How To Use Deducible In A Sentence
What this implies is that cognitive science must yield explanations of mind and culture that are deducible from antecedent conditions that cannot possibly be physical, neurophysiological, or mechanical events.
If your premise is established, your conclusions are easily deducible .
If it's not taught in the Bible, or logically deducible from propositions in the Bible, we don't have to believe it.
A sense of something not evident or deducible; an impression.
A certain mentality requires Mr. Lalo to invent alogical puzzles to which he knows the equally detached, undeducible "answer.
McCain's Lying Has Gone Too Far, According To ... Karl Rove!

Things do not need to be symmetrical or deducible from first principles.
The attendance at church was, of course, set down to "business considerations," and was held to be quite consistent with the scepticism and loose morality deducible from the French book and the unground coffee.
Pages from a Journal with Other Papers
Consequently, his accusations ooze hypocrisy; Warren never made these arguments and they are not deducible from her claims.
Ron Davis: George Will vs. Elizabeth Warren
Pestalozzi, except theologically, was self-educated, did not leave a written account of teaching and of teacher training colleges; his place in the history of education and teaching is deducible in outline from his various writings, loving sincere deeds, the example he set.
History of Education, Teacher Training, Teaching, Teachers « Illiteracy Articles « Articles « Literacy News
The only difference between an HSA policy and otherwise is the size of the deducible.
Health Care, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
There’s also data on median incomes (though that’s deducible from the previous data) on p. 37.
Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
[_If 'irrational' here means simply 'non-rational,' or non-deducible from the essence of either term singly, it is no reproach; if it means 'contradicting' such essence, Mr. Bradley should show wherein and how_.]
A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
Nevertheless, there is good evidence that the tertiary structure is in principle deducible from the sequence of amino acids.
The nature of our reality is deducible, knowable, and very simply this: we are creators, alive in a loving Universe—spiritual beings who live in a world of illusions that we have not only created but still exercise control over.
Manifesting Change
No written texts on healing in this tradition exist, but scholars say that guidelines for healing are deducible from the Kabbalah.
“Since all theorems of applied mathematics are deducible from the subsystem [of physical interpretation of the field of rational numbers] ¦ it is only this subsystem which is verified by the interpretations.” (1978, vol. I, p. 423) So we cannot empirically confirm any claims that are properly about real or complex numbers, so we cannot empirically confirm their consistency.
Hans Reichenbach
Chancellor Kent, in his 'Commentaries,' says: 'The legal effects of marriage are generally deducible from the principle of the common law, by which the husband and wife are regarded as one person, and her legal existence and authority lost or suspended during the continuance of the matrimonial union.'
Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences 1815-1897
As if not remembering something could take away what is easily deducible and readily obvious with just a little bit of thought!
Manifesting Change
They," that is, both the makers and the idols, are witnesses against themselves, for the idols palpably see and know nothing (Ps 115: 4-8). that they may be ashamed -- the consequence deducible from the whole previous argument, not merely from the words immediately preceding, as in Isa 28: 13; 36: 12.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
However, it is true that if a sentence is deducible in a correct deductive system from others, then the sentence is a deductive consequence of them.