How To Use Decussate In A Sentence
Randall-Maciver and Wilkin illustrate a vertical loom in use among the Kabyles, _Libyan Notes_, London, 1901, Pl. IX., and although the details of the illustration are not clear the text indicates the existence of one heddle: "The warp is decussated by means of a horizontal rod and leashes.
Ancient Egyptian and Greek Looms
Anything reticulated or decussated, at equal distances, with interstices between the intersections. '
Life Of Johnson
This is much simpler than those reproductive organs of living Gnetales with a cone-like inflorescence that is organized by paired or decussate bracts.
Now, referring to the ordinary notation of alternate leaves, we shall have the first leaf covered by the fifth, with two turns of the spiral; since decussate leaves result from two conjugate lines, the formula will be necessarily 2/5.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Plato says that the "next power to the Supreme God was decussated, or figured in the shape of a cross, on the universe.
The Freethinker's Text Book, Part II. Christianity: Its Evidences, Its Origin, Its Morality, Its History
In the teasels this screw-arrangement has disappeared, and has been replaced by a decussate grouping.
Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
One managed a good snap at Moody's face before the pins from Ooljee's laser decussated its field, sending it flaring into oblivion.
Cyber Way
For example, many pioneer trees exhibit orthotropic (vertically oriented) shoots that successively produce leaves in spiral or decussate phyllotaxy.
There are certain other nervous cords which decussate, are attached (to the vertebrae?), and are extended from both sides of them.
On The Articulations
Orchids, however, have all possible tetrad types: linear, decussate, square, tetrahedral, rhomboid and T-shaped are all reported, e.g. in Calanthe discolor which has a soft pollinium.
The age is approaching when Dr. Johnson will define network as 'anything reticulated or decussated at equal distances with interstices between the intersections,' or will modify his hasty statement that Buckingham's comedy, the Rehearsal, had not 'wit enough to keep it sweet,' with the corrected version: 'It has not vitality enough to preserve it from putrefaction.'
On Dictionaries
-- The crux decussata or decussated cross, so called from its resemblance to the Roman decussis or symbol for the numeral 10, is in shape like the Greek letter chi; it is also known as St. Andrew's Cross, because that
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
A network is anything _reticulated or decussated, with interstices at equal distances between the intersections_.
Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
this nerve decussates the other
It is curious to observe in these flowers how precisely one sepal occupies the position of the labellum, and how the lateral petals are displaced from the position they usually occupy, so as to form a regular flower, the segments of which decussate, thus giving rise to a species of regular peloria.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
This is a neat, finely-decussated, concolorous species, with the upper whorls nodulous from erosion, as in Vivipara praerosa, Gerst.
The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
After crossing the raphé, where they decussate with those from the opposite side, they turn upward to form the lateral lemniscus.
IX. Neurology. 4e. Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
Thus, leaves normally opposite and decussate may, by fusion, become alternate.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
A net is a reticulated fabric, decussated at regular intervals.
Deductive Logic
Aside from the fibers of the fornix which pass through the mammillary body to decussate and descend (as the mammillo-mesencephalic fasciculus), many fibers are said to pass into the bundle of Vicq dAzyr, and one bundle of fibers is said to pass from the fornix to the tuber cinereum.
IX. Neurology. 4e. Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
Cancellate: cross-barred: latticed: with longitudinal lines decussate by transverse lines.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
the fibers decussate
The leaves of this plant are naturally rectiserial and decussate, but, in the twisted stem the leaves were curviserial, and arranged according to the 5/13 plan.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
The simplest illustration of this arrangement is seen in the case of decussate leaves, where those organs are placed in pairs, and the pairs cross one another at right angles.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
The other two locally occurring Bittersweets are the Decussate Bittersweet (Glycymeris decussata) and the Atlantic Bittersweet (Glycymeris undata).
The optic nerves give off no branches in passing from their origin in two ganglia situated between the cerebrum and the cerebellum, and their termination in the eyeballs; but, in the middle of their course, they _decussate_, or unite in one mass.
Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
The leaves on this plant are arranged in pairs opposite one another, with successive pairs at right angles to each other ( "decussate") along the red stem.
Wikibooks - Recent changes [en]
This plant resembles some trimerophytes, such as Pertica, in that it has three-dimensional branching with branches arranged in a spiral or decussate pattern.
The leaves of this plant are naturally rectiserial and decussate, but, in the twisted stem the leaves were curviserial, and arranged according to the 5/13 plan.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
This is a neat, finely-decussated, concolorous species, with the upper whorls nodulous from erosion, as in Vivipara praerosa, Gerst.
The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
When these pyramidal fibers are traced downward it is found that some two-thirds or more of them leave the pyramids in successive bundles, and decussate in the anterior median fissure, forming what is termed the pyramidal decussation.
IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
Orchids, however, have all possible tetrad types: linear, decussate, square, tetrahedral, rhomboid and T-shaped are all reported.