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How To Use Decrypt In A Sentence

  • The viewstate is encrypted/decrypted using a machinekey. ASP.NET Forums
  • The Aegis system allows a user to encrypt or decrypt a message by just hitting a button and entering a password, and the company says the password part of the process may be phased out soon.
  • Unlike DVD movies, which are encrypted on the disk and decrypted every time they're played, digital broadcast television has to be unencrypted.
  • We now know, from the Venona decrypts of Soviet intelligence traffic, that he was guilty as charged of heading a Soviet atomic espionage ring.
  • I'm guessing that I have to somehow "decrypt" that pattern or something to find the REAL password? Discussions: Message List - root
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  • The public key is used to decrypt information at the receiver and is not kept secret.
  • Modular design allowing 3rd party drivers to be created, incorporating new hash / cypher algorithmsDecryptionsoftware available to improve transparency, and allow even the mostjunior software engineer to prove data is being encrypted correctlySupports password salting (up to 512 bits), reducing the risks presented by dictionary attacks. Windows Marketplace: results for the '' category
  • The result is that sender and receiver end up with an identical randomly generated number, used as the cryptographic key, that can be used for the encryption and subsequent decryption of data.
  • During 1942, the US Military Attaché in Cairo, through transmissions decrypted by Italian intelligence, gave him invaluable operational intelligence.
  • A Tactical Data Encryption System TDES is a device for storing, encrypting and decrypting messages.
  • It only became public knowledge when MAGIC intelligence decrypts, including a signal from the Japanese attaché in Berlin which was not deciphered until after the war, were declassified in the USA in 1980.
  • Failure to comply with a decryption notice will be a criminal office, unless the individual concerned can prove he or she did not have the ability to decrypt the message for any reason, such as losing the password.
  • The advantage of pen and paper is the built-in encryption, since nobody outside my closest relatives would be able to decrypt my handwriting ... Five Best Journaling Tools | Lifehacker Australia
  • For example, in this case, it is easier to try to factor the modulus N than to perform an exhaustive key search on all possible decryption keys.
  • Several seconds passed before the communication was decrypted and became intelligible.
  • Keylogging renders encryption moot, as it intercepts everything prior to encryption, as well as the keys used to decrypt things.
  • If the Allies could acquire those machines and their keys, it would be a major help in decrypting Enigma.
  • Its essence was gross and irresponsible exaggeration of a claim that we now know - from the VENONA decrypts of Soviet cables, among other sources - was true.
  • `London decrypt of the overnight telegrams, Your Excellency. KARA KUSH
  • Publicly revealing an encryption key does not thereby reveal the correspongding decryption decryption.
  • Bug fix: some titles with corrupt UDF did not get decrypted.
  • An encryption algorithm is a mathematical equation containing the message being encrypted or decrypted.
  • Indeed, as I write in the book on p. 40, he kept the top-secret decrypts in what he called ‘The Magic Book,’ tucked away in the tightly-guarded Map Room of the White House.
  • With public key encryption, each person has two keys - a public one that can be disseminated freely which is used to encode messages that can subsequently only be decrypted by the private key.
  • I had a top-secret clearance and would have been part of the team of codebreakers decrypting the message that authorized the use of the ship's nuclear weapons.
  • It should be easy to encrypt and decrypt messages with the key (which must be kept secret) but difficult to do so without it.
  • People have written haikus that capture the algorithm for decrypting DVDs.
  • `London decrypt of the overnight telegrams, Your Excellency. KARA KUSH
  • UK jails schizophrenic for refusal to decrypt files. We Predicted This Would Happen: Man Jailed in UK for Failing to Disclose Passphrase
  • If the key was properly computed, the user can decrypt the message.
  • First, they can run the communications -- live or on tape -- through a so-called decrypt processor. Testimony Concerning The Key Escrow Encryption Program Before The U.S. Senate Subcommittee On Technology And The Law
  • If you receive an encrypted message, you need to decrypt it before you read it.
  • There is no hassle of manually decrypting a file before reading it or encrypting it again after modifying it.
  • Knowledge of the Venona decrypts was actually withheld from President Truman.
  • Everybody will know the information has come from you because only your public key can decrypt a message that has been encrypted using your private key.
  • By 1944, over 4,000 German messages were being decrypted daily at Bletchley Park.
  • This key would allow the government to decrypt messages as needed, purportedly after seeking and obtaining a warrant.
  • Hackers have already demonstrated the ability to decrypt other authentication factors used to make networks safe, and "this just exacerbates the situation," said Avivah Litan , an analyst with research firm Gartner. Questions Over Break-In at Security Firm RSA
  • Second, when they cannot decrypt the alien code, he gives her the key to the mystery.
  • a secret key or password is required for decryption
  • A private key is used to decrypt data encrypted with the corresponding public key and to create digital signatures.
  • For others to break (decrypt) the code, they had to figure out how the Enigma functioned, the wiring of its rotors and its daily settings (both rotors and plugboard). Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The proliferation of radio communications created busier air waves and this in turn meant signals that were vulnerable to direction finding, electronic counter measures, interception and decryption.
  • Your private key lets you decrypt any message encrypted with your public key.
  • In order to protect the sensitive VENONA project, the decrypts could not be produced as evidence at trial.
  • Do you think that the governor of Idaho had access to the MAGIC decrypts, and that he formulated his demand for ‘concentration camps’ on the basis of an evidence-based belief of military necessity?
  • Only certain employees will be able to decrypt sensitive documents.
  • The radio crackled for a few minutes, and Lonsdale's pensil scratched out the decrypt.
  • These sequences were then fed to the cryptographers for decryption, and the resultant clear texts were amended by further experts to correct for possible errors in transmission and reception.
  • With user-friendly interface, this Blu-ray decrypter enables you to easily decrypt and copy Blu-ray movies with Blu-ray DVD drive to your computer by removing all protections from BD video, including encryption (AACS), BD+ copy protection, etc. Forum
  • But there were still some who challenged her allegations and the validity of the decrypts, calling them forgeries.
  • Only in 1941 did Enigma decrypts pay dividends.
  • Another thing that will come along - probably after more than a decade or two - is quantum cryptanalysis, where you would use a quantum computer to decrypt existing codes.
  • A combination of defectors and America's VENONA decrypts caused the collapse of the Soviet networks and the beginning of the end of the era of the ideological agent.
  • As he turned to leave under the withering gaze of his disappointed superiors, it was discovered that he had not received the decryption code that accompanied the exercise.
  • We have now identified the computers using the old Microsoft and upgraded them, which means that even in the unlikely event of a successful attack, it would take months to decrypt the information; strong passwords (such as alphanumeric combinations) could take years," he said. Undefined
  • This paper first researches the principle of encryption - decryption and the basic algorithm - Data Encryption Standard ( DES ).
  • In such a case a cracker's actions are obvious: he suppresses the anti-debugging tricks and dumps the unpacked and decrypted application code.
  • An encryption algorithm is a mathematical equation containing the message being encrypted or decrypted.
  • While it would be technically possible to encrypt the data between a keyboard and browser, it probably wouldnt be a generally workable solution and would require a plugin in the browser to 'decrypt' the data, rather than encrypt it. from the product of the trend micro website Geekzone: IT, mobility, wireless and handheld news
  • More recent viruses and blended threats also extract passwords, decryption keys and logged keystrokes.
  • July 13, 2006, 4: 08 am learn internet texas hold em free says: learn internet texas hold emfree trod glimpses alterer cite Leland decrypted The Volokh Conspiracy » Indymedia server seizure:
  • Even when Hiss appeared in the Venona decrypts, his supporters refused to believe he was guilty.
  • So how do we tell if those attacks are coming in and how do we "decrypt" those binary strings that accompany the attacker's requests? MSDN Blogs
  • Another thing that will come along - probably after more than a decade or two - is quantum cryptanalysis, where you would use a quantum computer to decrypt existing codes.
  • `London decrypt of the overnight telegrams, Your Excellency. KARA KUSH
  • Since the eavesdropper doesn't know the starting point, he can't decrypt the message.
  • An encryption algorithm is a mathematical equation containing the message being encrypted or decrypted.
  • It is therefore impossible for anyone to decrypt/decapsulate that email after the timer expires. Vanish Gives Your Message An Expiration Date | Lifehacker Australia
  • Secret-Key Cryptography Secret-key cryptography involves the use of a shared key for both encryption by the transmitter and decryption by the receiver.
  • This is particularly true for applications that already operate on 64-bit or 128-bit wide data, such as encryption/decryption algorithms and some video encoders.
  • Decryption of the ciphertext is the inverse of the encryption steps, using the same symmetric key used for encryption. TechNewsWorld
  • If I change any properties on these selected files, it reports that it is about to "decrypt" the files. Fileforum
  • The public key encrypts the information as it's sent from a person's computer to the merchant, and a private key decrypts the information.
  • Messages encrypted using the public key can be decrypted only by someone with the private key.
  • It will rip the EBOOT dumping and decrypting what it can.
  • Otherwise, he can merely decrypt the message without any additional steps or effort.
  • A common means of modern encryption is a one-way system in which encryption is easy but decryption is computationally impractical.
  • Many historians think that a secret Soviet message sent in 1945 (later decrypted by the Venona project) identifies Hiss by a code name.
  • June 17, 2006, 4: 01 pm card with bad credit says: card with bad credit maintainer internship decrypt arrangements. coplanar cusp The Volokh Conspiracy » “Bush Voters Are Stupid”:
  • Equally, the German Navy passed on decrypts of Allied traffic to Japan after 9 December 1941 only in its own cipher because of suspicions about Anglo-American inroads into Japanese systems.
  • This group was able to keep the secret while getting the sensitive Ultra and Magic decrypts of enemy messages.
  • Asymmetric encryption relies on two keys that work together as a pair an encryption key and a decryption key.
  • The Crown supplemented this with an excellent system of opening the mails (and diplomatic pouches, when available) and decrypting messages written in code.
  • InnerXml; private string DecryptString (string _string) _string = ASP.NET Forums
  • In a semi-polemical preface, he takes some unwarranted shots at post-Cold War studies of Soviet spying that are based on VENONA decrypts and documents from KGB and Comintern archives.
  • More recent viruses and blended threats also extract passwords, decryption keys and logged keystrokes.
  • These came from decrypted German messages sent on the Enigma enciphering machine, and by 1944, the Allies were reading some of the messages in 'real time’.
  • `London decrypt of the overnight telegrams, Your Excellency. KARA KUSH
  • But once you have the right key, it takes less than a fraction of a second to prove that the key is the correct key: All you do is decrypt the message.

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