of Corporate Finance
The points deduction makes it hard to recruit players and we have to be open and honest with them.
The Sun
Can the beyond part of individual devotion to public charity be deducted next time?
The historical school mistaking what men have done for what men should do and, while often missing the full induction of the past, scornfully rejecting as empty apriorism deductive reasoning from the nature of man, presents a materialistic, evolutionary, and positivistic view of human society, which in no way appeals to sane reason.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
You can deduct costs from your profit.
Times, Sunday Times
Deductions would be eliminated in most cases to close loopholes and discourage the use of tax shelters.
Kuhn himself made a somewhat related criticism of deductivist or derivationist accounts of scientific work in “Postscript.”
Scientific Revolutions
Taxpayers have two options with respect to the determination of the sales tax deduction amount.
Christianity Today
The card eliminates the need for coupons, and savings are automatically deducted at the register.
The minister can deduct the cost of the books as noted above.
Christianity Today
Taxpayers claiming the optional deduction will complete a significantly simplified form.
Christianity Today
Even the charitable deduction could be re-cast as a matching grant from the government.
The Case Against Tax Breaks, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The size of the loss can be claimed as a deduction on your self-assessment form and is paid back when the film makes a profit.
Times, Sunday Times
The overall effect will be offset by higher insurance thresholds, and a slightly higher base for income taxation as social contributions are deducted from gross income before charging income taxes.
They also face a 10-point deduction with administration looming.
The Sun
The current deduction costs nearly $80 billion a year in forgone federal revenues.
Tax is deducted from my income at source.
Wales and Northern Ireland have decided not to wear poppies at all this weekend for fear of a fine or possible points deduction.
The Sun
All that we require is some general and less than deductive understanding of how economic properties and relations might be underlain by physical ones.
If an argument is invalid, there is no deduction for it in the system.
Use of the term axiom reinforces that our computational model is a mathematical, formal system and that analogue execution is a form of deduction from the axioms or assumptions explicitly programmed into the model.
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The purpose of the tax certificate is to permit a sub-contractor to receive payment from a builder without deduction of tax.
The yearly deductible charge (the amount the enrollee must pay before the plan starts to pay for any medicines) varies up to $250.
Inflation will erode the value of future coupon dollars and principal repayments; the real interest rate is the return after deducting inflation.
My employer deducted a pound from my wages this week.
Some exercisable measures are probed into for training innovative thinking ability by application of induction and deduction in the chemistry teaching.
As we saw in Chapter 6, 2-4, the plan to identify each branch of mathematics with a single postulate system failed, at least when it comes to describing deductive mathematical practice.
Your employer will deduct the tax for you.
The constraint of necessity is not sufficient to settle the notion of deductive validity, for the notion of necessity may also be fleshed out in a number of ways.
Logical Consequence
Charitable payments or gratuities given by employers should not be deducted from awards of damages as it is important not to discourage benevolence.
But with the group's focus on eliminating tax breaks, such as mortgage-interest deduction, antitax crusader Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, became a frequent critic.
Senate 'Gang' Hashes Out Deficit Plan
However, it is true that if a sentence is deducible in a correct deductive system from others, then the sentence is a deductive consequence of them.
Children will soon make deductions about the meaning of a word.
His deduction led him to the correct conclusion.
For our current purposes, it is convenient to axiomatize this logic as a natural deduction system, taking all tautologies as axioms and the familiar natural deduction rules governing the singular quantifiers and the identity sign as rules of inference.
Plural Quantification
After a $75 deductible, Medicare pays 80 per cent of doctors' bills.
There are two ways that the laws of deductive logic have been thought to provide rational constraints on belief: (1) Synchronically, the laws of deductive logic can be used to define the notion of deductive consistency and inconsistency.
Bayesian Epistemology
Having the antenna dome topsides can also come in handy when the IRS auditor visits your boat to discuss your deducting all the costs of your boat as a home office.
If The Premise is not tenantable during the period of repair or remedy, the rent fees for the period shall be deducted, or the tenancy period shall be extended accordingly.
Donations in wills are deducted before the tax.
Times, Sunday Times
For, thought Ahab, while even the highest earthly felicities ever have a certain unsignifying pettiness lurking in them, but, at bottom, all heartwoes, a mystic significance, and, in some men, an archangelic grandeur; so do their diligent tracings-out not belie the obvious deduction.
Moby Dick; or the Whale
What you actually receive is net of deductions for the airfare and administration.
Deductive inconsistency so defined determines one kind of incoherence in belief, which I refer to as deductive incoherence.
Bayesian Epistemology
But the government also asked them to pay back the tax that had been deducted from the cheque, saying they would get it back for the 2008 tax year in April 2009.
2008 January 13 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
If a contest ends in a tie on points, then the competitor with the most points before penalties were deducted is the winner.
Concrete operational children, lacking fully developed deductive reasoning about hypothetical situations, can not solve problems in this form.
The policy can be surrendered for cash at any time after one year at a special surrender value and there are no deductions if the policy is surrendered any time after three years.
Interest payments are deductable from a corporations taxable income therefore the double taxation problem is resolved.
Consumption Tax?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Proving was no longer a matter of transforming terms in accordance with rules, but a process of logical deduction from concepts.
If you have saved up a deposit and budgeted for all the extra expenses when you move, tot up your existing monthly outgoings and deduct this figure from your after-tax income.
They also charge what ever deductable they want and out of pocket max.
Senate Democrats moving towards dropping Medicare buy-in
Neither deductive nor inductive reasoning can account for the way in which we immediately see that such principles are true.
You can "itemize" deductions if you have deductions which exceed that amount.
Evening News and Tribune Homepage
Taxpayers have two options with respect to the determination of the sales tax deduction amount.
Christianity Today
Aware of my irritation declining I found myself recalling with reluctance the extraordinary deductive skill Darrow had shown earlier.
The cost for all three Legend configurations will be at current market value less a credit of $ 600.00 that is deducted from the current list price for those supplying an action.
What to Do With Your Gift From George W.
In summary, the Platonic scenario is dominantly inductive deductive, while the Aristotelian scenario is dominantly inductive - abductive.
You authorize us at any time to instruct or request any bank with which you may have an account to deduct from such account and repay us any amount due from you to us.
But to the extent that you made some nondeductible contributions of money that had already been taxed, those dollars don't get taxed a second time when you pull them out.
Paying Taxes on IRAs
Finally, do not forget the taxman, as tax is due at your highest rate on all rental income less the following deductible expenses.
Deploying his amazing deductive powers on crude earlier representations he elicited a likeness which the Emperor sharply recognised.
Rather than the Bush administration's proposal to make out-of-pocket expenses deductible via expanded medical savings accounts, I favor removing the excludability of health-insurance premiums from taxable income.
Samwick, Thoma, and Pearlstein on Health Care Policy, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
According to the Daily Herald, "in lieu of taking unpaid days off (furlough days), an employee may also choose to have the accumulated monetary value of the furlough days prorated on an annual basis, and then deducted in equal amounts over the 26 pay checks they receive during the year.
City of Aurora Agrees to Retroactive Raises and Guarantees of No Layoffs in Exchange for 2 Weeks of Furloughs for AFSCME Local 3298
This is a tax deductible cost and does not need to be adjusted.
Times, Sunday Times
In order to increase the deductibles on their auto and homeowner insurance policies, Laylock suggests that the couple increase them to $1,000.
Rush out cheap, high-deductible policies, allaying some of the resentment that the mandate provokes among the young, healthy and footloose affluent.
The GOP Can Outsmart ObamaCare
Because the deal was that I'd pay for your tickets at this end and then deduct the total sum from the first prize, before sending it on.
And if you indeed do earn over the $250K he has proposed as the cutoff, perhaps this will be a time for your senator and congressperson to step up and advocate for a cost-of-living deduction based on the relative priciness of some areas of the U.S.
Thank you sir may I have another
Invent three broad - mindedly jumping over dyadic wrong tier of space design, life is unhurried deduction.
Second, they are allowed to deduct depreciation on the rental property, but that depreciation will be "recaptured" and taxed at up to 25% when they sell. News
His hooded eyes gleamed with the malignant satisfaction of a correct deduction.
He said the excess water deduction on members' salary advices was recently amended.
These insights are said to be made a priori and Austrian reasoning is thus deductive, not inductive, or empirical.
You pay tax on the compensation, but the corporation saves an offsetting amount of tax by deducting the compensation payment.
Furthermore, it was plain that the provision contemplated deduction from each instalment as it was paid.
But his plan calls for a 16 percent tax on income that would retain deductions for home mortgage interest and charitable contributions.
And I don't think Fido or neurons have concepts and hence my view that they are not the sorts of thing that engage in deductive inference.
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The barium-flame-colour generalization is a deductive consequence of the postulates of atomic theory.
The Chairman accepted my plea and ordered the deduction of daily allowance from my emoluments.
The excess should be deducted from the loss and then payment will be made up to the policy limit where applicable.
Those workers earned less money because of deductions for medical insurance from their wages.
Such income will henceforth be taxed in the hands of the recipients at the rates applicable to them, and will be subject to tax deduction at source at the rate of 10%.
We can examine the bones of dinosaurs and make deductions about how they lived.
If your company is publicly traded, one strong disincentive to launching new ventures is that the losses of those businesses must be deducted from your quarterly earnings.
It shows their tax code number and details of their gross pay and tax deducted to date.
When they pull a bottle from the cellar, they can deduct the amount from the log to keep inventory accurate.
Use the following chart as a guideline to determine if you are able to get a tax deduction for the amount you contribute.
As it is separated from the other words in the list by a comma on either side, it is identified as a separate deduction from the selling prices of the inventory items.
The lease payments are treated as rentals and are deductible.
In special cases, a husband can deduct the travel expenses of his wife who accompanies him on a business trip.
He said that the deduction would reduce the take home pay of a cashier on 20,000 a year by 20 a month.
Times, Sunday Times
These are tax-sheltered accounts tied to insurance with very high deductibles.
You're not going to get negative marks for writing down something wrong, nor will marks be deducted from another question.
The detective has to discover the murderer by logical deduction.
Tax and insurance are deducted from your wages.
If the corporation borrows the money, all these interest deductions can be claimed by it.
Qualified deductions include the cost of packing and moving your household goods to your new home and the cost of transporting yourself and your family.
Yet, it would be nice if there were a deductive way to ensure fruitful collaboration.
His influence helped to transform the discipline from a largely comparative hypothetico-deductive approach to a rigorous and more objective science.
If my deductions are correct, I can tell you who the killer was.
These expenses, along with any other miscellaneous deductions are subject to a further reduction of 2 percent of his adjusted gross income.
Christianity Today
Among other things, this raises the income limits for deducting contributions by a taxpayer with a pension plan.
No deduction is given for contingent liabilities until they crystallise.
This information is helpful in comparing the size of your deductions with the average amounts claimed.
Christianity Today
Forbes would keep it pure, getting rid of the home mortgage, medical expense and charitable deductions and everything else.
And throw in some measures to bring down costs like tort reform, allowing insurance companies to compete across state lines and and allow those not coverd by work to deduct treat their insurance premiums as a tax deduction, just like those who are coved by employer based insurance.
Senate to vote Saturday on opening debate on health care bill
Rolling over assets can be advantageous for you; in fact it is comparable to you making nondeductible contributions to your IRA, where earnings accumulate on a tax-deferred basis.
In general, except for the expenses described above, no deduction is allowed for lobbying expenses paid or incurred after December 31, 1993.
Matthew Yglesias » Corporate Political Contributions as Tax Break
However, there are actually two kinds of defined benefit plans—one is called a money purchase plan, as shown in the chart above, and the other is called a profit-sharing plan, which limits your maximum deductible contribution to 13.04%.
Deleuze's method of "transcendental deduction" bears on the Kantianism with which scholars of
The deduction is allowed in computing adjusted gross income.
Christianity Today
The Church of Scientology had recently gained tax-exempt status as a religious institution, making donations, as well as the cost of auditing, tax-deductible.
Deduct 10 points for imagining that George might apologise to all concerned.
To decrease the depth of a V neckline, deduct 1 from this figure for each 0.5 centimetre required.
I hold out the can to Ethelred the Cheap, a guy who's been banned from Ye Olde Friars Club for always deducting the assize from his bill before computing his tip.
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Once set up, the employer will have little obligation other than to deduct the amount of contribution from each employee.
Both these payments are deducted from wages as part of the national insurance contribution.
Personnel Management: A New Approach
DVDs, video games, paperbacks, housewares, unopened toiletries, unopened energy bars, even unused bellybutton rings: If it might have otherwise languished in a basement, closet, cabinet or drawer — or ended up at Goodwill in exchange for a teensy tax deduction — it's ripe for swapping.
Sign of the times: Going swapping, not shopping
My employer deducted a pound from my wages this week.
You will have to pay income tax on the rent you receive, although you can deduct expenses such as insurance.
Previously, purchased goodwill could be deductible for tax purposes over a number of years and would reduce your tax bill on profits.
Times, Sunday Times
The donation he made was a deductible on his tax form.
Therefore, using our trusty friend, aka deductive reasoning, evolution MUST be considered as valid scientific fact.
Our Scientific Output - The Panda's Thumb
In comparison, all other tax deduction measures are too piecemeal, and too minimal, in effect.
If it was not, you can ask the bank to chargeback the transaction as an unauthorised deduction.
A non-resident is taxed in Spain on income arising from Spanish property at the rate of 25 per cent on gross income without any deductions for expenses or interest costs.
The donation he made was a deductible on his tax form.
The scheme will be enforced by cameras which read number plates and are connected to a computer system which deducts the fee from a pre-paid account.
If adjusted gross income is high enough, large amounts of business expense deductions will be lost under this 2 percent formula.
It is possible to make charitable donations from your gross pay before income tax has been deducted.
Times, Sunday Times