How To Use Deco In A Sentence

  • Does the plain, unsugared doughy type bagel look alike surpass the overly decorated with hundreds and thousands and pumped full of sweet chemicals with optional coating of chocolate (half dipped) Tescos Express doughnut win every time? Rabbit Stew. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The question, which has been eating at Matthews for several years, is gnawing on him a couple of hours later as he decompresses at a party at Spago in Beverly Hills.
  • The building used to look a bit fancier, and much more decorative, but it was never rebuilt.
  • According to what I read in a couple of dictionaries, "gild" means to decorate the outside of something, usually unnecessarily. Untwisted Vortex
  • Those morning glories are grown every year along the south face of the historic, well-preserved post-and-beam barn that is the center of Heritage Farm; the 890-acre spread a few miles north of Decorah that Seed Savers Exchange now calls home. Kurt Michael Friese: Memories of a Life Spent Saving Seeds
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  • Each item was skewered on a cocktail stick and laid like sun rays around the plate, which also had a flower intricately carved out of turnip for decoration.
  • I blame it all on becca who called me in the middle of the night to talk to me all about how the two best friends names are Kate and Becca and that the main character lives in apartment 601 as my address and other kooky details that i have been trying to forget nightly since i saw that movie, And then every sound is that kid coming out of the television and im only writing about it now in order to expunge as i fear she will grab hold of my foot from under the desk and eat me or turn me into something decomposing or whatever it is she does. I-claudius Diary Entry
  • Still, for the medium term, either the government needs to scutinize refinery activity much more closely, adopt new regulatory authority and aggressively enforce antitrust laws, or it must intervene to deconcentrate the market. Robert Weissman: What To Do About the Price of Oil
  • Moreover, don't these choices facilitate a feminist reading of the text, deconstructing sentimentality to expose masculine failings and feminine rebellion?
  • Miles, the more successful, exaggerated the decorative qualities of his father's style to the point of mannerism.
  • After laying down the melody, he proceeded to deconstruct it, pulling it into new shapes, twisting, fragmenting, yet never losing touch with his starting point.
  • But proposed regulations may force people to take stock of their daily energy consumption and could make us think twice about our festive decor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ice the sides with the chocolate icing, then pipe a decorative border of chocolate icing around the top, encircling the coconut topping.
  • But in accordance with the idea that malaria is a product of paludal decomposition, the trees selected have almost always been the _eucalyptus_. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • VARIOUS LEATHER PICTURE, It's a high classic decoration , made by hand, use nature color and veins of leather to make design, it shows obvious stereoscopy like relief sculpture but softly .
  • I put the "eye candy" on top of that and then used a store-bought gel decorator frosting to do the "bloodshot" effect. Archive 2008-11-01
  • Decorate the cake with chocolate curls.
  • The schematic for the DTMF decoder in the figure below. Again you can use a combination of wire wrapping and soldering. Part placement is not critical.
  • The boys are planning to decorate when they get the time.
  • Cereal song earth: Fictitious tellurion software, be together satellitic picture, map, encyclopedia and flight simulator conformity, decorate in an earth on three-dimensional model.
  • Finally, this paper explains what is the spirit of Marxism which Derrida always asks us to inherit, and what is the relationship between his deconstructionism and Marxism.
  • All the accommodation is decorated in as minimalist fashion as luxury will allow, reflecting the vibrant colours of the region, from warm terracotta to the cool turquoise of the sea.
  • There were floating candles that decorated the pool and the fountain, as well as ornamental flowers arrangements.
  • By doing the activities room, decontamination, dust - free shop has a professional and technical.
  • Clean and cheerful, the rooms are decorated with children's artwork and handicrafts.
  • He had chasubles, also, of amber-coloured silk, and blue silk and gold brocade, and yellow silk damask and cloth of gold, figured with representations of the Passion and Crucifixion of Christ, and embroidered with lions and peacocks and other emblems; dalmatics of white satin and pink silk damask, decorated with tulips and dolphins and fleurs-de-lis; altar frontals of crimson velvet and blue linen; and many corporals, chalice-veils, and sudaria. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • `Me and Jude we figure you could come out even didn't know you'd decontrol like that "Iz said. RANDOM ACTS OF SENSELESS VIOLENCE
  • Painter and decorator Geoffrey Jenks was so shocked when he failed a roadside breath test, he felt his Cokes must have been spiked, Kennet magistrates in Devizes heard on Tuesday.
  • Robert Dossie described three categories of watercolor painting — miniature, the most delicate; distemper, which is coarser, uses less expensive colors in a glue or casein binder, and is appropriate for canvas hangings, ceilings, and other interior decorative painting purposes; and fresco. reference As a technique practiced by the Romans, fresco painting was a subject of particularly interest in the antiquity-obsessed eighteenth-century. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Gone was the staid decor and mahogany wood typical of the menswear shops on Shaftesbury Avenue. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a Malay steward behind each chair, and over in the corner, silent but missing nothing, the squint-faced Jingo; even he had exchanged his loin-cloth for a silver sarong, with hornbill feathers in his hair and decorating the shaft of his sumpitan* (* Blowpipe.) standing handy against the wall. Flashman's Lady
  • He spoke of such with soldierlike respect and decorum. The History of Pendennis
  • In the background is a large lacquered coffer, its side decorated with a flying bird and another perched in a tree.
  • The decor at Cargill's is pleasant, if unmemorable and far from cutting edge, but that helps lend an approachable tone to the whole establishment.
  • Biscuit base filled with lemon scented Ilalian ricotta cheese, decorated with strawberries and red currants.
  • Talia's room, when we reach it and I actually take the time to observe it, is decorated in varying shades of pastel blue, more or less coordinating the curtains and the bed sheets.
  • It is suggested that ad libitum feeding conditions decrease NAD availability which also decreases metabolism of the triose phosphate glycolytic intermediates, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone-phosphate, which can spontaneously decompose into methylglyoxal MG. The low-fat diet cascade | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Additional options include erecting a sizable ornamental canopy or baldachin over the tabernacle, or setting the tabernacle within the apsidal wall or against the backdrop of a decorated reredos. Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend: "Concerning the Central Placement and Noble Design of Tabernacles..."
  • We walked into the bedroom of Ting Sun, Yao country the English is busy in searching the home position of the Deng of that square, but I seize an opportunity the decoration of lo this bedroom.
  • It is attributed to Joseph Henry Remmey, who is known for similar elaborately incised cobalt blue decoration, especially of stylized birds.
  • At the time of decompensation, 23 patients were taking antipsychotics while 16 were drug free.
  • Also among the rich assortment of intriguing pieces that fill each page are panels dating from c.1600, decorated with saints standing beneath baldacchinos.
  • Secure with rubber band and then cover with a decorative hair ornament.
  • When organic matters (resins, waxes, oils) are decomposed by inorganic solutions, one speaks of "saponification". 4. Selection of Chemicals
  • The shapes and engraved decorations of these pieces are typical of medieval Islamic glassware.
  • All the houses will have a traditional look with curved timber framed windows, decorative roof detail and over-door pediments.
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Kamar al-Zaman, son of King Shahriman, went to the Hammam, his father in his joy at this event freed the prisoners, and presented splendid dresses to his grandees and bestowed large alm-gifts upon the poor and bade decorate the city seven days. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • In this chapter, we give some operator inequalities and norm inequalities by means of spectral decomposition and functional calculus.
  • In a more realistic scenario, Bulgaria will decommission reactors 1 and 2 by end - 2002 as agreed upon with the EC and it will preserve reactors 3 and 4.
  • I am having this recurring nightmare that I will be stuck in traffic for so long that I will die and my body decompose beyond recognition before anyone notices.
  • All over Europe, the fringes of suburbia are blighted by the dreary apparatus of industry - undecorated sheds and dour offices in glum lots girdled by sterile acres of parking.
  • This wall was originally incrusted with rich marbles, and the great dome, adorned with deep coffering in rectangular panels, was decorated with rosettes and mouldings in gilt stucco. A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
  • By rolling down the cover crop in spring instead of mowing it, the cover crop takes longer to decompose and becomes a weed-suppressing mulch.
  • Deconstruct him: he isn't worth it; deconstruct yourself: your behaviour is ridiculous. THE KINDEST USE A KNIFE
  • Alternatively, instead of decomposing the silane, you can liquefy it by refrigerating it down to -112°C. The Case for Mars
  • Period features throughout include marble fireplaces and decorative plasterwork. Times, Sunday Times
  • Auntly devotion must go decorously unvoiced, but it is no less compelling for that. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gumball machines decorated the shelves and children could still buy gummies for one cent.
  • The tomato began to decompose after half a day in the sun.
  • Once you have a theme in mind, take a moment to inventory the decorative objects you already have around your house, then hit secondhand stores to complete the look you've chosen.
  • Data from human studies indicate that decompression at 1,000 feet/minute results in excitement and euphoria, followed by sensory dullness, weakness, and unconsciousness.
  • Features include mouldings, polished timber floors, high ceilings and decorative plasterwork.
  • The principal rooms, both downstairs and upstairs, have decorative mantelpieces and cornices that are imaginatively conceived and neatly executed.
  • Although fruits added to jellies in the way just described are chiefly for decorative effect, they do add very greatly to the pleasure of eating them; but jellied fruits, as distinguished from _fruits in jelly_, are a delicious mode of eating fruit, and where it is in abundance afford a pleasant variety. Choice Cookery
  • Items with few words can probably be decoded, albeit laboriously, with adequate comprehension by even the majority of poor readers.
  • Decorated in pale green, it has decorative ceiling plasterwork, a white marble fireplace and French doors to the back garden.
  • This is true with the exception that of "Decorated" architecture there are but few examples, and it is probable that very little new work was done in connection with this cathedral until the monastery became vastly enriched by Abbot Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Gloucester [2nd ed.] A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espicopal See
  • Publican John Keating is redeveloping the deconsecrated St Mary's Church on Mary Street in Dublin 1, which is due to open as a bar and restaurant at the end of the summer.
  • The swimming pool was decorated with fairy lights and floating candles and a table for the intimate party of 12 was set outside.
  • High PO2 levels help produce an efficient decompression profile providing they are balanced against oxygen toxicity.
  • The flag waving was decorous, the cheering polite and the umpire was never once insulted.
  • Some loincloths were painted and decorated with tassels, which symbolized falling rain.
  • Microbes decompose organic waste into a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide.
  • They appreciated the soaring towers, pointed arches, the polychromy of brick and stone decoration and the carvings of birds and beasts. Gothic Renaissance in London
  • This was the production of bronze vessels bearing beautiful decorations made in toreutic technique.
  • Another good option is the Santa Lucia, a beautifully restored 18 th-century palazzo which is spoiled only by the management's choice of chintzy decor and over-fussy floral curtains in the guest rooms.
  • Vigorously develop and produce new type energy - saving construction materials, heat insulating materials and green decoration materials.
  • Tasteful decor, melodious songs and shafts of sunlight from the ample windows provide the perfect ambience for appreciating the subtleties and splendours of curry cuisine.
  • How well all its accessaries, all its decorations, are proportioned and harmonised -- growing lighter as they rise higher. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 61, No. 376, February, 1847
  • Graduate of a City Council graffiti-spelling workshop for street kids, he knew how to decode the slogans of the day, how to phase them and how to remix them.
  • Indian sweets are traditionally decorated with a very thin layer of beaten silver.
  • Perhaps the original decoration lies intact beneath the layered generations of wallpaper and ever-changing tastes in house paint, ready to be rediscovered.
  • We asked him for advice on decorating with tabletop accessories, using ceramic vases from his own line.
  • Straight into the bin this morning seeing as they're "toxic", i.e., hand decorated by typhoid Ramekin yesterday, probably in the prime of his contagiousness. So . . .
  • His violent menaces had extorted his readmission into the church, against which Cyprian protests with much vehemence: ne pecuniae commissae sibi fraudator, ne stuprator virginum, ne matrimoniorum multorum depopulator et corruptor, ultra adhuc sponsam Christi incorruptam praesentiae suae dedecore, et impudica atque incesta contagione, violaret. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 1
  • All these art works depict a scatter- brained character called Bip, who is traditionally dressed in sailor suit and a grey top hat decorated with a red flower.
  • 135 There is a grey area between ornament and decoration where one or other strives to compensate for poverty of form.
  • I was told last night that this storyboarded ending was only ever used to decoy the studio away from the real ending, which is the one they shot.
  • He had turned his head, and was looking oh-so-casually off toward the chromolithograph of Bonnie Prince Charlie with which Mrs. Baird had seen fit to decorate our wall. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • Decoys that can confuse the homing sensor in the interceptor are the Achilles' heel of this system.
  • For the past couple of years, the appearance of Christmas lights and festive decorations has heralded the arrival of a weighty travel anthology.
  • The artistic spirit shown in the whole plan and decoration of the new pinacotheca is worthy of admiration. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • Perhaps the artist has bee brought in to polychrome a plaster relievo for an architectural decoration, and it is some third party sculptors studio. Easel on Rails
  • He visited many speakeasies, “from mere drinking dens to palatially appointed private houses where you find whole families, including children, dining together with the utmost decorum, the elders taking wine.” CHASING the WHITE DOG
  • Painter cleared of bar assault charge A SELF-employed painter and decorator was yesterday cleared of assaulting the manager of a Harrogate bar.
  • Today, professional whitening techniques go to work on the tooth structure itself, using peroxide to oxidize and decolorize gray and yellow tooth pigments.
  • As the mulch decomposes in the summer heat, add more to maintain optimal mulch depth.
  • The metal band around the mouth is made of a copper alloy. Apart from its decorative use, it also smoothed the rough, unglazed rim.
  • In another setting, a firehouse was ordered to take down its largely secular holiday decorations, because neighbors were offended by it.
  • Mugabe is the best living African on the continent, with a real programme to decolonise Africa in real terms. Mugabe Loses Honorary Degree From UMass - The Lede Blog -
  • All that remained was that lovely blank undecorated space upstairs which led up to the administrative offices.
  • For that reason, abstract art has been anxious to distance itself from decoration.
  • This two bedroom duplex apartment has a private entrance hall and retains original Victorian features including high ceilings, decorative architraves and period fireplaces.
  • As a result of this decomposition very minute bodies, to which the name corpuscles has been given, are projected from the radium atom with exceedingly great velocity. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • The turbines would have a lifespan of 25 years and after that period would be decommissioned and dismantled.
  • First thing that shocks is the decor - everything looks really dated - the sofas seem to be fraying at the edges and the wooden dancefloor is in a poor condition.
  • One of the greatest comprehensive collections of the decorative arts, natural history, geology and technology in the United Kingdom.
  • Steven's eyes scanned the room immediately for people they knew, while Donnie starred amazed at the lights and tinsel decorating the flat.
  • The other elephant in the room was decommissioning liabilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • The microprocessor is configured with a predecoder and an instruction cache.
  • At Hemp Knoll the bone toggle had been broken and subsequently decorated, suggesting a long history of use before being sewn onto the clothing or shroud of the deceased.
  • With elegant, modern decor, it is a luxurious urban oasis in the heart of the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like Psalters they often contained historiated initials or at least decorated initials that marked important liturgical events such as Christmas. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • A is molecular formula C8H10 does not decolorise bromine water but when refluxed with aq, acidified KMnO4 the latter decolorise forming compound B with C7H6O2. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • The present study is divided into three chapters, and each of them deals with one special pheonomeon of musical genre: modification, fusion, and deconstruction.
  • He was wakened by a savage whiskerando of the other watch, who, seizing him by his waistband, dragged him most indecorously out, furiously denouncing him for a skulker. Israel Potter
  • Effective cleaning methods include presoaking and manual, ultrasonic, or washer/ decontaminator cleaning to remove soil and extraneous material.
  • Banish thoughts of decorative church kneelers, of draped antimacassars or folklorish costumes. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were Art Deco lamps everywhere, and mirrors, and brass fittings, and fresh flowers. TICKLED PINK
  • The album works on all levels thanks to its diversified genres, such as jazz, blues, gospel, bluegrass and zydeco.
  • Developers decorated , In recent years is always rental, Can register office, also can live!
  • Medtronic, Inc. (NYSE: MDT), today announced the U.S. launch of the X-STOP PEEK IPD System, the first interspinous process decompression (IPD) device approved by the U.S. Health News from Medical News Today
  • His body was decomposing as the nation struggled towards a new beginning. Times, Sunday Times
  • When my pudding arrived I was at first disappointed to see that the custard was just a decorative swirl.
  • The hypocrite is a good example for other people, a model of probity and decorum, at least until the truth comes out.
  • Police are now on the verge of allowing painters, plumbers, decorators and joiners into the house to begin clearing up and repairing fittings damaged during the extensive examination of the house.
  • Extensive simulation results demonstrate the validity of the novel half-rate rotational invariance joint space-frequency coding scheme and the performance of the direct decoding algorithm.
  • The western arch capitals have, as decoration, the rose and escallop shell alternately -- badges of the Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Carlisle A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Episcopal See
  • The cultural artifacts that decorate the walls don't seem real to me - it's like stepping into the Matrix, an artificially generated world.
  • For a half-dozen albums, the sentimental chanteuse has avoided mimicking other people's songs, opting instead to bend and deconstruct the material to fit her mood.
  • Unlike most SXSW acts, which perform in vacant lots or cave-like bars, Mr. West will perform at a decommissioned power plant capacity: 2,500, with eight cameramen filming the set for release online. Kanye Steals the Spotlight
  • Proud owners carrying their birds in beautiful brandy bottle-shaped cages, decorated with fine lace covers to shade the birds.
  • Call us a bunch of self-referential, mocking, postmodern deconstructionist ironicists, if you will. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the midcentury era of decolonization, which saw India become the world’s largest democracy.
  • It was my role - apparently - to decode the story, suggest its origins, play down its significance and generally nanny him into a better humour.
  • Co-producer Cam Hayden also promises the festival is going to deliver a zydeco band this year if it's the last thing he does.
  • The frieze, where of old would prance an exuberant processional of gods, is, in this case, bare of decoration, but upon the epistyle is written in simple, stern letters the word "EUSTON. Men, Women, and Boats
  • All streets leading to the holy river are decorated with colorful festoons and banners.
  • At the moment, shops have decorations in every window, and the neighbours are planning a cookout.
  • One of the ornamented fragments represents a row of floreated-like decorations, and each decoration shows on its side a concentric circle, consisting of three rings, -- the whole ornament being one which is found in later Egyptian eras, not unfrequently along the tops of walls in the interior of chambers, etc.Mr. Perring represents this fragment of sculpturing from the brick Pyramid of Dashoor, in his folio work, _The Pyramids of Archaeological Essays, Vol. 1
  • The new decoder uses an amplitude locked loop in combination with a phase locked loop to achieve this breakthrough.
  • For brides who want to individualise their place setting to match a specific colour scheme, can 'design their own' from a choice of 6 boxes, 12 ribbons and 25 decorations - giving a choice from 1800 options. Archive 2008-05-01
  • Tennessee fans are up in arms over the decommit, which is understandable. Undefined
  • The king decorated his official for ability.
  • The four stages of the CPU processing cycle are fetch, decode, execute, and store.
  • Symmetric and geometric designs are the most common features of Belarusan decorative patterns.
  • Venice as a city has seemed irrelevant, a storied artifact of a Romantic past that serves merely as a decorous backdrop for an event geared toward utopian futures.
  • This period ushered in the flowering of so-called grotesque ornamentation, where erotic hybrids abounded in uninhibited decorative fantasies.
  • House retains period features such as decorative tiled floors and sash windows. Times, Sunday Times
  • He worked his way up from kitchen porter, assistant cook, employment at a casino and by painting and decorating.
  • These fondant decorations are easy to master if you follow our simple step-by-step instructions.
  • Roast suckling pig is served for New Year's in Cuba, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, and Austria—Austrians are also known to decorate the table with miniature pigs made of marzipan.
  • Even if you don't own a bird, these splendid cages make for unusual and decorative souvenirs with a distinctively Chinese look.
  • An iPhone has up to 32 gigabytes of data that can be '' imaged '' or decoded with the right equipment, Mr Coulthart said, even if it has been deleted. The Age News Headlines
  • The imitations were produced by the painter and decorator on the canvas he used daily as a decorator, Lincrusta - perhaps better known as modern-day blown vinyl.
  • Get out your DC decoder rings to descramble this message. Timothy Karr: Change or Cha-ching?
  • The western carvers produced decoys solely for the purpose of luring waterfowl.
  • Stone bands were also used to decorate the walls and arches.
  • In connection with an item of Ru ware of the Northern Song dynasty, for instance, which many connoisseurs regard as one of the absolute pinnacles of Chinese ceramic art, the author of the pertinent catalogue entry states that certain qualities of shape and decoration “make it incredibly rare even within this exceptional group.” Archive 2009-08-01
  • The manuscript is also rich in ornamental decoration, to which those of the other exemplars are stylistically related.
  • They ask for the image to be on a flash drive, then use the *drive* as the decoration. The Problem With Phone Orders
  • The Wikipedia entry on the subject's fascinating in the extreme: * Decorative stone features of Greek temples such as mutules, guttae, and modillions that are derived from true structural/functional features of the early wooden temples Boing Boing
  • Sometimes parents even decorate the couple with a garland made of paper money.
  • As if Ian Hamilton Finlay were not to be remembered here, he appears, in the form of a reference to his home, a little country estate which he filled with literary sculpture of his devisal, much as Simon Cutts has decorated his quaint Irish dwelling, Coracle, and outbuildings with words, turning edifice into literature. Dbqp: visualizing poetics
  • The decongestants, such as phenylephrine, and pseudoephedrine, produce a narrowing of blood vessels.
  • What's more, treasured wood was decorated with bone, jade, gold, bronze and shells adding to the value.
  • Recently, he presented "Unpublished," a photography exhibition at Art Basel in Miami and co-founded that city's and arguably the country's hottest new retail spot, The Webster, a three-story boutique for fashion, photography, design and food, housed in an Art Deco space finished with milky marble and brass. L'Homme de la Renaissance
  • She dreamed of getting married, resigning her job, staying home and decorating a living room and baking bobka and cooking blintzes and kreplach, just like her mother.
  • The décor is East Village thrift-shop moderne.
  • The great hall was decorated with flowers.
  • This external render is then coloured with the local earth colour to decorate the church.
  • The insult to one of the most senior members of the House, a Vietnam veteran, was a violation of the body's customary decorum as well as its rules, which bar members from directly addressing each other.
  • Take some of the pressure out of dressing your home for the holidays by decorating for the longer winter season rather than for just one specific occasion.
  • This rustic top loading stove is supported on three splayed feet and decorated with gadroons around the base, leaf design around the fancy top plate which has a central sunflower design.
  • It is a natural part of civilisation's lust of re-arrangement that we should be so ready to conventionalise the beauty of this world into decorative patterns for our pilgrim tents. The Roadmender
  • Invaded by photographs the toys are decontextualised from childhood, sinister, tragic recollections of a half-forgotten adventure.
  • How does your television decode the signals to produce the picture?
  • _ It has been shewn by Dr. Priestley and Mr. Ingenhouz that the green matter at the bottom of cisterns, and the fresh leaves of plants immersed in water, give out considerable quantities of vital air in the sun-shine; that is, the perspirable matter of plants (which is water much divided in its egress from their minute pores) becomes decomposed by the sun's light, and converted into two kinds of air, the vital and inflammable airs. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • One of the most interesting of the pictographs pecked in the rock is a figure which, variously modified, is a common decoration on cliff-dweller pottery from the Verde valley region to the ruins of the Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895 Seventeenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1895-1896, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1898, pages 519-744
  • Instead of the traditional baby cakes, try baking a batch of baby cupcakes which guests can frost and decorate.
  • Presumably, stucco decoration was more resistant to steam than fresco.
  • She wore a blouse and skirt decorated in intricate beadwork and a kilt made of old silver coins.
  • So excessive was the Roman horror of obscenity that even physicians were compelled to use a euphemism for _urina_, and though the _urinal_ or _vas urinarium_ was openly used at the dining-table (following a custom introduced by the Sybarites, according to Athenæus, Book XII, cap. 17), the decorous guest could not ask for it by name, but only by a snap of the fingers (Dufour, op. cit., vol. ii, p. 174). Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • The fertiliser releases nutrients gradually as bacteria decompose it.
  • A corbel is a stone bracket that projects from a wall or corner, either to support a beam or for decoration. Medieval corbel found in York
  • Also unique to Portugal are the decorative tiles known as azulejos.
  • His stylish and decorative mythological paintings, tapestry cartoons, and designs for porcelain provided the setting for the lives of the rich and fashionable.
  • I suggest you also size the walls before doing this, and as your decorator is a traditionalist I am sure he will agree.
  • The stage was marvellously decorated to look like a shabby pub with its bar stools, spongy seats, Guinness mirrors and jukebox.
  • I can see how the functional-notional approach can be seen as prescriptive, in the sense of several decontextualised culturally specific sentences “this is how we apologise, this is how we complain etc.” S is for “Strategies” « An A-Z of ELT
  • At first they saw only the little hand - the fist, decomposed but stretching out of the shallow grave.
  • Postmodernism and social constructionism remind us to be suspect of any constructs that seek to establish themselves as decontextualized truths.
  • Today, the once-grand streets are characterized by decaying HMOs, sorely in need not just of redecoration but more fundamental repair.
  • Other services you can buy in are interior designers, who will help you ‘design ‘a decor using colour swatches and mood charts.’
  • These may not address their Majesties, but they may stare; nor will it be contested that the attentive circular eyes of the humble domestic creatures are an embellishment to Royal pomp and grandeur, such truly as should one day gain for them an inweaving and figurement -- in the place of bees, ermine tufts, and their various present decorations -- upon the august great robes back-flowing and foaming over the gaspy page-boys. The Egoist
  • Put a slightly dangerous, do-it-yourself toy under the tree these days and you can decorate said tree with lawsuits.
  • Fueling boilers for power generation is one of the best ways of decontaminating garbage.
  • However, during infection and damage phenols and oxidases, such as peroxidase and tyrosinase, become decompartmentalized and could oxidize phenolic compounds to form antimicrobial quinones.
  • The students will also dress in fancy dress as well as dressing up the animals using Christmas decorations such as tinsel and lights.
  • He is an expert on Islamic decoration.

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